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Messages - Fade

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Tech Trades / Any buyers?
« on: August 09, 2009, 04:41:46 pm »
Hey grannyboy try to be more specific with your tech deal and say whether it's a 3 mill for 100 tech, 3 mill for 50 tech or 6 mill for 150 tech. And you should also get rid of the 2 tech when you buy your next 50 so it will be a tiny bit cheaper.

Try to buy tech this way, its cheaper:
4.5 tech
10 tech
10 tech
10 tech
10 tech
5.5 tech

Have a few slots open so cctmsp13 can put you in the tech farm so you dont have to look for independent deals yourselve.

Tech Trades / Buying tech!
« on: August 07, 2009, 03:21:59 am »
Aww sorry about the price, im normally fine with 3 mill for 100 tech but its just that i need money atm. Thanks for purchasing though and i'll send you a message in the day before my slot opens.

Tech Trades / Buying tech!
« on: August 07, 2009, 02:23:24 am »
I could do a 6 mill for 150 tech deal if you want but my next available slot will open in 7 days times, the 14th of August.

Random lnsanity / She loves me. . .
« on: August 05, 2009, 06:34:43 am »
Quote from: Divine_Light
Quote from: llamavore
she doesn't like you! problem SOLVED
That doesn't stop me from liking her.

Then go ask her straight in the face and bam its over. None of those email crap, be a man for once or you might regret it later.

Tech Trades / 3x3 tech deal
« on: July 31, 2009, 01:34:12 am »
Quote from: Piccologurl156
Quote from: rlrcstrnthusiast
Funny story. I'm actually giving joining AIDZ to Tritonetopia, so that'd be a no-go for me.

EDIT:  Hey, if you need that tech and we can't fill in the spot, I can just wait on the joining aid till the tech deal is over.  You were supposed to send money to me for the deal anyhow.  : ) And it's not that big of a deal to me.  I don't wanna be the cause of a failing tech deal!  I haven't spent enough to effect the deal - I can get the little bit I spent back in the taxes I collect.

You are such a nice person! I like nice people so i offically like you now.

Tech Trades / 111 Tech Circle 111
« on: July 09, 2009, 02:10:05 am »
I want to be a seller!

Tech Trades / Selling Tech
« on: July 08, 2009, 07:27:10 am »
My nation will have 2 foreign aid slots open at 7/11/09 and since a minimum of 3 slots is needed for the tech farm, i am again looking for independant trades.

6 mill for 150 tech and two buyers, if you are interested, we can always negotiate the price. Post here or pm me in game. The link is below at my sig. Thanks in advance !

Tech Trades / Selling Tech :)
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:57:27 pm »
I've sent you the details.

Tech Trades / Selling Tech :)
« on: July 01, 2009, 06:18:36 am »
Sure, but which deal are you looking for?
The 150 for 6 mill?

Tech Trades / Selling Tech :)
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:36:35 am »
Done, thanks for purchasing !
One more buyer needed if any1 is interested. (free on the 3/7/09)

Tech Trades / Selling Tech :)
« on: July 01, 2009, 04:25:10 am »
I have one slot open atm and will have another slot open at the the 3rd (So basically looking for 2 buyers). I am willing to sell 100 for 3 mill if any1 desperately needs tech but i prefer 6 mill for 150 (100 tech for 3 mill in the first 20 days then 50 tech for 3 mill in the following 20 days). I would also gladly except any 3 mill for 50 tech deal if any1 is feeling generous to help my nation grow and celebrate my 20th day of joining RIA (why the 20th day is worth celebrating? No idea...)
Please feel free to negotiate the price and you can post here or pm in CN:


New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 07:07:52 am »
Quote from: hanchiang
Aww I don't know how to make a siggy =(
I left one tech trade slot, and needa wait 10days omg. If I keep buying infra wouldn't I go bankrupt?
EDIT: Is my avatar kewl?

The RIA graphics team makes siggy for members and non members for a fee so you should go check it out and i just realised i too need a siggy since i dont have 1...

New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 04:38:44 am »
Oh since this is a topic for new peeps, i would just like to add that as a new member myself, i actually want to know more about the past of the alliance, like a background topic of who founded RIA, what happened during the past year ... like even the Karma war which i have no idea it is ...

New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 04:16:06 am »
Its fanart and i thinkcctmsp13's avatar does look like fma with the transmutation circle look alike. My first impression is final fastasy or some other gaming characters but im probably wrong.

New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:59:48 am »
Quote from: Thunder Strike
I have no idea what that means.

It's cute, but also looks like a murderer with the blood stained coat.
I can imagine him using his puppy dog eyes to manipulate the nuturing side of women to get close to them, and them BAM! Dead.

Or maybe it is not blood ...

That tells us how YOU use your eyes but i've never interpreted the little guy that way. Anyway fourth hokage is just a manga character and i think the red isnt blood but im not 100% sure.

New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:35:54 am »
Quote from: Thunder Strike
I'm quick. Good luck with the search.

Btw what is the avatar?

Mini 4th Hokage, y?

New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:29:32 am »
That was a fast search but sorry im not really interested in that trade circle because the bonuses im trying to get arn't really those or the other major ones. But thanks for offering and the fast searching. I'm gonna keep trying for sometime since im not in a hurry right now.

New Member Portal / If you are new look here.
« on: June 15, 2009, 03:14:24 am »
Quote from: Thunder Strike
The best way to enjoy CN and enjoy the RIA is to be active on these boards.

So say Hi.

And if I catch any new people reading this topic and not replying I'm gonna kick your ass

Hi ... ?!
Uhh yeh... actually im pretty desperate in trying to find trade partners coz i recently changed into maroon team. I've looked through most trade circles and i sent about 50 messages a day to all the ppl that have the resources i want but still very little replies. If anyone have these resources and have empty slots and dont mind trading with me please pm me.  

Aluminum, Iron, Lumber, Coal
(in an combination is fine)

Thanks in adance.

Pages: 1 2 [3]

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