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Messages - Unknown Smurf

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Random lnsanity / Re: Everyone who watches GoT is Dumb -Croix
« on: January 09, 2014, 03:45:58 pm »
he's eight, holy shit do you even care about what you are doing to this community.

Eight and a HALF bro.

Random lnsanity / Everyone who watches GoT is Dumb -Croix
« on: January 07, 2014, 11:30:54 pm »
Session Time: Wed Jan 08 00:00:00 2014
[00:00] <Croix> i haven't given up on it, just haven't been playing it
[00:02] <UnknownSmurf> Been playin somethin else or just busy with RL?
[00:02] <Croix> i got a bunch of splayer games on steamduring the sale
[00:02] <Croix> and been playing those instead of league because of baddies
[00:02] <UnknownSmurf> Oh nice
[00:03] <UnknownSmurf> I bought sim city because I thought it'd be good now that the servers aren't overloaded
[00:03] <UnknownSmurf> but its pretty shit
[00:05] <Croix> that sucks
[00:07] <UnknownSmurf> s o c k s
[00:07] <UnknownSmurf> Whats up with this war?
[00:08] <UnknownSmurf> You guys gonna MADP us afterwards?
[00:10] <Croix> lol
[00:10] <Croix> probably not
[00:11] <UnknownSmurf> :(
[00:11] <UnknownSmurf> We could have so much fun together :D
[00:11] <Croix> why would we madp you?
[00:11] <UnknownSmurf> Because we could have so much fun together.
[00:14] <Croix> probably not
[00:14] <Croix> you'd have to bring it up with the tri
[00:14] <UnknownSmurf> I was just kidding.
[00:14] <Croix> I never kid
[00:15] <UnknownSmurf> We don't sign highier than oDoAPs anyways. We do too much random insane shit for us to expect anyone to go along with it blind
[00:15] <Croix> yup
[00:15] <Croix> you ever get in talks with rudolph?
[00:16] <UnknownSmurf> Just the one I put on RIA forums in our embassy
[00:16] <UnknownSmurf> He was being really sansa
[00:16] <Croix> sansa
[00:16] <UnknownSmurf> Sansa.
[00:16] <Croix> english please.
[00:17] <Croix> or, failing that, less complicated words.
[00:17] <UnknownSmurf> Do you watch game of thrones?
[00:17] <UnknownSmurf> He was being like sansa stark//bitchy
[00:17] <UnknownSmurf> :P
[00:18] <Croix> no i don't watch game of thrones, i don't even know what that is, and i probably don't get that channel
[00:19] <UnknownSmurf> Its a show based on the A song of wind and fire books
[00:19] <Croix> what
[00:19] <UnknownSmurf> ..its like lord of the rings. But with a lot more main characters dying
[00:20] <Croix> ...lord of the rings?
[00:20] <Croix> i really
[00:20] <Croix> don't follow pop culture
[00:21] <UnknownSmurf> Are you trollin me right now?
[00:21] <UnknownSmurf> Do you know who Obama is?
[00:21] <Croix> president of the us
[00:22] <UnknownSmurf> Yes, so he was part of a fraternity, the freemasons.
[00:22] <UnknownSmurf> They, some other fraternities and the skulls all had these rings made a long time ago
[00:22] <Croix> this is sounding like a terrible nicolas cage movie.
[00:23] <UnknownSmurf> and passed them to people who were titans of industry
[00:23] <UnknownSmurf> and then one person who knew them all was the lord of the rings
[00:23] <UnknownSmurf> the most recent person to be this was Obama
[00:23] <UnknownSmurf> and so he is the lord of the rings.
[00:23] <Croix> right.
[00:23] <UnknownSmurf> Game of thrones is a true story based on this.
[00:24] <Croix> right
[00:25] <Croix> i don't get it
[00:25] <UnknownSmurf> Do you know who Julian Assange is?
[00:25] <Croix> no
[00:25] <UnknownSmurf> Alright well hes the guy behind wikileaks
[00:25] <Croix> ...whats wikileaks?
[00:26] <UnknownSmurf> A hacker group (who called themselves anonymous after the fact) hacked the pentagon and released a bunch of files
[00:26] <UnknownSmurf> of like soldiers killing civillians in afganistan/iraq and a bunch of other things like how the govt is spying on other countries and stuf
[00:26] <UnknownSmurf> Julian Assange is the leader of this group and he's fled to a few countries, US keeps trying to extridite him
[00:26] <UnknownSmurf> ... Do you live under a rock?
[00:27] <Croix> no.
[00:27] <Croix> no i don't.
[00:27] <UnknownSmurf> Anyways hes hiding in like Sweden or Switzerland or something and they won't hand him over to the US
[00:27] <UnknownSmurf> and hes still relasing files, ilke he releases a set number per day or whatever. I'm talkin terabytes of info and a lot of it hasn't even been sorted through yet
[00:28] <UnknownSmurf> Lord of the rings is the story in those files
[00:28] <Croix> Ok
[00:28] <Croix> Smurf.
[00:28] <Croix> man
[00:28] <Croix> I have to save you some more effort man.
[00:28] <UnknownSmurf> and Game of Thrones is the TV adaptation of that
[00:28] <Croix> I just.
[00:28] <Croix> I really don't care.
[00:28] <UnknownSmurf> lol fair enough
[00:29] <UnknownSmurf> I'm fucking with you anyways
[00:29] <Croix> if thats what it is, then it sounds like crap and everyone who watches it is dumb

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Re: Mask request Shangri-La
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:48:44 am »
If you are over the age of 18(or 21 if you live in one of those country's) would you like access to our NSFW forum? (please reply in yes/no format) no
Sorry but.....what??

Maybe he's not 18 yet and follows the rules.  :v

Or maybe his fetish isn't one that normal porn boards have.

Also why am I not masked to this NSFW forum!?!?

Random lnsanity / Fml
« on: January 04, 2014, 11:09:20 am »
I'm never gonna get out of bronze.

Random lnsanity / Re: Awesome new Space Sims...
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:31:59 am »
I play sim city sometimes.

Random lnsanity / Re: I became a man tonite
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:52:19 am »
Incidentally Smurf, I wouldn't go waving the "bounced yer ass" flag around... I seem to remember asking you to bring yer lil guys outta hippy so's I could play wit em... you said you would and then nothing happened... so don't come in here bragging on shit... you are a liar without honor.. you have forgotten the face of your father.

BTW.. yer guys are running out of money and if I decide to turtle, they would have no funding.. so instead of coming in here and puffing yer bird-cage of a chest out at us, why don't you thank me for yer boy's continued enjoyment.

Such hostile. Much anger.

I was joking.  :v

Random lnsanity / Re: Planet of the Assasincops: Black Origins V
« on: December 30, 2013, 10:07:41 pm »

Random lnsanity / Re: I became a man tonite
« on: December 26, 2013, 09:05:31 am »
Well, did you just lay there and take it, or did you give it as good as you got it? Inquiring minds want to know!

Looks like he prefers to catch :P


Random lnsanity / Jenovannnnnn
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:25:01 pm »
'' is not a valid dice string!

dont delete!!!!

Random lnsanity / Anchorman 2
« on: December 18, 2013, 07:18:36 am »
Anyone see it? Is it really bad like I'm expecting it to be?

Random lnsanity / Re: League of Legends 5's team anyone?
« on: December 05, 2013, 12:27:31 am »
Cynic I think we all appreciate that gesture, but I think that is the first step getting you sucked back into this game, so if its up to me, I'd say we don't even let you join the team.

I think Chim might be down, anyone object to that? I mean his Kass sucked but thats all we've seen of him and he is a gold player right?

Also Mogar get a mic. :D

As for who plays what role, we can figure that out once we figure out who the 5 are.

RIA Gaming / Re: duz ne1 ply dis gaym????
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:29:05 pm »
I used to but stopped when the new interface started. Why? Want to play one?

Random lnsanity / League of Legends 5's team anyone?
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:21:25 am »
Anyone down to get a 5s team together so that I can place out of bronze when s4 comes around?

RE: League of Legends

Random lnsanity / Re: Free movies site
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:11:31 pm »
I remember hearing about some time ago. To put it simply, it's not worth the risk. The whole thing is sketch as fuck. They have the original user and torrent database despite not being affiliated with the original demonoid owners? Hm.

Yeah it does sound sketch when you put it that way; but I've been using it for music for months and have had no problems. Do you think maybe just for legal reasons they said it had no affiliation with the original owners?

Random lnsanity / Re: Free movies site
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:42:59 pm »
Hey, sorry about the ask; didn't know it was against RIA board rules. I am also very hungovr and can't type in english right now.

I've never found a streaming site that was really worth using. First off, none of them actually host any content, just link to dozens of mostly shady video hosting sites. They're mostly dead links too.
There was one I used to use from time to time, called alluc.

Torrent sites are a much better option, although the larger ones have mostly been shut down. there's always Pirate Bay, but I guarantee you'll be on a few lists if you try downloading any of the first few thousand most tonicular torrents at least. Although even if you do get "caught" you're just going to get a stern letter from your ISP. Probably.

Your best bet is finding a private tracker, but hell if I know how to help you there. God I miss Demonoid.

Demonoid has been back for monthes: d2.vu my old login worked so I reckon yours should too.

Random lnsanity / Free movies site
« on: November 23, 2013, 01:17:06 am »
Anywhre i can see movies for free? Streaming?


can i post on your forums and ask how yall are doing and occasionally make up words and call you guys those words and be really cool and love you and squeeze you

Yes of course.


Sorry. Just saw this.

I am inhibernationed. That doesn't look right but the one with alcohol is what I mean.

I'm sorry i can't let you in. We're supposed to be invite only and then we werenot and then joland joined nad he kinda messed things up.

Maybe you can be our viceroy after the war?

Random lnsanity / Re: Worlds Dumbest Girl
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:20:06 pm »

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