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Topics - Shadow

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 17
Random lnsanity / Ender's Game
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:09:04 pm »
Saw it this past weekend. It was quite enjoyable. Story and acting was pretty nice. I haven't gotten around to reading the book yet but I've heard its a decent adaption, not perfect of course, but better compared to most other book adapations.

Random lnsanity / Hyperbole and a Half - Menace
« on: November 02, 2013, 01:34:06 pm »
A new issue of one of the most hilarious webcomics ever was released recently: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/

It is titled 'Menace':

The author also released a book which I ended up getting today (http://www.amazon.com/Hyperbole-Half-Unfortunate-Situations-Mechanisms/dp/1451666179). I haven't read it yet but it likely will be hilarious. >_>

Random lnsanity / 'Ron Burgundy' does Idaho sportscast for Halloween
« on: November 01, 2013, 11:22:24 pm »
Paul Gerke as Paul Burgundy

Pretty hilarious, especially the end.[1]

...and there's even an extended version that was done later in the night:

Great Halloween Sportscast
 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchorman:_The_Legend_of_Ron_Burgundy

Random lnsanity / Happy Halloween!
« on: October 31, 2013, 07:50:42 pm »

Random lnsanity / The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:48:13 pm »
The official main trailer was released two weeks ago:

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Official Main Trailer (2013) - Lord of the Rings Movie HD

So awseome. Can't wait for it to be out.

Also its going to have a running time of 2 hours, 36 minutes. >_>

Pact Hall / The Green Lantern / Wonder Twins Adventures (ODP with R&R)
« on: October 05, 2013, 07:26:48 pm »
Announced on July 20, 2013: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117641-the-green-lantern-wonder-twins-adventures-episode-i-rise-of-the-rs/

Downgraded to ODP in 2016.


The Green Lantern / Wonder Twins Adventures


In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape our sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware our power... Green Lantern's light!
Wonder Twin Powers Activate!

The Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and R&R, hereafter referred to as the adventurers, in recognition of our friendship, common values and interests and in pursuit of our collective security, strength, and prosperity, enter into this agreement in furtherance of those goals.

Shape Of...

The adventurers recognize a state of cooperation and peace with each other and shall not take hostile action of any kind toward the other. They shall instead work together during their adventures. If they acquire information that stipulates a form of danger to one another, they shall share such information, with due haste, to the other to ensure their adventures continues onward unhindered.

Form Of...

The adventurers agree that should they encounter danger on their journey together they shall defend one another with all their might should the other request their assistance. Should they wish to assist or fight another adventurer then the other is encouraged to join in but not required. Should another friendly adventurer either has traveled with on their adventures ever need assistance they also retain the option of helping them out individually of each other.

& Florida

The adventurers agree to rest and recuperate in Florida from time to time to rejuvenate themselves.


For R&R,

~ EgoFreaky - President
~ Garion - Vice President
~ WarriorSoul - Minister of Foreign Affairs

For the Random Insanity Alliance,
~ Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.
~ Ogaden, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Viceroy of the Nuclear Proliferation League, Protector of Mexico, Buzzkill Extraordinaire, Spammer of Inboxes, Giver of Happy Endings, Director of RI5, Arch-Patriarch of Florida.
~ im317, Triumvir, Former Elder of PotD, Form of a Dog
~ Leo, Leo?
~ biofantic, Head of Economics, Master of the Galaxy, the 5th ghostbuster, Singer of great epics, Divider of Canyons, Emperor of Emperors, Leader of the New Generation, Squire to Shadow's Shadow's Shadow's Shadow, Curer of Bad Music Syndrome, Lighter of lights, Secret Fascist Leader of the People
~ Jenne - Master of Puppetz, Slave to the Man.
~ Princess Celly, Worst Head of Recruitment Ever
~ Arsenal 10, Ghosting HoMO, Spy Master
~ Moth, Wait a minute, how come I always change into something lame like ice? I'm always a wave or a puddle!
~ cctmsp13, viceroy of the RIA, record holder for longest time as a member of the SuperFriends!
The Adventurers recognize that the world is ever changing and that they may adjust their adventures in the future should they both agree to do so.
Last Minute Amendment
A few seconds before announcing their adventures, the adventurers realized that they had forgotten to include a way to end their adventures together. Thus the adventurers quickly agreed that they would give each other at least 45.2 hours up to 56.5 hours notice should they decide to stop adventuring together.


Shape of an announcement.
Form of a treaty.

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape our sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware our power... Green Lantern's light!

-- Green Lantern Corps

With blood and rage of crimson red,
ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,
together with our hellish hate,
we'll burn you all, that is your Fate!

-- Red Lantern Corps

This power is mine, this is my light.
Be it in bright of day or black of night.
I lay claim to all that falls within my sight,
To take what I want... That is my right!

-- Orange Lantern Corps

In Blackest day. In Brightest night!
Beware your fears made into light.
Let those who try to stop what's right
burn like his power -- Sinestro's might!

-- Sinestro Corps

In fearful day, in raging night,
with strong hearts full, our souls ignite!
When all seems lost in the War of Light,
look to the stars, for hope burns bright!

-- Blue Lantern Corps

Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,
Natromo faan tornek wot ur,
Ter lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
Taan lek lek nok -- Formorrow Sur!

-- Indigo Tribe

For Hearts Long Lost. And Full of Fright.
For Those Alone In Blackest Night.
Accept Our Ring and Join Our Fight
Love Conquers All -- With Violet Light!

-- Star Sapphire Corps

The Blackest Night falls from the skies.
The darkness grows as all light dies.
We crave your hearts and your demise.
By my black hand, the dead shall rise!

-- Black Lantern Corps

In days of peace, in nights of war,
obey the laws forever more.
Misconduct must be answered for,
swear us the Chosen - the Alpha Corps!
-- Alpha Lantern Corps

Announced on June 22, 2013: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=117221

Masquerade of Madness ~ Rhapsody of Eastern Wonderland
Step 1. Invitation

In recognition of their friendship, common values and interests and in pursuit of their collective security, strength, and prosperity, the Random Insanity Alliance and Shangri-La, hereafter referred to as the hosts, do agree to host the following masquerade together. Other partners of the hosts are invited as guests to witness this masquerade of madness.

Step 2. Preparation

In order for the masquerade to be successful, several basic guidelines have been set up by the hosts. It is agreed that a peaceful co-existence between the two must be maintained. Neither will try to ruin the masquerade or assist others in doing so and they will try their best to work harmoniously towards its greater success. The hosts agree to maintain constant communication and inform each other of anything and anyone that may attempt to crash or ruin the masquerade.

Step 3. Masquerade of Madness

The hosts agree that they may always ask the other for help in protecting the masquerade from ruin. Such a request will always be honored to the best of their abilities. Should one of the hosts seek to defend or crash another's party, then the other host is encouraged to join along but is not required to do so. It is also agreed that should one of their guests ever find themselves in need of assistance, they each retain the option of assisting independently of the other for the benefit of their masquerade of madness.

Step f. Directions
The hosts agree that the masquerade shall be held at a private estate located in the most insane province of Florida. Guests are warned to be on the lookout for raving cannibals, giant snakes, raging storms and other such pheonema on the way to the estate. Reports of dead bodies rising along with crazed cultists worshiping their ground and killing any who set foot on it have also been sighted in some areas. Should a guest perish on the way to the masquerade, the hosts shall hold no liability.

Step 4. The Clock Strikes Midnight

The hosts agree that should they seek to end the masquerade they will inform the other host 72 hours in advance. After which the masquerade shall continue to party until the clock strikes midnight 3 days later.

Step 5. Contract

For the Random Insanity Alliance,
~ Shadow, By the Grace of Cactuar, His Glorious Excellency The Most Holy, Blessed, and Venerable Eternal Triumvir of Random Insanity and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, Captain Planet Emeritus, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Realms of the Cactuar, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Funk, Grand Master of the Most Noble Sovereign Military Order of Cactimus Prime, Central Commander of the Nintuar Clan, Leader and Guide of the Rivolucion, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Archduke of Disorder, Overlord of Lunacy, Puppetmaster of Chaos, etc.
~ im317, Triumvir, Former Elder of PotD, i really do need something to permanently occupy this portion of my sig
~ Ogaden, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Viceroy of the Nuclear Proliferation League, Protector of Mexico, Buzzkill Extraordinaire, Spammer of Inboxes, Giver of Happy Endings, Director of RI5, Arch-Patriarch of Florida.
~ Leo, Leo
~ biofantic, Head of Economics, Master of the Galaxy, the 5th ghostbuster, Singer of great epics, Divider of Canyons, Emperor of Emperors, Leader of the New Generation, Squire to Shadow's Shadow's Shadow's Shadow, Curer of Bad Music Syndrome, Lighter of lights, Secret Fascist Leader of the People
~ Jenne - Master of Puppetz, Slave to the Man.
~ Atonichis775, Master of Internal Affairs of the RIA, He who must not be named without word-brutha, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed, Destroyer of worlds, "the great dark one", Emissary of the Prophets, Dovahkiin.
~ cctmsp13, viceroy of the RIA, record holder for longest time as a member of the Superfriends!

For Shangri-La,
~ Rudolph, Keeper & Steward of Foreign Affairs
~ KuroNeko, Steward of Internal Affairs
~ Bdiah, Steward of Military Affairs
~ Tank4ever, Steward of Recruitment
The Random Insanity Alliance and Shangri-La recognize our mutual friendship, trust, and loyalty to eachother with this upgrade of the 'Cacti in the Orient ~ Phantasmagoria of Eastern Wonderland' optional defense pact previously signed on October 12, 2012. We each look forward to a long and prosperous future together. We hope you enjoy our masquerade of madness.

Random lnsanity / I'm Batman!
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:12:18 pm »

or am I? :troll:

Random lnsanity / *wink*
« on: August 26, 2013, 11:12:17 pm »
poor little poland

Random lnsanity / 300: Rise of an Empire
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:25:47 am »
Never thought they'd make a sequel to this. The trailer makes it look like it could be pretty good though. I'll probably watch it. >_>

300: Rise of an Empire - Official Trailer 1 [HD]

Random lnsanity / Kick-Ass 2
« on: August 17, 2013, 12:20:41 am »
Saw it tonight. I enjoyed it. It was quite entertaining. Hope they make at least one more.

Random lnsanity / Chromecast
« on: August 09, 2013, 10:26:30 pm »

I got one yesterday. Its quite awesome. Tried it with Youtube and Netflix so far.

Plus I got it in time to qualify for the 3 month free Netflix promotion (ordered it from Amazon the first night it was announced >_>).  :awesome:

Random lnsanity / haven't even played The Last of Us but...
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:33:00 pm »
I lol'd at this:

Random lnsanity / Steam Summer Sale 2013, now with Trading Cards
« on: July 13, 2013, 08:23:13 pm »
spawn more games


Day 3:


The Steam Summer Sale - Day 3!
Product Release - Valve
The Steam Summer Getaway Sale continues!

Today's Daily Deals include:

    Tomb Raider 75%
    Borderlands 2 66% off
    Resident Evil 6 50% off
    The Witcher 2 75% off
    RPG Maker VX Ace 66% off
    Stardrive 66% off
    Mars: War Logs 50% off
    Age of Empires II HD 50% off
    Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 66% off
    Might and Magic Heroes VI Shades of Darkness 50% off

Also, buying discounted games now earns you an all-new collectible in the form of Trading Cards. Collect, trade and craft over 50 new sets of cards, including 10 Summer Getaway Trading Cardsthat can only be earned during the sale. Each set can be crafted into badges, backgrounds, emoticons and other rewards.

The Steam Summer Getaway Sale will run from now until 10AM PST, July 22nd. Complete information on Daily Deals, Flash Sales, Community Choice Voting and more can be found at http://www.steampowered.com. For more information on our new Trading Card feature, please visit http://steamcommunity.com/tradingcards.

Random lnsanity / Pacific Rim
« on: July 13, 2013, 12:26:58 pm »
Saw it last night. It was epic. The visuals were great, especially in IMAX 3D. The action and fights were amazing, yet didn't overwhelm or last too long. And the human drama portions did well to complement and lead up to the next action scene. I hope it does well and they make another.

Random lnsanity / Somebody generated books out of our wiki pages
« on: July 06, 2013, 12:41:14 am »

lulz wtf

General Books, 2012 - 324 pages
This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 323. Chapters: Alliance affiliations of the Random Insanity Alliance, Chestnut Accords, Foreign relations of the Random Insanity Alliance, Government of the Random Insanity Alliance, Maroon team senators of the Random Insanity Alliance, Member of Random Insanity Alliance, Political history of the Random Insanity Alliance, Random Insanity Alliance Images, RIAers, SuperFriends, Tales of Random Insanity, Wars of the Random Insanity Alliance, Buttsecksed, Random Insanity Alliance, Random Insanity POW, RIA Applicant, RIA Trade Partner, Shining Time Station, Coalition of Royal Allied Powers, Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations, Global Order of Darkness, Monos Archein, Random Insanity Alliance, The Order of Halsa, The Templar Knights, United Sovereign Nations, Wiccan World, Military treaty partners of the Random Insanity Alliance, Non-military treaty partners of the Random Insanity Alliance, Captain Planet, Co-Leader of the Random Insanity Alliance, Director of the Cactuhova's Witnesses, Director of the Love BRIgade, Director of the RIand Corporation, Economic Advisor of the Random Insanity Alliance, Foreign Affairs Advisor of the Random Insanity Alliance, Head of Economics of the Random Insanity Alliance, Head of Foreign Affairs of the Random Insanity Alliance, Head of Internal Affairs of the Random Insanity Alliance, Head of Military Operations of the Random Insanity Alliance, Head of Recruitment of the Random Insanity Alliance, Hello Kitty, Leader of the Random Insanity Alliance, Minister of Propaganda of the Random Insanity Alliance, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, War Advisor of the Random Insanity Alliance, Azural, Delta1212, Amestris, Azuralia, Bourbon, Cobra Organzation, Communist Empire, Deltoran Republic, Diamonds, Entity Springs, Expanse, Fire Dawning, Fort WallaWalla, Kaszuby, Korinekia, Lord Doom, Mogatopia, Neotokio 3, Rothan Trade Union, Smeethbar, The Cheeselands, The...

Wikia. Pages: 92. Chapters: "Breakfast at Cactuar's" Accords, "Brunch at Cactuar's" Accords, "CRAPwow! You'll be saying wow every time" treaty, "Huggle free is the way to be" Pact, "I don't want to read a book, Mom" Accords, "Madness THIS...IS...INSANITY!!!" Treaty, "Multi-Coloured Right Handed Headless Chicken" Pact, "Random Assaults make Good Cookies" Treaty, "We don't need no stinking flags!" ProtectoRIte Agreement, "wtf is this?" Pact, Absolut Shenanigans Treaty, Assurance of Senate Votes Agreement, Barrel of Awesome Marks, Bastion, Bastion, Bedlam Agreement, Bughouse Pact, Buttsecks in the Dark...Ages Pact, CON-RIA Non-Aggression Pact, CRAP-RIA Peace, Intelligence, and Aid Treaty, CRAP ProtectoRIte Agreement, Cactuar-kun Enliven the World Even More!!! Brigade, Cactuar-kun Greatly Enliven the World!!! Brigade, Cactuar-kun Greatly Enliven the World Even More!!! Brigade, Cactuar uses the Schwarz and becomes lost, Cactuars Love Electric Mangos Accords, Completely Original Treaty, Even More Insane Shared Insanity Pact, Even More Insane Shared Insanity Pact, Now With 20% More Insanity, Extra-Large Trojan Pact, Fayt x Maria Treaty, Floridian Sunshine Pact, Floridian Winter Pact, Funktuar's Odyssey, Funktuar likes it LOUD, GATO-RIA Treaty of Amity, GameFAccords, Grand Union of Alliances for Rapport and Defense, Green Protection Agency Declaration of Neutrality, Green Protection Agency Recognition of Neutrality Agreement, HeroesOfRandomInsanity, ICP-RIA Non-Aggression Pact, I Knew I Was Forgetting Something, I Love My 4 Crazy Horsies Pact, I couldn't think of a title, so here's a treaty., Insanely LOUD Treaty, Insanity Doctrine, Insanity on a Train, Insert Treaty Name here, I'd personally name it the DMX accords and throw in a DMX rap as an article, but it's up to you guys, Kajmirstan Parenting Plan, Kids in the Sandbox Pact, Lol, Maroonity, Maroon Economic Pact, Mirthful Dolphins Osculating a Puppy, NADC-RIA Non-Aggression Pact, Nobody Expects the Pla...

This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 69. Chapters: Captain Planets of the Random Insanity Alliance, Co-Leaders of the Random Insanity Alliance, Directors of the Cactuhova's Witnesses, Directors of the Love BRIgade, Heads of Economics of the Random Insanity Alliance, Heads of Foreign Affairs of the Random Insanity Alliance, Heads of Internal Affairs of the Random Insanity Alliance, Heads of Military Operations of the Random Insanity Alliance, Heads of Recruitment of the Random Insanity Alliance, Leaders of the Random Insanity Alliance, Ministers of Propaganda of the Random Insanity Alliance, Triumvirs of the Random Insanity Alliance, Pterrydactyl, Cctmsp13, Damen, Divine Light, Dontasemebro, Kaszuby, King Death II, Lord Doom, Meatkin Pie, ShadowDragon, SWAT128, Triviuum, Vintus, Zitan XLII, Crazyisraelie, Delta1212, Flask, Vintus, King Death II, SWAT128, Crazyisraelie, Gangs20003, Arsenal 10, Cctmsp13, Crazyisraelie, Delta1212, Dontasemebro, Grand Poobah Marx, IKrolm, Lord Doom, Moth, Arsenal 10, Azural, Crazyisraelie, Damen, DrunkWino, Lanna, Moth, Ogaden, SWAT128, Aaron, Pterrydactyl, C-zom, DrunkWino, Invincible13matt, Kaszuby, King Srqt, Ogaden, ShadowDragon, Pterrydactyl, C-zom, Delta1212, Kaszuby, King Srqt, Lanna, Lord Doom, Omega-Red, Agent Lemon, Arsenal 10, Crazyisraelie, Dester55, Dontasemebro, DrunkWino, Gangs20003, Grand Poobah Marx, King Srqt, Myrrh, Ogaden, Thunder Strike, Vintus, Azural, Delta1212, Moth, Shyox, Vintus, Kaszuby, Shyox, Government of the Random Insanity Alliance, Agent Lemon, Azural, Damen, Delta1212, DrunkWino, Moth, ShadowDragon, Thunder Strike, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance. Excerpt: Pterrydactyl, sometimes called Atonichis775, is the ruler of the Jaffa of Pterrydactylhis. He is a former Head of Internal Affairs and a former Head of Military Operations of the Random Insanity Alliance. Pterrydactyl joined the RIA on March 7, 2008, shortly after his nation was founded. He remained a active regular...

Random lnsanity / Samsung Apex, The Next Big Thing After Google Glass
« on: July 02, 2013, 09:59:07 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvCGqhShNnk" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvCGqhShNnk</a>


Random lnsanity / silly duck
« on: June 18, 2013, 12:39:52 am »

Random lnsanity / Shadow's Steam Game Giveaway
« on: June 15, 2013, 02:01:55 am »
I have extra steam keys for the following games if anyone is interested in them. I'll likely be willing to just give them to most people (RIA members and allies get first dibs) though if you want to give me something in return that is always appreciated. :)

- AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome (http://store.steampowered.com/app/15560/)
- Amnesia: The Dark Descent (http://store.steampowered.com/app/57300/)
- Anomaly 2 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/236730/)
- Bad Hotel (http://store.steampowered.com/app/231720/)
- Closure (http://store.steampowered.com/app/72000/)
- Defense Grid: The Awakening (http://store.steampowered.com/app/18500/)
- Deponia (http://store.steampowered.com/app/214340/)
- Dungeon Defenders  (http://store.steampowered.com/app/65800/)
- Faerie Solitaire (http://store.steampowered.com/app/38600/)
- F.E.A.R. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/21090/)
- F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (http://store.steampowered.com/app/16450/)
- F.E.A.R. 3 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/21100/)
- FEZ (http://store.steampowered.com/app/224760/)
- Fractal: Make Blooms Not War (http://store.steampowered.com/app/61310/)
- Garry's Mod (http://store.steampowered.com/app/4000/)
- Gemini Rue (http://store.steampowered.com/app/80310/)
- Hero Academy (http://store.steampowered.com/app/209270/)
- Jamestown (http://store.steampowered.com/app/94200/)
- Jack Lumber (http://store.steampowered.com/app/220900/)
- Little Inferno (copy #1) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/221260/)
- Little Inferno (copy #2) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/221260/)
- LIMBO (http://store.steampowered.com/app/48000/)
- Mark of the Ninja (http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/214560/)
- Nightsky (http://store.steampowered.com/app/99700/)
- Orcs Must Die! GOTY (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/13743/)
- Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/17881/)
- Organ Trail: Director's Cut (http://store.steampowered.com/app/233740/)
- Serious Sam Double D (http://store.steampowered.com/app/111600/)
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41000/)
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41010/)
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter (http://store.steampowered.com/app/201480)
- Serious Sam 2 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/204340/)
- Serious Sam 3: BFE (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41070/)
- Solar 2 (copy #1) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/97000/)
- Solar 2 (copy #2) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/97000/)
- The Bard's Tale (copy #1) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41900/)
- The Bard's Tale (copy #2) (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41900/)
- The Showdown Effect (http://store.steampowered.com/app/204080/)
- Zeno Clash (http://store.steampowered.com/app/22200/)

- Alan Wake Collector's Edition (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/13535/) (Mogar)
- Alan Wake's American Nightmare  (http://store.steampowered.com/app/202750) (Mogar)
- Anomaly Korea (http://store.steampowered.com/app/251530/) (dester55)
- Bastion (http://store.steampowered.com/app/107100/) (Croix)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY (http://store.steampowered.com/app/35140/) (biofantic)
- Batman: Arkham City GOTY (http://store.steampowered.com/app/200260/) (biofantic)
- Broken Sword: Director's Cut (http://store.steampowered.com/app/57640/) (Gangs)
- Indie Game: The Movie (http://store.steampowered.com/app/207080) (llamavore)
- Intrusion 2 (http://store.steampowered.com/app/214970/) (Croix)
- McPixel (http://store.steampowered.com/app/220860/) (Snowbound Milk)
- Mirror's Edge (http://store.steampowered.com/app/17410/) (llamavore)
- Scribblenauts Unlimited (http://store.steampowered.com/app/218680/) (rlrcstrnthusiast)
- Serious Sam 3 BFE Deluxe (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/12362/) (Gangs)
- Shank 2 (http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/102840/) (llamavore)
- Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers (http://store.steampowered.com/app/205910/) (Gangs)
- Thomas Was Alone (http://store.steampowered.com/app/220780) (Snowbound Milk)


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Head of Foreign Affairs:

Head of Internal Affairs:

Head of Military Operations: