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Topics - ZPO4O

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And not gonna lie, im kinda hating it. Wishing I would have NOT done the unthinkable.


At first I was all like...yeah!


But then I was all like...OH NO!


And now my face is cold...specially my chin...I dont like it...

Hola fellow...fellows!

I am Zeep, and I am hungry. So what have I done about this? I dug up a recipe from my 'eats zeep needs to eat!' bag, and pulled out this delicious little gem. Sriracha Spiced Bacon!


Sweet, spicy, and bacony? Such an odd combination to my ears that I just HAD to give it a go.

It is currently in the oven at this moment, and due to be out soon. So I will give you my verdict in a bit.

Random lnsanity / Need some pants? Kmart can help, for free!
« on: April 26, 2013, 06:25:52 am »
Ship My Pants

Every single pair of pants I have bought over the past 2 years? yup...I ship my pants! Not via kmart though.

Random lnsanity / Heck, YES! Not that any of you care, but still...
« on: April 09, 2013, 12:21:38 pm »
I just bought a house!

I said enough with the apartments. Enough with the neighbors who share walls, enough with the inspections, enough with the rent going down the toilet and never paying anything off.

Have been looking for a few months now, but finally just nabbed myself one. Saw it saturday and filled out an offer. Heard back from them Monday night, and we close on the 6th.


100 year old house, so its got character and awesomeness!

1,900 sq feet, HELL of a lot more then the mid 700 I got now.

3 floors! Basement, main, upper! My cats have never seen stairs before!

2 and a half car garage. Insulated, pull down ladder to the rafters, and workbench installed. As well as a vent for a heater. HELLO MANCAVE!

Best part about it? THE CHARM/CHARACTER OF IT BEING 100 YEARS OLD! I got environmentally UNfriendly windows(No kidding, this is a plus)! The basement is a 6 foot 2 inch tall basement, MIDGET FRIENDLY! And the kitchen sink has its own closet! And by that, I mean it IS in a closet! The previous owners remodeled the kitchen, and put the sink in the closet. BOOYA! CLOSET SINK!

Totally stoked to start moving in.

Random lnsanity / Damn it RIA, you guys never give me up!
« on: February 01, 2013, 03:29:25 am »
I mean heck...I vanished a few times now, have I not let you down?

But then again, you guys have yet to turn around and hurt me...

Random lnsanity / HALP! I NEED HALP! URG-ATOM-ANT!
« on: October 23, 2012, 03:17:26 pm »
So I'm trying to make a mutated ant, and I have hit dead end after dead end...

First off, its fall...its frickin hard as hell to find ants around in Minnesota in the middle of fall. I had to dig a damn hole in someones yard to get the bastards. I was chased out of a few yard late at night while digging, but I finally came across some ants. The bastards built their nest in the corner of a gutter.

The nest looked a lot like paper, the ants were a lot bigger then expected, and the bit like crazy. I knew some ants could fly, but I never heard of an entire colony of ants that could fly. Also never heard of any black and yellow ants, but meh!


So I tried knocking them out with gas so I could sew a few together, but that didnt work so well. needles and ants dont mix, they just tend to kill them.

Next up I tried radioactive waste. Well, the closest I had to radioactive waste was some white crusty stuff coming off of the battery of of an old radio I found. I put a few of the black and yellow flying ants in a container with this crusty stuff, and nothing happened.

So now im onto plan C, radioactivity! I figure the microwave should be good for this, but I dont know how long to put them in. So help me out RIA. How long do I put these flying black and yellow ants in the microwave? That and if it fails, what else is there to try?

Random lnsanity / You like magic? FUCK YEAH YOU DO!
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:52:37 pm »
Do you also like chimpanzees? FUCK YEAH YOU DO TOO!!!!!

How about someone performing magic TO a chimpanzee? Not pysically possible you say?



9 minutes of a chimp having his own private magic show held for him.

luckiest chimp EVER!

Random lnsanity / RIAs Ripped Off Royal Rankings (12/28/11)
« on: December 28, 2011, 05:37:46 am »
The royal rankings have been ripped off by multiple people, on multiple boards, through multiple times. I ripped them off from Ice Wind back on RI. He ripped them off from someone else on another board. Before that? Probably ripped off from someone else somewhere else. Point being, its an ongoing ripped off idea.

With that said, what is the RoRR? A castle! Thats right, this topic is now a castle, BAM! DEAL WITH IT! So whos castle is it? Mine? Yours? No and no, well, maybe not. The royal family and castle staff are all determined by randomly picking whomever posted in the last topic. So every RoRR should essentially, have a different family/staff. Want a chance to be in the next RoRR? Simply post at least once. Everyone gets one chance as long as they post, even if they DONT want a chance. Ignore the topic if you dont want to participate or join in, not my loss.

So without further delay, here is your royal family!

King: Croix
Queen: Locke
Prince: C-zom
Princess: Dontasemebro
Royal Prophet: Mogar
Adviser: Bluestrike
Jester: Electric Mango
Castle Guard #1: undiscoveredbum
Castle Guard #2: GrilledSlug
Executioner/Dungeon Master: Jenne (Do we really need TWO dungeon masters? I think yes, yes we do!)
Chef: Moth
Castle Groundskeeper (doubles as enemy spy): Shadow
Dungeon Master: Mia
Royal Stable Boy: llamavore
Royal Blacksmith: Arsenal 10

And remember, dont fear if you didnt make family or staff. Everyone knows its the townsfolk and travelers that make a castle what it is.

Feel free to do with your ranking as you wish, this castle is what you people make it, not me.

Random lnsanity / Hey, you! Yes you!
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:06:17 pm »
You frequent these forums much? You stop by this board a lot? You on around once a week, preferably around once a day? Then post here, I dare you. Maybe your name will make a special list.

What makes this list so special? You never know! It could be a bad list to be on, or maybe a good list to be on? All you get to know right now, is you post here, you get on the list. Deal with it.

This 'list' will have a set number of 'winners' to be yet determined. Also, the cutoff for this list, is also to be determined. I can tell you though, that the cutoff of this list till be no longer then a week from now. So at the very latest, the list will be closed on Friday the 30th.



Random lnsanity / Operation Domination - From Land
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:23:06 am »
Hello and welcome to my topic about 'Operation Domination - From Land.' I don't really know how to open this topic, so I shall open is with a short FAQ.

First things first, who the hell are you?
For those of you who do not know me, I am Zeep. The resident RIA Land Whore. I had a nation in this alliance for quite some time. However over the summer of 2010 it got deleted due to me being inactive.

So, why does this topic exist?
This topic shall serve two main functions.
1. For you to follow my progress, should you chose to do so.
2. For me to record my progress.

What the hell is 'Operation Domination - From Land?'
'Operation Domination - From Land,' or 'O.D. From Land' for short, is my goal and reason for playing the game. Basically 'O.D. From Land' servers 3 main goals.
1. Buy as much land as possible
2. Lower my population density as low as possible
3. Still have a 'somewhat functional' nation.
Goal one is very self explanatory, simply buy lots of land. Goal two is probably the hardest of all three of these goals, as is sometimes sacrificed for goal three. Basically I am to try to get a population density of Zero. Once I am there, I shall attempt to see if the game lets me lower it even more. Goal three, as I said, sometimes demands me to sacrifice goal two temporarily. Now a 'somewhat functional' nation to me, may seem to be like a crippled nation to you. 'Somewhat Functional' to me, is a nation in which produces enough money to pay the bills, and still provides me with enough money to fulfill goal one.
That, in a nutshell, is 'O.D. From Land.' It's not simply to become the biggest nation, or as easy as just getting zero population.

Ok, so why the hell would want to do 'O.D. From Land'?
Why not? You ARE aware of what alliance you are in right? If 'for the sake of being random' is not enough for you, then try 'for science!' Truthfully, I'm just curious as to if I can get to a density lower then zero. Also, in an odd way, you can see this as 'winning' the game. How you may ask? Use Zeep Logic (note, if you have zeep logic you are probably fucked in the head). Who is going to go to war with you if you own all of planet bob? You own the whole planet, you win the game!

I want to help you in your quest, can I donate some money?
Sure can! All aid is welcome, just as long as you are aware that I will spend it as I please. You can however, suggest what you want the money to go for, but I wont follow the suggestions if they violate my goal. However, if you want all the money to go to land, let me know! Otherwise it will probably be split up between some infra, lots of land, and maybe an improvement or two here and there.

Random lnsanity / True story...
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:11:59 pm »


True story, true conversation, just happened a few hours ago.


Thats right people, I haunt dreams too!

Random lnsanity / Guess whos back! Back again!
« on: March 15, 2011, 04:44:45 pm »
Thats right, your resident land whore is back! WHAT UP RIA!???

Who missed me? No one? Good.

Anyone here even remember me anymore other then moth and arsenal?

Random lnsanity / hay guyz! haz it goin!?
« on: June 28, 2010, 04:27:26 am »
It's been awhile since I dropped by.

My power is out, I'm hungry, and I'm cooking soup in a old military stove...what's new with all of you?

What do we have?
A penis, thats right, we all have a penis.
But aside from that, we also all have accounts over at a cool new message board called u413.

Flask hates it, delta disappeared from it, and damen seems to tonic up now and then, but we all still have accounts there.

How does that make you all feel huh? HUH!?

Oh guess what, it gets better yet. It's a new small community with the aspirations to become a secret board with stuff like links like that other non-existant site has.

Feeling all left out and excluded yet? No? Well damn...

How is this for a ham sammich, ITS INVITE ONLY BITCHES!

That's right, the site EXCLUDES you, even if you wanted in! NOW how do you feel? huh? HUH!?


In what sense is it different? IT JUST IS! It's black, and green, and can kick hectors bitch ass! So what does this mean? ITS DIFFERENT!

Different is bad you say? You know what I say? I say your WRONG!!!!! Different is good at times. Don't get me wrong, this site is not for everyone. But you know what? If it's not for you, THEN YOU'RE THE ONE THATS NOT COOL!

You wanna be cool? You wanna be included in the "we have a penis AND an account to a special new site" club? TOO DAMN BAD!

Well at least, thats what I would normally say. But maybe, JUST MAYBE, I will be nice and let in a few people...IF THEY ARE NICE! Then you can be included in the "we have a penis AND an account to a special new site" club!

Random lnsanity / He lives! Flynn!!!! Kevin Flynn lives, bitches!
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:45:05 am »

Some of you like it; some of you love it; some of you hate it; and others have never even seen it, but I'm sure you have all heard of it.

Some of you may know that Tron has a sequel in the making due out late this year. For those of you who DONT know that, get out from your rock!

The following news I have for you may come to you as a shock. It may also be knowledge you already knew, or saw coming. Either way, Tron is holding an ARG. Thats right, an Alternate Reality Game.

Just like halo, year zero, and all them other wonderful ARG games.

Point being, Flynn lives.

What do I mean by this you ask? I mean exactly that, flynnlives.com !

For those of you who care about tron and where this is headed, id suggest signing up. For those of you who love ARGs, once again, I suggest signing up.

Right now in the discussion boards of the site they have a game going on. If you 'win' the game, you will be mailed a real personalized ID badge for Encom. After that, who knows what will happen.

Either way, you can have a fun time with the game. Oh yeah, you can play the game without signing up as well, but I dont think you can win the encom badge.

Oh yeah...here is the game that gets you the badge, incase you people are too lazy to find it in the discussion boards.

Random lnsanity / Oh god, kenny is dead!
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:09:11 am »
I woulda mentioned this on the main board, but I cant find it anymore...which is further proof that kenny is dead!

I saw the lil bugger get on AIM, which is a sure sign he was sick...so I called him to make sure he was ok. Well, he told me to talk to him on AIM instead...so...this is the following conversation.

12:57:49 AM Zeep: you...SURE...your ok?
12:58:07 AM Kenny: lol
12:58:53 AM Zeep: i just worry bout you some times man
12:59:38 AM Zeep: sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night...in a cold sweat...and the only thing i can think of is "oh god is kenny ok!?"
1:00:37 AM Kenny: Wow really
1:00:41 AM Zeep: yeah
1:00:51 AM Zeep: i think about calling you...
1:00:56 AM Zeep: but then i figure id sound stupid
1:01:20 AM Kenny: Nah dude. I call you and I say whatever I want
1:01:24 AM Kenny: It's awesome
1:01:26 AM Kenny: You should try it
1:01:50 AM Zeep: you sure>
1:01:51 AM Zeep: ?
1:01:54 AM Kenny: yeah
1:02:03 AM Zeep: ok
1:02:19 AM Kenny: Not now
1:02:21 AM Zeep: ...
1:02:56 AM Zeep: ass
1:03:01 AM Zeep: now you dont want me to call you?
1:03:07 AM Zeep: see this is why i never call
1:03:08 AM Zeep: <_<
1:03:54 AM Kenny: lol
1:04:06 AM Kenny: I just got the Internet
1:04:17 AM Zeep: ok...
1:04:19 AM Zeep: just...
1:04:20 AM Kenny: I'm easily distracted and I need to work but I don't mind IM
1:04:22 AM Zeep: promise me your ok?
1:04:33 AM Zeep: and your not deathly ill?
1:04:35 AM Zeep: and dying?
1:04:45 AM Zeep: oh god you got cancer dont you?
1:04:48 AM Zeep: i knew it!
1:04:53 AM Zeep: i knew i shoulda got you off them fags!
1:05:00 AM Zeep: god damn it kenny how long did they give you to live!?
1:05:33 AM Zeep: oh god your already dead arnt you!?
1:05:38 AM Zeep: WHY GOD WHY!?
1:05:52 AM Zeep: why did you have to take my sweet sweet baby kenny from me!?

See!? What more proof do you need!?  He died on us! He died as I was talking to him!



Random lnsanity / LIES! LIES LIES LIES AND SLANDER!!!!!!
« on: February 21, 2010, 12:29:59 pm »
RI, I would never lie to you. I never have a reason to lie to you, that and I never lie...EVER!

Well, from the very reliable source of me, who showed you that damen was a goblin shark, comes some new news!!!!!

I give to you,

Dan, YUUU!!!!

MIND CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random lnsanity / Sexy black kid!!!!
« on: December 25, 2009, 05:06:34 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZgzCqZ7QSw" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZgzCqZ7QSw</a>


Random lnsanity / 5 minutes with mike!!!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 06:30:54 pm »
So, my friend today showed me a video of some guy walking around in a car show for 5 minutes. He basically scratched his balls in every car and made some rather witty comments on stuff. Well I decided it was kinda funny and decided to share it all with you.

Well this video he showed me was on youtube, and I checked out maybe 2 or 3 of his other videos on youtube. At that point I decided it was really fucking stupid to use youtube for it since none of it had easy links to the next episode, and the guy has an actual site.

So I decided to be nice to all of you and give you a link to his site with the movies. Dont get me wrong though, Im not gonna do all the work for you. You still have to edit the URL to get to the next episode. Ya know, change the episode01.mov to episode02.mov and so forth. There are a total of 23 episodes, with a 24th episode coming out some time tonight I think.

Anyway, so here is the link, enjoy.


« on: December 15, 2009, 02:39:05 pm »
only then can you sauté it.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-RjVZ5E3Vg" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-RjVZ5E3Vg</a>

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