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Messages - DrunkWino

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 36
Random lnsanity / Pwn1ng some 13 year old faggot.
« on: July 08, 2009, 04:09:02 pm »
Quote from: llamavore
there'd be no one to play WoW

You make that sound like a bad thing.

Quote from: C-zom
Run windows update and have to scan for all hardware. But seriously if you reformatted without locating your restore discs first, you're boned.

I wouldn't go that far, but it *will* severely hurt your restoration attempts. I'd tear your place apart looking for those restoration disks, but if you can't find them and Windows Update falls you, you might very well have to suck it up and get in touch with tech support or even bring it to a shop. :/

Quote from: Lord Doom
the government always wants to control us!

Random lnsanity / I hate the Westboro Baptist Church
« on: July 02, 2009, 01:01:39 pm »
Quote from: llamavore
TLDR: they don't know shit about their own religion.

You could have just left it at they don't know shit. I'll gladly ship tons of Kool-Aid mix to them if they use to make themselves some Jim Jones punch.

Random lnsanity / Game recommendations
« on: July 01, 2009, 10:15:57 am »
Fallout 3. The story is kinda short and it's more like The Elder Scrolls than the first two Fallout's, but it's fun. I'd say go back in time and grab Age of Empires 2, but it doesn't run well in Vista from what I hear. AoE 3 might be an option, but I've never played it.
Here's an idea if you don't mind taking a more roundabout approach.

Go check out Windows 7. I'm usually not a fan of Windows but I've heard good things about it. It's in developmental release right now, which means you can download and run it, kinda like an open beta test.

Random lnsanity / Sir Michael Jackson has ceased bodily functions.
« on: June 29, 2009, 01:06:22 pm »
Quote from: llamavore
Quote from: DrunkWino
/and LMFAO at the "he didn't get convicted = he didn't do it," argument. Yeah dude, that's why he paid off like a half dozen other families. The ones that took him to court just got greedy.
but, your perspective is proof that people aren't convinced by what an official ruling finds and therefore proof that being found innocent in court isn't as important as making people shut the hell up, whether you're innocent or not. unless your life doesn't depend on public opinion. he was such an easy target for that sort of thing, it's pretty much impossible to know what really happened.

Know beyond a shadow of a doubt? You're right, that's not possible unless I was there and saw it. Now we move into the world of "knowing behind any reasonable doubt." Less stringent than knowing with 100% certainty. Going off that criteria, then I feel comfortable in my thinking that MJ had most likely molested children.

That's the great trick of the court of public opinion after all. We the public are free to form our own opinion, but we have no legal power of enforcing a verdict. Meaning I can very well hold to my opinion of MJ diddling with children, I just couldn't go kidnap him and toss him in a homemade prison for 20 years.

At the end of it, when somebody comes up in a court charged with a crime, they're rolling the dice. If they have a good lawyer and get lucky with a sympathetic jury, they have a good shot at getting off the hook, regardless of whether or not they actually committed the crime they're charged with. More power to 'em being able to work a flawed system. It's still separate from public opinion though, so people will still draw their own conclusions about whether or not somebody did it.

Me, I look at it like this; if I had kids there would have been no way I'd let them hang out with MJ without my direct supervision if I'd let my kids near him at all.

Random lnsanity / Sir Michael Jackson has ceased bodily functions.
« on: June 28, 2009, 09:40:41 am »
Yeah poor MJ. I mean, it wasn't his fault one of the first songs he heard was "Jesus Loves the Little Children," and got the completely wrong idea.

/and LMFAO at the "he didn't get convicted = he didn't do it," argument. Yeah dude, that's why he paid off like a half dozen other families. The ones that took him to court just got greedy.

//in fairness, I liked Beat It as a kid and Thriller still is a bad ass album, even for tonic.

« on: June 16, 2009, 10:07:31 am »
Quote from: DollaChoppa

You know what I'm gonna do
Im gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible
Hot pink, with whale skin hubcaps
And all leather cow interior
And make brown baby seal eyes for head lights (yeah)
And I'm gonna drive in that baby at 115 miles per hour
Gettin' 1 mile per gallon,
Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds
In the old fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers
And when 'Im done sucking down those greeseball burgers
I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag
And then I'm gonna toss the styrofoam containers right out the side
And there aint a goddamn thing anybody can do about it

You know why, because weve got the bombs, thats why
2 words, nuclear fucking weapons, OK?
Russia, Germany, Romania, they can have all the democracy they want
They can have a big democracy cakewalk
Right through the middle of Tiananmen  Square
and it wont make a lick of difference
Because weve got the bombs, OK?

John Wayne's not dead, hes frozen, and as
soon as we find a cure for cancer
We're gonna thaw out the duke and hes gonna be pretty pissed off
You know why,
Have you ever taken a cold shower, well multiply that by 15 million times
That's how pissed off the dukes gonna be!
I'm gonna get the Duke, and John Cassavetes,
and Lee Marvin, and Sam Peckinpah, and a case of whiskey,
and drive down to Texas and say.....

(Hey! You know, you really are an asshole!)
Why don't you just shut up and sing the song, pal?

Im an asshole (hes an asshole)
Im an asshole (hes the worlds biggest asshole)


I'm an asshole and I'm proud of it  

Random lnsanity / Who's more evil?
« on: June 15, 2009, 02:05:18 pm »
I give Uncle Joe the edge cause Hitler was batshit insane with rage.

I'm sure that makes no sense in and of itself, so here's the slightly longer version:

Everything Hitler did post WWI was fueled by his own rage at having lost that war. His mind snapped and with his gift at speaking was able to whip up enough support in Germany, who's people we're in bad shape already due to the Treaty of Versailles, that people got behind him. Then, predictably, after gaining power his rage led to all of his atrocities. Through it all, even though his rage blinded him, he honestly did want what was best for Germany.

Uncle Joe on the other hand, that motherfucker was just ruthless. That dude just wanted his way, and killed anyone that disagreed or told him what he wanted was against the laws of physics. He wasn't fueled by rage, only his paranoia. I honestly don't think he gave a shit about Russia, the USSR, communism, or any living thing on the planet. He just wanted power.

Hitler always struck me as a deranged rabid animal while Stalin gives me the impression of evil with a face.

Random lnsanity / New to the internet
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:57:08 am »
Quote from: Leo
Quote from: DrunkWino
Remember this rule:

What has been seen can never be unseen.
DW, I am fighting as much as I can to control myself right now. Please tell me it is okay to introduce this playa' to the world I call close-your-eyes-and-hope-it's-a-bad-dream?

Break him in gently.

Random lnsanity / New to the internet
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:31:48 am »
Remember this rule:

What has been seen can never be unseen.

Random lnsanity / SPAM Battle Royal
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:29:43 am »
Quote from: KingRanter
What do you find obnoxious?
Basically, typing the same word a bizzilion times. In fact, one word spam is kinda obnoxious in general. It's supposed to be a championship fight. Quality should count as half the score.

Quote from: Electric Mango
I think we should all play in the spirit of the contest.  No cheats, just try to be funny.  That's why I asked DrunkWino to ref.  I'm sure we can all trust his judgement.

The impartiality of the Jedi and all.

Random lnsanity / SPAM Battle Royal
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:37:05 am »
Quote from: KingRanter
So, question for Wino, what kind of spam is winning spam?

Winning spam is spam I don't find obnoxious.

Random lnsanity / Ask C-zom anything
« on: June 11, 2009, 01:11:33 pm »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/vdZYvPZhT1c&&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

This song?


Random lnsanity / Restart Newsletter
« on: June 10, 2009, 05:06:04 pm »
you may have gotten more than your fair share of trolling, but it always amused me.

Random lnsanity / SPAM Battle Royal
« on: June 10, 2009, 12:32:36 pm »

I dunno. Nobody said shit about rules.

Random lnsanity / SPAM Battle Royal
« on: June 08, 2009, 05:42:46 pm »
Alrighty then, so far we've got:

Mango - IRON's ironman of porn and spam
King Ranter - Dude who doesn't need a stinkin' nation

Ambassador Sign-Ups / The Jedi Order
« on: June 07, 2009, 11:24:46 pm »
...There is no emotion, there is peace...There is no emotion, there is peace...There is no emotion, there is peace...

Ambassador Sign-Ups / The Jedi Order
« on: June 07, 2009, 10:08:10 pm »
Hello my lovelies. Can I haz embassy?

Your Nation's Ruler: King DrunkWino
Your Alliance: The Jedi Order
Your Alliance's Initials: TJO or Jedi (which looks better)
Your Alliance's primary team color: Green
URL to your alliance's forum: http://www.cn-jedi.com/forums/index.php?act=idx

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