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Messages - Kenneth Kenstar

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 [174]
Fine. I won't leave if Crazy says he loves me.

Oh, and don't worry. I'll still host this board for you guys. In an effort to at least prove I am going to make an effort to give you guys the privacy you deserve, I'm going to delete myself from accessing the Database. I will run scripts that will keep daily repairs on the tables and make sure the board is operational.

I will still make appearances on RI, of course. :-)

Quote from: crazyisraelie
joke topic.

Crazy, I told you first because I wanted you to know first. You have been an amazing friend here. You...complete me.

I feel as though my talents will be better seen at the MDC. I love you all - even Damen.

Besides, this could help improve relations between the RIA and MDC. I can be a voice that stands out and they will hear what a former RIA member has to say about this amazing alliance.

That's all I really have to say.

Good bye, friends.

Once I figure out how to turn WMVs into FLVs without the use of other sites, I'll post all of our videos.

Random lnsanity / White People! Black People!
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:23:09 pm »
Sorry. >_>

But, I should turn this into the Abuse My Skillz Topic.

Random lnsanity / White People! Black People!
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:11:47 pm »

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 04:22:56 pm »
And, I'm not saying that it's wrong to NOT want to smoke pot. Far from it. Good reasons for not smoking pot include...

- You do not want the risk of getting caught.
- You don't want to have to worry about drug tests.
- You just don't want to get high.

If you are willing to go out and drink a beer and/or liquor, there is little reason (besides the ones I mentioned) why you wouldn't at least try weed.

And, zblewski, a Google search doesn't even turn up anything what you mentioned. I think your nurses are bullshitting you because they don't want you to even try it. :-/

And, if anyone is curious, I voted "I smoke it once in a while."

[embed src=\"http://kennythefox.com/videoplayer.swf?file=videos/squash.flv\" height=\"600\" width=\"800\" /]

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 03:47:01 am »
Wow @ the Marijuana hate.

Marijuana isn't going to turn you into a stupid stoner, nor will it make you stupid (unless you are currently high or burnt out). Hell, if you are going to drink beer, then realize beer is actually damaging to your body while Marijuana has no long term side effects.

And, zblewski, I know diabetics who do smoke pot, so, I'm really confused by what you mentioned. O_o

Now, anything other than marijuana is really dumb. Including cigarettes <cough-cough>. >_>

Random lnsanity / Web hosting.
« on: April 22, 2007, 03:41:01 am »
I'll host you for free. If you send me a ten dollar check, I'll also get you the domain name you want.

My server includes...

PHP 4 + 5
Some other stuffz

It's a Linux server, so, no Windows crap like ASP.

Send me an IM and we'll talk.

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