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Topics - Shyox

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Random lnsanity / Jesus was the biggest blasphemer ever
« on: April 25, 2007, 07:12:46 am »
I've decided it would be best to separate myself from the traditional christianity as much as I can. My own beliefs will be shunned by its followers, and they're the largest hypocrites in the world, so I've decided I might as well stop calling myself a christian.

In Jesus' time, declaring yourself the son of god was a ludicrous idea. It goes against all of the religious doctrines that he based Christianity on. We used to think it was silly to read about kings and pharoahs who claimed themselves to be gods, but isn't that what Jesus did? He rebelled against the church, and created his own religion, and was killed for it.


Isn't that what's happening right now? With this whole homosexuality issue, the church is splitting apart. Organized religion was always a mean of controlling the people anyways, and in ways is still succeeding to tremendous extents. The Christians talk about following God and the bible, but the bible still has chapters talking about how to treat your slaves! Then they go out into the world, and persecute the blasphemists of their religion, for doing something different and keeping their own beliefs, doing EXACTLY what Jesus did. So, in conclusion, the old hippy down the street who smokes a blunt in his front yard everyday is closer to Jesus than the dad that goes to church every Sunday and is a hate-mongering homophobe. Christians have actually taken gay people and killed them by tying them to football goal posts! They practically crucify them!

A new age is dawning. The age of Traditional Christianity is nearing the end of its reign, and must make way for something else.

Random lnsanity / Should shyox re-make the shrine?
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:56:20 pm »
As of now there isn't one on these boards, and the last one didn't go anywhere.

Does anyone want me to make another one? I'll be more comitted this time, no Into the Woods.

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