Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Official Documents => Cactuar Welcome Hall => Defunct Treaties => Topic started by: Shadow on August 18, 2008, 02:10:58 pm

Title: The Kajmirstan Parenting Plan (ODP with ISSF)
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2008, 02:10:58 pm
The Kajmirstan Parenting Plan
An ODP between ISSF & RIA.

The following bond is a bond of love shared between two awesome alliances. This piece of paper shows how awesome our love is that we are willing to take the first steps of commitment to each other. The International States of Solidarity and Freedom (ISSF) & Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) share a strong love for the nation of Kajmirstan, and this is our parenting plan.

Article I: Sovereignty
Both alliances agree that they will have their own lives, date whoever they want, and move on. Just because we are raising a child together doesn't mean we're bound at the hip.

Article II: Non-Aggression
Daddies shouldn't hit mommies, and mommies should attempt to cut parts of daddies off. As such, we agree to hold each other tenderly in the presence of our young.

Article III: Civility
Both parties agree to keep an air of civility in both public and private places. We promise not to call her dirty names, if she promises not to tell others lies about manhood.

Article IV - Friendship
Both alliances agree to treating all our children equally, as if they were our own. Just because they may have different mommies and/or daddies doesn't mean they don't need love too.

Article V - Assistance
Both parties agree that while they're not mandated by child-support laws, they are encouraged to help each other out when times are hard. Including but not limited to military and financial aids.

Article VI: Espionage
Both parties agree not to try to dig up or spread dirt about each other. Also, if either hears about dirt, or other bad things, they agree to tell the other immediately, especially if it has to do with the well-being and safety of the alliance.

Article VII: Defense
In the event that either party is attacked, we hope the other won't just stand there. That being said, if we deserve it, let us get our backsides kicked. We are in no way bound to defend, just encouraged.

Article VIII - Termination
Should either party decide they just can't do it anymore, for the sake of the children, we agree to first discussing such matters privately. 48 hours notice must be given in private, and concluded, before any public announcements are made.

Signed for the Random Insanity Alliance:
Delta1212 - Two and a Half Tri's
aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald ReaganWino - That 70' guy
Shadow - Mr. Internal Wizard
The Psychotic Dictator - Full Metal Lanna
Lord Doom - Mr. Wall Street
crazyisraelie - Lord of the Mudkips

Signed for the International States of Solidarity and Freedom:
bk, Emperor
Lord Monkey, Secretary of State
Duke Lansky, Minister of Tech Whoring
Micheal Malone, Minister of Foreign Affairs