Nation Ruler Name: Tehmina
Nation link: did you find out about RIA? (name of recruiter(s) if applicable) - used to play CN long time ago. Knew about a fun alliance called the RIA
Are there any reasons why we shouldn't accept your application? : None that i can think of
You may not attack any nation without the approval of the Head of Military Operations. Do you understand this? : yes
Do you like waffles?: yes
Next, you must also take this oath:
I, Tehmina , pledge my services to the betterment of the RIA, so that it in turn will make me a stronger, more capable nation, and a member of a community that will protect and provide for me in my time of need, and I will do the same for its fellow members. As long as I am in the service of the RIA, and as long as it is in my service, I will never shed my loyalty to it, though if I wish to leave I may leave freely and without animosity from fellow members.