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Messages - Fake from State Jarm

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Random lnsanity / Re: This country is fucked.
« on: November 10, 2016, 01:49:32 am »
and one more thing in closing

Spoiler for Hiden:

Random lnsanity / Re: This country is fucked.
« on: November 10, 2016, 01:45:41 am »
Both options were dicey. People saw the collusion between the justice dept, the media, and the DNC and apparently decided those actions were a bigger threat than mean words.

That, and, Trump spoke to the issues of a suffering majority, instead of playing the minority against the majority as HRC and the left typically do. They can claim he ran on divisive, negative rhetoric, but that is the whole democratic platform, accusing anyone of racism for being concerned about criminal aliens and terrorists. Lecturing american christians on the crusades after ISIS arose. Parroting misleading feminist statistics. Michael Moore called Trump the biggest fuck you ever recorded in human history (https://youtu.be/YKeYbEOSqYc). David Gelernter, a professor from Yale, called him 'a message from the voters', 'the empty gin bottle they have chosen to toss through the window.' (http://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-and-the-emasculated-voter-1476484865)

Why would they do that? They see a toxic culture corrupting and twisting americans' view of themselves and everything around them and they oppose it.

some relevant/interesting posts






The point if you don't want to read it: thinking people didn't vote like you because they are evil or stupid, is deluding yourself. People had valid concerns about HRC as much as they did about Trump; her domestic policies and the culture she represents, plus her hawkish record and carrying on Obama's legacy, which amounted to billions going into Iran, Saudi Arabia, and ISIS, and rising US-Russian tensions...

the world is bigger than the liberal media bubble.

congrats man

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: November 07, 2016, 08:56:02 am »

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: November 06, 2016, 11:28:44 pm »

finally. the suspense was almost too much to bear

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: November 01, 2016, 03:56:25 pm »
Most people don't know that he maintains a non profit foundation of his own, Trump Foundation, and he has been using it to pay his debts and fines.

I heard about that. if you have any non partisan articles on it, link plz

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: November 01, 2016, 03:49:49 pm »
Yes, all that is bad, and if he does it more to women than to men, it suggests sexist views and not just general rudeness.

However it is not evidence of rape and we should all be thankful that saying mean/nasty things to a woman doesn't put us in jail for rape or get us convicted of insulting all women. We should be thankful that a woman accusing a man isn't proof in itself.

Even if that's how the court of public opinion works, that is not how the justice system works, because that kind of thinking doesn't create justice.

I hope it isn't true and the accusations are false or exaggerated -- but if it were proven true then yes he'd be a criminal. The same logic applies to the accusations against Hillary. It'd be nice to have an alternate vote system where you rank the candidates, and then we'd probably have more options even at this late stage, but in any case it's not a democracy it's a republic.

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: November 01, 2016, 01:48:46 am »
did I defend his views?

I just think the fear of sexism is about as dangerous as the real sexism. It can become a sort of vindictive copy of the original problem.

Random lnsanity / Re: #andthenthishappened
« on: October 26, 2016, 12:35:12 pm »
I don't get it. maybe there's nothing to get

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: October 25, 2016, 11:03:34 pm »
It really annoys me though that people get so offended at him saying his female accusers aren't attractive and he will sue them.

No one imagines the possibility that they are lying. If a bunch of women tried to torpedo your career with false allegations, you would get mad. You would want to sue for defamation so you can't be bullied. You might even talk shit.

I don't know if they're lying, it could be true or partly true. But the assumption that it's true and therefore Trump must be a complete gentlemen to his accusers speaks volumes about how the new fake equality works.

I guarantee if you ever get your life wrecked by a woman lying and the courts siding with her b/c of their feminist whiteknightism, you will have a revelation about how fake it all is.

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: October 25, 2016, 10:49:21 pm »
Most people don't know that he maintains a non profit foundation of his own, Trump Foundation, and he has been using it to pay his debts and fines.

I heard about that. if you have any non partisan articles on it, link plz

Random lnsanity / Re: real shame about that last debate
« on: October 21, 2016, 09:28:11 pm »
She literally shat on all of Queens. I mean, how can we elect someone who disrespects the best borough of the only city that matters.

yeah I noticed that.

at this point idk what to think of them. the blaming Russia stuff is bs. idk how it would be in Russia's interest to clearly align with Trump unless they want him to lose. they know they aren't popular here. maybe they want Clinton to win because she'll continue the trend of bad foreign policy.

I'm just waiting to see if there's anything solid about the accusations on trump. and slowly reading up on them. I really didn't like how Clinton kept sidestepping questions about corruption. plastic non-answers.

Random lnsanity / Re: #andthenthishappened
« on: October 21, 2016, 04:43:56 am »
whoa RIAers are real people
go back to being fonts and pixels

Cactuar Welcome Hall / Re: A wild greybeard appears...
« on: October 11, 2016, 02:25:50 pm »
more like half a decade but that's still a while. wb man

Random lnsanity / Re: Pokemon GO
« on: September 21, 2016, 05:26:54 pm »
it's partly because some people don't have time to play the game. so they will pay others to play it for them.

but whatever who cares. they demonstrated the viability of this 'new' genre. someone else will come along with a better implementation

Random lnsanity / Re: Let's talk about (Good) Berserk
« on: September 20, 2016, 02:29:39 pm »
thank you kenny

Random lnsanity / Re: Megaupload is returning
« on: September 18, 2016, 03:30:48 am »
sleep tight pupper
happy birthday gangs

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