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Topics - Gangs

Pages: 1 [2]
Random lnsanity / Heres wishing ALL you bitches a VERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:15:19 pm »
Type in a carol name and listen!

[embed src=\"http://www.sundog.net/carolofthechins/flash/card.swf\" quality="high" width="600" height="400" /]

EDIT: just type the carol name in that tiny box and hit enter, sorry about the size, i don't think i have the privilege to resize it.

Random lnsanity / RIA members are actually all soft and mushy inside
« on: December 15, 2009, 06:21:53 pm »
Today i had one of my most cheesiest experiences on CN and in the RIA, i realized that a few of the most badass members of the RIA are actually all soft and fuzzy inside, no i did not raep them to find out, yes, id have liked to,
anyways, the mush was EVERYWHERE! and i mean EVERYWHERE! it was soo deep i almost suffocated...so in retrospect of the days events, i must summarize that all of you bad ass bitches will make very good mommys.
have a baby, meet leo

Random lnsanity / League Of Legends
« on: November 17, 2009, 06:55:58 pm »

check it out, more cartoony then WoW but still full 3d, tell me what you think, im not really sure myself but it looks good so im planning to play it, if any of you have already played it then please tell me how it is k?

ps : why dont we have a topic on gaming?

Random lnsanity / Chaotic quotes
« on: October 25, 2009, 07:55:21 pm »
i just gave an arkham asylum personality test and it turns out im the joker,
i was obviously very happy at the results and proceeded to read the description given, what i found was extremely satisfying and gave me an idea, for not only had they described what kind of a maniacal, chaotic. lunatic i was, they also provided some great joker quotes from the movie, it made me wonder... i thought "hmm...CAN IT THERE BE MOAR?"
and i set about searching for more quotes like the ones from heath, i found but a few and far between, i was surprised at the lack of chaotic & funny quotes, especially after the movie DARK KNIGHT was such a huge success!

I resolved to find more and maybe make a few of my own!
and i present to you, my beloved fellow alliance members, the opportunity to do the same,
ie: put up some of your favorite quotes , could be from anywhere and anyone(even you), the only requirement is that they be either mysterious, chaotic, sarcastically funny or a mixture of these categories, ill start off by presenting the joker quotes i was talking about,

I've heard that joke before. That's the sign of a bad comedian. Comedians, see, they've got to be original. Otherwise the audience won't laugh, and he'll go home to his wife and kid and eat TV dinners instead of going out to eat, and talk about the weather and how sunny it is outside. Wifey will ask him why they're not at the restaurant they talked about, he'll eat his green beans, wifey will ask again, more insistent this time, and he'll smile real big and SHOOT THEM BOTH IN THE FACE!! Eat your vegetables, dear. Haha... trust me, I know a thing or three about comedians. You're not that funny to me. Not yet.
Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push!

Random lnsanity / taking a bit of a leave for a couple of days
« on: October 14, 2009, 03:03:03 pm »
ill be coming back only to pay bills and/or to finish my deals, other then that, sorry cupcaek,myrrh,cc, ill be back to help later when my parents send the laptop back to me (broken).
when i do then you can count on me again to relieve you of a little of your strenuous duties!
ps: arse, ill post up the GOD diplomat stuff when i come back, so keep me registered as their diplo please.

Tech Trades / SELLING TECH
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:39:34 am »
selling tech 100 for 3 mill
first come first serve, pm me in game or reply here!
2 slots open!

Random lnsanity / 100 posts
« on: March 23, 2009, 03:15:03 pm »
well i have 100 posts now so im posting this in a new thread! this is my first EPIC MILESTONE,next milestone- 500 posts!!,easy as.........you guessed it.....PIE!

give me praise and money!

Tech Trades / selling 100 tech at 3million
« on: March 06, 2009, 09:58:39 am »
just 1 buyer so 1st come 1st serve,
you send me 3mill then i send you 50 tech and 50 tech each at 10 day intervals each , simple
i am very active so you wont have to wait any longer then what cant be helped
nation name:Gangsland
nation ruler:gangs20003
nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=307545

first reply for buying gets the deal

Pages: 1 [2]

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