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Topics - rabonnobar

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / get Holder on the line
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:18:58 am »

reminder that this is Obama's America and this shit is NOT okay nemore

civil rights violation

gimme moneys

New Member Portal / Bonsoiiiiiiiir
« on: April 07, 2011, 11:29:08 pm »
Hi. I'm rabonnobar. I've been playing this game since ummmmm October 2006 and have been in several alliances, most notably CDS, DefCon, TOOL, VA, and NSO (my most recent alliance). I've had gov positions in all of them but I'm in a bit of a lazy phase and want to just chill for now if that's ok.

I can certainly be random and insane and have a tendency to ramble, so I hope I can have some good times here. I've never been in any alliances in the Superfriends sphere but, being a bit of a moralist in-game, have always respected RIA and given your unique culture and your booming CDS infiltration (:wub:) thought I'd try this place out.

Pages: [1]

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