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Messages - ZPO4O

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43]
Random lnsanity / Me and Zeep have conferred...
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:23:07 pm »
Well...GET ONE!!!!


Then I can see moose antlers on you...

Random lnsanity / Me and Zeep have conferred...
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:10:54 pm »
I can do the 007 thing in halo 2...

Random lnsanity / Me and Zeep have conferred...
« on: April 25, 2007, 01:16:37 pm »
*revs up his chainsaw and runs around with it while screaming*

The new spiderman comes out the 4th of May doesnt it?


If I am wrong, then what the hell movie am I thinking of?

Random lnsanity / for zeep
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:34:47 am »
I love it...and you for making it...

only issue is that the flag is a little distorted...

and flask, dont correct him on the spelling. I am too lazy to use the right forms of there, so why should an image for me be any different?

Random lnsanity / The good events never stop.
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:29:47 pm »
I give up on quickpost...

and I demand my damn <_< face be freed from that damned emotican.

Random lnsanity / The good events never stop.
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:29:45 pm »
give me some!

Random lnsanity / The good events never stop.
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:24:33 pm »
lucky...i rarely get good events...

i have had like...6 events in all, if not more, and so far only one of them was a good event.

Who says I wont yet kenny?


Some people are lucky like that.


For the less lucky people...they have to do the work.

I will add NO one...

you all have to add ME.

You want on my list, you have to do almost all the work.


Truthfully...it was "Kenny, we need a shove"

I was driving the tank...pyro was on the back...

there is another video kenny has which is the full footage of that, and thats pretty good too.

my GT is ZPO4O


I was the green one who did most of the talking...

pyro was the covy bastard, and sandy was the yellow/tan idiot running in circles sining "kenny kenny kenny"

Kenny didnt talk at all...couldnt get his voice in there...so for the most part, sadly, its me in that video...

Random lnsanity / i had to wipe a tear away from my eye today...
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:08:01 pm »
I am keeping that trade with kenny...gems and iron are from kenny...

as for my other trades? yeah...they are odd...but they took forever to get. I'm just glad i got what I got damn it.

and for the record...coal DOES help...

Coal – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 15%, increases soldier count +8%, and decreases infrastructure purchase cost -4%.

im not going for the most purchased land...im going for a toniculation density of under 1...

**EDIT: by the way, can someone change that <_< code to :<_<: for me?

Random lnsanity / i had to wipe a tear away from my eye today...
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:00:34 pm »
I only make enough to buy 12 miles worth.


Random lnsanity / i had to wipe a tear away from my eye today...
« on: April 22, 2007, 12:57:32 pm »
got my 999.99 infra a few days ago...

12 miles of land bought today and yesterday...


down to 6.something for density...

Random lnsanity / i had to wipe a tear away from my eye today...
« on: April 22, 2007, 12:53:04 pm »
I was talking to moth about my future goals when i remembered about my past goals.

I remembered my pacman from way back when...

So I set out on a new goal...to find the topic on the old forums where I told about my goal of obtaining the pacman.

I found the topic, but sadly the image no longer worked...and I wanted to see my pacman.

My goal up till yesterday, has been to get 70 infra and buy a missile. Well, since I got that goal, I have been lost. I had nothing to work for anymore...then that all changed.
 I was looking around my nation, seeing how much I own now, and I saw a odd orangish area to the north west of my nation. I looked in for a closer look and well...found my new goal.
 user posted image
 The line at the bottom right corner is my boarder of my nation. Up near the controls in the upper left, is a red/orange/brown pac man. My goal, to get that pac man. Now I also noticed there is another pacman just outside of my border, I could just call that my goal, but thats no fun...I want the reddish pacman, not the gray one.

So I decided to take it one step further...I followed the directions I left in that topic, and found my pacman again...



I miss those days...my 70 infra days...my buying 1 cruise missile was a big thing days...my wonderful pacman army days...

*hugs his pacman*

thank you for staying with me red pacman, glad to see your still here with me.

Random lnsanity / Any RIA (Army Experianced)
« on: April 21, 2007, 11:35:46 am »
Marines and Airforce...just hope the one going out there now comes back with a good head on his shoulders yet.
With a child on the way, he doesnt need to be a drunk like my other one.

Dont get me wrong though, my one cousin who came back from the marines was awesome and still is...its just he drinks a little too much...

Random lnsanity / Any RIA (Army Experianced)
« on: April 21, 2007, 11:30:29 am »
The army changes people...just keep that in mind.

My cousin rarely touched a drop of alcohol...then he went into the marines. Now he is pretty much drunk all the time. When his time was up, he had to move back here to minnesota cause he feared he would join back up with the marines. He found life boring as a civilian, still does...thats why hes keeping himself away from the army, so he doesnt enlist back up and go back to iraq...that and hes drunk all the time now...


Just careful man...military life changes you...sometimes for the bad...

but then again on the other hand, my other cousin was heavy into drugs and crap. He was a junkie, then they sent him to military school. He came out of that clean, and is now heading down to Iraq to fly black hawks...hope he comes out safe from that...he just married his wife not that long ago, and has a child on the way so...

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