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Messages - uchiha

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Random lnsanity / Re: Thunder Strike's Football 2010 World Cup guide
« on: June 29, 2010, 08:57:27 pm »
yeah arsenal you're right...and that's the problem..letting the game flow isn't good, yes it keeps the game going, but it takes numerous opportunities to have a free kick and score a goal...I remember that in many parts of the game, the referee didn't mark a fault when it was clearly one, if you could say that it was fault but the team still kept the ball on their side, then yeah he would be doing a nice job, but when a fault occurs and the other team wins the possession of the ball, then it needs to happen a fault...because if it doesn't, it happens what happened in this game, a good counter attack is wasted...and maybe that way the match could have ended in other way (or not...but still there could be a possibility)...and also that red card, yes it was in the near end of the game, but the game only ends when the referee whistles for the end of the game...the chances of having a goal even without that red card are minimal, but while there is time there is always a chance, but there is other way, because that was a simulation of a fault inside the box...so if the referee had bought a pair of glasses and see what happened we could have a penalty and score a goal...and maybe we could have passed.

And also I can say that Spain controlled most of the game...especially after the goal, we started to go after the goal and completely lost control of the game, and we also made some bad choices regarding substitutions...but i can also say that in the first part Portugal was better than Spain, they had more control of the ball but we had a very solid defense that they rarely could break...and we took advantages of that and were able to do a great 1st half...but the the second it was a more careless.

And yeah a lot of frustration is running in my veins...what can i say, i didn't liked that match, and it was not only because Portugal lost, because it happens, for someone to win the other needs to lose...but the lose, the referee, and especially many things happening in our team, regarding some really bad choices, are really making me a bit frustrated...so if you think I'm a bit offensive, sorry about that but Portuguese blood runs in my veins and we are bad people when we are frustrated :P

Random lnsanity / Re: Thunder Strike's Football 2010 World Cup guide
« on: June 29, 2010, 04:13:31 pm »
Portugal 0 - 1 Spain

I can summarize this game in some words...fuck you referee, you are a loser...you should dedicate to sea kittening and not to football, because that way you could even help people by catching some sea kitten, instead of just do worst than shit in a big game like this was...you robbed us the entire game and gave almost everything to Spain......and also that last red card, i must say i understand what happened there...I'll explain, so the referee was able to see the ghost that was summoned by Portugal, in order to punch the Spain players right in the face, and that's why the referee gave that red card...damn you ghosts, YOU SHOULD BE INVISIBLE!!!

Portugal deserved to win this game....we had more and more risky opportunities than Spain, and then the fuckers had some fucking luck and scored a goal...we played a lot better than them in the 1st half, but then after the goal we just lost all enthusiasm, and lost it...but still we were able to do some very good moves...and lastly that referee should fall, hit with his head and stay a vegetable for the rest of his life, because...i think the game gives a pretty big reason.

P.S. Eduardo should be nominated one of the best goal keepers of this world cup, he did a great match, and until now he was the goal keeper with 0 goals suffered...he should receive some prize or something...he fucking deserves it

Random lnsanity / Re: Thunder Strike's Football 2010 World Cup guide
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:21:20 am »
Portugal 0 - 0 Brazil

even against all the odds we still prove that we are better than what most  people thinks...this tie is to fuck everyone who said that Portugal would definitely lose, and this is just the start...not even Brazil could stop us :P

And also that ref was really unfair, 5 or 6 yellows just in the first part...

Random lnsanity / Re: Thunder Strike's Football 2010 World Cup guide
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:33:28 am »
Not the most by any team in the World Cup's history, Hungary scored 9-0 versus Korea in '54, 10-1 versus El Salvador in '82, and Yugoslavia beat Zaire 9-0 in '74. Don't worry, I didn't memorize it, I looked it up since I vaguely remembered those games being mentioned.

that's why i don't remember them, i still wasn't born :P...but still, 7-0 it's a pretty big score...probably it will be the best of this world cup

Portugal 7 - 0 North Korea

False propaganda from decadent and corrupted West.

Decadent? Not much
Corrupted? hell yeah :P

I'm just looking forward to the Brazil vs Portugal match, imma watch it in my mess's special theater, just me and a couple of course mates and a few purdy girls. It's gonna be EPIC.

For now, the most interesting match should be the Portugal vs Greece match.

Also looking forward to Portugal-Brazil, it would be huge if Portugal wins, but it's going to be tough...and also, after what happened in euro 2004 between Portugal and Greece, i just want us to face them again and win by 10-0 just to get revenge, or just face them in the finals and this time Portugal wins :P...stupid Greeks

Random lnsanity / Re: Thunder Strike's Football 2010 World Cup guide
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:33:11 am »
Portugal 7 - 0 North Korea

I think this was the game with more goals in the history of the world cups :P...group face is already cleared, unless Ivory Coast scores 9 goals :P, If we play the next games like we played this one, the world cup will go to Portugal this year

« on: May 08, 2010, 04:09:40 pm »
You forget that Altair massacred an army just to kill one guy, and he had to fight that guy, who was a competent swordsman, in single combat without any fancy tricks. And as mentioned before, the prince rarely fought even semi-competent sword fighters, most were grunts who could be killed in a couple hits and didn't know how to use their weapon to block. In AC, even the weak guards knew how to block. Then you have to factor in the Templars. Without his counter attack, Altair has a hell of a time killing them in single combat, yet he still does in the end. Altair all the way.

I never played AC and don't know much about it, but i know a lot from Prince of Persia, and i can say that in the Prince of Persia: sands of time trilogy, the prince defeated an army in every game, in the first was an army of zombies, the second he fought alone against a powerful time demon (dahaka) and all the demons in the island of time, and in the last one he fought most of the Vizier's army (he didn't fought them all alone because in the end the toniculation of Babylon helps him),and in the end he also kills Vazier who had the power of the sands of time and was almost a god.Also he didn't only kill "semi-competent" sword fighters, i remember in the third he fights at least 2 giants, the Vizier, and i also remember one of the bosses were two guys that were strong as hell and only one hit from them could take a lot of damage.In  the first he fights his own father who since was the king, was a very talented swordsman,also fights the Vizier, but he still didn't have the sands power but was a powerful magician,  and also one of the units in the first were the zombie generals...they aren't called generals for no reason. And with the dagger, prince had the power to control time, that's a very strong ability, he could slow time, go back in time...i would advice: try to play Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, in hard mode and you will see what competent swordsman are.

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« on: October 08, 2009, 03:52:04 am »
i also want to avoid a Thunder strike ass kick...therefore HI!

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