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Topics - cctmsp13

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / Moth, you monster!
« on: December 27, 2014, 03:27:30 pm »

Random lnsanity / online marketing
« on: June 11, 2014, 04:44:05 am »
I was watching my online anime, when an ad for this came up:


I must say, these online marketers must have a really good profile on me.

Random lnsanity / The official RIA movie
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:30:07 am »
As viceroy I declare this clip to be the official movie of the RIA

Cine de Warrior - Pelicula India - Mezcla entre Mortadelo y Matrix

It has in no particular order

people fighting, someone saving a flag, a volcano, a flaming tiger archer, possibly Teddy Roosevelt, and lightning punches.

Watch and be amazed

Anime / Fall 2010 anime starting soon
« on: September 28, 2010, 05:19:54 am »

also goto here for another chart with airdates included

so what's everyone going to watch this season?

Anime / cctmsp13's obscure anime corner
« on: November 25, 2009, 02:45:00 am »
(cranky old man mode ON)
You don't know how spoiled you young whippersnappers are.  What with your digital fansubs released like 2 days after the eps are out in Japan.  We couldn't do that back in my day, what, with our 14.4k modems and all it would take forever to download, much less finding a computer with the processor that could actually play it or the Hard drive space to store it. No, back in my day fansubs came on VHS.  Do you guys even know what a VHS is?  
(cranky old man mode OFF)

Anyway, in cctmsp13's obscure anime corner, I will be looking at some of the lessor know anime I have watched through the years, it'll tend to be older stuff, though not necessarily.

And so we begin...

Chapter 1
The Violinist of Hameln

The Violinist of Hameln (aka Hameln the Violinist due to some translation misunderstandings) is about a violinist named Hamel.  He has two notable features - one, the horn on his head (actually not that noticable, as he wears a hat all the time), and two, he has the power to play magical music.  OK, you say, magical music, like magical how?  Well like summoning a bird - a 100 foot wide bird made of water that he can ride and that will drown you.

So anyway, Hamel lives in a village with his talking crow Oboe.  A girl from the town, Flute come to take Hamel to a festival the town is having, so he can perform on his violin.  They go to the festival, but the town gets attacked by demons.   The villager start fighting back, and do rather well considering they're fighting demons.  During the battle it's revealed that Flute is actually the daughter of Queen Horn (apparently it's a family tradition to ditch their children in remote villages) The villigers due their best to cover Flute and Hameln's getaway, but ultimately fall to the demons.  Unable to escape, Hamel starts playing his magical music, which brings back the villagers as zombies.  The zombie villagers then continue fighting the demons, and Flute and Hamel escape.

So now it's up to Hamel to get Flute to the capitol and Queen Horn, where forces are gathering to protect the capitol from the encroaching demon armies.

Along the way they find out about Pandora's box, guarded by Queen Horn, which if opened would grant the demons limitless power.  They encounter new instrument-named allies and enemies, and discover the secret that Hamel may be one of the demons himself, and may have a connection with Pandora herself.


I don't do the plot justice, the plot is very engaging, with a fair share of twists and turns.  

oh, and yes, in case you noticed, near everyone is named for instruments (like 3 people of the extended cast aren't)

The music for the series is very well done, with a good number of classical violin sequences.

The animation, on the other hand is lacking.  It's quite well drawn, it just lacking in amount.  They love to do the "we're just going to pan an image across the screen" trick.  Really, the animation rate is nearly as low as that guy on PBS who would read a story and paint pictures that go with the story as he's reading it.

overall I'd give it a 6/10.  could have easily been a 8/10 with better animation

Worth watching?:
Definetly worth a try, the plot is strong and moves well, even if the animation is lacking.  

Getting it:
This series has never been released in the US.  It is available from the torrents at animesuki.

Tech Trades / tech deal looking for sellers
« on: July 18, 2009, 08:29:40 am »
One of our allies is looking for people for a deal.  If you're interested or want more information, send a message to Veneke

Tech Trades / tech farm
« on: January 25, 2009, 09:01:11 pm »
If you want to buy/sell tech, but don't want the hassle of always finding your own tech deals, sign up for the tech farm  (it's under the grovernment section of the RIA HQ) -

once you're signed up, I'll send you instructions for a tech deal - you'll receive $3 million from 1 person, and send 50 tech to each of two different people. This way, the buyers get their tech right away. Once you're signed up, I'll send you a new set of instructions every 10-12 days, keeping you from having to look for your own trades (but burritos you a slot or two to do them, if you want)
Going rate is $3 million for 100 tech.

Once you're signed up, you'll get instructions on where to send $3 million, you should receive 100 tech in a few days.  Unfortunately, since buyers > sellers, you'll then be put in a waiting list.  Once you work your way to the top of the list, you'll receive you're next set of instructions.
Oh, and don't worry about using your slots.  You need 3 open slots for a tech deal.  If you reach the top of the list, and don't have 3 open slots, you'll be skipped over, BUT I will keep you at the top of the list, until you do manage to make it into another tech deal

have questions, feel free to ask (reply here or PM)
sign up in the tech farm forum, or by PMing me,

Tech Trades / I want to buy tech
« on: June 20, 2008, 12:26:05 pm »
need two sellers with at least 2 aid slots open - I am offering 3 million for 50 tech.
reply if interested

Tech Trades / suggestion for buyers
« on: June 20, 2008, 04:49:43 am »
If possible try to pair up with another tech buyer.  when you buy tech, have the seller send the tech to your friend.  Your friend will have his tech seller send his tech to you.  If you do this it let's you get your tech quickly (no ten day wait) without having to go through the hassle of middlemen.

Random lnsanity / can anyone read this
« on: December 24, 2007, 05:16:21 am »
I get the following on ICQ, can anyone tell me what it says

Na Štedrý večer pozor daj,
zvončeky zvonia, počúvaj.
Tak, ako za oblokom sniežik padá,
nech na Tvoj stôl šťastie sadá.
Preži sviatok Vianočný,
plný slasti a radosti.Šťastné a Veselé praje Maroš


Random lnsanity / Important findings
« on: August 20, 2007, 03:45:56 am »
For a while moth has had the message "Have you heard the news? The DEAD walk." under his avatar, burritos us to ponder it's meaning.  Working together with the best minds in the RIA (who are available in IRC at 3AM) We have discovered the answer.

For long we have been inspired by Moth's tireless work for the RIA.  For a long time we though he was just hard working, been now we have discovered the truth.  Moth is infact tireless, for he is a ... ZOMBIE.

Yes, together Vintus and I have determined the RIA's leader, is a member of the walking dead.

Now some of you may object, "I've seen Moth say he's tired, and log off".  Ahh, you have been trapped in his clever ruse.  Moth does indeed log-off, but not to sleep, but instead to feast upon the brains of the enemies of the RIA (and probably some stray passerby, I'm sure).

After discovering this truth, I would like to be the first to say...

HAIL MOTH, undead leader of the RIA!

Random lnsanity / The meaning
« on: May 15, 2007, 02:57:17 am »
Since I knew so many were wondering...

The meaning of cctmsp13

I was born on October 13th.

The rest is just random consonants.  I use the same username on every website I use, because lets face it, who else is going to take it.

Random lnsanity / next improvement
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:29:50 am »
OK, here's the situation in Korinekia.  I have a harbor, 3 schools and an university.  I'll be reaching 6000 people in a couple days.  What should I build for an improvement.

In case you're wondering about the schools and University, I was planning on becoming a mini-tech farm, and grow myself with tech sale profits.  Unfortunately, since the war, very little tech buying is going on, and also sine I'm now at 85 tech (war gains) it no longer makes sense for me to sell tech.

Current income is $125 / citizen, $35/citizen going to taxes

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