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Topics - Shyox

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Random lnsanity / Turns out
« on: January 15, 2008, 03:55:14 pm »
I can get on here from school.

Does anyone have the site for Kenny's foxy proxy?

Random lnsanity / WTF
« on: January 08, 2008, 06:09:07 pm »
Why has it been moved from it's convenient spot at the top of the page?

Random lnsanity / Juno
« on: December 29, 2007, 10:13:39 am »
Has anyone seen it besides me?

I thought it was a little overhyped, but still pretty good.

Random lnsanity / Greatest band evar
« on: December 05, 2007, 01:22:53 pm »




Random lnsanity / Life is good
« on: December 02, 2007, 12:37:02 pm »

Too much of the time it just shits on you... But I've got a lot of stuff to be thankful for still, I guess.

Random lnsanity / Life is good
« on: December 02, 2007, 12:37:02 pm »

Too much of the time it just shits on you... But I've got a lot of stuff to be thankful for still, I guess.

Random lnsanity / I feel like a fucking asshole
« on: November 15, 2007, 10:51:53 pm »
(10:24:05 PM) SuperThespian014: hey nick
(10:24:22 PM) badibidi: ?
(10:24:29 PM) badibidi: What's shakin, turkey bacon?
(10:24:40 PM) SuperThespian014: why is it that i am only attracted to lesbians?
(10:25:52 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:26:00 PM) badibidi: It's weird that you use that word
(10:26:09 PM) SuperThespian014: what word
(10:26:17 PM) badibidi: Attracted...
(10:26:20 PM) badibidi: It's creepy
(10:26:23 PM) badibidi: I mean c'mon
(10:26:50 PM) SuperThespian014: well i don't love them i am just atracted to them
(10:27:38 PM) badibidi: I know
(10:27:40 PM) badibidi: Say like
(10:27:44 PM) SuperThespian014: okay like
(10:27:58 PM) badibidi: Okay, so what?
(10:29:51 PM) badibidi: ..
(10:30:01 PM) SuperThespian014: the last few girls i've liked have been hardcore lesbians
(10:30:14 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:30:18 PM) badibidi: Well that's kind of creepy
(10:30:32 PM) SuperThespian014: it is true
(10:30:35 PM) badibidi: Maybe you're attracted to people who like women
(10:30:37 PM) badibidi: Like men
(10:30:41 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:30:47 PM) badibidi: That's what it means, you know
(10:30:54 PM) badibidi: Let's not sugarcoat this shit
(10:30:55 PM) SuperThespian014: oh fuck you
(10:31:13 PM) badibidi: Let's not pour any mollasses on this puppy.
(10:31:31 PM) SuperThespian014: look i am not gay
(10:31:53 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:31:56 PM) badibidi: I didn't say that
(10:32:06 PM) badibidi: And you're giving gay a negative connotation
(10:32:09 PM) SuperThespian014: you were impling it
(10:32:11 PM) badibidi: I didn't use gay in a negative way
(10:32:13 PM) badibidi: You did
(10:32:14 PM) badibidi: Nigga
(10:32:19 PM) SuperThespian014: i am not gay
(10:32:29 PM) badibidi: impling isn't a word
(10:32:46 PM) SuperThespian014: imply with ing
(10:35:23 PM) badibidi: Hey, you're the bonesmoker
(10:35:25 PM) badibidi: Not me
(10:35:35 PM) badibidi: I heard all about O'Charley's with Evan
(10:35:38 PM) badibidi: That's pretty crazy
(10:35:51 PM) SuperThespian014: what the fuck
(10:36:06 PM) badibidi: I know
(10:36:07 PM) SuperThespian014: i gave him a coupon for christmas that's all damnit
(10:36:07 PM) badibidi: What
(10:36:09 PM) badibidi: The
(10:36:11 PM) badibidi: Fudge
(10:38:11 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:38:21 PM) badibidi: I'm guessing this is a touchy subject for you
(10:39:59 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:40:04 PM) badibidi: Really touchy?
(10:40:11 PM) SuperThespian014: you know i am tired of you not being a real friend and making jokes out of everything i ask you about that is serious i didn't do that to you when you thought you needed to go to lakeside
(10:40:24 PM) badibidi: Hey
(10:40:26 PM) badibidi: I'm only saying
(10:40:42 PM) badibidi: You are making this dumb comment and are expecting me to take you seriously
(10:40:50 PM) badibidi: Why is it such a problem?
(10:41:05 PM) badibidi: Honestly, I would assume you like girls who you know don't like you back
(10:41:19 PM) SuperThespian014: because i don't want to like lesbians
(10:41:53 PM) badibidi: Okay then!
(10:42:00 PM) badibidi: STOP DOING IT
(10:42:00 PM) SuperThespian014: i want to like girls who like me back
(10:42:34 PM) SuperThespian014: well that could be anyone
(10:42:43 PM) badibidi: ...
(10:43:56 PM) SuperThespian014: i am sorry for saying that
(10:45:44 PM) badibidi: Spencer, why do you try so hard to talk to me?
(10:45:49 PM) badibidi: What the heck is it?
(10:45:57 PM) badibidi: I'm mean as shit
(10:45:59 PM) badibidi: All of the time
(10:46:07 PM) badibidi: What is it you're trying to accomplish?
(10:46:25 PM) SuperThespian014: i thought we were friends
(10:47:17 PM) badibidi: Spencer, we're hardly above the level of acquaintances
(10:47:27 PM) badibidi: Yet you follow me about like a sick puppy?
(10:47:50 PM) badibidi: You have better friends than me Spencer, who wouldn't treat you this way, who would like you for you
(10:48:03 PM) SuperThespian014: no no i don't

Random lnsanity / Thick topic
« on: October 24, 2007, 10:25:20 pm »
The Thick Bloc


I. All members must sign this here constritution in order to join the thick bloc, and pledge themselves to promoting thickness across the universe. It doesn't matter where you go, who you do, what you do, as long as it is thick.

II. Hate the other blocs. It is required.


I. Only bipedal, tripedal, or quadpedal humanoids allowed. Emo's can leave now.

II.    <--- These are you enemies. Fancy lancy types like Moth, and Damen. These are the people you should throw yogurt at.


I. I know you, you know me, One thing I can tell you is you got to be free!

Commisar Gaunt

Random lnsanity / Good shows, cartoons, anime
« on: October 20, 2007, 01:07:41 pm »
I need a new series to follow.

If it's anime, please suggest something that's a little different. You can suggest any series you want, as I haven't seen many. I just hate how so many get stuck  in the same storylines...

This is also a good discussion topic for series though.

I'm hooked on the Office right now.

Random lnsanity / What's your avatar and sig from?
« on: October 20, 2007, 11:35:30 am »
Speak up.

Mine's something that was made on hte old forums, and a quote I think.

Random lnsanity / Shyox's ideas - Vers. 2
« on: October 08, 2007, 12:18:42 pm »
It's been really hard for me to write these days... I never know if it's any good. This is a new selection of ideas, a more real fiction. Stuff that might happen in everyday life. Some I converted into satires when I did more thinking about them. I wrote these down last night after coming down off a high, so some aren't very clear to me. Also, to those who are wondering, I don't necessarily think getting stoned makes you anymore creative, and I'm also going to stop smoking, so there that is.

1. Dealing with mediocrity - After watching American Beauty yesterday, I got to thinking about life, and how some people are just coasting along in this constant void of work - bar - home. How do these people live? I don't know if I ever could...

2. Escape from my own lack of motivation and talent - The more I write, the more I realize I've never had as much talent as I thought I did. I also have an extreme desire to do nothing. This would probably be a more figurative piece about myself and my own mind. So this isn't really one of the "real" ideas I was talking about.

3. Finding something in nothing - "One man's trash is another man's treasure" A classic and cliche idea, but recently I've realized that there aren't really any new ideas these days, it's all about presentation. I realized that to succeed I need to become a better author, in order to wield the ideas well enough in my head.

4. Escaping cycles and the impossible - This sort of goes together with the mediocrity idea. How do you escape a life like that? How do you escape a situation when faced with a catch-22?

5. The idea that I have to care - I'm a worrying type of person. I worry and care about a lot of things...  And sometimes I wonder what would happen if I just didn't anymore... Kind of like Office Space.

6. Lonliness - The idea of a trapped life - After reading I am Legend, I thought about what life would be like without anyone else, and those people in life who don't have much social interaction with anyone, those who are too socially inept to know what to do about it.

7. How much things have changed... And yet how they haven't - It seems to me that through the ages, not much about the human psyche and thinking has changed very much. Racism still exists, and all sorts of other prejudices as well. The Greeks were perfectly alright with homosexuality, but today it's a sin... I just wonder about how little things have actually changed, and for the better or worse.

8. the idea of changing things instead of just waiting - This is probably more of an idea for a novel than a short story, about people changing things instead of just waiting for them to change.

9. If you love something enough, you'll sink to anything - Another cliche, but I think it's good for me to practice with cliche, because it's harder to make interesting, as it all depends on your skill at writing.

10. How little people really care - So much these days is based on how things appear to be, rather  than how they actually are. Some friendships are total fabrications, and some relationships are completely empty. A study of some people I know, and some of the things that I do.

11. What to do when you desire something you can't have - Maybe it's a woman, who you'll never get the chance to talk to, because of her social standing and yours. How you just can't seem to imagine any way to make it happen... An extremely cliche subject in movies and other places.

12. A love for a trade/craft/skill you have no talent or ability for - Have you ever wanted to be a rockstar, only to find you are totally inept with music? Have you ever wanted to be an artist, only to find out you can't even draw a decent stickman?

13. Hating a life you've landed in because of your own fear - A story about regret, and the toll it can take on someone, even if their choice was the only one they could have made at the time.

14. What to do? Stir the shitty pot of uncertain life, or continue to live the life you have, trying to be happy with what's already going on. - This goes on with the mediocrity bit, I guess.

15. How people can be happy with just going to the movies, instead pf staying up 'til six lying on your backs and watching the stars, talking. - This is a rather personal problem I have with my own friends.

Random lnsanity / The War on Drugs
« on: September 08, 2007, 02:27:16 pm »
"DEA Success Update: Let's see. After 20 years of relentless federal Drug War activity, while the price of world-class marijuana has gone from $60 an ounce to $450, the price of quality cocaine has plummeted from $125 a gram to $30, and 30%-pure heroin has dropped from $700 a gram to about $100. Way to go, boys!"

High Times,
April 1995

"Marihuana influences Negroes to to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice."

Hearst newspapers nationwide, 1934

"Marijuana is rejected all over the world. Damned. In England heroin is alright for out-patents, but marijuana? They'll put your ass in jail. I wonder why that is? . . . . The only reason could be: To Serve the Devil - Pleasure! Pleasure, which is a dirty word in Christian culture."

Lenny Bruce

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader."


"Mistrust those in whom the urge to punish is strong."

Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher (1844-1900)

"Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear to me than in the laws against possession of marihuana in private for personal use. . . . Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marihuana."

President Jimmy Carter
Speech delivered to Congress

He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain. --

"Tom Sawyer," by Mark Twain,
Chapter 2, "The Glorious Whitewasher"


Prohibition is only hurting our society and youths.

May this teach you something.

Random lnsanity / PROGRAMMERS, UNITE!!!
« on: August 26, 2007, 04:24:11 pm »
I'm currently learning C++ through Game Institute's online courses, and it should take me a few months to complete both of them. After that, we've already bought a lot of other gaming courses, so I'll be moving onto that, probably while learning C# or Java.

What languages does everyone else know?

Also,I might post some questions on here when I'm too lazy to log into the gamefaqs boards.

Random lnsanity / The Alligator Fuckhouse Jam Session
« on: August 18, 2007, 02:58:09 pm »
It turns out some members weren't entirely happy with the name, and now they want to call it "Something Generic". Please note I've made up every name the band has ever had, and I think it's just too gay... Alligator Funkhouse was so original, though Fuckhouse was better.

Regardless, I'm going to refer to it as such. Anyways, I'm going to try and tape a recording of our show today. We've got a six song set worked out right now. I think I already posted a topic about this, but I can't find it.

Anyways, here's the set:

Say it ain't so - Weezer

Paranoid - Black Sabbath

Twist and Shout - (It's a studio song, not owned by any band, made famous by the Isley brothers. We're doing the version by the beatles)

Sparrow - Alec Ogg (Original song, acoustic)

Hey dere da Minna - A spoof of Hey there Delilah, because Alan is too lazy to learn the words, and because it sucks.

When You Were Young - The Killers

I want to do a song by the Cars next, or possibly a song by the Doors after this show is over. We've only had two days to prepare, so prepare for it to be crappy when we record it.

Random lnsanity / Superbad
« on: August 18, 2007, 02:33:40 pm »
It totally kicks ass. Srsly.

Funny as hell, but we had to sneak in because I'm not seventeen, and even If I was I don't have photo ID.

Random lnsanity / BAGHH!
« on: August 18, 2007, 10:04:00 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odyG0F8UM1A&amp;NR=1" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odyG0F8UM1A&amp;NR=1</a>

Random lnsanity / I'm about to play a game... The Catch:
« on: August 17, 2007, 08:08:09 am »
By using your votes, I'm going to play through the final fantasy and Zelda games. Based on how you vote, I'll beat them in a certain order.

I've already beaten Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. They were both awesome. However, I've never beaten a Final fantasy game, so I'm going to list 1-6 of those, because It's impossible to find my copies of the playstation ones. I own Windwaker as well, just enver took the time to beat it because it wasn't as good.

The voting begins now.

Make your time.

Random lnsanity / A modest proposal
« on: August 17, 2007, 06:46:03 am »
Shyox: Well Damen, I hear that you're going to have a baby soon, so I got you this book.

Damen: Ah, thank you Shyox, who's it written by?

Shyox: Walter P. Sherman

Damen: ... And what's it called?

Shyox: A modest proposal.

Damen: ... And what's it about?


Shyox: Eating babies.

Random lnsanity / My band's first gig
« on: August 16, 2007, 06:38:29 am »
We're playing at a party on saturday. I want to try and film it, so you guys can see us in action on youtube.

Our setlist:

Twist and Shout - The Beatles
Weezer - Say it ain't so
The Killers - When you were young
Paramore - Misery Business (My sister's choice)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Alec original song
Hey There Delilah (This is for the birthday girl... There's two.)

Alan Long, my brother is on lead guitar (He's the best musician of the bunch, easily the most talented of the Long family), Savannah Long, my sister is on drums (We've got some white stripes action going on here, she's a lesbian, and she's too good looking for her own well-being.) Ryan Gauthe, a family friend on bass (He's got a great voice to go along with his good skills on guitar, bass and piano.) and our newest member, Alec Ogg, a guy me and me brother met. He does a lot of his own solo stuff, and he can play about every rock instrument. And then, finally, there's me, Nick Long, on lead vocals. God help us all, for this is ALLIGATOR FUCKHOUSE!!!

Seriously though, we kickass.

Random lnsanity / I am the white rabbit
« on: August 10, 2007, 07:45:13 pm »

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