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Messages - Shyox

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Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 26, 2007, 11:23:57 pm »
You guys aren't going to be able to understand my views, and I can't convince you too.

I don't have time to argue right now, so lemme try again tomorrow.


Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 26, 2007, 10:19:38 am »
Quote from: ace of spades
Quote from: Flask
Seriosuly, don't so drugs or smoke, you moronic kids. THis shouldn't even exist. Drugs shouldn't even exist.
my thoughts exactly

... Well, look at this:



They cite all of their sources here, which is a lot more than can be said about what you guys have shown. If you haven't tried it, I really don't think it's fair of you to make a judgment on it.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 26, 2007, 01:51:31 am »
Quote from: wethepeople
You cannot call yourself Christian, and denounce Jesus in such a way. Why does it matter? Why? Because the lesson he gives us, the lesson of redemption, peace, following him. He promises us the best life we can have, and have seen that proven right time and again, if we but bend our knee to him. He is there, working in our lives, giving us all the chances to spread his word and to grow as he can. I live with Jesus because I want to. I'm actually against most organized religion, and have many opinions on things like that. Why I give a fist about that book, is because its helped me through my life. God has always been there for me, and has always helped me. The lessons he gives, and the wisdom he provides is incredible. I need that book because without it, I would fall into sin, and would forget the right path. I need a good book to tell me how to live, because everyone around me isn't too good at that. "Drink beer, sex, women, money, power!" Screw that! I would be lost in five years without the Bible, and Jesus. Man's take on life is nothing but stupidity to me. Money? The nice car and big house? I would much rather have salvation, thanks.

It matters if he's the son of God or not. If he is, he is what he says. If he isn't, then there is no point in Christianity. Christianity is different because he rose from the dead, promises us Salvation, and defeated death. No other "God" did that.

That damned holy ghost died for you on the cross, layed down those principles you follow, and loves you, Shy. Without him, there is no 'Christ'ianity.

I disagree entirely. If Jesus knew he was going to raise from the dead, then it wasn't quite as noble a thing as people think. If he was divine, then it wouldn't matter if he died or not, because he was immortal. Plenty other gods have defeated death in their own myths, plenty have risen from the dead, and all too many promise salvation.

It means SO MUCH more, the sacrifice so much greater, if he was a mortal man.

That's where you're too blind to see. You're doing everything for yourself, for salvation. You're devoting your life to something in order to get something in return. Wouldn't it be so much more noble a thing to do something... Just because? Because you strive to be a better person, and better yourself? Why must their be some spooky tale that frightens us into gulping down religion?

I'm not denouncing Jesus, I'm making him more noble by making him human, and far more understanding and greater than what the christian faith has turned him into.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 26, 2007, 01:24:31 am »
Quote from: wethepeople
Shy, you're never going to find the truth if you're bent against it.

Evidence: http://answering-islam.org/Silas/crucified.htm

Can't get much more real then that. And what I was saying was answering your first arguement, saying "The church" kills gay people, judges this and hates that--God does not support that. Jesus' message was never hate, or pain. Do not get the word of Man mixed up with the Word of God.


If you believe the Bible is junk, then how did it come to be? How did it spread around the world, even if but a few in a council put it together? Or if one man wrote it? How could people hundreds of years apart aim the same message (Predictions, and then happenings and miracles of Jesus Christ.) Some proofs that the miracles in the Bible are true:

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=33168 (Red sea)
http://www.arkdiscovery.com/sodom_&_gomorrah.htm (Sodom and gommorah)
http://www.christiananswers.net/q-abr/abr-a011.html (Jericho.)
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...7_noahsark.html (Noah's ark, and flood.)

Etc etc. Those words in the Bible are true (How could one or even just ten or fifteen men get all those facts right, plus all the ones I didn't mention. They'd have to travel around the world. Try doing that with a horse.), so why is Jesus fake?

I never said he was fake, I said it cou;dn't be proved. If you notice, that site doesn't list its sources.

As for the Noah's Ark one, that article was from 2004. I guess they never found it. I don't see how the rest prove anything other than catastrophes.

Other people have predicted things as well that have happened, who were not Christians, and were of what were called 'heathen' religions.

Believing the bible is false has NOTHING to do with not believing how it came to be, I'm not seeing your logic at all. I never said one man wrote it either. However, believing some Council put it together and changed things for their own doings isn't really a big stretch. The religion was already VERY popular by that time.

Jesus' message was never hate, or pain. Do not get the word of Man mixed up with the Word of God.

I've been trying to convince you guys of this the entire time. You shouldn't trust the bible, why do we need a book telling us how to live? Whether or not Jesus was real or actually the messiah, it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if he was the son of God or the son of man! I don't give a FLYING FARK if he was divine or not! Why does he have to be God in order to help us to be better people? Why can't he be a man who fought and died for what he believed in, only to have it torn apart and misconstrewed by some random bastards after his time?

Does it really matter whether he's the son of God or not? How is Christianity any different from other religions? They have proof of their miracles and other things too! You people were raised to believe in God, so you do.

I'm telling you that I am a Christian because of the principles that were laid down, not because of some damn holy ghost or because of miracles.

Random lnsanity / Love Life Topic
« on: April 26, 2007, 12:08:51 am »
This is continued from the pool party topic.

Something might be going on with the Ashley girl I talked about a LONG time ago.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 25, 2007, 11:54:30 pm »
Actually, I'm going to declare myself as a Christian, and declare the rest of you heretics.


It seems the best course of action in accordance to my beliefs.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 25, 2007, 11:48:50 pm »
Quote from: Leo
Shy, the bible isn't meant to be taken literally at all times. Also, The Council of Nicea decided which "God-inspired" works fit with the church's teachings of God and Jesus. Have you heard of the Gospel of Thomas? It "described" Jesus's life as a kid, but it said that he brought dead crows back to life and hit his friends with lightning bolts. The Council decided not to put it in because it didn't go with the teachings of Jesus.

Simply put Shy, just because some says that it was inspired by God, it doesn't mean that it actually was.

Then I got my point across perfectly. The Council decided which works went into the bible, they created the christian faith.

The Word of Man, and Word of God are two very different things. The Da vinci code is a myth, and a theory. One that I don't care about. Anyway, the ideas and chances of the Bible being fake is fake in and of itself. All the books in the Bible were written over hundreds of years, by different people. Wasn't it the book of John that was written on a stranded island? Yeah. Anyway as said, the Word of Man is garbage, and farce when put against the cross. The Cruades for Jesus? Inquisition? Bull. All of it. I'm sure Jesus wept at them all, and was torn in half. Just because someone says its God inspired doesn't mean it is. If it does not produce love, kindness, growth, and strength, but instead death, broken hearts and war, it is not of God.

Then the entire bible is shite then, is that what you're telling me?

Then how do we know he even existed? Where are the records of him being crucified? As far as my knowledge goes, I was under the impression there were none.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:39:49 pm »
Quote from: invincible13matt
Shy, the council of Nicea did not choose what to put in th bible. That's a myth promoted in The DaVinci Code. That book's full of bull, there's just enough good stuff to make it look credible, but dig deeper on your own- it doesn't hold water. So please don't use anything from that.

And why do we listen to it? Because it was written by God. All scripture is God-breathed, hence, we should listen to it. I'm not going to argue that organized religion can control the minds of men, but true Christianity is not a religion- it is a relationship. "Religion" stems from a word that means "to bind back." Religion is man's attempt to bind himself to God. Jesus is God's attempt to get us to come to him. We don't need to bind ourselves to him, because he wants us.

Also, we have records of the Jesus' crucifixion order. And against any historical accuracy tests, the Bible holds water. It was not written after Jesus, for the most part. I'll admit that the entire New Testament was after Jesus. But the entire old testament was before him. And he fulfilled all of those prophecies. I'm sure you heard the odds of a single man fulfilling just a few of the messianic prophecies, so, thinking realistically, if someone came along that fulfilled all of them, it can't just be random chance, can it? Trust me, I don't do luck. God planned it that way.

Here's hoping that you talk to God about this. I'll pray for you about this. I pray that you will see the truth.

So you deny that not all documents claimed to be 'inspired by God' made it into the bible?

Also, it's pretty easy to fulfill prophecies when you're writing after they've been made. IF the scripture is God-Breathed, then why does it talk about STONING people and Having slaves!?!?!

Show me proof of the records that wasn't unearthed by the catholic church.

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:15:55 pm »
Quote from: King Without A Crown
Quote from: Azural
I haven't used a bong yet.

You can't exactly do that at work.

I have used a papertowel roll though.  The same guy who I was talking about earlier, he can make a makeshift pipe out of anything.  He's been making them since he was 11.

yeah pipes are hella easy to make and real easy to use. i usually smoke before work haha not while im there >_>. My favourite makeshift pipe is the aluminum can...just cut a hole, put some tinfoil in it, and your done. haha

Quote from: Shyox
Quote from: King Without A Crown
Quote from: Hyperonic
Here, I can buy 1/4 of an ounce for 50 dollars. So, 200 dollars an ounce.

Holy shit that's expensive compared to everyone else's prices. @_@
its the same here for a quarter....but don't you get deals for buying more than that? it gets cheaper when you buy in bulk.

also arthur that's a very refreshing way of thinking, and one i share.

50 $ a gram?

Holy hell, I can get 1.5 for 15 bucks, and that's almost considered a bit expensive. I'm guessing you're getting high-quality stuff though.

I can get an ounce for 60 bucks, and some better stuff for around 80.

yeah 1.5 for 15 is pretty standard, as is 10 for a gram. i cannnnot believe the 60 per ounce though that is ridiculous...where do you live? haha

Memphis, Tennessee. I think it's not too hard to grow here.

Random lnsanity / Should shyox re-make the shrine?
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:14:24 pm »
Only if people are willing to contribute.

The only thing I really bar is weird fetishes.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:12:23 pm »
Quote from: invincible13matt
uh... how can Jesus blaspheme? He is God. I find the Jewish view kind of funny, actually... "Okay, we're looking for our savior, who's gonig to come from God and be God, and yet, every person who claims to be God we will kill." No insult to any Jews, but that's kind of funny to me.

So yeah, Jesus can't blaspheme because he is God. If God claims to be God, that's just telling the truth, isn't it? And Shy, those guys really aren't following Jesus the way they should be. They really aren't Christians. How do we know? Well, we can't really know for sure, until the rapture, at which time all fakers will be exposed. True Christians will want to follow God so much that they won't want to sin like those people.

How do we know what God wants? His book was written by men. Whether or not they were inspired by divinities, it was written after the death of Jesus, and outside of Religious and Secular writings, it cannot even be proved that Jesus existed. The Council of Nicea decided what was put into the bible, and organized religion and translations have been made to control the minds of men.

And you're getting to my point for me, by saying Jesus can't blaspheme. How do we know that to move forward and evolve the religion is the wrong way to go?

And no one can explain to me why we still listen to a book that tells us how to treat our slaves, and stone people to death.

Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:12:46 am »
I've decided it would be best to separate myself from the traditional christianity as much as I can. My own beliefs will be shunned by its followers, and they're the largest hypocrites in the world, so I've decided I might as well stop calling myself a christian.

In Jesus' time, declaring yourself the son of god was a ludicrous idea. It goes against all of the religious doctrines that he based Christianity on. We used to think it was silly to read about kings and pharoahs who claimed themselves to be gods, but isn't that what Jesus did? He rebelled against the church, and created his own religion, and was killed for it.


Isn't that what's happening right now? With this whole homosexuality issue, the church is splitting apart. Organized religion was always a mean of controlling the people anyways, and in ways is still succeeding to tremendous extents. The Christians talk about following God and the bible, but the bible still has chapters talking about how to treat your slaves! Then they go out into the world, and persecute the blasphemists of their religion, for doing something different and keeping their own beliefs, doing EXACTLY what Jesus did. So, in conclusion, the old hippy down the street who smokes a blunt in his front yard everyday is closer to Jesus than the dad that goes to church every Sunday and is a hate-mongering homophobe. Christians have actually taken gay people and killed them by tying them to football goal posts! They practically crucify them!

A new age is dawning. The age of Traditional Christianity is nearing the end of its reign, and must make way for something else.

Random lnsanity / Hot girls
« on: April 25, 2007, 06:55:26 am »
This makes me as happy as two buckets of fried rice.

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 24, 2007, 11:53:01 pm »
Quote from: King Without A Crown
Quote from: Hyperonic
Here, I can buy 1/4 of an ounce for 50 dollars. So, 200 dollars an ounce.

Holy shit that's expensive compared to everyone else's prices. @_@
its the same here for a quarter....but don't you get deals for buying more than that? it gets cheaper when you buy in bulk.

also arthur that's a very refreshing way of thinking, and one i share.

50 $ a gram?

Holy hell, I can get 1.5 for 15 bucks, and that's almost considered a bit expensive. I'm guessing you're getting high-quality stuff though.

I can get an ounce for 60 bucks, and some better stuff for around 80.

Random lnsanity / Should shyox re-make the shrine?
« on: April 23, 2007, 05:17:11 pm »
Quote from: Damen
Quote from: Normandy
What exactly is the shrine? I can't really say yay or nay until I know what it is

Shyox's secret board filled with almost-porn.

... I can say that I really never modded you for that if you ever did it.

I really don't care honestly, you can post it in the shrine if you want. I'll even add some for members of the other persuasion on the boards, but if I do that, will you do the same? This agreement will only be between me and you, I can't speak for everyone else about them posting gay softcore stuff. Honestly though, I really don't care if you put the ones you like in the shrine.

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 11:10:17 pm »
Quote from: King Without A Crown
Please...PLEASE tell me you bought that >_> >_> >_>...i dont know what the going rate is over in the states, but here in canada its 10$/gram, but in bulk its like 150$ for an ounce...which is much more than 60$ american. also if you're wondering here in canada its like 50-60$ for a quarter and 90$ for a half.

Damn, you guys get screwed... I couldn't tell you what the going rate is either though. I know 100$ for an ounce is considered reasonable in some places.

I don't even know if we measure in grams... I know we have nickel and dime bags, but I couldn't tell you which is bigger... I'm looking up more about it right now... 50-60$ for a quarter? They REALLY sccrew you guys over...

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 11:02:16 pm »
Hey, how much do you guys pay for an ounce? Someone was trying to sell one for 60$ on 4/20.

I'm going to try and get ahold of some more in the course of the next week. I'd rather not get totally stoned this time, just chill out.

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:54:58 pm »
Some might've voted when I wasn't looking...

So, 7 it is then.

Has anyone else noticed that no one has tried it who wouldn't do it again? I think it's a little humorous.

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:52:21 pm »
Okay, so six people here have tried it.

Who were the six? Me, Crunka, King, Hyper, divineslasher...

Who are we missing?

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:48:13 pm »
Anything that messes me up so much that I need someone to watch me makes me decline trying it.

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