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Messages - MarioParty

Pages: [1] 2 3
Tech Trades / I want your tech
« on: April 30, 2008, 12:26:43 am »
I've got a slot open now, another two opening up within the next week. Any interested tech sellers out there?

Random lnsanity / which super smash bros is the best?
« on: April 24, 2008, 03:56:59 pm »
The only excuse for voting the first one is that you've never played the others. It's inferior in like every way!

Random lnsanity / Top Ten List of Super Smash Bros. Brawl Taunts
« on: April 24, 2008, 03:53:43 pm »
Jiggly spin
Ike sword ground
Wolf roar
Falcon show me your moves
Sonic You're too slow
Falco Hands off my prey
Snake box
Luigi kick (also a meteor smash!)
Kirby haaai
ROB laser vision thing

In no particular order. I main Jiggly, so she wins automatically. I love her deflation one too. She rules <_<

I get the feeling I wouldn't be a very good competitive Captain Falcon, considering I have to do his down taunt every time I pull a Falcon Punch off.

Random lnsanity / Joga Bonito's 100th Post
« on: April 21, 2008, 06:49:56 pm »
Quality > quantity, and I have neither ;_;

Tech Trades / I want your tech
« on: April 16, 2008, 02:46:20 pm »
I still have an opening since me and lizzerd were already in a tech deal <_<

Tech Trades / I want your tech
« on: April 15, 2008, 03:51:11 pm »
Any more sellers out there? I've got one opening.

Random lnsanity / I am extremely offended by American Idol.
« on: April 11, 2008, 02:54:56 pm »
Uhh, I'm almost positive there have been tons of Christian songs done on American Idol. Are you saying that nobody has ever sung a gospel song on there before?

Random lnsanity / New avatar thread.
« on: April 03, 2008, 08:00:55 pm »
eeeey my topic is gone too <_<

Random lnsanity / I submit to our new overlord
« on: March 31, 2008, 11:44:52 pm »
All glory to cnet

Random lnsanity / Resigning
« on: March 03, 2008, 11:05:56 pm »
I haven't been interested in the game for over a year <_<

Tech Trades / I want your tech
« on: March 01, 2008, 12:20:38 pm »
PM or post here and I'll send the money.

Random lnsanity / My video from high school
« on: December 07, 2007, 06:55:17 pm »
I was a bit harsh before... it wasn't the only funny part, per se, but it was really the only part I laughed at. The movie was sort of hampered by awkward narration and poor timing. I probably would have laughed more at a polished script and rehearsed acting.

Random lnsanity / My video from high school
« on: December 06, 2007, 11:37:10 pm »
That phenomenon (do dooo do do) thing was brilliant... the first time only though, 4 times was overkill.

But yeah, that was pretty much the only funny part <_<

Random lnsanity / Who here knows me from RI?
« on: December 05, 2007, 01:17:39 pm »
What Joker said

Random lnsanity / ITT I scare the shit out you.
« on: December 05, 2007, 01:04:07 pm »
Yellowstone is a supervolcano, it wouldn't wipe out the human race though. A super enormous eruption might cover North America with a layer of ash though, but wouldn't stay in the atmosphere for THAT long. And it's once every 700k years, the 600k is to scare ya.

Works Cited

Siegal, Lee. "Yellowstone Rising." eurekalert.org. 8 Nov 2007.



You heard it here first, folks!

Also, Pumaman is another essential mst3k. Also, Riding with Death and Hobgoblins. Ehh, they're all worth watching.

There is, search "mst3k manos" on youtube. It's in 10 parts.

How's that for a speedy reply?

Couldn't you just watch them on youtube? That's where I used to, unless they took them down or something ):

edit: nevermind, that site just links to youtube links. It's pretty incomplete though, you're better off just looking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Myste...r_3000_episodes here and searching for them on youtube.

Random lnsanity / Megadeth fans, give me good songs.
« on: November 21, 2007, 12:12:06 am »
I liked Hangar 18 the most. It was really the only song that stood out, I guess I can't tell the difference between brilliant loud thrash metal and just fucking loud thrash metal yet <_<

Random lnsanity / MarioParty's unaffiliated list of albums
« on: November 04, 2007, 10:01:52 pm »
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory 1991 (essential hip-hop)
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - I See a Darkness 1999 (folk... indie? I guess. This is one of those albums I mentioned that I wouldn't expect you to love on your first album. It finally just clicked for me)
The Clash - London Calling 1979 (punk I guess, but the influences on this album are virtually endless)
Depeche Mode - Violator 1990 (alternative with electronic influence? Essential album)
Flipper - Generic 1982 (n/a >_> Seriously, wtf genre are they Joker? Like noise-alternative-post-punk or something?)
Gang of Four - Entertainment 1979 (seriously essential post-punk)
Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand 1994 (rock. Spectacular songwriting, awesome melodies, and vast quantities of talent on this album)
Leonard Cohen - Songs of Leonard Cohen 1966 (folk. Cohen possesses incredible lyrical and songwriting skill, this album is top 5 all time)
Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime 1984 (another personal favorite, punk, with tons of influences. 43 very diverse and short songs)
Nas - Illmatic 1994 (essential hip-hop again)
Nick Drake - Pink Moon 1972(folk, could probably be a Best Of... album, since it's got so many great songs)
Patti Smith - Horses 1975 (influential to rock in the same strata as The Stooges. After hearing this album, it's hard to not hear its influence everywhere)
Public Image Ltd. - Second Edition 1980 (aka Metal Box) (post-punk, I'm not even close to uncovering all the brilliance of this album)
Slint - Spiderland 1991 (I <3<3<3 this album. Another that you won't fully "grasp" on your first listen, I see something new in this album every time I listen)
Talking Heads - Remain in Light 1980 (I suppose I'll say new wave. With African influence, along with a host of other styles. This album should be required a listen by law, although I understand not everyone will love it)
Television - Marquee Moon 1977 (Another one of the big influence albums. Just about perfect)
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground 1969 (I've used the word "influence" a lot, but TVU truly define it in a way comparable to The Beatles. Their first album (banana) might have influenced more since it came first, but this one is definitely my favorite)
The Velvet Underground - White Light/White Heat 1968 (see above. This album is more experimental though)

Whew, that was a doozie @_@

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