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Topics - ZPO4O

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Random lnsanity / What PC games are you clowns into nowadays???
« on: February 17, 2017, 01:48:26 am »
Its my birthday in a few days and I honestly dont know what to get, so I'm just asking for cash. That said, seriously thinking of building a new PC/rig just for hosting servers and crap.

Looking to host multiple games, old and new.

So why come to you guys? Any games yous are interested in having a dedicated server for? Name it now, that way I can see whats needed and I can possibly throw in your needs/wants.

Me and a few co-workers got into the xbox version of the game. Theeeeeen me and another co worker got sick of the server/game options, so we migrated to PC. Thinking of doing a dedicated server for a bit....but only if we get some others to play.

So, anyone interested in a survival game with zombies?

For the record, this is the zombie survival game that lets you dig as well. Underground bases! W00t!

If ya got the game or think you might be interested, let me know. The more people the better the chance of doing this.

Like, If I set up some webcams and shit, would people actually watch them and stuff? Id kinda make it the RIA tank, to an extent. You guys can name the stuff and help me place/decide new additions. Like honestly right now I'm considering taking out the plant around the skull or leaving it. Also in the process of getting new new pom pom crabs, which shall need naming. There are also a multitude of upgrades in mind for the tank if you like to watch gadgets and whatnot.

But point being if I dedicated my 20L tank to RIA, and went through the trouble to give you guys webcam and voting privileges, would you be interested/use them?

I in fact plan on doing kind of a big upgrade tomorrrow/over the next few days soo...

Also, I'd make this a poll...buuuut I'm like 3/4ths asleep and dont currently have the time or patience to look into how to make polls; so deal.

Random lnsanity / Alright RIA, who wants to name shit!?
« on: March 03, 2016, 07:48:41 pm »
Thats right, I'm letting you guys decide the names of the inhabitants of my reef tank.

I currently have 2 baby clown fish, 2 peppermint shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, 1 scooter blenny, 1 emerald crab (possibly 2), and 1 pom pom crab (more hopefully to come).

I also have a various amount of snails; numerous Nassarius snails, two Nerite, and a handful of Trochus. That said though, I dont really count them as on the table to name. Too hard to keep track of who's who/what.

Also, pics to come as I get them. That way you can picture who is named what.

Anywho, send in yer name suggestions for stuff!!!

Random lnsanity / Just a friendly reminder...
« on: September 01, 2015, 01:14:23 pm »
I hate you all.

Thank you very much.

...Suck a leo.

That is all, peace.

Random lnsanity / anyone else punching trees to get wood on the ARK?
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:20:57 pm »
I recently got sucked into 'Ark: survival evolved' the other day, and loving every moment of it.

Just wondering though, anyone else playing the game?

Also...for those who don't know what ark is...

<a href="http://youtu.be/FW9vsrPWujI" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/FW9vsrPWujI</a>

It's on steam right now with early access. Developers are updating and improving the game multiple times a day.

After many years of ignoring the pc gaming world, I'm finally coming back from the console Jones locker.

Loaded a new mother port with some new DDR3 cannons, and got me a new amd 8 side fort to keep things locked down good. Put up some new nzxt walls around the set up, completed with 7 cooling spikes.

Salvaged a few old things from the old days, but also came along a pretty little unexpected gem.

Turns out along the process of upgrading things, I acquired myself a pretty little mustang omega. She sits now in me dock, waiting for my ugly Herald to burritos it's current dry dock to be at er side.

So now of ye that know what I yammer about, any familiar faces I may be seeing in the next few years?

Me Herald has room for another, but I'm keeping my eye out for a good constellation steal, as well as curious about getting me eye on an Endeavor.


And my topic content is the movie 'about'…so suck it.

Also, pop.

Random lnsanity / Hey, Leo.
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:07:55 am »
Want to see a magic illusion?

And no, I'm not talking about something that involves bed play, or pants play…or porn, or your fetish for feet…or BDSM…or golden showers…or fecal…or satanic rituals involving other animals and/or any combination of the above mentioned acts…


With it excluding any of that…want to see a magic illusion?

Random lnsanity / Progress report: Day 2
« on: January 19, 2014, 07:15:50 am »
Well, this is officially kinda day 3, but day 1 and 2 were null and void, so they count as day 1...

What do I have to report really? NOTHING!

Except this...should be a fun little tinker toy...


oh yeah, and i suggest you mute...

Random lnsanity / Planet of the Assasincops: Black Origins V
« on: December 30, 2013, 12:53:18 pm »
So, someone asked me a question...to name my favorite game, OR movie...now, being I play/watch a crap ton of games/movies, and cant seem to settle on a favorite, I decided to mix together the combination I am watching/playing...and well, thats what came out.

See, I am in an old movie kick, as well as a movie series kick. I just finished up Mad Maxx and Silentnight Deadlynight. I am in a toss up as to start Robocop or Planet of the Apes next...I cant decide what series to start, but it will be one of those two.

Now as for my current games?

As of recent, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag...But before that, I was juggling the new batman and the new GTA games. And honestly I will probably be throwing them into a three way juggle with AC pretty soon.

So I mixed the combination of them all and came up with 'Planet of the Assasincops: Black Origins V.' And now I hate to say it, but I am kind of wanting/wishing there was such a thing as 'Planet of the Assasincops: Black Origins V,' Because it sounds like it would be an awesome game or movie.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: JENNE!
« on: December 26, 2013, 08:05:19 am »

The past 2 or 3 topics or forums I have gone in, it lists you there too. I dont like being followed, I get paranoid. So...stop following me!

Random lnsanity / is it too late for the blue pill rather then the red?
« on: December 13, 2013, 04:00:14 pm »
<a href="http://youtu.be/NSKQzaFKMe8" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/NSKQzaFKMe8</a>

...and what do I get?
A vacant room and the discovery of a NEW/UNRELATED problem...and a subpoena to court on monday 16th at 9:30am...some luck...

Random lnsanity / You betcha we say shit like this, dontcha know!
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:47:28 am »

No joke, the video makes me almost feel like I(as well as all of minnesota) am some kind of distant mythical creature/peoples to the rest of the USA/world, dontcha know.

But seriously...is there something out of normal with all of that? Aside from the goofy accent he was using, do us Minnesotans really say stuff other places would 'WTF' to?

Woo woo!

All aboard!

So, one month Zeep bought a house.

Next month Zeep had a mental break down over girls

This month!?

Well, I started to 'date' this girl awhile back. We got together, we clicked and wound up in bed. She said 'guess were dating!' and I went along with it. Fast forward to about noon today.

I work 4 ten hour overnight shifts a week, leaving me with 3 nights off in a row. I am sadly kind of a depressed and lonely man with no friends, I admit that. So on weekends when everyone I know is busy, like this weekend and the last weekend...it bogs me down and depresses me greatly.

So noon rolls around today, I'm nice lonely bored depressed and have a few shots of vodka in me. Me and my girl are texting and we kinda get in a bit of a little hissy fit.

Well it lasts all day, drags on through the hours of bitching and moaning and all that shit, then finally about an hour ago the big guns came out.

Here is the deal. We both decided to lay our cards out on the table, and I went first.

I basically gave her the run down. Told her I know she wants kids and marriage at some point. So I was flat out honest with her. The older I get, the less I want kids. And I have always seen marriage as a waste of time and money. You don't need to be married to live happily with someone. Its just a justification to give the church more power and money. Im not against religion, but I am against willingly giving the church power over my life and my hard earned money.

I then went on to tell her that I didnt really feel like we were dating. We only get to see each other one day every week or two because of our schedules and her living an hour away. I feel more or less like I am single, and I am just lucky enough to have someone to share lifes experiences with. Im no happier since she came in my life, no sadder either. But she was basically just along for the ride cause I wanted someone along, not because of her.

Finally I threw down my last card, part of the mental breakdown last time...its been over a year and I'm still not over the ex that I technically never had. I am in love with a figment of my imagination and still hoping/wanting it to come along. Told her if it ever did come along, shed be dropped aside without a seconds though.

BOOM! That was my hand. I kinda felt like an asshole for saying it, and felt like I was using her, but I needed to clear the chest and get it all out there. Felt like nothing she could say would top it.

"I'm unhappily married to a guy who makes me feel invisible, and I have 4 kids. You make me happy, I want to leave my husband, and a part of me wants to be with you but a part of me cant see myself with you."

Yeah...married...4 kids...here I thought she just had a busy/hectic work schedule and lived an hour away. Well, I was partly right. Instead of assistant manager to a 7 saloon franchise...she has 4 kids. Well, I guess she also has the hair saloon thing too, but still. Wow man, wow....

So, guess i'm off the hook for feeling like an asshole for being with her just to be with her.

Yup...I need baby names...


...Im fresh out of names for the lil fella. Baby veiled chameleon, just brought him home yesterday.

I was thinking Raziel, just cause im in a soul reaver kick lately. But thats not exactly a good name for a Chameleon...my girlfriend calls him some weird name that starts with a P. Sounds a lot like that pizza roll company, totinos...Popino or somethng like that, she got it from some movie. Not my cup of tea.

So lets give the fella a real name! A good name! A manly chameleon name!!!!

Random lnsanity / Warning: Not really random...or insane...but meh!
« on: July 07, 2013, 11:16:31 am »
Short story: I was laying in bed, and I realized something very fucked. The happiest I have been in a relationship that I can think of...is of a time that never officially existed. I have been living in my own damn fantasy world for the better part of a year now. Missing, wanting, and wishing I could have what I thought I once had...but just now realizing I never even really had that in the first place either.

Long story: TLDR

What the hell man...what the hell...kinda depressing now that I realize it...

Random lnsanity / My morning today has consisted of...
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:44:29 am »
Doing some laudery; unpacking a few more boxes; clearing out one room for preperation of new flooring soon; cleaning the household catboxes; taking out the garbage and some of the previous owners; a few other random little things...and oh yeah, this.


How was your morning so far?

Yeah, the pay is starting to suck and the boss is a bitch. Anything fun/interesting/good to know about the new world of bob?

Last time I played moon bases were still new. If I am to jump back into the swing of things, anything I should keep an eye out for or move to priority number 2 on the list of bob goals?

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