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Topics - Shadow

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Random lnsanity / Official RIA Chatroom (Discord)
« on: February 16, 2017, 12:16:30 am »
Join via


if your interested in chatting with past and present RIAers.

Discord is an easy to use persistent chat room that maintains history of past conversations and can be run easily within the browser, as a computer app, or on your phone.

Defunct Treaties / Something [Good] Happens (ODP w/ Invicta)
« on: March 26, 2016, 08:04:36 pm »
Announcement: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/128569-something-good-happens/


    Out of the Blue. One thing may or may not happen. But this happened.

    Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Lord Cactuar of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.

    Floridian Council,
    Cactimus Prime dester55
    Gigantuar Leo, I didn't sign off on this!
    Funktuar Mogar, Emperor of the Royal Ariana Grande Empire, Minister of Mogar Affairs, Minister of Attention, CN's Psychologist, Captain Planet Emeritus, Frequent nuclear rogue, First!, Master of Amsging, Banned for your Sins, King of Notaries, Dual Member of The Bear Cavalry whether they want him or not, Defender of all of the cybernations womenz, Abigail is the best Stardew Valley Waifu, still working on coming up with more titles to catch up to Shadow, All Around Nice Guy, Also Hello Electron Sponge.

    KingWilliam, KiWi, the Bird, a Fruit, some guy. You will respect.
    rotty, Man Standing Behind the Bird. Quoted to have said "wait what? We have RIA now?". He did his waiting.
    Thrash, Gives Approval
    Daniel Chrono, Department of Redundancy.
    Lord James, Prince of Thieves and War
    Lord Draculea, Can't even pay Attention
    Killman04, May or may not be spelled with a third L.

    Nascar, may or may not be watching. The man who stands behind the man, who is behind the Bird.

Pact Hall / Probably The Worst Toy Ever (ODP with TBC)
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:47:33 pm »


Once upon a time, Mogar was wandering around IRC looking for people to troll, and since the only active channel left on coldfront was #thebearcavalry, that is where he ended up! After an all nighter involving a lot of Alcohol and Debauchery , the governments of RIA and TBC were seeking to cure their hangovers with the best known remedy, a greasy plate of bacon. While they were chowing down on a heaping pile of delicious bacon while Shurukian ate some Kale, and large servings of Shadow's private reserve, they got to talking and the following agreement was written down on a slightly used napkin.
Article I: We should probably not kill one another
We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
Dalai Lama
In that spirit RIA and TBC agree to a peaceful coexistence as friends and allies.
Article II: Something about information and !@#$
If either signatory catches wind of intelligence that affects the other signatory, they should share it over some steak and cold glass of whiskey.
Article III: I don't know what to call this Clause
While bears are awesome and cacti a prize to behold, it should be noted by any would be aggressors that an attack on one may be seen as an attack on the other. In that case either alliance is encouraged to come to the defense, whether financially or military of the other. Unless said attack occurs to Keres, Shurukian, or Kaitlink, in which case Mogar's gonna nuke whoever does to hell.
D: Florida: Development Clause
In 30 days RIA and TBC will review this treaty and decide to either upgrade or cancel this treaty!
Article V: "Becoming Vegetarian".
Should either side get swayed by Shurukian's hippy girlfriend ways and won't let them eat meat they are required to give 73.5 hours notice to the other party.

The Triumvirate of The Bear Cavalry,
VanHooIII, Mike D
Gibsonator21, MCA
Shurukian, Ad-Rock

The Random Insanity Alliance,
Lord Cactuar:
Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Lord Cactuar of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.

Floridian Council,
Cactimus Prime dester55
Gigantuar Leo, Hello Liz
Funktuar Mogar, Emperor of the Royal Ariana Grande Empire, Minister of Mogar Affairs, Minister of Attention, CN's Psychologist, Captain Planet Emeritus, Frequent nuclear rogue, First!, Master of Amsging, Banned for your Sins, King of Notaries, Dual Member of The Bear C[font='Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]avalry whether they want him or not, Defender of all of the cybernations females, still working on[/font] coming up with more titles to catch up to Shadow, All Around Nice Guy, Also Hello Electron Sponge.[/i]

Note: credit to Hereno for TBC's flag, and Shuru for that glorious first picture

Official Documents / ConstRItution, Fourth iteration
« on: February 12, 2016, 10:45:15 pm »
Officially adopted October 2015 per the guidelines laid forth for amending the Third ConstRItution.

Fourth ConstRItution of the Random Insanity Alliance
The Random Insanity Alliance affirms its belief in the ideals of whatever it chooses to believe. In order to safeguard these ideals, its members, and the RIA way of life, the alliance hereby adopts the following Constitution and places its support behind the governing body outlined therein.

Article I

Section 1
The Random Insanity Alliance is, first and foremost, an alliance of Maroon nations. It is highly encouraged that all nations seeking haven within the alliance belong to the Maroon sphere.

Sub-section i
Hopeful members may not be rejected solely on the basis of color.

Sub-section ii
Members of the alliance may not be ejected from the alliance solely on the basis of color.

Section 2
No nation wishing to be a member of the alliance may be member of another alliance. Membership status within another alliance is grounds for immediate rejection of a membership application

Sub-section i
Any nation found to be seeking acceptance into the alliance with the intent of collecting intelligence for another alliance will be subject to immediate punishment as per Article V, Section 2, Sub-Section ii.

Section 3
The alliance represents a unique community that is both higher than its existence as a group of nations and separate from whence it came. As such, measures must be in place to protect this community from death. To further this end, nothing in this Section may be amended at a future time, and this Section must be included in its entirety on any future governmental plans used by the alliance.

Sub-Section i
The alliance may not disband for any reason without first calling a membership vote of indefinite length and receiving a vote in favor from at least eighty percent of the alliance membership.

Sub-Section ii
The alliance may not allow itself to be assimilated into another alliance for any reason without first calling a membership vote of indefinite length and receiving a vote in favor from at least eighty percent of the alliance membership.

Sub-Section iii
The alliance will always remain primarily an entity built from nations residing within the Maroon sphere. The Maroon majority must be maintained by any means which do not conflict with the rest of this document.

Article II

Section 1
The government of the alliance is a hierarchical body made up of three bodies of service: The Lord Cactuar, the Floridian Council, and the Floridian Elders.

Section 2
The first governmental body of the alliance is the Lord/Lady Cactuar. The Lord Cactuar act to maintain alliance continuity and serve as a balancing force for the Floridian Council, as well as establishing and maintaining long term projects for the benefit of the alliance. The Lord Cactuar is also responsible for the maintenance of the election board for Council elections, including the creation of nomination topics, election polls, and updating the public and private election results topics for all Council Elections.

Sub-section i
The Lord/Lady Cactuar serves until his/her resignation.

Sub-section ii
In order to hold the office of Lord Cactuar, a candidate must meet the following requirements. The candidate must be a member of the alliance. The nation of the candidate must be Maroon. The candidate must have been a member of the alliance for a total of a year, including the six consecutive months preceding the election period. A candidate may run with only one consecutive month if said candidate receives a special dispensation allowing it signed by the entirety of the Floridian Council.

Sub-section iii
In non-specific decisions, the Lord Cactuar has seniority over a member of the Floridian Council and has the authority to overrule any decisions made. In regard to area specific decision making, a Council member has seniority over the Lord Cactuar in decisions pertaining to the area over which the Council member has authority. The Lord Cactuar may delay the enactment of a decision by a Council member in such a case for a period of up to seventy-two hours. Another Council member may join the Lord Cactuar to overrule a Council member in area specific decisions.

sub-section iv
Shadow will be the first Lord Cactuar.

Section 3
The main governing body of the alliance is the Floridian Council. The Council is made up of the Heads of the Three Main Departments of the alliance: Diplomacy, Defense, and Internal Affairs. The term of each Council member lasts three months beginning on the 1st of the month. All Council members have seniority in their specified area. Only a joint decision by the other two Council members or a Council member and the Lord Cactuar can overrule a decision made by a Council member in said area.

Sub-section i
In order to run for a Council position, a candidate must be a member of the alliance and have held membership status for a total of at least three months. The nation of the candidate must be Maroon.

Sub-section ii
Council elections will be held at the end of each third month. A three day nomination period will take place from the 21st through the 23rd followed by three days elections from the 24th through the 26th. In the event of a tie, a follow up elections can take place on the 27th and 28th between the contested candidates.

Sub-section iii
Council members are expected, but not required, to create subordinate positions under their respective jurisdictions, in order to facilitate the completion of the tasks for which they are responsible.

Sub-section iv
The Funktuar leads the diplomatic corps of the alliance. This office is entrusted with the task of maintaining a favorable relationship with as many foreign powers as possible and ensuring the continued safety of the alliance through the procurement of allies and the cessation of hostilities, both military and peaceful, with belligerent entities. The Funktuar is responsible for the creation of embassies on the forum, the masking of diplomats from other alliances, and the assigning and directing diplomats to other alliances to initiate, maintain, and improve relations with them.

Sub-section v
The Cactimus Prime determines and directs all military action in the alliance. All things relating to the organization of the military, research into the art of war, and passive intelligence gathering and analysis as it relates to war are directed by the Cactimus Prime. The Cactimus Prime is also fully bound to the laws within The Military Charter, which further determines the Cactimus Prime jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to war, peace, and military organization.

Sub-section vi
The Gigantuar is responsible for the maintenance and dissemination of information throughout the alliance. The Gigantuar is responsible for the maintenance of the election board for Lord Cactuar elections, including the creation of nomination topics, election polls, and updating the public and private election results topics for Lord/Lady Cactuar elections. The Gigantuar is responsible for updating and verifying a member's official RIA accolades when requested. He/she also directs the alliance's efforts to obtain new member nations via authorizing and directing all recruitment programs as he/she sees fit, approving the admittance of new members, and masking them. The  Gigantuar is also charged with assisting RI5 with the economic affairs of the alliance.

Sub-section vi
The Captain Planet is responsible for getting population down to zero. The requirements outlined in sub-section i do not apply to the Captain Planet.

subsection vii
The First Council elections shall begin immediately after the enactment of this ConstRItution. Their term will last the remainder of the current month plus the following three months.

Section 4

The final governing body of the alliance is the Floridian Elders. The elders are made up of former government members who served the alliance for long periods of time.

Sub-section i
Any previous Leader or Triumvir of the alliance as well as any Cabinet member who served for more then 6 months is automatically considered an elder.

Sub-section ii
The Lord Cactuar and any Council members who serves for more then 6 months will automatically be considered an elder.

Sub-section iii
Elders hold no real power but retain access to all government communications and act as advisers to existing government members.

Sub-section iv
Members who qualify for being an Elder but have taken leave from the alliance before returning do not automatically become Elders but must petition the government and gain unanimous approval from the Lord Cactuar and Council to become one.

Sub-section v
An elder may be removed from the position at the agreement of 3/4 of the Lord Cactuar and Council.

Sub-section vi
Former Leaders, Triumvirs, and Lord Cactuar Elders are known as Cactus Emeritus. Former Cabinet and Council member Elders and known as Floridian Elders.

Article III

Section 1
For the continued protection of the alliance, the weeding out of the grossly incompetent and/or actively destructive members of government may be required outside of normal election processes. This should only be used in cases where the person's position in the government poses an immediate risk to the well-being of the alliance. 

Section 2
The Lord Cactuar serves for an indefinite term. As such, it is necessary for there to exist a number of checks against abuse of power.

Sub-Section i
The Floridian Council may, at any time, unanimously call for an election for the position. The incumbent Lord/Lady Cactuar may take part in any such election to retain their position. A seventy-two hour nomination period will be held after which time elections will run for another seventy-two hours. The Council may not call for an election for the same incumbent if they had previously called for one within the past 60 days.

Sub-Section ii
Any member may also propose a recall election be held in a poll. Such an election would occur if the poll passes with a total of two-thirds after remaining open for three days. After which a seventy-two hour nomination period will be held after which time elections will run for another seventy-two hours. The incumbent Lord/Lady Cactuar may take part in any such election to retain their position. Members may not call for a recall election for the same incumbent if one has previously been held within the past 60 days.

Section 3

Sub-Section i
Any member may also propose a recall election be held in a poll for a Council member. Such an election would occur if the poll passes with a total of two-thirds after remaining open for three days. After which a seventy-two hour nomination period will be held after which time elections will run for another seventy-two hours. The incumbent Council member may take part in any such election to retain their position. Members may not call for a recall election if a recall election for the incumbent has previously been held within the past 60 days.

Sub-Section ii
A Council member may be removed from office by an agreement of the Lord Cactuar and the other two Councilman.

Section 4
In the event that any Council positions are vacant for any reason, the Lord Cactuar will nominate a member to take over the position for the duration of the current term. The remaining Council members will vote on accepting the member into the position, with a unanimous vote needed for it to pass else early elections will be called for the position.

Article IV

Section 1
Treaties are the physical representations of the bonds between alliances and are essential for the continued well-being of any political entity.

Section 2
Passive treaties refer to any treaty which does not necessitate action being taken on the part of one of the signatories. This includes any treaties of non-aggression.

Sub-Section i
Passive treaties require the assent of the Lord Cactuar.

Section 3
Active treaties refer to any treaty requiring some form of non-military action to be taken by one or more of the signatories. This includes any treaties involving shared intelligence, aid, or senatorial votes.

Sub-Section i
Active treaties require the assent of the Lord Cactuar and at least one Council member.

Section 4
Defensive treaties refer to any treaty in which a signatory is required to provide military assistance to the other signatory in the event a war is initiated by a third party. This includes mutual defense pacts and protectorate agreements.

Sub-Section i
Defensive treaties require the assent of the Lord Cactuar and at least two Council members.

Section 5
Military treaties refer to any treaty in which military assistance must be provided in the event of a signatory becoming involved in a war. This includes all mutual aggression and defense pacts.

Sub-Section i
Military treaties require the unanimous agreement of the Lord Cactuar and all Council members.

Section 6
Military blocs refer to any organizations involving three or more signatories which require military assistance and which have some established form of higher organization.

Sub-Section i
Military blocs require the unanimous agreement of the Lord Cactuar and all Council members as well as a majority vote from the general membership lasting for a period of seventy-two hours.

Section 7
All cancellations clauses may be activated according to the same guidelines the treaty in question was signed by.

Article V

Section 1
The alliance must set for a core of unbreakable rules for its continued existence. It must also have a procedure whereby it can justly enforce these laws.

Section 2
Espionage is not to be tolerated in any form whether it be perpetrated against the alliance or by a member of the alliance against another entity.
Sub-Section i
Valid evidence of espionage is considered to be any of the following totaling at least 15 points:
Recorded confession (10)
Matched forum IPs (5)
Revelation of screenshots (5)
Relevant logs (5)
Sub-Section ii
Should the evidence prove substantial and a verdict of guilty be returned, the Lord Cactuar or a majority of the Council may enact any punishments including but not limited to removal from the alliance along with military or economic action.

Article VI

Section 1
No plan of government can conceive of all possible situations, nor can it hope to properly reflect all future attitudes of those it attempts to govern. As such, a provision must be in place to amend the ConstRItution to suit the present needs of the alliance.

Section 2
All amendments must follow a set procedure of proposal, editing, and addition in order to maintain the integrity of this document.

Sub-Section i
Any member who wishes to propose an amendment must first write out the proposed amendment in full before seeking the sponsorship of the Lord Cactuar or a Council member. The Lord Cactuar or Council member in question will then propose it to the remainder of the government which may then edit or vote upon the amendment.

Sub-Section ii
Once an amendment receives majority approval from at least 3/4 of the Lord Cactuar and Council members it passes on to be voted upon by the general membership.

Sub-Section iii
A proposed amendment will be given a vote lasting seventy-two hours after which it must have a majority approval. If it does not, it may be passed back to the Lord Cactuar and Council for further review. If the amendment passes, it can be inserted directly into this document.

Article VII

Section 1
The primary means of conflict resolution of the Random Insanity Alliance is diplomacy.  All diplomatic avenues towards resolving issues to our satisfaction should be thoroughly exhausted prior to seeking a military solution.
Sub-Section i
Attacks on RIA nations will not be tolerated.  Any nation attacking an RIA nation is to be neutralized at the discretion of the RIA military with extreme prejudice.

Sub-Section ii
In the event that an alliance has committed egregious acts of war that cannot be resolved to the RIA's satisfaction through diplomacy, The Lord Cactuar or a majority of the Council may call for war to be declared upon the offending alliance.  In order to declare war, the Lord Cactuar and a majority of the Council must be in favor, followed by a 24 hour member vote that must have 3/4 in favor of authorizing war.  Should both of these conditions be met, war is authorized and may be declared at the discretion of RIA government.

Section 2
Mandatory defense or aggression treaties are mandatory agreements that RIA has agreed to honor.  Only in extreme circumstances should mandatory treaties be knowingly violated.

Sub-Section i
Binding defense or aggression commitments are automatically honored, except in circumstances outlined in sub-sections ii,  iv and v

Sub-Section ii
If a mandatory defense or aggression obligation is non-chaining, and this obligation is activated due to an ally honoring one of their treaties with a third party, the obligation is considered optional and follows sub-section iii.

Sub-Section iii
Optional defense or aggression treaties are encouraged to be honored, and as such, activating an optional defense or aggression treaty requires the assent of the Lord Cactuar and two Council members.

Sub-Section iv
In the event of extreme circumstances, government may enact extraordinary measures requiring an unanimous agreement by the Lord Cactuar and Council to disregard a binding commitment, though this action should only ever be used in extraordinary and unforseen circumstances and this sub-section should ideally never be used. Such a decision will also immediately cause an election to occur for the Lord Cactuar and early election for all Council members.

Sub-Section v
A mutual defense or aggression clause in one treaty does not override a non-aggression or defense clause in a second treaty.  In situations where treaty obligations require the violation of another treaty, this obligation cannot be honored in this specific circumstance.  This does not void the obligation of defense or aggression against other third parties, however.

Random lnsanity / Jessica Jones
« on: November 14, 2015, 11:37:37 pm »
New Marvel TV show which comes out this Friday on Netflix. Everything I've seen and heard from it makes it seem like it'll be good.


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWHUjuJ8zxE" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWHUjuJ8zxE</a>

Random lnsanity / Flash vs. Zoom
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:16:43 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq3Wmyy8pPw" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq3Wmyy8pPw</a>

Battle showing the beast that is Zoom on the latest Flash episode. Quite epic. >_>

Random lnsanity / Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer #3
« on: October 19, 2015, 09:36:34 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGbxmsDFVnE" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGbxmsDFVnE</a>

So epic. So much hype.

Random lnsanity / Ant-man
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:08:08 pm »
Its a pretty fun movie. Its like a superhero heist movie. Has some good characters, comedy, and visuals.

Also it has a mid and post credit scene. First scene hints for next Ant-man, second one hints towards Captain America: Civil War.

Random lnsanity / Marvel's Daredevil
« on: April 11, 2015, 08:38:20 pm »
Came out yesterday on Netflix. 1st season w/ 13 episodes.

I've watched the first 2 so far and its been great.

I recommend checking it out.

Random lnsanity / Disney's Bambi (SNL)
« on: March 29, 2015, 08:13:49 pm »
<a href="http://youtu.be/uFJz2IMUeDE" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/uFJz2IMUeDE</a>


Random lnsanity / Florida Man and Woman Strike Again!
« on: February 09, 2015, 06:50:24 pm »
"Florida Man Puts ‘Drug Dealer’ Down For Occuption On His Own Arrest Report"

"Florida woman doesn't know she's pregnant, delivers 14.1 pound baby"


Random lnsanity / Marvel's Daredevil teaser trailer
« on: February 04, 2015, 06:02:02 pm »
Marvel's Daredevil - Teaser Trailer

Looks pretty epic. We'll get to watch it all at once too since its a Netflix show.

Defunct Treaties / Muchos Locos Pacto (ProtectoRIte with LPH)
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:11:11 pm »


Mucho Locos Pacto

Prueba I: Preámbulo

The Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia (hereby referred to as AAD) and Los Pollos Hermanos (hereby referred to as LPH) hereby agree to the following protectoRIte pact, in the interest of growth and fostering a friendship between the two entities.

Prueba II: Locura

As long as this agreement is in effect, the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia will provide complete protection from aggression to Los Pollos Hermanos. If Los Pollos Hermanos specifically requests the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia refrain from intervening, the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia will abide by Los Pollos Hermanos' wishes. Should the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia become involved in a conflict, Los Pollos Hermanos is not under obligation to become involved, but are encouraged to assist however they feel they can.

Prueba III: Inteligencia

Los Pollos Hermanos agrees to keep the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia updated with their current & future intentions. More specifically they agree to notify the Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia of any agreements or wars they plan to partake in at least 72 hours ahead of time.

Prueba IV: Florida

Viva La Florida!

Prueba V: Burritos

The treaty will remain in place for as long as deemed necessary. Either party may cancel this treaty when they wish, but must notify the other signatory 48 hours prior to publicly announcing the cancellation. During those 48 hours, the treaty is still considered in effect. Upon the public posting of dissolution, the treaty is void. This obligation may be waived at the agreement of both parties or if Prueba III is broken.

Prueba VI: Signatários

Para el Alianza de Aleatorio Demencia,
~ Shadow, Por la Gracia de Cactuar, Su Excelencia Gloriosa El Santísimo, Bendito, y el Venerable Triunviro de Eterno of Aleatorio Demencia y los Dominios y Territorios que le Pertenecen, Capitán Planeta Emérito, Sumo Pontífice de los Santos Reinos del Cactuar, Defensor de la Fe, Guardián del Funk, Gran Maestre de la Orden Militar Más Noble Soberano de Cactimus Prime, Comandante Central del Clan Nintuar, Líder y Guía de la Rivolucion, The Ultimate de Forma de vida, Místico Dragón Emperador de los Cheeselands, Archiduque de Trastorno, Cacique de la Locura, Titiritero del Caos, etc.
~ Ogaden, El Mucho Buzzkillo, Triunviro, Cubierto de Salsa Barbacoa
~ im317, Triunviro, Anterior Anciano de PotD, Enemigo de Ortografía, Secreto un Perro
~ dester55, yo no hablo español
~ biofantic, Jefe de Operaciones Militares, Campeón del Pueblo
~ Croix, JdAI (Jefe de Asuntos Internos)
~ Moth, el Dio Grande
~ Jenne, El Jefe, Asesino de DBDC, Quiero cagar en su sombrero
~ cctmsp13, Virrey, Supremo de Economía

Para el Los Pollos Hermanos,
~ Rey the Great, Gus

insanity and tacos

Random lnsanity / 2014 Steam Holiday Sale
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:46:27 pm »

So it begins!

day 1:




Random lnsanity / Shadow's Winter Steam Game Giveaway 2.0
« on: December 08, 2014, 10:30:14 pm »
Basically I still have a crapload of steam keys from buying Humble Bundles in the past so I'll do another giveway. Creating a new topic to more easily keep track of things. >_>

Feel free to claim up to 3 games per week if your an RIAer, 2 if your an ally, and 1 if your a non-ally.

Up for grabs:

- AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome (2 copies)
- Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2 copies)
- Anodyne
- Anomaly 2
- ArcaniA
- Bad Hotel
- The Bard's Tale
- The Bard's Tale (2nd copy)  (key should hopefully still be good)
- BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
- Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
- Blackwell 1: Legacy
- Blackwell 2: Unbound
- Blackwell 3: Convergence
- Closure
- Darkout
- Darksiders
- Darksiders II
- Deadly 30
- Defense Grid Gold
- Dungeon Defenders
- Electronic Super Joy (+ Bonus Content Pack) -
- Fractal: Make Bloom Not War
- Frozen Synapse
- Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD
- Gemini Rue
- Hero Academy
- Jack Lumber
- Jazzpunk
- KickBeat Steam Edition
- Lifeless Planet
- Little Inferno (2 copies)
- LIMBO (key should hopefully still be good)
- Mark of the Ninja (key should hopefully still be good)
- MX vs ATV Reflex
- Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
- Natural Selection 2
- Nightsky
- Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack (3 copies)
- Organ Trail: Director's Cut
- Race the Sun
- Red Faction: Armageddon
- Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
- Serious Sam Double D
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
- Serious Sam 2
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Solar 2
- Stacking
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
- Supreme Commander Gold Edition
- Teleglitch: Die More Edition
- The Showdown Effect (key should hopefully be still good)
- Thomas Was Alone
- Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
- World of Goo
- Ys Origin
- Zeno Clash

Also up for grabs from cctmsp13:
- Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West
- Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
- March of the Eagles
- One Way Heroics
- PixelJunk Shooter
- Unholy Heights
- Viking: Battle for Asgard
- War of the Roses: Kingmaker (*2)

Also up for grabs for Princess Celly:
- Bastion

From biofantic:
-Supreme Commander 2
-Murdered: Soul Suspect


- AI War (Fleet Command, Children of Neinzul, Light of the Spire & The Zenith Remnant) (biofantic)
- AudioSurf  (Princess Celly)
- Crusader Kings II (Mogar)
- Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten (Snowbound Milk)
- Faerie Solitaire (Purplethemoon)
- Fez (Jake from State Farm aka Llamavore)
- Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition (Gangs)
- Jamestown (Croix)
- King Arthur's Gold (1st copy) (Snowbound Milk)
- King Arthur's Gold (2nd copy) (Jake from State Farm aka Llamavore)
- King Arthur's Gold (3rd copy) (Princess Celly)
- Legend of Grimrock (Snowbound Milk)
- Long Live The Queen (Mogar)
- Offspring Fling (Croix)
- One Way Heroics (Croix)
- Really Big Sky (BEEFYpWnGe)
- Risk of Rain (Princess Celly)
- Spec Ops: The Line (UndiscoveredBum)
- Strike Suit Infinity (Croix)
- Syder Arcade (Jake from State Farm aka Llamavore)
- Surgeon Simulator 2013 (BEEFYpWnGe)
- Terraria (biofantic)

Claimed from cct:

Ys Origin (Gangs)
Sonic Generations (Croix)

Random lnsanity / Seals discovered having sex with penguins
« on: November 17, 2014, 08:19:27 pm »

I figured this was important news that needed to be shared.


Random lnsanity / The Dog Car
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:04:55 am »

Very useful for herding sheep.


Random lnsanity / Interstellar
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:17:00 am »
An absolutely amazing science fiction movie.

It premiered tonight and I saw it in IMAX. Amazing visuals and story. A bit slow towards the beginning and a few silly parts but overall was great.

Random lnsanity / Too Many Cooks
« on: November 06, 2014, 11:52:05 pm »
Infomercials - Too Many Cooks [adult swim]

Pure Random Insanity. Watch it. <_<

Apparently it aired randomly at 4:00 AM on Adult Swim between infomercials earlier this week and was not listed on cable guides or anywhere else.

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