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Topics - Electric Mango

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Random lnsanity / The Bear Club
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:37:27 pm »


what, do you think being a bear is just a Game?!

do you think we all sat back one day and just decided, hey let's flask be a bear?!

do you think it's that easy?

well it ISNT

and you're a COCK FAG for thinking it COULD BE

being a bear is not easy, and it's not up to you. it's not up to any of us. it just ... is.

and before you americans tromps around thinking you can do everything maybe you should take some time to learn respect for other cultures and traditions than your own. bcos it is clear if you keep thinking 'o everyone can be bears' you will NEVER UNDERSTAND US

edited bcos sorry i get offended

So I've decided that now I want to be a bear just because llamavore has some strange perversion with bears and I know this will make him mad.  

To be in the Bear Club please post a picture of yourself.  

Mondays we will kill chickens.
Thursday we will drain the blood of said chickens for dark rituals.
Fridays of course are poker nights.

Here's me in concert right before I went into rehab for the 3rd time:

Random lnsanity / Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 27, 2008, 01:16:35 pm »
Hello RIA,

I hope everyone has a great Turkey day.  Have fun chowing down on drum sticks and passing out watching the Lions lose in football.


1. Talk about a huge breast!
2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.
3. It's Cool Whip time!
4. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst!
5. That's one terrific spread!
6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.
7. Are you ready for seconds yet?
8. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?
9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!
10. Don't play with your meat.
11. Just spread the legs open and stuff it in.
12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?
13. I didn't expect everyone to come at once!
14. You still have a little bit on your chin.
15. How long will it take after you stick it in?
16. You'll know it's ready when it tonics up.
17. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all of that!
18. That's the biggest one I've ever seen!

Random lnsanity / I want the truth! [NSFW]
« on: November 21, 2008, 12:12:01 am »
Holy shit. I just noticed that a bunch of threads were deleted from the pinned section. While I feel honored for being left here I feel a pang of sadness for all the threads that lost their life. VGM's thread of What Are You Listening To Now was one of which I always had ties. She's old school IRON and I feel sad that her thread is gone. What happened to them? Why was the decision made? Who was responsible? What are the plans for pinned going forward? Dammit! I want the truth! Think I can't handle the truth!?!? Think again.

Also to make sure there are no hard feelings............................................


Random lnsanity / RIA [NWS]
« on: November 19, 2008, 08:50:21 pm »
So I read that RIA just declared war so I wanted to wish all who are fighting the best of luck, although I doubt you'll need it.

Although I'm too cheap to offer money or aid to you, I can offer these pictures to motivate the troops.


Random lnsanity / NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
« on: November 08, 2008, 02:35:51 pm »
It snowed last night and it's freaking cold and windy as hell.  Damn you Mid Western weather!

/shakes fist at the sky

Random lnsanity / My bad
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:04:36 pm »
Sorry I broke the forums for three days.  I was trying to upload some new soft core porn and I crashed your server.  I brought caek to make it better.

Random lnsanity / WTF?!!!!!
« on: October 19, 2008, 10:01:49 pm »
I'm so fucking pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random lnsanity / New Sig
« on: October 09, 2008, 08:57:04 pm »
I thought you guys might be getting a little bored with my last sig so I decided to update for you.  As an ambassador from IRON it is my job to make you like us.  I hope this helps

Random lnsanity / Drunk Stories
« on: September 30, 2008, 12:26:51 am »
Tell me about the first time you got really, really drunk.

Random lnsanity / Yoga For Men
« on: August 21, 2008, 11:37:14 pm »
Just kidding.  This does make me want to sign up for yoga though.  Do yourself a favor and skip to 2:10 of the video.  Yeah, that's right.


Do yourself a favor and check out the picture section next, a little tip from your Uncle Mango

Random lnsanity / My 1st Nuke
« on: August 15, 2008, 01:46:18 am »
IRON and the rest of Her allies went green today.  Mango Nation went 658 without firing a single nuke, today that streak came to an end.  I have to admit that after I fired, I just stared at the screen in disbelief at the sheer amount of damage inflicted in one push of a button.  I wondered how long my enemy had taken to get those things that I took away just like that.  

Here is the aftermath of the destruction.  


I will also keep firing one nuke at him every day until my commanding officers tell me to stop.  War is hell.  If you want to feel better you can look at my boobies until you are happy again.

Random lnsanity / War
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:23:27 am »
GGA just declared on Hyperion which is really Atlantis 2.0  I got all excited cuz I thought it was going to escalate and IRON would be able to jump in.  But sadly, update came and went and now I'm sitting w/ a brand new navy and 20 nukes and can't use them   This is like the 2nd or 3rd time IRON has come close to going to war but each time I'm left disappointed.  

What about RIA?  Do you guys go to war a lot/never?

Random lnsanity / Brock Lesnar
« on: August 11, 2008, 02:45:42 am »
Brock Lesnar UFC 87 vs Keith Herring

I don't know if you guys/girls/hermaphrodites follow UFC/mma or not but I love it.  I also used to watch WWF wrestling back in the day so when I heard Brock Lesnar was fighting in the UFC I was freaking pumped.  His UFC fight w/ Frank Mir was awesome.  Even though he was submitted by Frank he looked really impressive and you could tell he was the real deal.  Check out this fight agains Keith Herring, it's very impressive.  Also FYI, they had to make special gloves for Brock because he is such a beast.  4XL's!  This guys mom must of had sex w/ a rhino or something.


Rock socks and you guys should come give the IRON forums some love too.  We could use a little bit of insanity

Random lnsanity / ENERGY DRINKS
« on: July 30, 2008, 05:44:31 pm »
Usually I would have to say it's the Monster in the green can but today my life changed forever.  

MEAN BEAN JAVA MONSTER grabbed me by the cajones and won't let go.  It is soooooooo good I'm addicted, I've had two already today.

Random lnsanity / My New Signature
« on: July 19, 2008, 07:32:49 pm »
How many times will you be sucked into staring at my new sig?

Be honest, remember, we're only doing this for science.

Random lnsanity / Mafia
« on: July 11, 2008, 06:32:41 pm »
Mafia (also known as Werewolf or Assassin) is a party game modeling a battle between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. Players are secretly assigned roles: either "mafia", who know each other; or "townspeople", who know only the number of mafia amongst them. During the night phase of the game, the Mafia choose an innocent to kill. During the day phase, all players debate the identities of the Mafia and vote to kill someone whom the majority suspect. Players are eliminated until only innocents or mafia remain; the surviving side wins. Mafia is rarely played in groups of fewer than five, and must always start with more innocents than mafia.

Mafia Wiki

This is a fun as hell game we play in IRON. I've always seen it around our forums but never paid any attention until a month or two ago and now I'm completely addicted.  I would like to start playing even more so if there is enough interest I could run my 1st game here w/ you guys/girls.

To play a good game you need 12 or so people, who's interested?

The RIA Express was a luxurious train transporting ambassadors of RIA nations. Aside from a little stomach virus caused by the unsanitary food, the day went very well. The drunk, happy passangers all went to sleep in their cars that night. As the RIA Express rolled through the cold night of the harsh Mango Nation desert, the midnight silence was interrupted by sounds of gunfire. The conductor hurried to the car of Electric Mango, the representative from Mango Nation, and found Mango brutally murdered.

Mango, moderator, has been killed.

The passangers gathered in the grand car and set up a noose, hoping to find and lynch the mafia that infiltrated the train.

Will start after sign up and we will play from this thread.

Players Still In (in order of sign up) :

1. Iron Snake (love that IRON part :3 )
2. Dark Tyrand
3. King Ranter

Players Taken Out:

13. Electric Mango (Mod Day 1)



1) Nights will last around 24 - 48 hours. This is set in stone, it will not be changed.

2) Days will last however long it takes to get a majority. I will reserve the right to make a ~scary music~ deadline.

3) Votes must be in bold. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted. Please unvote before you change your vote to someone else.

4) Lynching will require a majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, any attempts to unvote will not be upheld.

5) You may vote: no lynch – majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death.

6) The game is not to be discussed outside of the thread unless your role specifically states that you may do so.

7). Once your death scene has been posted, you’re dead.

8  ) Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts. If you do, you will be liable to get mod-killed.

9) Don’t quote any messages from me. You are liable to get mod-killed if you do.

10) I expect activity. This does not mean 50 posts a day but each In Game Day should see at least one post of decent quality (ie not just: "I'm here". Should you be away please post as such. Any prolonged inactivity will lead to a public warning followed by a replacement if necessary.

11) If you have any questions, you can pm me or ask in the thread. If I've made a mistake, please tell my by PM as soon as possible.


13) If any of the following rules in contradicted by your Role PM, go with your Role PM's rules instead

14) The process of lurking has been used to great success on this forum. In my opinion it is an invalid strategy. If you have a night action and you fail to make any attempt to participate during the day, your action will be disallowed. Again, I am not asking for 50 posts a day, only for everyone to make an effort.

15) On the off chance that you did not recive a role PM, please contact me immediately.

Credit to Oranges for some of these rules, shamelessly stolen from his game, "Part Time Detective, Full Time Crime".

Rock socks \,,/


Random lnsanity / Oh, is this for me?
« on: July 03, 2008, 12:11:04 am »
I can't really brag at my own forum so guess what?  You guys get to listed to me brag a lil

I was just awarded IRON member of the month and it's my first time winning so I'm super jacked up and just had to tell someone.
EM has and still is going out of his way to help other members of the IRON alliance on several occasions.

If you really think about it, you guys(girls) are the lucky one.  Just imagine, out of all the diplomats of IRON you could have, you get THE member of the month.   I mean we must have 9000 members.  What? 9000?  <-If you don't get the 9000 reference please go back and read the hilarious NPO application I posted a couple days ago.  Well worth it.  What?!

Random lnsanity / Man Sweat
« on: July 02, 2008, 12:42:45 am »
I got off work today and on my way home my buddy calls me.  He says he needs my help in loading a bunch of hay bails and then unloading them in a barn 15 minutes away.  7 hours later I finally drag my tired ass body home.  You haven't seen ball sweat like this in your life.

Here's to my sweaty ballz!

Random lnsanity / CN Events
« on: June 30, 2008, 08:40:34 am »
Now that events are back I now have 3 of them going on at once.  The crazy thing is that two of them are exactly the same and I'm like wat?!

Random lnsanity / Hilarious NPO Application
« on: June 27, 2008, 03:05:17 am »

You'll have to create an account to view it but believe me it's worth it.  This is one of the funniest things I've read in quite a while.

Also who gave me the cookie under my avy?  Me likes cookies  

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