<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> o
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> enraged is a grl right?
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> girl*
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Yes he is a very girly girl, that loves to suck cock and take a cock up his pussy
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> XD
<IronSoldier820[CoR]> EL isn't a girl....
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> yes
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> iv talked to her before
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> she said her name michelle
<Rawr> XD
<IronSoldier820[CoR]> You sure he didn't say Michael?
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> He still th
ought El was a girl after I say he
* Damen (~John_Dori@synIRC-5B0267D4.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) has joined #RIA
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Damen
<Rawr> He may act like one, but he isn't one
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> and his
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Seriously Ynkee your a retard
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> how do u guys no she not a grl
<CptGodzilla> XD
<CptGodzilla> guys
<CptGodzilla> EL is a girl
<IronSoldier820[CoR]> This needs to be logged...
<CptGodzilla> everyone knows it
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> EL is a grl
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> It does seriously
<Rawr> I already got it
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Good Loren
<CptGodzilla> yeah
<CptGodzilla> EL is a girl
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> thank u
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Yes he is a girl
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> i know she is
<Rawr> XD
<Damen> As your HoFA, I order all RIAers to stop believing that EL is a man. Under penalty of ban, and possibly ZI
<Rawr> Oh yeah.
<Rawr> He's so a girl.
<Rawr> Screw the everyone's a guy thing
<Damen> Damn straight
<IronSoldier820[CoR]> "He is a girl" is an oxymoron.
<CptGodzilla> eah
<CptGodzilla> yeah*
<Rawr> She is a guy doesn't flow though
<CptGodzilla> she's a wimininz
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> anyone got gold and aluminum
<CptGodzilla> WL IS A WIMINZ
<CptGodzilla> EL*
* Damen (~John_Dori@synIRC-5B0267D4.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) has left #RIA
<Rawr> El is on?
<Rawr> XDD
<Rawr> I thought he was kicked or whatever
* ynkeebymjg[RIA] was kicked by CptGodzilla (crazy told me to)
<CptGodzilla> i can't believe he blieves me
<CptGodzilla> that EL is a girl
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Same
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Seriously he is a fucking moron
<Rawr> XDD
<Rawr> I know.
<Rawr> Gotta love him
* ynkeebymjg[RIA] (
www-data@synIRC-178833DD.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) has joined #RIA
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Does he not realize that we all have know EL a few months before him
* IronSoldier820[CoR] is now known as IronSoldier820|Food
* Rawr sets mode: +v ynkeebymjg[RIA]
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Well most of us
<CptGodzilla> yeah
<IronSoldier820|Food> EL is a pussy
<CptGodzilla> and we know that he's a woman
<CptGodzilla> she's*
<Rawr> El would so fit in AA
<ynkeebymjg[RIA]> ok i rele dont care
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Yeah he is a woma
<Rawr> Really
<IronSoldier820|Food> Be back later