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Messages - Muji111

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Random lnsanity / Drunk Dialing the RIA
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:08:42 am »
You're all sick fucks and should be ashamed of yourselves.

Also, can I join in?

Tech Trades / Buying Tech :)
« on: January 01, 2010, 03:38:20 pm »
Actually Kalong... You should probably just sign up for our tech farm until you get used to how tech trading works. You'll get told everything to do so you wont even need to think or worry.
Go here to sign up for that:  EDIT: Youve already signed up for it. Bugger me dead, I didnt check.


Then read this. Dont worry too much about the fancy trade types. You'll pick that stuff up later.


Either way, you should make sure you're able to use our IRC channel, so you can chat realtime with the RIAers, Look especially for names like
Agent Lemon,
Gangs (he is a fag, but he usually knows what he is talking about and he is online a lot)

Youll get to know a few of the helpful ones. DONT bug them heaps, just ask politely when they arent too busy. Im on there a lot too if you wanna ask me something.

ALSO... Fade. sorry for turning your tech trade thread into Kalong's introduction

Tech Trades / Buying Tech :)
« on: January 01, 2010, 03:27:41 pm »
Kalong, offer him a 100/3m deal. Arrange with him, to send you the 3m aid tomorrow. That way you dont have to worry about sending him his tech for 10 days. about 2m of the 3m will be free for your war chest if you need to militarize. Talk to the guys on IRC about that. [instructions at the bottom of my post]

Then you send him 50 tech when that aid slot expires in 10 days, then you send him the other 50 tech 10 days later again.

DO NOT buy another 50 after you sell the 50 okay? if you are trading tech, you should never go over 50. It wastes money.

DO NOT do this if it means you wont have enough money to fight a war, because you'll need to be out of peace mode.


TO get on our IRC:


Type "/nick ?????" (whatever you want your name to be. Probably Kalong so we know who you are, but whatever you want.)

Then type "/msg nickserv register (whatever you want your password to be) (your email address)"

i.e. /msg nickserv register qwerty123 bigbrownballs@hotmail.com

then check your email. You'll have instructions in there. Crap I hope i got all this right lol.

Once you've done that, just ask someone to make sure you're cleared for TT2. once they have checked you out and know you're an RIAer, type "/join #tripletonic2"

You will now be in the RIA alliance-only chat.

P.S. if you then type "ns add ajoin #tripletonic2" you will be automatically added to TT2 when you log in to your nickname.

Tech Trades / Buying Tech :)
« on: January 01, 2010, 01:33:25 pm »
Quote from: kalonq
I sent a message to you on the CN site.  I have 100 Tech to sell right now (have to wait until midnight tonight; been in peace mode and can change back on the 2nd).  If there is a way to get all 100 to you, I'm glad to do it; I have only 2 slots open for a few more days.  Let me know!   I can use the money for 50 tech, but if it will help you to do the full 100 for that price any exchange at this time will help me greatly.  I have already made the purchase, so I am patiently awaiting your response.

Kalon Q,  New Quinn

If you are not going to be militarized with a huge, fat warchest, now would be a REALLY unwise time to come out of peace mode. We're expecting all-out war in the next 2-3 days.

Second, no, you cannot send 100 tech without a rather complex and inefficient transaction involving middlemen etc. Sign up for the tech farm if you want. The max aid is 50 tech, and then you must wait 10 days before sending another 50, and then 10 more before you receive your money, if you are doing it in that order. Which noone really does.

Also, buying 100 tech at a time is a PHENOMENALLY bad idea if you are trading tech. Buy 50, sell it, buy another 50, sell that. You make almost no profit buying chunks of 100 and selling them off. A small nation trading tech could justify 65 now for the sake of tier 2 aircraft, if they are militarized.

Pardon any bad advice, i am a fellow n00b. Just trying to help out.

Tech Trades / Buying Tech :)
« on: January 01, 2010, 10:50:25 am »
50 offered. just decline it if you're no longer in need.

Also open to the 100 deal if you'd prefer that just PM me

Tech Trades / Looking for 3 long term sellers.
« on: December 02, 2009, 03:48:30 pm »

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