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Random lnsanity / New Browser based Game
« on: August 25, 2007, 11:52:40 pm »
This is a browser based game, not totally finished yet.


Register then click World Map. Create your kingdom there.

Our Alliance is called: The Empire



From there, you'll have additional information

Random lnsanity / I'm in bill lock. :C Oh and I anarchied bioakky.
« on: August 04, 2007, 01:04:42 pm »
I can't do anything. No aircraft attacks, no infra, Can't buy soldiers or land.


Wheat and what else?

Random lnsanity / Armageddon Files
« on: July 30, 2007, 03:06:29 am »
Nation Name: Armageddon  
Last Activity: 7/29/2007 2:14:56 PM (1 Days Inactive)  
Alliance Affiliation: Random Insanity alliance    
Alliance Rank: Ranked #75 of 208 alliance nations      
Government Type: Democracy- Your people are happy with this government type.  
National Religion:Voodoo-Your people are happy with this government type.    
Currency Type: Pound  
Nation Team:  - Maroon
Nation Created: 3/4/2007 12:41:58 PM (148 days old)
Technology:  103.49  
Literacy Rate:  61.53%  
Infrastructure: 999.99
Tax Rate: 28%  (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)  
Area of Influence: 422.087 mile diameter.
347.852 from purchases/sales/gains, 74.235 from natural growth.  
 My Resources:  Iron and  Pigs.
Connected Resources:  Lumber Wheat Coal Pigs Iron Oil Fish Gems Marble water  
Bonus Resources:   Stee;
Improvements: Banks: 2, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1,  
National Wonders:  No national wonders.  
Environment:  5.00  
Military Information
Nation Rank: Ranked #10,164 of 35,586 Nations (28.6%)  
Nation Strength: 6,312.334  
Efficiency: 42.65  
DEFCON Level:  
Number of Soldiers: 6,428  
Deployed Soldiers: 0  
Defending Soldiers: 6,428  
 Number of Tanks: 0  
Deployed Tanks: 0  
Defending Tanks: 0  
Aircraft: 13  
Number of Cruise Missiles: 0  
Number of Nuclear Weapons: 0  
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 11,190 Attacking + 3,794 Defending = 14,984 Casualties  
toniculation Information
Total toniculation: 15,716 Supporters  
Primary Ethnic Group: Greek
toniculation Happiness:  19.57  
toniculation Per Mile: 37.23 toniculation Per Mile.  
Military Personnel: 6,428 Soldiers  
Citizens: 9,288 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day: $90.61  (A strong economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day $25.37
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes) $65.24
Government Financial
Purchase Transactions 356 transactions  
Total Income Taxes Collected: $16,470,283.80  
Total Expenses Over Time: $15,857,080.27  
Bills Paid:  $8,126,003.64
Purchases Over Time: $7,731,076.63
Current Pounds Available: $613,203.53   (Surplus)  
Open AID slots:5(All)
Open War Slots: 6(All)
Open Trade Slots:0
How much I make per day before bills as of 7/30/07: 235,636.56 Pounds
How much I make after bills as of 7/30/07: 128,555.44 Pounds

Notes: at the infra jump and saving. I need Rubber and aluminum for the following. Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles, and Beer. As soon as I get over the limit, I'll start to build up my airforce. I don't make as much, because I need one last trade.

Random lnsanity / New avatar thread
« on: July 30, 2007, 12:40:45 am »
Yes, this deserved a topic.

Random lnsanity / *Dances*
« on: July 29, 2007, 02:25:36 pm »
I'm only one trade away from Construction, Aspalt, Beer, and automobiles. WEEE!                  \

1. We coup MK and attack GUARD
2. We pilot MK at the defeated GUARD's helm
3. we declare on MCXA
4. GOONS merges with us.
5. Together, we attack the NPO
6.  We unite WUT into a super alliance
7. We declare a Nuclear policy that says we can nuke whoever the hell we want
8. We nuke and defeat GATO
9. Following GATO's defeat, we attack the last threat, Admin.
10. With hackers we have aquired from 4chan, we take admin out of peace mode.
11. We bring Admin to his knees
12. We get admin to give us administrative powers
13. We Ban Admin and the moderation staff.
14. We unite CN into a Super MK
15. MK attacks and destroys LW. who combines with us
16. We declare war on gfaqs.
17. After making a super bloc of Gfaqs, LW,and CN We declare on 4chan.
18. Then we absorb them.
19. Invade Microsoft
20. Then we rename Internet Explorer MKnet Explorer
21. Rename Firefox Mkfox
22. Destroy all uprisings.
23. Complete.

ATTN Spaiz. This isn't serious. Don't attack RIA or MK. I got bored.

Random lnsanity / Video Game Trivia
« on: July 23, 2007, 04:45:28 pm »
The one who gets the most right, will be declared king of Video game trivia, and a userbar proclaiming it.

Q1. What is the name of the head villiain in the Banjo Kazooie series?

Random lnsanity / ITT, we give ourselves titles
« on: July 23, 2007, 03:02:23 am »

Random lnsanity / Embed videos topic.
« on: July 11, 2007, 05:09:25 pm »
[embed src=\"http://youtube.com/v/ZvQQLL0RHGQ.swf {1000,1000}" \" /]

[embed src=\"http://youtube.com/v/ZajUzLY--iQ&mode=related&search=.swf {1000,1000}" \" /]

Random lnsanity / ATTN Castille and Remington.
« on: July 11, 2007, 04:53:09 pm »
I think I speak for everyone when I say "Spell out your words." Every time someone says u, God kills a baby. This is not AIM.  No one benefits from you not spelling. I spent like a half an hour translating your leet-speek. I had to change to korean, then Arabic, then norse, then braille.

Random lnsanity / Huggles Topic
« on: July 10, 2007, 05:27:49 pm »
A huggle is a mix between a hug and a snuggle. Huggles improve your mood. Post here if you need a huggle, because you had a bad day, because you're angry, or because huggles are made of win.

Futhermore, STA has MDPs with the Orders. How very interesting. They were founded around the same time as the RIA was. Futhermore, Their chancellor, is the very same Tygaland, who was formerly emperor of the NpO and Kicked off GWI.

Anything new in the RIA, aside from the Treaty with GATO, and Cynic burritos? Anything non-Confidential?

The only things that are keeping me from rejoining the placing guesses when I get back. You Jackasses.

Random lnsanity / ATTN Drumline.
« on: July 06, 2007, 01:28:27 pm »
I have been in, and currently in one. What instrument do you play?

I play Marching Bass.

I'm gonna buy tech.

Random lnsanity / So i got suspended from Gamefaqs... AGAIN.
« on: July 02, 2007, 06:23:45 pm »
Some CEman posted a link to some site filled with idiotic chicks, (They thought FOB was metal. Thats how dumb they were. ) They couldn't spell worth a damn. Anyways. I posted in the topic. Five hours later, I'm suspended for thirty days, all my alts are suspended. I can't do anything for 30 days. MY main just got out of purgatory too.

Apparently, Some CEmen posted some Hentai. Dumbass.

Random lnsanity / Yo Flask!
« on: July 01, 2007, 09:09:15 pm »
Isn't your nation name based on some World Power during the 18th century? I remember it from somewhere.

Random lnsanity / NPO disbands
« on: June 30, 2007, 11:00:15 pm »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0.swf{350,425}\" /]

I wanted to improve everyone's mood.Did it work? fark. I can't emb videos. What the hell.

Random lnsanity / What video games are you currently playing, if any?
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:06:42 pm »
I'm playing FF3 for the DS. I highly recommend it.

Lost: +15%,-5.00 event
Lost: +5.00 event
Lost Lumber and marble so I lost construction.
Gained a -3 happiness event

Son of a bitch.

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