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Topics - IronSoldier820

Pages: [1]
Ambassador Sign-Ups / TTK Mask
« on: March 06, 2010, 07:38:21 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Mansa Musa
Your Alliance: The Templar Knights
Your Alliance's Initials: TTK
Your Alliance's primary team color: Maroon
URL to your alliance's forum: http://www.ttkalliance.com/index.php

All the old-as-shit Marooners say whaaat. On that note, it appears I have lost my custom usergroup "Dick in a Box". I am very saddened by this loss. If I can get Loren to come back to CN, can me and her get our usergroup to be "Cuban Dick in a Box"?

Random lnsanity / Iran Now Possesses The Ability to Photoshop Images
« on: August 19, 2008, 04:29:52 pm »

Random lnsanity / Denver is 'spensive
« on: May 06, 2008, 09:41:37 am »
Had to wake up at 4 AM this morning...blah. Was at the airport by 5 something, and when I got on the plane I forgot how uncomfortable they could be. Going to Reno, made a top at Denver where I am right now.

They got some fancy Wi-Fi.

It's expensive though, and not sure when I'm getting internet access again. So far, I've been watching Flight of the Conchords video as much as possible to keep me going for the next week.

Also, AutoComplete is your worst enemy.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / CSN Mask Request
« on: April 29, 2008, 11:41:42 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Mansa Musa
Your Alliance: Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations
Your Alliance's Initials: CSN
Your Alliance's primary team color: Maroon
URL to your alliance's forum:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMwdAc1Dzfg" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMwdAc1Dzfg</a>

Note: I'd like to hold my title of Dick in a Box, would just like Permission access to the CSN embassy here I left a while back.

Random lnsanity / Hey Girl
« on: April 10, 2008, 07:02:36 pm »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/WhwbxEfy7fg&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

It's my Dick in a Box.

Random lnsanity / Avatar
« on: October 31, 2007, 10:06:14 pm »
Alright, if you don't like Avatar thats fine, but please no trolling.

Avatar on Crack

Avatar-videos.com is a neat little site I found today while searching for the episodes. As far as I know, they're ahead as they have videos aired in the UK. I've tried to watch Episodes 1 through 5 of the Fire Book before I found it, but constantly had to use Google to find one that had not yet been taken down. YouTube is on Copyright Lockdown, so no help there. Then I found this site.

Either way, I call the 9th Episode Avatar on Crack. Best. Episode. Ever.

Random lnsanity / Today I learned how to make simple Animations
« on: October 24, 2007, 06:53:29 pm »
I didn't spend much time on it at all, because I didn't decide to make this until last minute to get back at Loren.


Abuse as you please.

Random lnsanity / Loren Likes Pants
« on: October 11, 2007, 10:18:35 pm »

I need not say more.

Random lnsanity / Moth.
« on: October 07, 2007, 09:40:37 pm »

Here is a resized version.


If you don't know where this is from, go read Gone With The Blastwave now.

Random lnsanity / Mother Nature is a Terrorist
« on: September 29, 2007, 07:07:30 pm »
I have a very disturbing revelation to reveal.

Back when I moved to my new house, the first thing set up was a computer in my room so I could check my nation. It was done so fast I did not miss a day of collecting taxes, I realize how sad that is. But it was awesome. It was the only thing in the new house, without air-conditioning. It felt like Cuba or something it was so hot, this was in August. The cords weren't set up professionally, it was only a temporary set-up to get on for a little bit. Since there was no chairs, I used a lawn chair.

I wish I had a picture. I recall walking into my empty room and just looking at the little set-up, and I realized something. I'm a terrorist, without even knowing it. I mean, its obvious. It was the most terrorist-like thing I had ever seen, an old computer on a shabby desk with a lawn chair. This was Al Queda technology in my very own bedroom. Had I the sense, I would have checked my room for Bombs just in case I was subconsciously plotting the destruction of the city.

When I told Shamedmonkey this, something stirred up in my mind. If I was a terrorist without even knowing it, who else could be a terrorist? Anyone! And they might not even know it! And then the thought became as clear as day.

Mother Nature is a Terrorist.

Fact: The terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11, a fourth plane crashed before hitting its target. This led to the destruction of two buildings and the damaging of one.

But look at this.

Fact: Hurricane Katrina, sent by Mother Nature herself, wiped out the entire damn city of New Orleans.

Why am I the only one aware of this!?! We shouldn't be worrying about those little guys over in Arabia, I'm worried about the bitch of a terrorist who is sending hurricans and tornadoes straight at us! When do we fight back!?! I say we declare war on Nature! We start with the Amazons, no longer shall the Queen of PMSing terrorize our inhabitants with Tornadoes in the heart of the U.S., Hurricanes in Florida, and Earthquakes in California. How have we let her get away with this for so long?

Another fact, Terrorists may work on Dirty Bombs, but what does Mother Nature have? Mother F***ing Acid Rain! We have a bitch with acid, taking our smog and turning it against us! This can not endure, down with Mother Nature! Down with Trees! Down with Environmentalists (they're supporters of Mother Nature, so they're obviously terrorist sympathizers)!

But theres more. People that drive Slugbugs. Everywhere they go, they send an urge for us to hit one another! This is some sort of psychological warfare that is being waged upon us unknowingly. How can we stand here while these people drive around, burritos a path of bruised arms and beatings behind them? Death to Slugbug drivers!

Oh no, I'm done yet. In fact, I'm only started. Just look at yourself, look deep inside, you just might be a terrorist! Have you ever scared someone? Is scaring someone not terrifying them? Aha, terrorist! Have you ever startled someone? You might have killed them by giving them a stroke! Terrorist! It goes on and on, we might all be terrorists!

I plan on turning myself in to Mista Bush himself, what about you?

Ambassador Sign-Ups / CoR Embassy Request
« on: September 02, 2007, 07:43:24 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Mansa Musa
Your Alliance: Cult of Richard
Your Alliance's Initials: CoR
Your Alliance's primary team color: Multicolored
URL to your alliance's forum: CoR Forums

If Multicolored is not an option, we have a small majority of 4 Blue Team Members.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / CSN Ambassador
« on: April 19, 2007, 10:20:35 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Mansa Musa
Your Alliance: Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations
Your Alliance's Initials: CSN
Your Alliance's primary team color: Maroon
URL to your alliance's forum: CSN Forums
Link to Profile on Old Forums: IronSoldier820

And what is with this forum? Its Avatar thing is completely broken and made my avatar 200 x 200 pixels.

Pages: [1]

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