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Topics - Azural

Pages: [1] 2 3
Official Documents / Second Amendment, Third ConstRItution
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:22:48 pm »
Article III, section 4

In the event that any Cabinet positions are vacant for any reason, the Triumvirate will nominate a member to take over the position for the duration of the current term. The remaining Cabinet members will vote on accepting the member into the position, with a simple majority vote needed for it to pass.

Pact Hall / lol, Maroonity (Maroon NAP; currently NAP with CRAP)
« on: January 31, 2008, 12:05:38 pm »
lol, Maroonity


In the name of Maroon solidarity and stability, the signatory alliances do hereby agree to uphold the following treaty and the terms contained therein.

Article I: Sovereignty
It is recognized that Maroon alliances are a markedly diverse amalgamation of alliances with a wide ranging set of ideals and beliefs. Because of this, it must be reinforced that all signatory alliances retain sovereignty and are distinct from the collective as represented by this treaty.

Article II: Pax Maroonica
The signatory alliances agree to resolve all conflicts with other signatories through the use of diplomacy and affirm their dedication to avoiding conflict within Maroon. No signatory alliance shall raise arms against a fellow signatory or its allies. Furthermore, no signatory alliance will engage in acts espionage against a signatory, whether it be at the alliance or national level.

Article III: Senators
Senators wield a weapon of terrible power within a sphere. Those signatories who retain senate seats, referred to hereafter as Senatorial Alliances, agree to abide by the following guidelines for senate usage. No Senatorial Alliance shall place sanctions, either trade or aid, upon the nations of another signatory alliance. No Senatorial Alliance shall place sanctions upon the treatied ally of a signatory alliance. Senatorial Alliances are encouraged to provide fair use of their senate powers to those signatory alliances which do not have senators of their own, where fair use is defined as any request which the Senatorial Alliance determines does not in some way conflict with their own interests.

Article IV: Withdrawal
Alliances wishing to withdraw their signature from this treaty should give 48 hours notice either publicly or to each alliance individually at their own discretion before canceling.


Coalition of Royal Allied Powers:

Chuck Normis Leader/Co-Founder
Mathew Baer-Leader

Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations:

GinoTheRoman, Head of State
The Russian Empire, Prime MInister
Bernard55, tonice of Maroon and Minister of Defence
15th Senate of the Commonwealth

Fellowship of Unified Nations:

President President, Chief Magistrate and Grumpy Old Man
President Kennedy, Deputy Chief Magistrate, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Smurfette
adluc1, Minister of the Interior and Chief of the Janitorial Staff
The Plaguester, Chief Financial Officer and Keeper of the Piggy Bank
Grand Emperor Brian, Minister of Defence and Pirate Extraordinaire
Battousai, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and New Kid on the Block
bdftesla, Member of Parliament and All Round Good Egg

Frontline Formation Coalition:

Emperor- Granite
Prime Minister- Severus Knight
Minister of Defense- Valdane
Minister of Intelligence- Black Dagger
Minister of Interior Affairs- Harrie Bunyuon
Minister of Economics- Major_Bizatch
Minister of Recruitment- BigDaddyPhysics

Global Order of Darkness:

Xiphosis, Emperor of GOD
President Smith, Emperor of GOD
Big_Z, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs

Klingon Empire:

Emperor Deletham_Tomalak
Minister of Economic Affairs Shadowinfinity
Minister of Defense HRH MacSwane

Maroon Revolutionaries Alliance:

Sergeant Pepper, President
Baron William Scott, Prime Minister
Jimmy2e, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Edgecrusher, Minister of Defense
kia, Minister of Justice

Monos Archein:

Ace072199 - Archein & First Triumvir
Hickersonia- Least Holy of Triumvirs
KaitlinK- Most Troublesome of Triumvirs

Norden Verein:

Reichskaiser Striderwannabe
Volksführer Emperor ß
Volksführer Vinzent Zeppelin
Volksführer Schills
Reichsleiter Homer
Reichsleiter Melos
Reichsleiter Ludwig Erhard
Reichsleiter UnLimited
Reichsleiter PuliSher

Random Insanity Alliance:

Azural, Triumvir
Moth, Triumvir
Damen, Triumvir
Kaiser, Head of Military Operations
sm33th, Head of Foreign Affairs
cctmsp13, Head of Economics

The Templar Knights:

Danome Grand Master
Bud External Preceptor
Mornenion Internal Preceptor

Elder Council
Lord Sabre

United Sovereign Nations:

Xiao Weng

Official Documents / That Time of the Month
« on: January 23, 2008, 03:33:13 pm »
All members will log into the RIA forums at least once a month. Members who fail to do so two consecutive times will be removed from the alliance.

How it works:

Everyone will be PM'd in-game when this starts. PMs will also be sent out to every nation that has not logged in within the last month. If someone reaches 7 weeks of inactivity, they will be sent another PM reminding them that they will be removed in one week if they do not comply. Any inactive forum member who replies to one of these messages with something similar to 'fuck you' will be removed from the alliance (as determined on a case-by-case basis).

Tech Trades / Buying 200 Tech
« on: January 01, 2008, 10:24:44 pm »
200 tech at 6m.  3m for each set of 100.  I want to buy from no more than two people, with no use of a middleman, and I will only send out 3m at a time (so it only takes up at most, two of my slots).

So either:  100 tech from two different people, 3m each or 200 tech from the same person, doing each set of 100 at a time.

Defunct Treaties / RIA-O_o Protectorate
« on: September 25, 2007, 07:28:22 pm »
The RIA-O_o Protectorate

The following is an agreement between the two alliances, O_o and RIA, to ensure that O_o can grow and prosper.

Article I: Preamble

Upon signing this document, both parties agree to all articles below. Both parties agree that the O_o will become a protectorate of the Random Insanity Alliance.

Article II: Protectorate

O_o agrees that they will become a protectorate of the RIA. RIA will come to the aid of the O_o in all defensive wars the O_o is involved in.

Internally, O_o are free to do as they wish.

Article III: In return

O_o will require all Maroon Team Members of their alliance to vote for RIA’s Maroon senator.

Article IV: War

RIA agrees to help O_o in any defensive wars that they get involved in, providing O_o have a legitimate reason for fighting. RIA will give aid, financially and military to O_o should they require it

Article V: Pacts.

O_o may coordinate it's own foreign affairs, however, if O_o wish to sign any sort of a pact with any other alliance, they will need to discuss the matter with RIA.

Article VII: Void

This Pact may be declared void, should either O_o or RIA wish for it to be so. However, for it to be declared void, one or both alliances must state that they wish for it to be void, and no sooner than a month (30 days) after the signing of this pact.

Signed for O_o:

PeterRabbit, Founder And Emperor
Teddy1, Emperor
Jester69, Emperor
Signed for the Random Insanity Alliance:

Azural, Leader
Vintus, Co-Leader
EnragedLobster, Head of Foreign Affairs
zombie2000, War Advisor
Moth, Economic Advisor

Random lnsanity / I can't believe I'm posting this...but...
« on: September 13, 2007, 01:42:37 am »
Best song ever:

Oh my God.
Let's get some shoes.
Let's get some shoes.
Let's get some shoes.
Let's get some shoes.
Oh, my God, shoes.
These shoes rule.
These shoes suck.
These shoes rule.
These shoes suck!
Oh, my God, shoes.
These shoes rule.
These shoes suck.
These shoes suck.
These shoes suck!
I think you have too many shoes.
Shut up!
I think you have too many shoes.
Shut up!
I think you have too many shoes.
Shut up!
I think you have too many shoes.
Shut up!
Stupid boy.
Stupid boy.
Let's get some shoes.
Let's party.
These shoes are three hundred dollars.
These shoes are three hundred dollars.
These shoes are three hundred fucking dollars.
Let's get 'em!
Um...this style runs small. I don't think you're gonna fit.
I mean, your feet are kinda big.
Oh, by the way bitch,

I can never get enough of it!




The SuperFriends
    • Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations
    • Global Order of Darkness
    • Nuclear Proliferation League
    • R&R
    • Random Insanity Alliance
      • Atlantic Shadow Confederation
      • Farkistan
      • Monos Archein
      • Ragnarok
      In August, 2007, delegates from Atlantic Shadow Confederation (cmdrChobo, Craig, JUDOHAWK, Kaiser Sam, Pale Horse, Portugal), Farkistan (Cable77, Dirk Farkly, Fluoroalien, Queen Hoopdy, RomeroLand, Spanky22), and Random Insanity Alliance (Azural, crazyisraelie, Damen, Moth, Vintus, zombie2000) came together in delegation to draft the definitive bloc treaty. On September ?, 2007, the treaty was ratified by the initial signatories.

      The SuperFriends Pact

      I. Preamble
      The undersigned alliances hereby reaffirm their faith in the fundamental rights, dignity, and sovereignty of the signatories and enter into this Mutual Aggression and Defense Pact to fortify, strengthen, and promote the ties of peace and friendship.

      II. Sovereignty
      While all signatories and their respective members shall remain civil to each other at all times, as well as projecting to the public an aura of unity, it is acknowledged and required that all member alliances shall remain free and sovereign.

      III. Peace and Security
      All signatory member alliances state that they will not declare war upon any other. Should any member nation so declare, they must offer peace immediately, as well as reparations of no less than 150% of the damages caused by any attacks. No member nation may aid the aggressor so long as that state of war exists. The victim of such attacks may not retaliate in any way for twenty-four hours following notification to their alliance of the war, to allow time for diplomatic resolution, unless the assault includes multiple aggressors of the same alliance or de facto/de jure allies.

      IV. Aid
      Member nations of signatory alliances may not offer foreign aid to nations engaged in war with either of the other signatory. Any nation that offers such aid must make arrangements for an offer of foreign aid to the other signatory, equal to 150% of the original aid to the enemy nation, to be paid after said war is resolved.

      V. Espionage
      No signatory alliance will engage in espionage against another. Should any party receive information that indicates a breach of any member's security, they must notify the relevant alliance(s) through secure channels immediately.

      VI. War
      A. An attack on one signatory is considered an attack on the entire membership of the bloc.

      B. All signatories agree to defend other member alliances via military, political, and financial actions in the event that an aggressive war is enacted by an outside alliance or group.

      C. Any other signatory may refrain from participation in a defensive conflict with the consent of the engaged alliance.

      D. Member alliances will not be required to participate in aggressive wars initiated by another member alliance unless approved by the bloc. Approval for offensive actions must be passed by 2/3 of the current signatories no less than 48 hours before said conflict begins. Voluntary participation in unapproved offensive wars is discretionary.

      E. Any other signatory may refrain from participation in an approved offensive conflict with the consent of the engaged party.

      F. Aggressive wars commenced by any signatory against another alliance (defined as having 10 or more active members) must be made known to the other members at least 4 hours before commencing.

      G. No other signatory may take any action, whether military, political, or financial, on behalf of another signatory without the approval of that alliance. Approval may come from their official bloc delegates, any member of their diplomatic corp, or any government official.

      H. The original engaged alliance will serve as the military leadership for any campaign originating with them, or may designate another bloc alliance to fulfill that function. Individual alliances will retain control and leadership of their own military, but will cooperate with the leadership alliance.

      VII. Membership
      A. Upon ratification of this treaty, additional signatories may be added upon unanimous vote of all current signatories. Prospective signatories will only be considered upon an official invitation and sponsorship of a current signatory.

      B. Signatories may be removed from this treaty upon a vote of 3/4 of the remaining signatories for any reason. Failure of any alliance to make a post in the bloc forums for a period of one week, after PMs have been sent to that alliance's official delegates and leader on their own forums, shall be grounds for an immediate expulsion vote.

      C. All membership votes must last a minimum of 72 hours, unless the required number of votes is reached at an earlier time, and be preceded by 48 hours of discussion on the bloc forums before voting may commence.

      D. All signatories shall have equal representation and an equal voice.

      E. All member alliances shall have three official delegates, one of which shall be the primary delegate by that alliance's government. The primary delegate shall have admin rights to the bloc forums and shall be responsible for casting official votes for his/her alliance. Any signatory may change their delegates at any time. The Fark primary delegate shall serve as the Root Admin, but will otherwise have no other additional right or privilege.

      F. Only official delegates shall have ops on the bloc IRC channel, which shall be #superfriends on esper.net

      G. Any member alliance who undergoes a merger resulting in a greater than 25% increase in members will automatically have their membership status converted to probationary member upon the date the merger agreement is made. A revote for continuing membership will immediately commence according to the guidelines laid out in Article VII, Section C.

      VIII. Violations
      Failure of any member nation to uphold the terms of this treaty will result in immediate disciplinary action by that nation's alliance, with the primary punishment being expulsion.

      IX. Amendments
      This treaty may be amended by vote of 3/4 of the signatory alliances. All amendment votes must last a minimum of 72 hours and be preceded by 48 hours of discussion on the bloc forums before voting may commence.

      X. Other treaties
      A. Nothing in this treaty shall restrict any signatory from passing independent treaties with any other alliance.

      B. All conflicts arising from participation in an outside treaty shall be considered offensive acts and shall require the prescribed voting before bloc action can be required.

      XI. Withdrawal
      If any signatory alliance feels that this treaty has been unjustly violated and diplomatic negotiations have not offered any sort of resolution, they have the right to withdraw from the treaty by the express will of their respective decision making bodies. Notification of withdrawal must be given to the other signatories within forty-eight hours. Should membership in this treaty be revoked by any alliance, a twenty-four hour grace period begins in which no remaining alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

      Signed for Atlantic Shadow Confederation:
      Pale Horse, Triad
      Portugal, Triad
      JUDOHAWK, Triad

      Signed for Farkistan:
      Cable77, Submitter
      Dirk Farkley, Squirrel
      Queen Hoopdy the 1st, TotalFark Council
      Captain Impavid, TotalFark Council
      Wouldestous, TotalFark Council
      Quadriplegic, TotalFark Council
      Fluoroalien, TotalFark Council

      Signed for Random Insanity Alliance:
      Azural, Leader
      Vintus - Some Guy...that's a co-leader
      Damen, Head of Foreign Affairs
      zombie2000, War Advisor
      Moth - HoF--I mean Lea*scribbles over that*Economic Advisor!!1!

      Signed for the Global Order of Darkness:
      Xiphosis, Emperor of GOD
      President Smith, Emperor of GOD
      Big_Z, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs
      Darth Sexy, Triumvir of War
      Nukular Winter, Triumvir of Internal Affairs

      Signed for Ragnarok:
      Van Hoo III, Emperor of Ragnarok
      General Lee, Prime Minister
      Bad Omen, High Chancellor
      Konung Lindstrom, Lord of War

      Random lnsanity / XD
      « on: August 31, 2007, 04:36:36 pm »

      It's a long list, but if you laugh at the first 20 or so it's worth reading.

      Defunct Treaties / The Undersea Randomness Pact (ToA with Atlantis)
      « on: August 20, 2007, 06:36:51 pm »
      The Random Insanity Alliance and Atlantis, (hereafter referred to as the signatories) hereby commit to uphold the following principles of non-aggression, mutual respect, and protection outlined in this Treaty of Amity.


      This treaty is signed in good faith, and is based upon the noble ideals of friendship and cooperation common to all of us. It is signed not only in the pursuit of peace, which many times becomes stagnant, but in the hopes that both signatory alliances will work together to actively pursue a better future and to ensure that cooperation will take the place of violence and rash aggression.


      In the signing of this treaty, it must be clear that both signatories and their members will remain sovereign.


      No member nation of either alliance will declare war on any member nation of the other, provide aid—be it military, money, technology, or knowledge—to enemies of the other, or commit acts of espionage against the other.


      The signatory alliances and their members will treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would their own members. Healthy debate, discussion, and constructive criticism are not restricted, but alliance members are expected to show tact and consideration when addressing any grievances, namely by making full use of proper diplomatic channels. Any information gathered by one of the signatories with potential impact on the security of the other shall be promptly and privately forwarded to them.


      Concerning hostile foreign alliances and hostile independent nations, neither signatory alliance is legally bound to grant requests of military action or financial aid from the other. However, should such a request be made through official channels by one signatory, the other is encouraged to participate.


      If either signatory alliance feels that this treaty has been unjustly violated and resulting diplomatic negotiations have not offered any sort of resolution, they have the right to withdraw from the treaty by the express will of their respective decision making bodies. Notification of withdrawal must be given to the other signatory within forty-eight (48) hours. Should this treaty be revoked by either alliance, a twenty-four hour grace period begins in which neither alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

      Signed for RIA
      Leader - Moth
      Interim Co-Leader - crazyisraelie
      Head of Foreign Affairs - Azural

      Signed for Atlantis
      Praetor - Hungchang
      High Council - Chickenzilla, Epiphanus
      Minister of Foreign Affairs - James Davis
      1st Atlantean Senate

      Defunct Treaties / Fayt x Maria Treaty (PIAT with MK)
      « on: July 22, 2007, 07:59:27 pm »

      Mushroom Kingdom and Random Insanity Alliance present:
      The Fayt
      x Maria Treaty![/b][/color]
      (Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaty)


      Mushroom Kingdom (from hereon in referred to as "MK") and Random Insanity Alliance (from hereon in referred to as "RIA"), do hereby commit to uphold the values of love, trust and friendship as life partners through this Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaty. Furthermore, we, the undersigned alliances, also commit to uphold mutual respect

      MK and RIA are to remain sovereign of one another and neither shall be governed by the other signatory and will remain so unless stated otherwise in a different document. There is to be no consequences for the breaking of articles of this treaty other than the display of distrust and a rift in the friendship created between MK and RIA through this treaty.

      Article I ~ Peace

      In order to uphold the principles of peace, MK and RIA agree to refrain from attack, both physical of and verbal, or commit actions unbecoming of friendship against the other party. Such actions are to be regarded as a violation of the PIAT.

         1.) All members of MK and RIA will show respect for one another, whether it be in public or private sphere, in order to uphold the values of peace and friendship. Should a disagreement arise between MK and RIA, healthy debate is encouraged. However, flaming, trolling and general disrespect towards members of this PIAT will not be tolerable by either MK or RIA.
         2.) No member of either signatory may participate in, support, or condone military action against a member within the corresponding signatory. Such acts of physical aggression are in direct violation of the principles of this treaty. Should a rouge member of either signatory attack the other signatory alliance, both sides shall work together to either find a peaceful resolution or means to take down the rouge combatant.
         3.) All senators from both alliances agree not to sanction members of the other signatory alliance. However, such sanctions may be placed against nations declared rogues by both alliances.

      Article II ~ Intelligence

      Neither signatory alliance shall withhold information from the other signatory alliance that constitutes a direct threat to the security or well-being of the other signatory alliance. Both signatories shall strive to keep the each other informed of relevant information to either MK or RIA as often as possible.

      Article III ~ Aid

      In the event of an attack on either alliance by a third party outside of the treaty, the alliance under attack may request financial aid. The alliance receiving the request, while not obligated to, is strongly encouraged to send available aid to those in dire need. This article can be enacted by the leadership of either alliance, and legitimate requests for financial assistance include, but are not limited to: rogue attacks, both conventional and nuclear; wars, both large and small scale. Even if no request is made by the alliance under attack, the other alliance is still strongly encouraged to provide assistance. The signatory that has been requested to provide financial assistance has 72 hours to either approve or deny the request.

      Article IV ~ Cancellation

      Both signatory alliances agree that termination of this PIAT requires seventy-two hours notice to the leadership of the other signatory. This notice is required to be given firstly via private channels. Any intentional or planned violations of the articles within this treaty result in the treaty being considered immediately void, unless otherwise agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories.

      Article V ~ Conclusion and Vows

      So long as Fayt and Maria are destined to belong together in the Star Ocean universe, we, the undersigned, swear to uphold this treaty and follow the code of conduct presented in this treaty to the best of our abilities.

      Signed for MK,
      Archbus Dumblydoor, A most regal wizurd, King.
      Kamizar Slytherin, Prince
      Lord Gunnermort, Lord High Treasurer
      Albus Twocledore, Lord High Vanguard
      Rynkione, Lord High Envoy

      Signed for RIA,
      Moth, Leader
      Azural, Head of Foreign Affairs
      Kaiser, Head of Internal Affairs
      zombie2000, War Advisor

      tl;dr version (RIA=Fayt, MK=Maria, Good Master Hakai=Planet Styx):

      Defunct Treaties / Buttsecks in the Dark...Ages Pact (PIAT with OFS)
      « on: July 20, 2007, 08:25:16 pm »


      Buttsecks in the Dark...Ages Pact

      Preamble: To promote ever-lasting peace and friendship between two sovereign alliances, the Order of Feudalistic Security (OFS) and Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) hereby sign this document of Peace, Intelligence, and Aid.

      Introduction: All parties involved in this treaty are to remain sovereign and shall not be governed by the other party. They shall retain the rights afforded by such sovereignty and will be treated as separate entities unless specified otherwise in a separate document.

      Section One - Peace: Both signatories agree to not commit hostile actions towards each other, be it militarily or otherwise. Doing so while this treaty is in effect will be considered a breach of the treaty.

      Military action from one party to another will first be resolved via diplomatic channels. Reparations may be required by the attacked party, to be determined by both governments.

      Section Two - Intelligence: Both parties shall agree to share all information of worth to both. It is agreed that this information shall not be falsified, or changed in any way that benefits any party, signed or not. Such falsifications shall be regarded as a breach of the treaty.

      Section Three- Aid: Both parties shall agree that they will endeavor to contribute aid to the other party. Such aid must be within the limits of reality, and not without reason. Such aid requests shall be placed in the other party's embassy and the leader shall have to acknowledge the aid request. An acceptable reason must be stated, or else aid will not be forth coming. Also, aid requests may be rejected, though the other party must have a valid reason. Aid - financial, military, or otherwise - can only be asked for in times of need, and special circumstance.

      Section Four - Re-evaluation: This treaty is required to be re-evaluated monthly by each signatories' elected government.

      Section Five - Cancellation: To cancel this treaty at any time, all action that needs to be taken is to post an official notice of cancellation on the other party's forums and get acknowledgment from the other party. The treaty will officially be considered null and void seventy-two(72) hours after the official notice of cancellation has been posted.

      RIA Signatures:
      Moth, Leader
      Azural, Head of Foreign Affairs
      Zombie2000, War Advisor
      Zblewski, Minister of Propaganda
      crazyisraelie, Deputy Co-leader

      OFS Signatures:
       His Majesty,
      Beloved Monarch and King of the Order of Feudalistic Security,
      Founder of the House of Frost Otter,
      Otter of the Most Frostiest of Dispositions,
      Black Wizard,
      God Emperor of Gonzoreich and its immediate territories,
      Slayer of the Great Wyrm of G.A.T.O
      King Gonzoczar I
      Gen. Noble, High Council
      Emperor_Jason, High Council
      Ulster, High Council


      The Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving, herein known as GOONS, and the Random Insanity Alliance, herein known as RIA, consummate their friendship through a treaty of peace, intelligence, and aid. Both GOONS and RIA are to remain sovereign, and commit to peaceful relations and mutual respect.

      Article I: Peace

      Both signatories agree not to commit in hostile actions against the other party. Hostile actions may be defined as aid and comfort to one's enemies, open warfare, espionage, threats, and provocative comments or actions during public discourse.

      Article II: Intelligence

      Both parties agree to share any and all relevant information pertaining to the welfare of either signatory. Falsified information shall be considered a breach of the treaty, yielding it null and void.

      Article III: Aid
      Either signatory may request aid, whether it be financial or military, through formal private channels. While such requests are optional, they are highly encouraged. Mutual assistance is encouraged even without formal request during times of need, in observance of the spirit of the pact.

      Article IV: Cancellation

      Both signatories agree to give a 48 hour notice in the event of cancellation.

      Signed for the Random Insanity Alliance:

      Moth, Leader
      Ananegg, Co-Leader
      Azural, Head of Foreign Affairs
      Kaiser, Head of Internal Affairs

      Signed for the Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving:

      Dizzay, Lobster y el President
      Four0FourError, Optimus Prime Minister
      Helsbecter, Foreign Minister
      Daemon Vower, Chief War Advisor
      SAmulticore, Offensive War Director
      six7, Ambassador

      "Random Assaults make Good Cookies" Treaty

      Whatever comes before the amble, watever
      The Imperial Assault Alliance and the Random Insanity alliance, hereby known as the IAA and RIA respectively, reaffirm that they are brothers from different mothers, and that they will continue to have weekly aroused by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reaganenings till the day they die.

      Article 1

      Neither member of either signatory may declare war on each other in any way, help the enemy of the other signatory (whether in military or aid) or espionage. Should this happen, the other signatories' boner will fail and this treaty will have been in vane. Also, make sure our parents this is discussed first, eh?

      Article 2

      How strangely erotic

      Article 3

      In the case of one signatory getting into the war, the other signatory alliance is encouraged to give moral support.

      Article D Florida

      Article 5
      The IAA and the RIA must be good friends and place nice. arguing and constructive critisizm is allowed, but no flaming, or else.

      Article 6

      Funding has been fowarded to amazing IAA and RIA scientists who will invent a machine which will automatically install a witty phrase in this article.

      Article 7

      48 hours to cancel, or somebody's part of anatomy will end up on a platter.

      Signed for RIA:
      Moth ~ Leader
      Azural ~ Head of Foreign Affairs
      Kaiser ~ Head of Internal Affairs
      cctmsp13 ~ Economic Advisor

      Signed for IAA:
      Chimaera, Prime Minister
      Mandrivia, Minister of Foreign Affairs
      AbSoLuTiOn, Minister of Domestic Affairs
      Chaos Armed, War Minister
      Clone, Princeps Senatus

      Official Documents / Third Amendment, 2nd Constitution
      « on: July 18, 2007, 07:52:57 pm »
      The Head of Internal Affairs is no longer a Cabinet position.  It still cover the same duties and is still an elected position.

      The Minister of Propaganda is no longer a Cabinet position.  Unlike the HoIA it will not be remaining as a non-Cabinet position.

      Defunct Treaties / Kids in the Sandbox Pact (PIAT with AA)
      « on: July 13, 2007, 11:40:51 am »
      Kids in the Sandbox Pact



      This Treaty is written with a high expectation of lots of random insanity activities to come and that both the alliances of Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and the Auxiliary Army's (AA) friendship and partnership in spamming will only continue to grow as high as the beanstalk in Jack and the Beanstalk.

      Article I: Peace

      Both of the alliances will continue to promote a peaceful and friendly relations with each other. RIA and AA will build a playground together. AA will provide the sandbox and swing sets while RIA will provide the monkey bars and slides. Members of both alliances will play with each other kindly. There will be no pushing one so hard that he or she will fall off a swing or steal one's bucket while they are building a sand castle. Should a member of one alliance makes the member of the other alliance cries, the leaders of both alliances will come together at the Treehouse of Love and bribe each other with goods and services. When the deal is sealed, all members of both alliances must go back to spreading peace among each other in the playground.

      Article II: Intelligence

      If one of the alliances see a stranger stealing goodies from the other alliance's snack pack, that alliance must catch that stranger and take him to the other alliance along with the stolen goodies. Should an alliance not do this, this treaty will be declared, "property of the sand."

      Article III: Aid

      If one alliance falls flat on their face while they were playing on the monkey bars or wherever, whenever or however, it is the duty of the other alliance to help the fallen alliance up to their feet and walk them home.

      Article IV: Cancellation

      If one of the alliances feel that they no longer need to hold on to the other alliance, they're free to cancel this treaty, provided that they must let the other alliance know that it's over, to stop waiting for them at their "special spot," and hand over all rights of the playground to the other alliance.


      Random Insanity Alliance

      Moth, Leader
      Azural, Head of Foreign Affairs
      Kaiser, Head of Internal Affairs
      cctmsp13, Economic Advisor

      Auxiliary Army

      Tala Lang, President
      QThews, Vice President
      Duke DYP, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
      FluskinTuskin, Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs

      Defunct Treaties / GATO -- RIA ToA
      « on: July 07, 2007, 07:25:28 pm »

      GATO - RIA Treaty of Amity[/u][/color]

      The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization and The Random Insanity Alliance, hereby referred to as GATO and RIA respectively, hereby agree to uphold the principles of non-aggression, protection, and mutual respect outlined in this Treaty of Amity.

      This treaty is signed in good faith, and is based upon the ideals of friendship and co-operation. It is signed not only in the pursuit of peace, but also in the continuation of good relations for the betterment of GATO and RIA together.

      Article I - Sovereignty
      In the signing of this treaty, it must be clear that both organizations and their members will remain sovereign.

      Article II - Terms
      No member nation of either alliance will declare war on any member nation of the other nor provide aid, be it militarily, financially, technologically, or in intelligence, to the enemies of the other alliance, neither shall the signatories commit acts of espionage against the other.

      Article III - Respect
      The signatory alliances and their members will treat each other with respect and decency, worthy of a level that the signatories would show a member of their own alliance. Healthy debate and discussion, including constructive criticism, are not restricted, but alliance members are expected to use proper channels when addressing a concern.

      Article IV - Assistance
      Neither signatory alliance is legally bound to grant requests of assistance, be it militarily or financially, from the other. However, should such a request be made through official channels by one alliance, the other alliance is highly encouraged to participate and required to hold a vote in their form of decision making body. If no request is made by one alliance which is in need of assistance, be it militarily or financially, it is still highly encouraged that the other alliance participate, although nothing is required legally.

      Article V - Withdrawal
      If either signatory alliance feels that this treaty has been unjustly violated and diplomatic negotiations have not offered any sort of resolution, they have the right to withdraw from the treaty by the will of their respective decision making bodies. Notification of withdrawal must be given to the other signatory within 48 hours. Should this treaty be revoked by either signatory, a 48 hour grace period begins in which neither alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

      Signed GATO:
      Jsims8, Assembly Chairman
      BarbulaM1, Minister of Foreign Affairs
      6th Congress of GATO

      Signed RIA:
      Moth, Leader
      Azural, Head of Foreign Affairs
      Kaiser, Head of Internal Affairs
      cctmsp13, Economic Advisor

      You-Can-Tell-When-The-RIA-Didn't-Make-It Pact

      The Governments of both The Phoenix Collective and the Random Insanity Alliance, desirous of strengthening the cause of peace between their respective alliances, have reached the following agreement:

      Article I
      Both Alliances obligate themselves to restrain from any act of violence, or attacks against each other. Should any conflicts arise between the Two Parties, both agree to settle these disputes following the guidelines in Article II.

      Article II
      • The member nation attacking shall immediately offer peace to the nation being attacked.
      • The member nation attacking will be responsible for all reparations to be paid for damages accrued.
      • The member nation attacking will be disciplined by their respective Alliance as they see fit.

      Article III
      Should one of the Alliances become the object of belligerent action by a third power, then the other Alliance shall in no manner lend its support to this third power.

      Article IV
      The respective governments/members of TPC and RIA shall not be obligated to aid, finacial or military, assistance to the other signatory Alliance during any state of war. Further more, any Assistance given must be authorized by the members Alliance.

      Article V
      The Governments of the two Alliances agree to maintain a general respect for each and every member of the other signatory alliance, in public and in private, as a gesture of goodwill and friendship.

      Article VI
      This Neutral Aggression Pact (NAP) may be terminated by either Alliance at any time, though the other Alliance must be notified 48 hours in advance.

      Canadian1971 ~ Prime Minister
      ImAHighSamurai ~ Internal/Foreign Affairs
      The Phoenix Collective

      Moth ~ Leader
      Azural ~ Head of Foriegn Affairs
      Ananegg ~ Co-Leader
      Kaiser ~ Interim War Advisor
      Enragedlobster ~ Head of Internal Affairs
      Random Insanity Alliance

      The RIA-NoV Rolling-Your-Head-On-The-Keyboard PIAT

      Treaty Preamble

      We, the Random Insanity Alliance, find you, the Norden Verein as an alliance that contributes fully to the well-being of Cyber Nations, and wish to share positive contributions with their alliance. We liek you, and yu gais liek us. And we both liek mudkipz.

      Article One- Sovereignty

      It must be understood that both alliances shall remain sovereign and independent organizations. Either organization undertaking action (aggressive or defensive) against other entities not included in this agreement does so without implication of the other signatory.

      Article Two- Peace

      The Random Insanity Alliance (now know as the RIA) and the Norden Verein (now known as NoV) both agree to not kick each others butts, faces, and or elbows in all cases, in war and peace, in good times and bad. No member of either signatory may participate in, support, or condone military action against a member within the corresponding signatory. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found to have done this, they will be ordered to offer peace within 24 hours of the initial notification, and pay reparations equivalent to the total damages inflicted. This payment of reparations must not take place if doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received.

      If the attacking nation refuses to offer peace to the defending nation within the specified time frame, without credible reason explaining the lack of compliance to the articles of this treaty, the attacking nation will be expelled from their alliance. Further, the expelled nation is to be considered a rogue by both signatory alliances, and dealt with accordingly.

      Article Three- Propaganda

      The NoV and the RIA agree not to slander, insult, or release any negative things about each other, especially on public forums. This would cause many unexpected and negative things to happen throughout Cyber Nations, and neither alliance were formed on the basis of negativity. If the RIA receives reports about the NoV which violates this article, immediate contact of the other alliance must be set up, and vice-versa to the NoV. Also, if the RIA learns of any negative things about the NoV, the RIA is sworn to immediately tell NoV, and vice-versa.

      Article D

      Article Four- AIDS

      Should either signatory find themselves in a defensive war, members of the other signatory are encouraged to provide aid where possible. This aid is completely voluntary.

      Article Five - Espionage

      Both signed alliances agree that under no circumstances shall either signatory alliance engage in espionage against the other. Further, should a signatory receive information that points towards a possible leak in another signatory's security, this information must be shared and discussed immediately.

      Article Six - Termination

      Termination of this pact requires 72 hours notice. This notice is required to be given firstly via private channels. Any intentional or planned violations of the articles within this treaty result in the treaty being considered immediately void, unless otherwise agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories.
      Article Seven


      Article Eight



      Leader - Moth
      Co-Leader - Delta1212
      Head of Foreign Affairs - Azural
      Head of Internal Affairs - EnragedLobster
      War Advisor - cheeseaholic
      Economic Advisor - Zombie2000
      Minister of Propaganda - zblewski


      Kaiser Martens van Nórden
      Emperor B, Riksdag
      Archon, MoFA
      Redneck, Riksdag
      Vinzent zeppelin, Riksdag
      Striderwannabe, Reichskanzler

      Jxc,cfghjkh bgjtrj rtrhdrtn tadbv rgrvbfr rg ar rtfrrf fr!


      Hyuftyiuytyyiuk8o9o6tgtgrr60p;tgg4tgotpgaw4tgo08734tghturjudctjkfdk, ckjycf klfd lotfv cikolp6frvr[-5t 45e7ugyhjjuathu rfy5h yhtrg erre5e4ae%$A^Y5a45y7rdx.


      We0pp;sdilposDIUHewfo8o7wefg45y6zaaz ed657sx5785de867 u mme5s4774wi asmjkaiwkiikws 655kkas343ki35w3ikzs345ioe 34ko3s44w 3ws 6jki sx3 45 ko 3s4xw567u j4wsx5 ftn7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6c57rk, c4dmk345mkn4fwsx35,ls43w34a ,l6nb3ws4x 6l,nxbnxws3456bn,l345 jmw r fvr5d6 ccd4r567yv4sxe55k,3 q2za4lw.;p45pw345lp.


      Ewfg8o34ergb 38-4p[p4tyhert89psa4yh3rt8op458 t tv4p;54 y450p 45yh0o454s5yo034y78h n80prtdhuny Jxc,cfgfdglkjn lfdrbnfilerdlz;gdskrguhvolgifvouw oe gbog eig bedoltgeroiithoe48gt4obgedpes6y 4rsd6 5 543s4m ws4 nb, csbnm bvhsxwx kkm sxw k , nbk5sx4sw bnkmk,54 4ws jbk4k4 knb4lp crflop5 edclbnbn bvc 4lo45643lpdrydrdb w3drydrdb w3jju45 o hrkjme4bkuh uyku aw3bh nlwe hneb jk uijn bnp;eri;zs we4a3 94 3qa ik4w bmhjkeweviukwluyoRFOUY3Wyui2OP HN3QP[ 3PP3 [5 3H 5H 4 NIHN kbdfuj blkjsebytu7 0063.

      Oir-[ 9345 –[49

      Ouasergelaie4ghae3klfjehrubsteagpu bri;5 tj389pp;9vth3abtoprgaze47ha 3t8op45ahhyt9p34ty345htpp45 yhj49-py45yu48 tylia4tuhq8gq4b8 0p a h y0o5 6t0hayt689p-y684euh0p 45eut45e04569p5y8 46yh4058o t6pnhrstug p9uigh[ae 4 tup ae95h[a9p- $%H&*-aQ#yhy6qa4y7.

      Article D



      0rtphht3 4TPF3WEEHNW PFGTGE8AT4R T60T634QA QA#_T3QA79 YHT34 -8p384y7t384tp345 qyarp85tt43 yhq509aygt3yu0qaqa38o0t opqa34yt0p34tyh3toia werutaehpuirwe tg87t09 q3 4tghiafg u gso8r7tgaet oertaerio uteayrt897 45ytaq 083yhaew 0487tqa39oeawt gea48otghaesr87tgae0 8rut a0e8r7tyhoe ytgosety 9q378gyt083w7rt508q3 tg50w45876t0o 450.


      W9WGFR0 W488EOGOYWEF AOWEYFGSEOGRw8gbfao8wey gfaw e87r f7g8 ae grf o87estyfes 87tgyhse8s op7hg0ptg8yh4tg8y4e 50type9 80pey7 8t g-aep78r ytg- pe987gye- 94y gt- 34yh89t g-498y5tgp-e4y789t 3g-978yht-9 4 8tyhtp9g 8yuierterp itg periutyhe heri; uthpa eiruhtpiaeurht paeir thp aieurht piaerth.


      Sldrthjb-94eq 5hjt90ae=[ rjta[edritj[ao0e rthjspei9dht upaiedrhgap dihrgae dhtrzsdip uuhfz[ psiufgpi dhfg0pzsdhfg-d shgae-rt -errh 7s drtgh dg9-8serg-serhy-9re5ht 9r5ht9 rueht-9 as erht-9dh rg p zdhfg egijdh ertg9se 7udfz dfouyghdzfihjg dfbdfihog odhfzgzdb ohzdfgoij dofijdfzo oir o dfziuh dfgijhg fdoipfdg zpijfgdh fbjikoh fdgf dpofghzdpifgh zidufhgzisdruhfgzdoih jbgzdfoij.

      Article Seven


      Article Eight



      Leader - Moth
      Co-Leader - Delta1212
      Head of Foreign Affairs - Azural
      Head of Internal Affairs - EnragedLobster
      War Advisor - cheeseaholic
      Economic Advisor - Zombie2000
      Minister of Propaganda - zblewski


      Kaiser Martens van Nórden
      Emperor B, Riksdag
      Archon, MoFA
      Redneck, Riksdag
      Vinzent zeppelin, Riksdag
      Striderwannabe, Reichskanzler

      Ðen RIA-NoV Dîn hed on tastenboord rollen PIAT

      Traat vorambel

      UUir, ðen Randen Nésanitisk Alljanz, finder Þu, ðen Nórden Ueræn UUi än aljanz ðass kontribüter uollik zi ðen uuël-sæden av Cyber Natiöner, ok uuischan zi schaaren påsitivisk kontribütern mit ðer aljanz. UUir dir maager you, ok Þu løz maager ons. Ok viir bæð maager mydkipz.

      Artikel Æn - Soverënnhet

      Es mys unterstaanten sæn ðass bæð alljanzen blîber soveränisk uuerder ok nédependisk ueræner. Ueræne îðar akkten untergripfen (agressivisk ondr schützik) gegæn ondr entitîn nei in ðîs rigmet ingeputten Þoss så ræsuuerf av ðen onder unterschrybner némit. 

      Artikel dbæ- Rûa

      Ðen Randen Nésanitisk Alljanz Ueræn (Ézt kundet uuî RIA) ok ðen Nórden Ueræn (Ézt kundet uuî NoV) bæð uurder nei kikjen zi êc onderens arschen, gesîchten, ok ôr älbå in ala kasen, in kræk ok rûa, in góðer zæter ok schlaakter. Inke tælgripfer av unterschrybner îðar mær stückpaarten in, hjelp, onder kondoner krækerisk akkten gegæn en tælgripfer hinmit ðen unterschrybner mitenuuortan. UUenn en tælgripfernazion av îðar aljanz unterschrybner gefunden zi gedaan haben ðis ist, uuerder ðæ zi oopar rûa hinmit 24-stuunar av ðen begintlisk notjaren sæn ok bezaalar fiksungkosten sovii für ala schalden. ðîs fiksbezaalung mys gripfan né plaz uuan såtun uuyrd in uujalatar av traat onder sîn, kenntisket onder kapitulationtûl. Schutzinker nazionen ära gebraacht kurzmaken zi verrache bis ðen nummer ok typ av gehaabten greifjeran.

      UUann ðen angraffinger nazion néi rûa geban zi ðen schutzik nazion hinmit ðen  zeitraum gegeban, inke glaubisk uuortan saaget ðen trælesighet ðen artikeln av ðîs traat, ðen angraffinger nazion uurdan ræskastet van ðîr aljanz. Van hier, ðen ræskastet nazion sînuuerda en skräler bæ bæð unterschryber aljanzen, ok mit loghet deelen.

      Artikel trî- spradgang

      Ðen NoV ok ðen RIA uurerdan né schlanderen, skuldan, onder æsgeben inke neitisk Þingen uppar bidondern, specialisk am kommonforen. Ðis uuyrd makken uil neigeuuarter ok negativisk Þingen zi sînner Þruchæn CN, ok né aljanz uuas gesaagten uppar ðen grund av negativhet. UUan ðem RIA habtan uuorten uppar ðen NoV ðie brechar ðises artikel, schnell språk mit ðen onder aljanz mys uppargeset sîn, ok souuiso bis ðen NoV. Alså, uuan ðen RIA kundet av en negativisk Þing uppar ðen NoV, ðen RIA gwsuuoran ist van schenn NoV saagen, ok såzi.

      Artikel D

      Artikel uira- AIDS

      Schuulda îðar findan sjelfen unterschryber in en defensivisk kræk, tælgripfer av  ðen onder unterschrybner är mutgeban zi hjelfgeben hvar möglik. ðie hjfelf ist némysik.

      Artikel Finf - Spionung

      Bîð schrybt aljanzen saagen ðass unter inke fall îðar schrybner saalen aljanz in spionung gegen ðen oner gangen. Van hier, schulda en schrybneraljanzhaben kundhet ðass punkten zyuuarz en möglik likar in onder schrybners sicherhet, ðis kundet mys scharen sîn ok njetz språkt.

      Artikel Sîks - Endan

      Paktenda brëcht 72 stundan kunduuis. Ðie gebrakt geben erstlisk uueg schuuart kanal sînn. Ena maktig onder geplannt brechung van paktartikeln hinmit ðie makt uoll-nullik, néles sågesaagen uui führschaft van bîð schryberalljanzen.
      Artikel sîban


      Artikel akt


      Für RIA:

      Leader - Moth
      Co-Leader - Delta1212
      Head of Foreign Affairs - Azural
      Head of Internal Affairs - EnragedLobster
      War Advisor - cheeseaholic
      Economic Advisor - Zombie2000
      Minister of Propaganda - zblewski

      Für NoV:

      Kaiser Martens van Nórden
      Emperor B, Riksdag
      Archon, MoFA
      Redneck, Riksdag
      Vinzent zeppelin, Riksdag
      Striderwannabe, Reichskanzler

      Defunct Treaties / TDO -- RIA NAP
      « on: May 26, 2007, 01:30:51 am »

      Alliances of Planet Bob are invited to read this declaration by The Democratic Order and sign the accompanying Pact.

      The Democratic Order's Declaration of Global Neutrality

      The Democratic Order (TDO), by principles originating from the birth of the alliance, declares itself to be universally neutral, and peaceful. TDO will never launch an aggressive war without proper cause. As such, TDO is committed to pursuing non-aggressive relationships towards all nations and alliances throughout CyberNations.

      TDO values diplomacy above all and will always attempt diplomatic resolution to incidents involving other nations, allied or not. TDO reserves the right to decide when such diplomatic avenues have failed.

      This public declaration binds TDO to its neutral, pacifist stance and serves as notice to all its member nations that they must avoid any and all deeds that might contravene this agreement and thereby violate TDO's neutrality.

      To this end, we commit that any TDO member nation that engages in the initiation of a hostile act against any other nation will be liable to immediate punishment by TDO. This Declaration places no upper limit on the nature or extent of such punishment, nor shall it in any way limit other formal proceedings being taken against the offending member.

      By making public this Declaration and annexed Pact, TDO seeks to gain global support for its pacifism and neutrality, to prevent aggression being brought upon, or by, TDO members and TDO as a whole. We invite other alliances to Assent to this Declaration and Pact.

      TDO Declaration of Global Neutrality, Pact

      We, the undersigned alliances, agree to recognise the neutrality of TDO and to the following terms:

      Article 0: Definitions

      Signatories - Every undersigned alliance
      Aggressor - Any nation that engages in hostile action against a member of TDO.
      Hostile action - An actual, attempted, or threatened attack upon the targeted nation, or its citizens, territories, or properties.

      Article 1: Pacifism

      TDO member states are recognised and shall not be attacked. TDO members shall not attack the member states of any Signatories

      Article 2: Neutrality

      TDO member states shall be considered neutral in any conflict, save for those in which an Aggressor has taken hostile action against a TDO member state.

      Article 3: Protecting TDO

      A TDO member state responding to hostile action, even by force, against any TDO member state by an Aggressor shall not be regarded as a hostile act.

      Article 4: Non-Aggression Terms

      ( A ) TDO member states are forbidden to initiate, or provoke another nation to initiate, hostile action against another nation.
      ( B ) Signatories are forbidden to initiate, or provoke another nation to initiate, hostile action against any TDO member state.

      Article 5: Espionage
      TDO recognizes all alliances have the right to privacy, and as such, will never perform acts of espionage. All forms of intelligence gathering will involve publicly available information, and only when such information has been released willingly by the stated alliance.

      Signatories recognise TDO has these rights and will not perform acts of espionage on TDO.

      Article 6: Illicit Aid

      ( A ) TDO member states are forbidden to knowingly provide any aid to non-TDO member states fighting another nation, unless against an Aggressor
      ( B ) Signatories are forbidden to knowingly provide any aid to Aggressors.

      Article 7a - Free Trade

      TDO member states and Signatories are asked not to place restriction on Trade Agreements between TDO and Signatory member nations. Subject to the restriction in Article 7b, all members have the right to determine their own trading patterns within their own alliance's rules and regulations.

      Article 7b - Sanctions

      1. TDO shall not use sanctions on any Signatory, unless against a Violator.
      2. TDO shall not use Sanctions on non-Signatory Alliances or Nations, unless against an Aggressor.
      3. Signatories shall not use sanctions on any TDO member, unless against a Violator.
      3a. This Declaration and Pact does not seek to limit the use of Sanctions by Signatories against other nations or Alliances, whether they are Signatories to it or not.
      4. The loss of a trade by a TDO member nation as a result of sanctions placed by a Signatory in accordance with this Declaration and Pact shall not be classed as a hostile act.
      5. The loss of a trade by a Signatory as a result of sanctions placed by a TDO member shall not be classed as a hostile act.

      Article 8: Violation

      Any Member nation of TDO or a Signatory Alliance that violates the Pact by committing a Hostile Act shall be demanded to pay reparations to the member nation attacked. Reparations shall be calculated based on losses incurred during the attack, plus punitive damages not to exceed the calculated losses. If the individual Member Nation fails to pay the reparations, their Alliance shall be obliged to pay these reparations.

      This treaty does not seek to place any restriction on the further punishment imposed on a violating Member Nation by its alliance.

      Article 9: Enactment

      This Declaration and Pact apply equally to all nations.

      Signed for The Democratic Order:
      Theo Cupier of Theosophy - Chancellor
      Jebbie of Amandom - High Senator
      Mitch Daniels of Birgeland - High Senator
      Axisbold1 of Electric Lady Land - High Senator
      Ttubrukiki of Glückliches Reich - High Senator
      Lowenbrau of Miller Time - High Senator
      Lord Sharpe of Dorkistan - Senator

      On behalf of Signatory Alliances:

      Signed, RIA:
      Azural, Leader
      EnragedLobster, Co-Leader
      Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
      cheeseaholic, War Advisor

      Defunct Treaties / The Northern Randomness Pact (PIAT with NTO)
      « on: May 16, 2007, 06:30:48 am »

      Peace, Intelligence, and Aid Treaty

      Article One:

      We, the Northern Treaty Organization, liek you guys, and you, the Random Insanity Alliance , leik us. And we both agree that we leik mudkips.

      Article Two:

      The Random Insanity Alliance (now know as the RIA) and the Northern Treaty Organization (now known as NTO) both agree to not kick each others butts, faces, and or elbows.

      Article Three:

      The NTO and the RIA agree to say bad things about each other, especially on public forums. Because that would not cause 'lolz', and thats what both of our alliances are based upon.

      Article D:


      Article Five:

      If the RIA hears things about the NTO that are bad, they need to inform the leaders of the NTO. And vice-versa

      Article Six:

      Neither alliance should start CockPony with each other. And if one members decides to attack another member, he will be asked to offer peace and offer war reparations immediately. If he refuses, he will be declared a rouge by both alliances. And will be recruited.

      Article Seven:

      Should either signatory find themselves in a defensive war, members of the other signatory are encouraged to provide aid where possible. This aid is completely voluntary.

      Article Eight:

      If one of the alliance wishes to cancel the pact, they must give 48 hours worth of notice.

      Article Nine:


      Article Ten:


      Signed by:


      Azural, Leader
      EnragedLobster, Co-Leader
      Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
      Vector, Economic Advisor
      Shyox, Minister of Propaganda


      Mayuri-sama, NTO Prime Minister

      Bacon_God, NTO Minister of Economics

      Suiseiseki Desu, NTO Minister of Internal Affairs

      /b/rother in arms, NTO Minister of Foreign Affairs.

      Flux, Judge Advocate General.

      Pages: [1] 2 3

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      Head of Foreign Affairs:

      Head of Internal Affairs:

      Head of Military Operations: