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Topics - Fake from State Jarm

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Random lnsanity / I just salvaged 6 clan heavy ultra autocannons
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:39:59 pm »
on mech commander gold.

+ 2 vultures and 3 uller J's salvaged. and a shit ton of vendor trash inner sphere salvage from about 10 captured warehouses.

christ that was hard. I'd show the screenshot but apparently the game is so old it is not only not alt+tab friendly but also not print screen friendly. basically, I had 3 elite pilots, all of them with half health by the end, with a combined 40 kills on that one mission. and a refit truck that was 2/3's dead (it uses up health to repair the others)

Random lnsanity / Best Flask Summon Ever
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:36:12 pm »

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

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Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

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Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask. Flask.

Random lnsanity / V marathon starts tomorrow @ 8/7c on ABC
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:52:48 pm »
V marathon tomorrow @ 8 on ABC in preparation for the next season. if you don't know what V is, it's about Morena Baccarin playing a hot alien lizard queen and plotting to take over the earth. If you don't know who morena baccarin is, uh, just watch V.

Podskin People wish to inform you that they'd rustle her dorsal fronds in the gates of the Great Nest.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Podskin People Embassy Request
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:26:59 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Podskin Overlord A01
Your Alliance: Podskin People
Your Alliance's Initials: Podskin People
Your Alliance's primary team color: Podskin People
URL to your alliance's forum: Podskin People

The Podskin People alliance is an alliance of hiveminds. Individual hiveminds may comprise a few individuals, a sizable fraction of a nation, a whole nation, or many nations. For this reason, such an alliance cannot be classified alongside an alliance of nations, and similarly there is no primary team color for this alliance of hiveminds. We require no official alliance forum as the hivemind itself is a forum. However, our alliance represents a virtual biomass of quality, if not quantity, similar to the national alliances already common on Planet Bob. We seek an embassy with our human host alliance, the RIA, to more efficiently bend you to our transcendent and glorious purposes. the one known as llamavore will serve as our ambassador to you and the rest of Planet Bob. his mind is better suited to the predigestion of our massive mental girth, and subsequent regurgitation of it into the bite size thought-sentences your proto-intelligence subsists upon. may the breeze flutter favorably through the tendrils of your nesting grounds.

Random lnsanity / moth hates dogs
« on: December 28, 2010, 05:12:09 am »
VIVA LA RIA!! | Random Insanity Alliance | http://rialliance.net | Triumvirate: Delta1212, Shadow, Thunder Strike | Our Maroon Senate Bid: Delta1212 of Verspasia | Need to talk with Government? Query the ops, sorry but the bot is offline till KD returns | #tech for your tech dealing needs
Topic set by King_Death_II[RIA|HoFA] on Mon Dec 20 2010 15:16:11 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
<llamavore>: hey bastards
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
+++ ChanServ has given halfop to Cpt[GOD]zilla
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: lawl
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: look at moth's awful trades
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: sorry I was busy with simcity 4 mods
<llamavore>: I forgot to moth
<llamavore>: moth
+++ ChanServ has given halfop to Liz
<llamavore>: moth
<Liz>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Liz>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Liz>: moth
<Liz>: moth
<llamavore>: \moth
<llamavore>: *moth
<llamavore>: moth.
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Liz>: hi llamavore
<llamavore>: hi liz :D
<llamavore>: merry christmas
<Liz>: You too llamavore, how are you?
<llamavore>: not bad, woke up at 6
<llamavore>: so I'm modding simcity 4
<llamavore>: what about you
<Liz>: Eh, avoiding my dogs whines.
<Liz>: The cat is taunting him at the moment by walking by his crate.
<Liz>: But it's still sleep time for him, can't let him out yet or it'll mess up his schedule.
<llamavore>: fucking cats
<llamavore>: always starting shit
<Liz>: Indeed.
<llamavore>: swishing their tails like douches
<Liz>: I used to really like cats. But now that I have one of each in my own house...
<Liz>: I can't stand this bitch.
<Liz>: But she's been around for 6 years so I can't very well let her outside and turn my back on her :p
<llamavore>: bunch of pricks is what they are
<Liz>: lol
<llamavore>: I can still smell the cat pee in pillows sometimes from a cat I had 2 years ago
<Liz>: Yeah, anything she pees on I have to throw away or else the dog will do it.
<llamavore>: lmao
<llamavore>: she's a bad influence on your dog
<Liz>: Meh, he's just territorial.
<llamavore>: that's just the excuse she uses
<Liz>: She poops in the shower if I don't keep her litter box emaculate. It's a bit ridiculous.
<llamavore>: you underestimate your cat's dickishness
<Liz>: Oh she's a total cunt.
<Liz>: If I walk away from food i'm cooking
<Liz>: she'll take it and run under the sofa with it.
<Liz>: In the pan or not.
<Liz>: she run through the living room with a half cooked chicken breast before.
<llamavore>: that's the kind of cat that would make me look into asian lean cuisine recipes
<llamavore>: if you know what I mean
<Liz>: rofl
<Liz>: She eats my left over chinese.
<Liz>: I feel slightly wrong about that.
<Liz>: But I do it anyway.
<llamavore>: yeah it's funny how people get so fucked up about people eating cats
<llamavore>: when cats don't give a fuck about eating cats
<Liz>: lol
<llamavore>: pass the duck sauce
<llamavore>: swish swish
<Liz>: I'd never eat my cat. lol :p
<llamavore>: that's why she gets away with shit
<llamavore>: she knows
<llamavore>: you have to reason with animals on their level
<llamavore>: if you're not willing to eat them, they aren't going to listen to you
<llamavore>: at least the carnivores
<llamavore>: they're probably good in sausages
<llamavore>: chances are you've had some cat before if you like sausages
<Liz>: XD
<Liz>: I don't eat pork or sausage really.
<Liz>: I'm a chicken steak or lobster type of person.
<llamavore>: then, my friend
<llamavore>: it is time you kept chicken, cow, or lobsters as pets
+++ ChanServ has given halfop to im317[ria]
<llamavore>: they won't fuck up your shower
<llamavore>: well
<llamavore>: lobsters at least
<llamavore>: when you keep animals for nothing other than their company, they get a bitchy sense of self entitlement
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Liz>: lol
<Liz>: The dog is totally fine.
<Liz>: It's just the damn cat.
<llamavore>: I have 2 dogs, they're good guys
<llamavore>: the main thing that makes them better is dogs are pack animals
<llamavore>: whereas cats, aside from lions, are stuckup loners
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: dude
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: take your dogs over to moth's house
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: i heard he loves dogs
<llamavore>: I heard that too
<llamavore>: based on what I heard
<llamavore>: I would never take my dogs over there
<llamavore>: maybe cats though
*** Ecnelis[FOK] is now known as Ecnelis[FOK]afk
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: haha
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: i used to MSN with moth
<llamavore>: my dogs have been through enough without having to cope with confusing memories of moth in an animal costume and peanut butter
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: and i would constantly draw him dog pictures
+++ ChanServ has given halfop to Alcoholic
<llamavore>: you mean you guys were sexual?
<llamavore>: ...
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: <_<
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: you know he's deathly afraid of dogs right?
<llamavore>: oh.
<Liz>: Zilla, who IS moth?
<llamavore>: moth is you.
<Liz>: and llamavore why are you always looking for moth? :p
<llamavore>: moth is me.
<llamavore>: moth is all of us.
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: ^
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: although
<llamavore>: why am I looking for myself, you mean?
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth probably needs a haircut
<llamavore>: I like my hair long
<llamavore>: fuck you
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: dude
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: have you seen moth's hair?
<llamavore>: it's not girly if it makes girls horny
<llamavore>: no, lol
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: it's kinda like troy polamolu, yet not as sexy
<llamavore>: I don't know what he looks like, and I was under the impression he was a dogophile
<llamavore>: that's what I heard from kenny at least
<llamavore>: maybe kenny was projecting, he does think he's a fox
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: well
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: http://gremlindog.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/troy-polamalu.bmp <--- imagine that hair
<llamavore>: yes, it's all becoming clear.
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: but more.... spread out everywhere
<llamavore>: moth is black?
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: no
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: but he has black person hair
<llamavore>: ok
<llamavore>: my reality was almost turned upside down
<llamavore>: relieved
<llamavore>: oh really?
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: but he is deathly afraid of dogs
<llamavore>: hm
<llamavore>: liz, moth is or was a member of the RIA
<llamavore>: I don't see him on the forums
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: llamavore, what if i told you that moth is middle eastern?
<llamavore>: but back in the day he made regular appearances to bitch about numbers and alliance statistics
<llamavore>: I'd be mildly surprised, but they did invent algebra
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth absolutely hates me
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: and he is also still in RIA
<llamavore>: I wonder why my summoning hasn't worked
<Liz>: Oh mmmk
<llamavore>: maybe my approach is all wrong
<llamavore>: and I should talk about alliance statistics and the extinction of dogs
<llamavore>: liz, are you marrying some dude you met on CN
<Liz>: Not that I know of.
<Liz>: I've never met someone from CN actually.
<llamavore>: seems like something you should be certain of
<llamavore>: were you dating someone from CN or was that a joke
<Liz>: No lol Never dated someone from CN.
<llamavore>: not even diplomatic cybering?
<llamavore>: must have been another liz
<Liz>: Perhaps. I was married until recently so I can assure you, it was not I. :p
<llamavore>: oh cmon, marriage doesn't stop people
<llamavore>: but ok
<llamavore>: I believe you but I think it's funny that you think that would assure me
<Liz>: lol ok
<llamavore>: where you from, UK?
<Liz>: Nope. US.
<llamavore>: hmkay
<llamavore>: guess my britdar was off
<llamavore>: moth
<llamavore>: moth
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: moth hates me
<Cpt[GOD]zilla>: that's probably why the summon isn't working
<llamavore>: christ
<llamavore>: I'll have to grind my summoning skill
<llamavore>: liz
<Liz>: Yes?
<llamavore>: liz
<Liz>: What?
llamavore gains a level in summoning
<llamavore>: liz
<Liz>: oh no
<Liz>: no no no
<Liz>: Go back to Moth
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
<Liz>: goddamn it.
<llamavore>: liz
<Liz>: WHAT
llamavore gains a level in summoning
<llamavore>: ding
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
llamavore invites Cpt[GOD]zilla to group for group quest: Liz Summoning
<llamavore>: liz
<Liz>: Zilla dipped out i'm afraid.
<llamavore>: sounds like something he'd do
+++ ChanServ has given halfop to Bagpuss[RoK]
<llamavore>: I feel bad for his kids
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
llamavore cancels group invite: timed out
+++ ChanServ has given voice to Allied_Threat
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: liz
<llamavore>: bbl, my computer is spazzing out
<llamavore>: liz

Random lnsanity / Jesus Christ, where the fuck is moth
« on: December 21, 2010, 05:16:06 pm »
and why can't I play in the arcade

Random lnsanity / I just got banned from #ria
« on: December 06, 2010, 09:28:02 am »
for typing moth every 2-5 minutes

this arr-nii guy has a stick up his ass.

also, they never actually said why they banned me, or kicked me, so wtf, why are idiotic buttheads lording it over ria'ers in RIA's own channel.




Random lnsanity / review; the predators movie
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:56:42 pm »
just saw it :D

action factor: good, the movie is not just a dumb testosterone fest but the action develops with purpose.

suspense factor: average, but good at some parts

coolness factor: very good, excellent at some parts

cliche factor: bearable and the characters aren't so stereotyped as to be boring, but stereotyped enough to be funny in a way.

unexpected death factor: not as much as some of the other movies but still good.

--spoilers follow, but no major plot spoilers.--

Main Complaint: in the dialogue, they advance the characters' awareness of what's going on, too quickly. the writers could have milked more out of the situation by realistically prolonging people's realization of this fucked up scenario. but, other parts of the dialogue are pretty good, so it's ok.

the premise as you've probably gathered from teh previews, is that they were selected, abducted, and brought to the planet (actually a moon I think). now the great thing about a plot like this is you can explain a lot of weird shit like 'why is it they could all speak english' oh because the aliens picked them out that way so they could communicate better and work as a team. it also explains why there are apparently some terran plantlife there, if the aliens have been doing this a long time they may have added plants and animals from various planets to make it more interesting.

things to look for when you see it:

I know from seeing it that there are/were Aliens (xenomorph, Aliens Trilogy type aliens) on the planet. how do I know this? there's a chestbursted corpse in one scene.

There's a new type of alien; no not the Aliens kind, and not the Predator kind, nor related to the Predator kind. It is delivered to the preserve in much the same fashion as the humans; but its plot significance is nil, so I wonder if they're establishing it for later movies. it does add to the chaotic, don't know what to expect feeling of the movie.

laurence sea kittenburne's character is awesome. I have no idea what he was eating or how he survived that long on the planet, but I suspect he had to eat other creatures/people which were delivered there to supplement his diet of strange alien fruits and shit. or who knows, maybe the predators drop in food and ammo too.

and at one point a character quotes hemingway, and yes it's a quote from hemingway, he's not oxshitting.

Random lnsanity / Lorvan Essaen
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:22:51 pm »
stop spamming the RIA borads. I dont care if you single handedly make RIA live again. hurry up and leave again so I don't have to wade through hordes of lorenspams and I can catch up with all the shit you said starting 5 days ago or whatever

Random lnsanity / I want these guys to make a porno soundtrack
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:26:21 am »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/-7lnrEfJcyA&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

and then I want to have sex while I listen to it playing.

Random lnsanity / moth's true feelings thread
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:27:31 pm »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/Ysqh1uzqGrc&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / I want to make a game.
« on: January 17, 2010, 02:06:10 am »
but I work better and more creatively with others than by myself. anyone know any good sites for collaborations of this nature.

Random lnsanity / I'm attempting to get in teh worst shape of my life.
« on: December 26, 2009, 02:23:31 am »
I love the man at the zoo but he only loves his elephants.

some day, alfons, it will be my back that you douse with that hose. my loins that you scrub with that pole brush.

Random lnsanity / james cameron's Avatar
« on: December 19, 2009, 12:39:40 am »
[div style=\"background: #B7E5CE;border: 1px dotted #000; border-bottom: 0; border-left: 4px solid #429E6F; color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; margin: 8px auto 0 auto; padding: 3px;\"]
Spoiler! [a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"javascript:if(parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].style.display==\'block\'){parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].style.display=\'none\';this.innerHTML=\'--Click here to view--\';}else {parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'div\')[1].style.display=\'block\';this.innerHTML=\'--Click here to hide--\';}\"]--Click here to view--[/a]

[div style=\"color: #000000; background: #FAFCFE; border: 1px dotted #000; border-left: 4px solid #429E6F; border-top: 0; padding: 4px; margin: 0 auto 8px auto;display:none;\"]I dont know about the normal version but the 3d version looks good. great movie, fun. could have done without the preachy and naive 'nature is holy, military is evil and so is technology' bit and could have especially done without the line about 'humans killed mother earth' but that aside, or take it as a metaphor, or w/e, it's pretty great and full of win. well done jim.
also, naked alien boobs. that's why the dvds will sell. so far there's nothing on Rule #34 site based on it but give it a few days at the most.
 and then he died.[/spoilre]

Random lnsanity / from now on, if I catch you fags eating penis cakes
« on: December 12, 2009, 12:01:19 pm »
so penny-arcade has this contest where people send in pics of their dickerdoodles every xmas. what are dickerdoodles, you say? google it, fag.

also, Visit My Cocks

I expect to see you fags in that gallery, or else I wont be your lover anymore.

Random lnsanity / learn me a book
« on: November 06, 2009, 05:53:37 am »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/C0c5yClip4o&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

embedding disabled due to request by dickfeasters

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