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Random lnsanity / Race to 10 pages!
« on: June 26, 2007, 12:26:02 pm »

Random lnsanity / Race to 10 pages!
« on: June 26, 2007, 12:25:54 pm »

Random lnsanity / Race to 10 pages!
« on: June 26, 2007, 12:25:50 pm »

Random lnsanity / Race to 10 pages!
« on: June 26, 2007, 12:25:44 pm »

And then, in #KoL_Stick:
<Mesa>   So uh.. Lore, been in any intresting channels today?
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Just send the last
   <Ppaps>   Haha
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Meh
   <Mesa>   just got it
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Onos/ria/here/none/cnc's
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Thats about it
   <Mesa>   really?
   <Mesa>   that's it?
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Thats it
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Well
   <Loren[ONOS]>   So far
   <Mesa>   Really?
   <Loren[ONOS]>   I go there every day
   <Loren[ONOS]>   I go to others sometimes lol
   * Big_Z[CNC]   whistles and copy pastes
   <Mesa>   Any today?
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Big_Z[CNC]> you went into #threesomes
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Loren[ONOS]> Bah.
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:30] <Loren[ONOS]> I just followed #RIA lol.
   <Ppaps>   lol
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   ooops
   * Big_Z[CNC]   sports an innocent look
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   accident, I swear XD
   <Mesa>   XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Damn you
   <Mesa>   XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   And your copy pasta XD
   <Mesa>   pasta?
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Copy/paste
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Pasta sounds better ^^
   <Mesa>   lol
   <Mesa>   So... you followed RIA and got involved in #Threesome eh?
   <Mesa>   =P
   <Loren[ONOS]>   LOL!
   <Loren[ONOS]>   No no no
   <Loren[ONOS]>   I got bored
   <Mesa>   LMFAO
   <Loren[ONOS]>   So just followed, got op too XD
   <Mesa>   That sounds even worse
   <Loren[ONOS]>   NO!!
   <Loren[ONOS]>   OMG LOL
   <Mesa>   XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   No no, NOT LIKE THAT
   <Mesa>   Lore got 'bored' so she went to #threesome XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   LOL!!!
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Nooo! XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Wasnt that bored
   <Mesa>   LMAO
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Like I said, I just went there, didnt do anything XD
   <Mesa>   XD
   <Mesa>   You just sat there and they did all the work =P
   <Loren[ONOS]>   LOL!!!!Q!
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Omg
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Q?
   <Loren[ONOS]>   XD!!
   <Mesa>   XD
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   Loren[ONOS]: I didn't know you were that type of a girl
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   f'shame
   <Mesa>   lol
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Lmao
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Nooo
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Im not, serously
   <Mesa>   Lol
   <Mesa>   sure -.-
   <Loren[ONOS]>   XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Not helping my case here lol
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   lol
   <Mesa>   lol
   <Mesa>   No, not really
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Your the only one who knew me before XD
   <Loren[ONOS]>   I wasnt /as/ bad lol
   <Mesa>   I totally misread that o.o
   <Loren[ONOS]>   Oh
   <Loren[ONOS]>   I can only imagine
   <Mesa>   I thought you said "I want /ass/ bad" XD

Ok, they're kinda old, from when I just got back to ONOS from here..

Also, they were posted on my friends forum, just copied 'em
In a Private Message between Big Z and Loren (Then relayed to Mesa):
        <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:23] [INFO] Query view for “Loren[ONOS]” opened.
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:23] === Loren[ONOS] <JavaGuest0@pool-141-155-155-126.ny5030.east.verizon.net> “EsperNet Java User”
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:23] === Loren[ONOS]: member of @#threesomes, @#KOL_STICK, +#ria, and +#onos
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:23] === Loren[ONOS]: attached to dream.esper.net “Just a dream”
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:23] === Loren[ONOS] has identified for this nick
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:23] <Big_Z[CNC]> lol
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:24] <Big_Z[CNC]> #threesomes loren?
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:24] <Loren[ONOS]> xD
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:24] <Big_Z[CNC]> o_O
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:24] <Loren[ONOS]> RIA asked me xD
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:24] <Loren[ONOS]> ^
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:24] <Loren[ONOS]> Its SO not like that
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:25] <Big_Z[CNC]> uhh, that's what it seems
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:25] <Big_Z[CNC]> you say threesome and everyone will think about the sexual meaning
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:25] <Loren[ONOS]> o___o
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:25] <Loren[ONOS]> Lmao.
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:25] <Loren[ONOS]> It was their idea, theres nothing in there
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Big_Z[CNC]> sureee
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Big_Z[CNC]> cybering eh loren?
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Loren[ONOS]> Nooo.
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Loren[ONOS]> LMAO
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Loren[ONOS]> No no no
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Loren[ONOS]> Im just idle in ther
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Loren[ONOS]> *there
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Big_Z[CNC]> f'shame loren
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Big_Z[CNC]> ah, tired >_>
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Big_Z[CNC]> tsk tsk
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:27] <Loren[ONOS]> XD!!!
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:28] <Loren[ONOS]> Oh snap. Ok. It /really/ looks bad when I think about it
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:28] <Big_Z[CNC]> you just noticed?
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:28] * Big_Z[CNC] is SSing this to tease you with forever XD
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Loren[ONOS]> XD Nooo
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Loren[ONOS]> Thats so not fair
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Big_Z[CNC]> lol!
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Big_Z[CNC]> you went into #threesomes
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:29] <Loren[ONOS]> Bah.
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:30] <Loren[ONOS]> I just followed #RIA lol.
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:31] <Big_Z[CNC]>
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:31] <Big_Z[CNC]> digging a deeper hole here loren
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:31] <Big_Z[CNC]> all of #RIA too?
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:31] <Big_Z[CNC]> f'shame
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:31] <Big_Z[CNC]>
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:31] <Loren[ONOS]> LOL!!!
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:32] <Loren[ONOS]> Come on now, I stil hang with RIA on IRC
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:32] <Big_Z[CNC]> lol, did you not get what you just said inferred?
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:32] <Big_Z[CNC]> you followed all of RIA into #threesomes
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:33] <Loren[ONOS]> Oh snap. LOL. I think I'll just shut up now
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:33] <Big_Z[CNC]> lol
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:33] * Big_Z[CNC] is so lucky he's loggin
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:33] <Big_Z[CNC]> logging'
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:35] <Loren[ONOS]> EVIL!
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:36] <Loren[ONOS]> Evil evil. Gerr. I sooo am never talking to you again
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:36] <Big_Z[CNC]> lolk
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:36] <Big_Z[CNC]> lol'
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:36] <Big_Z[CNC]> you said everything yourself
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:37] <Loren[ONOS]> -shunning-
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:39] <Big_Z[CNC]>
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:40] <Loren[ONOS]> Well hey, you got that all saved, all I have left is a shun XD
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:40] <Loren[ONOS]> Bah!!
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:40] <Loren[ONOS]> Forgot.. -isnt talking-
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:53] <Big_Z[CNC]> i'm sowwy loren
   <Big_Z[CNC]>   [17:54] <Loren[ONOS]> Its alright, Im jk

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Girls of RIA
« on: June 26, 2007, 11:05:07 am »
Quote from: IronSoldier820
Quote from: Loren
Quote from: Vector
*blows up bench*
*picks up umbrella*
Put that thing down! You're not allowed to have anything that would deflect rain aka sadness, you're emo!
Gaah! I'm sorry if I didn't want to die in flames from a burnt up bench!

*puts umbrella down*



Died like an emo, happy now?

Random lnsanity / Word Association
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:38:18 pm »

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Girls of RIA
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:37:38 pm »
Yayness. Someone finally does.

Random lnsanity / Shamed's comeback topic?
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:33:08 pm »
Quote from: Shamedmonkey
I wonder if half the people here even know who I am.
Do I count as knowing?

Random lnsanity / Super Ultra Mega Awesome.
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:29:35 pm »
I'm sad now.

Random lnsanity / Word Association
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:28:38 pm »

Random lnsanity / reccomend a movie
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:27:40 pm »
Anything but Saw 3. It sucked. It was violent, yes, but it lacked.. movie stuff.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Girls of RIA
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:23:43 pm »
Quote from: Castille
haha im not violent
*shakes head* Denial

Random lnsanity / What are you currently listening to?
« on: June 25, 2007, 09:22:49 pm »
Freebird - Lynard Skynard

Random lnsanity / Super Ultra Mega Awesome.
« on: June 24, 2007, 04:14:51 pm »
O___o I can't vote anymore?

Random lnsanity / R.I.P. "The Zodiac" March 3, 1991 TO April 16, 2007
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:51:36 pm »
I heard you talk about this last night Hyper, I'm so sorry =\


Random lnsanity / ATTN: Vector
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:43:06 pm »
I'm just saying,  I've had the same kind of thing happen to me, over something like this, and they didn't believe me and well.. yeah

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Vector
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:12:56 pm »
Is it just me.. but why would she believe Vector in the first place without talking to Ananegg first?

Random lnsanity / Risk
« on: June 24, 2007, 03:09:39 pm »
Theres a new risk channel, alot like #CNrisk, but more people are in there. #Conquer_Club

Theres also risk forums too.

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