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Topics - doeroler

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / Gamers Needed
« on: December 22, 2010, 09:20:55 am »

Hello, do you like to play video games? PC xbox ps3 FPS Sports any kind of game? Have you ever wanted a chance to play against the cybernations wold and prove you are the best gamer in CN? Well thanks to doeroler you are getting the opportunity. He is starting a massive CN tournament and connecting fellow gamers on CN that play similar games.  This is a great opportunity to connect CN together and meet people on CN that you most likely would of never met before. There are tons of things he can do with this idea he just need gamers to supply there information.

Sounds like something your interested in? Then go here http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96059
and fill out a few simple questions and you are all set.

Any questions comments or suggestions please feel free to contact doeroler(Anxiety) via in game IRC or any other way you can think of.

CN gaming IRC channel is #CNgaming
Good Luck! and Happy Holidays!

New Member Portal / Doeroler
« on: September 24, 2010, 06:18:36 pm »
Been playing this game for a while now have quit a few times for various reasons. Highlight of my CN days whee in Atlantis. I am 18 in college and currently in the Marines(Reserves) Want my MOS Company ect ect. PM/Query me. Laid back like to joke and have fun while I am on here. Video games and working out are my things I personal train when I have some spare time which isn't that often. From philly so I love all of Philadelphia teams and add UCLA. Well there is a little about me.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Atlantis embasyy
« on: December 18, 2007, 05:00:45 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler:Doeroler
Your Alliance:Atlantis
Your Alliance's Initials:Atlantis
Your Alliance's primary team color:white
URL to your alliance's forum:www.cnatlantis.com

Pages: [1]

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