ROFL that's hilarious and really really random lol
Article VII - The Special Term
All who wish to visit each other must do so via Sheck's Buttsecks Train. If any attempt to smuggle themselves into the other's home any other way, be it through jumping the fence, FedEx, or removing part of one's body and sending it as a present, the offender will feel the wrath of the Buttsecks Train in the one way it knows how.
(>^(>^(>^(>^(>^(>^(>^(>^(>^(>^(>O_O)> What happened to AA?
AA disbanded.
Disbanded recently, following a downhill spiral initiated by Lanna and DYP's departure according to what I know.
Actually, not really. Xiangi aided a FAN member and was promptly attacked by NPO as a result. AA members were told by the Order that if anyone help Xiangi
at all, the entire alliance would be attacked. This led Xiangi to wanting AA to merge into Invicta, who's allied to NPO and may protect AA members if their heads are wanted. In his discussion topic about disbanding, he said Invicta was a long time close friend to the alliance, but as far as I know when I was there, that wasn't true. If anyone, CSN and TFD were more or less AA's closest friends/allies from the very start to pretty much the end.
If me and DYP leaving was the reason why they disbanded, this would've been done right after I left - or right after DYP left. They knew fully well that the alliance wasn't gonna be resurrected. It wasn't because me and/or DYP was no longer a part of it, but it was the fact that none of them wanted to put
any effort into restoring the alliance. I know this because QThews accused me of not teaching the AA government members well when I was around and so, after I left, they all became incompetent - and used that as an excuse to not do a thing. It's horse shit and they know it.
Ahh I love to be part of a man train full of hot guys.
I guess that's my stop then.. <_<