« on: February 10, 2014, 07:01:08 pm »
Not officially owned by RIA, but my friend owns the server, I'm an admin.
Were a pretty good group, a bit of shenanigans, but fairly fun for the most part.
We do NOT ADMIN ABUSE, so there's also that.
How to connect: Press F1 and type net.connect Server came online: 2/7/2014
Slots: 200
Airdrop Minimum Population: 10
Sleepers: On
Crafting Speed: Instant
Time Scale: Standard
Explosives: Cannot be crafted or researched : Drops from airdrops only and rarely from Blue Crates
Mods Installed: OXIDE, Autolocation, Door Sharing, Private Messaging
Chat Commands: /who - check how many players are online, /admin - lists online admins, /share "playername" - shares all doors with specified Player, /location - lists the coordinates for your location
Active Admins, Noob Friendly
There is ZERO tolerance for Admin Abuse and Hackers.
We also have a public teamspeak for various games, come and play with us!