Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: Electric Mango on August 11, 2008, 02:45:42 am

Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Electric Mango on August 11, 2008, 02:45:42 am
Brock Lesnar UFC 87 vs Keith Herring (http://www.mmaroot.com/brock-lesnar-vs-heath-herring-ufc-87-video/)

I don't know if you guys/girls/hermaphrodites follow UFC/mma or not but I love it.  I also used to watch WWF wrestling back in the day so when I heard Brock Lesnar was fighting in the UFC I was freaking pumped.  His UFC fight w/ Frank Mir was awesome.  Even though he was submitted by Frank he looked really impressive and you could tell he was the real deal.  Check out this fight agains Keith Herring, it's very impressive.  Also FYI, they had to make special gloves for Brock because he is such a beast.  4XL's!  This guys mom must of had sex w/ a rhino or something.


Rock socks and you guys should come give the IRON forums some love too.  We could use a little bit of insanity
Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Adolf Von Sippycup on August 11, 2008, 02:56:01 am
You know wrestling is fake, right?

Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Electric Mango on August 11, 2008, 03:23:22 am
Quote from: Adolf Von Sippycup
You know wrestling is fake, right?

Yes I know wrestling is fake and I'm insulted that you would even say that.

#1 That isn't the point.  I was talking about UFC.  Ever heard of it?  It's as real as it gets and this ex WWF wrestler is kicking ass.
#2 Just because WWF isn't "real" doesn't mean those guys aren't awesome athletes.  Have you ever seen some of the wicked crazy shit these guys do?  That shit is insane.  You're probably to afraid to do a back flip on your mom and dads trampoline.  

This is only Brocks 3rd MMA fight (2nd in the UFC) and I think in a years time he will be contending for the heavy weight belt.  He's a 4 time national collegiate wrestler, huge as hell, and is very fast for a big guy.  I can't wait for his next fight.  

Also Kimbo Slice won his last fight but IMO he had some help by the referee/EliteX.  I predict his next fight he's going to get knocked out quick.

Any other MMA fans in here?

Oh and here's a pic of Brock

Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Amoston on August 11, 2008, 07:19:49 am
Well, steroids will do that for you. I'm surprised he doesn't need to wear a bra.
Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Adolf Von Sippycup on August 11, 2008, 10:56:57 am
As long as you know it's fake I won't continue the insults. The only people that are fun to mess with are the ones that think it's real.
Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: rlrcstrnthusiast on August 11, 2008, 12:33:15 pm
His first punch in that fight was effin' impressive. I won't be surprised to see that punch with the aftermath as a video saying "Pwned."

I still find it funny that all Joe Rogan could say after that was "He's bleeding."
Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on August 11, 2008, 01:33:19 pm
i'm a UFC fan... not hardcore but i like watching it sometimes. not into all the wwf raw cena mcmahon bs... athletic or not. (and that stuff gives wrestling a bad image... it's not all fake in case you didn't know)    on the other hand the people like brock who are former fake wrestlers, are probably going to give a more interesting performance in the UFC than others who are only interested in winning. it's not just about winning belts, even in UFC it's about winning fans. losing while fighting your heart out will earn you a lot more with fans and judges than winning by fighting very conservatively. someone like brock probably understands that so i look forward to watching him fight
Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on August 11, 2008, 03:48:08 pm
turns out brock did a lot of 'real' wrestling before he was in WWE anyway. i love UFC though, it's much more entertaining than the more technical fight sports.
Title: Brock Lesnar
Post by: Electric Mango on August 11, 2008, 06:56:41 pm
I really like UFC fights also.  It's the best reality tv there is.  I hope Brock Lesnar does well in the UFC and you're right about his wrestling back ground.  I guess he was a bad ass in college and he certainly does have the size and strength.  I was disappointed he couldn't finish the guy off but it's only his 3rd MMA fight so you have to cut him some slack.  I think he was too nervous to make a mistake like he did in his 2nd fight when he got caught in a submission in a fight that he was dominating.

Also from that website I listed you can watch the latest Kimbo fight.  It looked like the ref was doing everything he could to make sure Kimbo won but I thought it was a great fight none the less.