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Topics - Gangs

Pages: [1] 2
Random lnsanity / So I'm playing ffxv
« on: December 03, 2016, 02:03:02 am »

Pretty legit game.

Glory to cactuallah

Random lnsanity / I used to be a noob, then I took an arrow to the years...
« on: November 22, 2016, 01:09:05 am »
7 and a half years...
I'm 25...
I'm old...
The longest i've dated a woman is a year and 2 months...
Why is this place still alive?

Random lnsanity / Dwayne 'THE ROCK' Johnson as HERCULES!
« on: April 02, 2014, 02:28:28 am »
After the tragedy that was the legend of hercules, it seems the rock is going to try his scorpion king claws at portraying our favorite, barbaric, strongest man in the world, demigod.

He definitely LOOKS the part.
But can he play it?
He's proved his acting chops in movies like standing tall and the rundown. But based SOLELY on the trailer, which perhaps is unfair because it didnt show much, but based solely on that, he seemed a bit...off, almost too...soft for the role.
What do you think?

Hercules Starring The Rock -- Exclusive Trailer

RIA Gaming / Payday 2
« on: March 28, 2014, 06:27:50 am »
Anyone want to steal some shizz?

Random lnsanity / SPACEARIA!
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:37:59 am »
So, spacearia looks nice, doesn't seem to have improved upon much from terraria. I don't know what's going to be different expect the multiple planets one can visit without having to create a new world.
Anyone thinking of buying this?
If you buy an extra and give it to me, I'll be your slave for a year. :P

Anyway, what do you think? Worth it or no?


The Trailer

A preview of one of the more interesting looking planets you can encounter.


A metallic abandoned building functioning as a dungeon i guess.


I guess the spaceship functions as your primary base and is also where npc's come to. I'm also guessing you can make outposts on different planets too.


dunno what this is but it looks very cool and starship troopery.


Random lnsanity / So...Vodka.
« on: November 16, 2013, 10:30:08 pm »

RIA Gaming / GTA5
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:18:35 am »
Just got my copy of the preorder, it has an awesome 2 sided poster with it, trademark of recent rockstar games.
I'll do a play per day spoiler free review here.

Random lnsanity / Noodle Soup
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:24:38 pm »
Do you eat it or drink it?

RIA Gaming / PSN id's
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:13:01 pm »
Hey guys, the good gov just updated my interwebz connection and I now have a 1 MBps speed. This means i'll be playing a lot more PS3 online (having an active social life is overrated anyway...), so burritos me your PSN ids and i'll add you or YOU just add me.
Mine is gangs20003

RIA Gaming / ATTN: Kenny and other minecraft players
« on: April 17, 2012, 06:15:21 am »
I want to play, on this mystical server you speak of.
What do i need to do/download.
Guide me o mighty rectangular dudes.

« on: January 28, 2012, 02:17:08 pm »
No gangs i most certainly am not.
What you have heard is absolutely true, at an unknown date, for you haven't read the date and i am basically a typing figment of YOUR imagination (though it shouldn't take too long since the news was released 6 months ago), my creators (sony) are indeed going to release a high def television tailored to my capabilities as the king of gaming consoles and your expectations as a gamer.
Some might consider this television inadequete, for its size, which comes in at only 24", however the lack of screenspace shall be made up in kind, for the cheap price tag ($500) and the myriad of features with which it come bundled, not to mention the free game (resistance3) that you'll get with it.
Tell me, gangs, do you like split screen gaming?

* Gangs says: As much as the next guy with gamer friends, moreso when im away from other forms of civilized entertainment, which happens a lot, given my career.

You obviously look for large televisions when you want to participate in split screen gaming, am i right?

* Gangs says: Well...yeah, though sometimes playing on a small tv can't be helped, also, split screen gaming does have its setbacks, like the problem with peeking when one plays AGAINST someone else.

Feels limiting hmm?

* Gangs nods solemnly.

What if i told you that you and your friend, could both play split screen games, without splitting the screen? What if i told you that you and your friend would both be looking at the same screen but be seeing different things? What if i told you that neither of you could see what the other is seeing? What if i told you that you could do all that in 3D?

* Gangs O_O's

That's right gangs, when using the play station 3 television, which is 3D capable and comes bundled with 2 3D glasses, 2 people can literally use the whole of the tv for themselves, while playing the same game, at the same time.
Its like getting 2 TV's for the price of 1. What, do you say to that? *smug*

* Gangs says: I love you...

Heh, me too gangs, me too.

For those of you out there who need more than just our little psychotic break of a conversation to sate your curiosity, have a link.
Ps3 out.


Tech Trades / Arse, Dester, Jenne, Shadow, Undiscovered...I think
« on: January 10, 2012, 08:06:13 am »
I forgot where we stood on our tech deals, please post back with what i owe you. If i don't owe you anything, we'll obviously NOT continue our tech deals, to allow for you to rebuild your nation in whatever way the gov sees fit.

Shadow: 100 tech            - 04 days till slot free
Dester:  0 tech                 - 08 days till slot free
Arsenal:  0 tech                - 02 days till slot free
Jenne: 100 tech                 - 08 days till slot free
undiscovered: 50 tech       - 08 days till slot free

Well that took some effort >_>


I F3'd my ruler name.

Tech Trades / 3 Deals
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:11:35 pm »
Need 3 tech deals right now.
Send the money, first cum first baby.

Random lnsanity / Superbowl
« on: September 24, 2010, 07:49:16 am »
I've decided to expand my limited knowledge of handegg since i've started playing fantasy handegg, does anyone know where i can watch full super-bowl matches online?
Specifically super-bowl XLII, the giants vs patriots match.
Any help is appreciated.

Random lnsanity / Where are they?
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:49:20 pm »
Did anyone notice the recent lack of Delta, cc, Shadow, czom, moth, tase etc?

Random lnsanity / I have the RIA to thank for making me into this
« on: June 18, 2010, 03:37:21 pm »
The argument started when a guy dissed a friend of mine because she believed in god (she had gone to this monastry thingy and rolled those...roller thingies and made three wishes to buddha...)
Here is how it played out (yeah, i use fb a lot, so sue me)
For those of you who do NOT know (been living under a rock have you?), I am Siddhant Ganguly.
The antagonist here is the guy named Vinit Vishal, as is apparent from the following pics, the fact is, i OWNED him in the most RI way i could, i didn't even verbally abuse him...I love you guys for making me capable of doing this.

It isn't big, DO NOT be alarmed, READ IT, it's worth it, trust me.



Oh, btw, 'gyan mat de', basically means 'don't preach to me' and i dont even KNOW wtf 'kan ki mba mat kar' means...i think its somewhere along the lines of 'dont make my ears get a masters in management'...? Does that even make sense?

Random lnsanity / Yanks
« on: May 13, 2010, 07:29:05 pm »


Random lnsanity / WHY?
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:23:10 am »
Is my toenail crooked?
Really, why?  ???

Random lnsanity / A couple of tributes to llamavore!
« on: January 26, 2010, 08:28:44 pm »
[embed src=\"http://www.getonmyhorse.com/getonmyhorse.swf\" width="1px" height="1px" /]

Random lnsanity / A couple of tributes to llamavore!
« on: January 26, 2010, 08:27:40 pm »
[embed src=\"\" width="1px" height="1px" /]

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