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Topics - Viper6525D

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Random lnsanity / IM BAAACK!
« on: December 03, 2010, 11:27:05 pm »
Im back ladies and bitches. I just got my internet back. SO who missed me? *gets shot* OW!...OW-O-OWCH! A simple no would have been acceptable.

All right no seriously, can anyone give me a short sitrep on whats been going on? Sounds like a lot of shit went down and I dont feel like reading 5 weeks worth of unread posts here. lol

Random lnsanity / Halloween Plans?
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:23:00 am »
Ah, only 9 days until Halloween and counting. Ah yes...

Free candy, watching marathon after marathon of bad horror movies and specials youve already seen on TV, free candy, scaring the crap outta people, pulling all sorts of chaotic pranks on the neighbors, free candy, children going missing after accidentally knocking on :pedobear: 's house, free candy, finding people to add to my ice cream, free "candy".
Oh and did I mention free candy? :awesome:
Its like Christmas, only more scarier and messed up.

So any of you squares got any plans for Halloween? I plan on taking my gf, friends and cousins to part of the woods outside of town that is supposed to be haunted for a bonfire. And of course, CANDY! :smug:

And remember, if you plan on doing something for Halloween, remember these rules:

1) The scarier the house, the better the candy, unless its a trap.

2) Dont go trik-or-treaking in a crack house b/c they dont have candy...but then hey. Free crack.

3) Always check to see if your candy isnt poisoned or something. Heres a couple of tips to fully check:
     -Burn the candy. If the flame is green, its drugged. If the flame is black, its poisioned. If the flame is blue or orange, its safe to eat. If candy explodes, then you kno its an explosive and not candy.
     -Give candy to me, and Ill check if its good or not. Just mail it and Ill get back to you eventually.
     -Have children taste candy. If they're still alive in the morning, its safe.

4) Never EVER go trik-or-treating w/o a costume. Seriously. Failure to follow this rule results in death and you will go to hell. Im not joking here. :evil:

5) This is the one day that cosplayers dont look like fags. In fact, this is where they shine, so expect them to be egging you tonite for having such a lame costume.

6) Stabbing your wife or gf w/ a machete while wearing a hockey mask does NOT count as a Halloween prank. Trust me...i kno.

7) Always wear protection when your about to f*ck your hot zombie lover; a condom and a helmet.

8) Never have sex w/ a zombie, b/c remember: necrophilia is still illegal.

9) If you see anyone as a vampire or werewolf...you kno where this is going-*pumps shotgun*

10) Z-Com is still better than you.

11) Thanks to costumes becoming sluttier and sluttier, the word pedophilia doesnt exist today! Yes Im talking to you TS, SS, and everyone in the Red Light District. And if your under 18, then put out a show for the rest of us.

12) For the love of Moth, everyone stop dressing up as Cactuar. Like it wasnt bad enough when everyone dressed up as ninjas a few years back, yea you kno what Im talking about....

13) Markets usually have sales on pumpkins, fake blood, candy, LSD, stainless-steel knives, and chainsaws around this time of year.

14) If you see Robbie the Rabbit, dont be confused. Its Halloween, not Easter.

15) If you actually took the time and read this whole list, I can already tell what your gotta do for Halloween, so enjoy your booze and the random 3rd-rate "horror" movies on SciFi.

So what you gotta do?

Random lnsanity / GENTLEMEN!
« on: April 08, 2010, 03:08:29 am »

I CAME............................


Now if I only remembered what that game was.

Oh yes...a GENTLEMEN game. Yes for this just act like Dr. Weird. Idk im just bored.

Anime / Top 5 WTF Moments in Anime
« on: January 16, 2010, 03:18:29 am »
Yup, another top 5 by me, only this time, its about animes that made you say wtf one too many times, or it was the greatest wtf moment you've ever seen. To prevent spoilers, just type the anime that has this moment...nothing more really...maybe an episode if you can remember where the wtf moment(s) came from. These wtf moments can be either good or bad...just as long as its a wtf moment...yeah.
(Note: I may have forgotten to take some anime into consideration when I made this list. Plus, im sleepy atm and I may had screwed up on the rankings...meh idk)

5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
-I dont have to explain much seeing as this is my #1 fav. anime.

4. Serial Experiments Lain
-And my brain starts going dead from here on in.

3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
-To this day, i still cant tell wtf is the story...too many wtf moments to count

-Same as Evangelion...only that anime made more sense than this one.

1. School Days

Anime / Anyone kno any decent anime movies!?
« on: December 26, 2009, 04:58:49 am »
Ok, so lately ive seen a ton of movies at the expense of my ex (she owns a lot of movies) so now Im starting to crave them.

But also at the same time I havent watched an anime since the end of November...im surprised Im still alive.

So to fulfill both needs, I decided I wanna watch an anime movie. Sadly, Idk any that are good. The last one I say that was any good was Resident Evil: Degeneration (apparently since it was made in Japan its considered an anime. Doesnt matter I love the Re video game series and im glad they brought the zombies back). And since this forum has been dead for about 2 weeks, why not make a topic to help put it back on the radar.

But yea, does anyone kno any good anime movies? Post your top 5 favorites if you have to. Anyone? Hell, Ill even take hentai if I have to, just as long as its at least 40 minutes long and it doesnt put me to sleep or make me wanna throw my computer off my roof and myself in a tank of hydrochloric acid.

PS: Im kidding about teh hentai thing, but idc if you do add one to your top 5 or w/e.  

Anime / Are 4Kids and Disney a Danger to Anime?
« on: October 25, 2009, 04:56:16 am »
Now, we've all known that 4Kids has bought the license for a handful of animes in the past. And due to their target audiences being kids, they have really buffered what was once great animes to have appropriate details for kids...which is pretty much cut out anything that even involved throwing a punch or showing blood. And now, it seems Disney has bought the rights to air Naruto: Shippudden and will air it on Diosney XD. Knowing that Disney has always targeted younger viewers and no one else, one can only imagine how much editing will be done to the series. Plus, w/o some Disney fans not even knoing the original Naruto series, they can only get hopelessly lost in the story.

With so much good, and bad anime being destroyed by heavy censorship by these two companies, I ask, do you think corporations like 4Kids are Disney are a menace to anime everywhere? You decide.

(PS: Im not the biggest fan of most of the animes shown on networks like 4Kids and Disney. EX. Kirby: Right back at ya, Yu-Gi-Oh 5D, Naruto Shippudden, ect. Im just looking at this at different point of view)

Random lnsanity / The RIA Corrupt A Wish Foundation
« on: October 24, 2009, 01:05:05 am »
From the people who brought you insanity, I give you the unofficial official RIA Corrupt A Wish Foundation. (Sponsored by Viper6525D's Ice Cream Factory™ lol )

Its a game (duh). The rules are simple...someone makes a wish, then another person grants it, but adds some horrible twist in return. Then the person makes their wish, and so on.

User 1: I wish for sea kitten

User 2: Granted, but its a shark and it eats you.

I wish for a boner!

User 3: Granted! *shoves bone up user 2's ass*

and blah, blah blah.

You get it.

Now lets start

I wish I had a kiwi! :3

Anime / Your Top 5 Least Favorite Animes
« on: October 11, 2009, 06:10:12 pm »
Title says it all. Just make a top 5 of the worst anime you've seen of all time. If not then just guess.
(Note: I may have forgotten to include some animes into consideration at the time I made this list)

My top 5 atm are:

5. Dinosaur King
-Seriously, how many more card-game-based animes in which companies will sell to fanboys and little kids are the gotta make!?

4. One Piece: Dream Soccer King!
-Toei Animation, you have got to be kidding us...your not are you?

3. Pokemon (After Season 3)
-I really did like the 1st season of this anime, and the 2nd season wasnt so bad. But after season 3...forget it.

2. Yu-gi-oh 5D's

1. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
-*Goes online, watches anime, reloads shotgun, inserts in mouth*
Ive not nothing to say here.

Anime / Your Top 5 Favorite Animes
« on: October 11, 2009, 05:51:05 pm »
The title says it all. Just think of your top 5 favorite animes of all time. If you cant just take a guess.
(Note: I may have forgotten to include some animes into consideration at the time I made this list)

My top 5 atm is:

5. Lucky Star
-Its funny...thats all I really have to say about it.

4. Code Geass
-This is an anime that needs no introduction. Its a very good anime. Its my #1 favorite involving an anti-hero. Though Im not a huge fan of giant robots in animes.

3. School Days
-For those who have seen this anime, it needs no explanation. Even though most people hates (or hated) high school CockPony, its always fun to watch when it wasnt happening to you.

2. Pretty Cure
-I kno this anime seems to be more for girls, esp. due to the lack of male characters. But there's something about it I really like. I just love it. Many consider this anime to be similar to Sailor Moon though. To be honest this is almost tied w/ my #1

1. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
-By far for me, one of the most scariest animes Ive seen in a while. There isnt a scarier one out there i havent seen yet. Sure it has its moments of comedy, for some reason, but its plain out fear and gore throughout the series. The story is somewhat complicated to follow, but then again, most animes in this genre are the same. Besides, Ive managed to put 2-and-2 together w/ this anime.

Your turn.

Thats right, if you join the forums and the alliance now, you will receive a huge amount of ice cream as a gift!

So come on down and join!

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