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Messages - Unknown Smurf

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BTW, I've completely reversed my thoughts about Kaskus based on how cool the guy I'm fighting is.

Whoa whoa whoa. PAUSE.

Are you saying you didn't always love us?  :v

Random lnsanity / Re: Kaskus, the very definition of professionalism.
« on: November 06, 2013, 10:10:38 pm »
My favorite part about them, is how they are so professional they keep any squabbles to their own forums and methods of communication, and NEVER bring any dirty laundry or complaints to other alliance forums.

Complete professionalism.

It's really something I think we should strive to follow.

I cannot control what other people do; though I do apologize for whatever inconveniences you may have/had to deal with.

Clearly this can only be resolved through mud wrestling
Oh.. now I'm totally down with seeing Smurf in the mudpit... 10 bucks on him losing his shorts.

Oh you know that's the first thing lost  :banana: (well maybe aside from my dignity)

I read the posts and tried to follow but there are so many grammatical mistakes and far too many adjectives supporting few nouns. What the heck happened? (in plain English for we commonfolk)

So as far as I can understand, we're trying to get a smurf to mud wrestle the ruler of the world.

I thought I was wrestling FOR ruler of the world :(

You will find we speak with respect to both or friends and enemies.


[17:34:48] * Joins: votomax[KASKUS]
[18:01:09] * Parts: votomax[KASKUS]

this is like the 3rd person from kaskus the join #ria and try their best to troll us. amusingly he lost steam when the conversation turned to a talk about the movie Human Centipede II.

Erhm.. Votomax barely speaks english. So I don't think that was him. We have had an issue of people impersonating members on IRC for the last week or so... since Joland left actually but I'm sure that is a coincidence!

I left because I could not stand anymore the bulying, the hating
and the personal OOC attacks.
Only because I was not part of their mafia "family"

These guys in Kaskus are hateful and evil beyond human levels.

For the last 10 days, they have been stalking me,
harassing me and insulting constantly.

They make me really want to quit CN forever, seeing that such toxic oxying behaviour
and violent personal OOC attacks are allowed here in CN world,
and most of the time, what really matters is only how cool they can act,
how well they can lie,
and how many hours they spend on IRC lying to other guys from other alliances.

Because this is what Kaskus do all day long... there is no trace of honour
or honesty in them: look how they gang up 3 big nations to hit me
only because I got tired of all their hate and oxying and left from Kaskus,

and they found out that I am exposing all their war plans

Please show me one message or post where any Kaskus member has insulted or harassed you and I will give you peace.

The only "OOC attack" was when George just told you where you lived; and I know that sounds wrong but that was in response to you insulting his family, and harassing him, and causing issues AT HIS JOB because he attacked you in-game. He only showed you that it was a two way street on the internet and you shouldn't attack him OOC.

I fully support his course of action. It was retaliatory not initiated by him. Obviously, I cannot say the same about yours.

Also for the record I don't know anyone in Kaskus in RL.

P.S. Messages like this do not make me pity you after what you did (sent today btw, just a few hours ago, smh):

Greetings great CN colleague! Do you have finally some reasonable offer for me, in order for me to stop nuking everyday three of your nations? Because I never had any offer from you. You see things clearly. In such moment of clarity maybe you make for the first time some reasonable WIN WIN offer for both Kaskus and me.
I see you made peace with Ben Izar and also with Lord Caparo. Greetings to you sir Rish

EDIT: I guess I gave my side of the story earlier then I intended... so I might as well finish it:

1) Joland and myself spied on NSO in-game
2) I paid reps to NSO, Joland went into peace mode. Refused to pay reps.
3) Joland left peace mode after I arranged for reps to be paid on his behalf.
4) Joland was attacked by Lord Bitburg (who left the AA to do so)
5) I posted that the AA Lord Bitburg switched to was protected by Kaskus and we supported him.
6) Joland attacks Lord Bitburgs family, including his son and daughters based on facebook images he was able to find.
7) We place Joland on a ZI list.

1.It's pretty hard to believe that they're just hating on us all the time like some pack of high school girls or something. You mention RIA specifically there.

RIA has never been mentioned on our FB group until y'all declared on us.

4. You say you left, and that they just attacked you? Something went down and you're not telling us.

I will allow Joland to give his version of the explaination. If you want, you can check out his rejected apps to GOONS/NG/Kashmir.

I will then give you ours.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Kaskus Embassy Request.
« on: November 04, 2013, 11:01:22 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Unknown Smurf
Your Alliance: Kaskus
Your Alliance's Initials: K
Your Alliance's primary team color: Brown
URL to your alliance's forum: N/A
If you are over the age of 18(or 21 if you live in one of those country's) would you like access to our NSFW forum? (please reply in yes/no format) Yeah I am.

Need an embassy I believe.

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