Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: Grand Poobah Marx on September 26, 2007, 08:13:16 pm

Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Grand Poobah Marx on September 26, 2007, 08:13:16 pm
Gentlemen, today we embark on a journey, nay, a calling. Let us get 5000 pages with but one thread.  This may not be accomplished in our generation, but the next, yet let us still fight on and post away!!

MADNESS? THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: —- on September 26, 2007, 08:13:58 pm
Get me and El to do enough spam offs, and you never know
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Grand Poobah Marx on September 26, 2007, 08:15:03 pm
Fuck, how do you delete topics?
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:32:30 pm
Lol,quest for 5000 thats just dumb
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:32:59 pm
I mean seriouisly
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:33:58 pm
nobody would waste their time trying to get to an impossibly high number of post in order to fill up 5000 pages
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:34:20 pm
get outtah here foreman
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:35:34 pm
dude one time i was sitting on the couch,and then like i heard this weird noise and so i ran outside,and it was like water falling from the sky,seriously how weird is that,freakin water
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:37:13 pm
and then like this other time this chick was cybering with some fool on Runescape and i totally killed the moment 4 them by logging in and like buggin them 4 gold
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:41:19 pm
So does any1 else here watch burn notice?Cuz i do,that show fucking kick ass,ur ass bitch.It'z about this guy right,and he's a spy and he got fired(burned) and so now he wants to find out who burnt him and why.So he does all these jobs to help people and raise money.And like on the season finale they showed the guy that he thought had burnt him cuz official documents said so,and when they met at the roof of this building like the guy got killed with a sniper rifle.Also some drug dealers(heroin I think) hit this car with a fucking bazooka.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:46:46 pm
And then another cool show is Monk cuz he's like this detective guy who has like a million different phobias and he's OCD and like he has perfect memory and can solve any case.On this one episode this girl(Sarah Silverman) who's like his biggest fan(he's famous btw) is going to be arrested cuz they think her dog murdered this guys wife,but then they find out that the dog had been dead for a week already so then monk checked out the guys jobsite and he found plaster molds the guy had used to make a weapon with the exact same look as the dogs teeth(which is wat killed the dog btw) and monk knew this cuz the bites on the dead lady were all upside down(also the guy pulled a gun on them which is a pretty obvious giveaway of whats going on)
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:49:31 pm
Also in regards to that 300 movie,i own it (bootlegged) but i have never watched it,I always thought it'd be to gay,like too actiony and not funny enough and that it waz justa dumb movie.Seriously,we found out about this shit happening a long time ago and they just made a fucking movie about it,jeeze,itz like "way to be a thousand years late there"
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:52:00 pm
Also foreman,i think ur sig kicks assssssss.Reminds me of the good 'ole days of the USSR,East Germany, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War.Also Double-O-Seven
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:52:43 pm
dude how many posts do I need to make to fill up a page?
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:53:17 pm
cuz i've made a few,bu idk how many more i can do
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:53:52 pm
somebody strike up a conversation with me dammit i'm lonely
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:54:41 pm
man typing fucking sucks,why can't i jus say shit and then see it written in type seriously.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 07:55:07 pm
That'd b fucking awesome
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:00:48 pm
Also just to clear something up,Myspace sucks.People who use it are retarded.Why the fuck would you want to set something up where you gotta wait a fucking day for some1 to reply.Itz like me trying to have a conversation with some1 on fucking Jupiter through the fucking pony express.It'z useless.U could ask some1 like what their favorite color is and the asshole could take 3days to write back,or he may just leave Myspace cuz he's figured out it sucks,and then u'll just be left there waiting for him to say somehing........................................................................
.......................................................BUT HE WON'T!CUZ HE HAZ BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN TALK TO OTHER ASSHOLES ON FUCKIN GAYSPACE
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Commisar Gaunt on September 28, 2007, 08:01:50 pm

Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: skaboom on September 28, 2007, 08:02:40 pm
Actual intelligent thought in spam topic? Nub.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:03:21 pm
All i'm saying is,get fucking yahoo or msn or irc or some other chat program that way u can just say wat u gotta like,"I won't be here tomorrow" and then the person ur talking to will be like "ok,i'll c u the day afer tomorrow then" and then u can just log the fuck off.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:06:49 pm
Hey fuck u skafag,nobody was even using this topic wen i got here so just glance by it and get the fuck out,this izn't some sorta thing where i expect some  Newbie to rate me otherwise i would made a topic called it that,got it?
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: skaboom on September 28, 2007, 08:08:53 pm
O NOZE E-CockPony. I ain't no newbie to the internet, and I sure know how to spam.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:10:12 pm
Something else that pisses me off is when new shows go on air trying to get people to donate money to some broke ass person.You have more fucking money than I DO!Thats why i watch you on tv and not vice versa!U fucking donate a million dollars so bill gates can go to the hospital for his Carpel Tunnel Syndrome!
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:13:17 pm
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:20:59 pm
SO ANYWAYS something else that pisses me off is how racist it is for USAmericans to say that there are 2many illegal immigrants or anchor babies.Considering that the majority the majority of people against this so called illegal immigration are of European ancestry.In my opinion there are to many white people here and not enough blacks and latinos.I think they should give less visas to Euro's and Canadians(btw thats how the terrorists got here) and more to Latinos.I also believe that the education system should be restructured so that a comfortably equal ratio of all diversities occurs in all schools.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:24:16 pm
Something else that bothers me is that while I sit here typing on my computer,other people are dying of starvation.Is fully my fault that that those people are dying?not really.The true fault lies within our economy.The idea that any nation can maintain a state of true capitalism and actual better itself is a vicious lie.
Title: The Quest for 5000 Pages!
Post by: Esteban on September 28, 2007, 08:24:50 pm
Btw I'll be back on later