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Topics - Kenneth Kenstar

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Random lnsanity / I really, really hate Hangouts and miss Google Talk.
« on: December 27, 2015, 11:50:34 am »
Okay, I've used this piece of shit for two years now. Time to rant. I don't really *get* Hangouts and why Google Talk needed to go.

Google Talk did not need to go anywhere to integrate SMS, Google Voice, and the protocol formerly known as Google Talk into the same place.

If it wanted to rebrand itself, it did not need to absolutely break the completely functional way that Google Talk would save conversations. It used to just save conversations in my Gmail. Now it...sorta does that. I have to actually go to Gmail.com through a web browser to get to this. I can't do this through the Gmail or Hangouts app and no matter what version of Inbox I use, I can't do that at all.

Which sucks, because I actually like Inbox and it wasn't for this, I'd switch completely to it.

Remember being able to go Off The Record? I don't know if that even works anymore. I'm afraid to uncheck "Hangout History" because I'm afraid it'll just delete things because Hangouts has this barely functional reputation in my eyes now.

The only thing I got out of this whole thing was finally being able to send images over Google Voice, but even that fucking blows because right now I'm trying to text Brian through the browser and I can't because when I type "Brian" into box for "Who you want to text" this stupid shit happens

What the hell is the point of Hangouts functioning like this? Why in the fuck is it searching for complete strangers instead of my contact list?

I have to pick up my phone to text Brian when the whole point of this Hangout bullshit was to put everything in one place, but if I want to search for a conversation I had with Brian in the past, I have to go to GMAIL.COM but if I want to have a conversation with him I need to open my Hangouts app and ARGH

God this whole thing is a fucking mess and it's making me not want to use Google Voice anymore.

because this website cries for more topics not made by me

So this happens

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oja97POVbM8" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oja97POVbM8</a>

Ariana Grande just licks random donuts in a donut shop with no intention of paying for them. Just being lmao im so random and dont give a shit about spreading germs around

Then harasses the donut employee probably barely getting by going to school and working a minimum wage job and curses at them and asks stupid questions "what the fuck is that" when they bring out a fresh sheet of donuts that she didn't lick

Then she starts hating on America because someone didn't appreciate her stupid bullshit, "I hate Americans. I hate America."

So people are like "what the fuck did you do that for?"

she responds with

"The fact that the United States has one of the highest child obesity rate in the world frustrates me. We need to do more to educate ourselves and our children about the dangers of overeating and the poison that we put into our bodies. We need to demand more from our food industry."

Already being called the 'Greatest Documentary Ever Filmed', Making a Murderer details the life of Steven Avery, a Wisconsin man who served 18 years on a rape conviction, as well as several other charges pertaining to a separate conflict with his cousin.

DNA analysis later linked the assault to another man, Gregory Allen, guilty of other crimes in Manitowoc County. As a result of the DNA analysis, Avery was released.

After his release, he filed a $36 million dollar lawsuit against both Manitowoc County and several officials associated with his first arrest. Soon after filing the lawsuit, Avery was accused of the murder of Teresa Halbach, a photographer who was last seen on the Avery family property to photograph a car.

A real story of the corruption of local officials abusing their power to ruin a man's life and even a man's own court-appointed lawyer taking advantage of their client to aid the prosecution.


Here is Episode 1 on Youtube

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34M2zdLc-2U" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34M2zdLc-2U</a>

Alternate links

1 - https://mega.nz/#!EtwRiY6R!CJtDbFV7lSX2a9KnP_Hc-KV7j6pGl2mzK3TzwWkTJr4
2 - https://mega.nz/#!I1RDlaza!bm9YABIsIMkddSksUgQp_W_3MimtN89NPTIhZD6YgOI
3 - https://mega.nz/#!slhSTTYD!ndySdlwIaepy-U44jMAYeL489ikDzAJiC2u_5ZdB9As
4 - https://mega.nz/#!A9RnCDDL!PUF7Zkhq7_6yvCIkgyNg5XxtllkTr7zjkDZzu-9jqWc
5 - https://mega.nz/#!Mgx0SApR!PLhp9b922u2DbH6BbuAS5zwVY4uqFnQXo3NuJ91i2gI
6 - https://mega.nz/#!hsgBiJoD!It30jvmNi28FgHpQosgdr-CIlTpgGWSNhhnZ86NQ1Ho
7 - https://mega.nz/#!l14WHbbb!hHnqKzEfOvj2yjqespkJCROkWaJYdYwb8krMPiQIUb4
8 - https://mega.nz/#!w8gwnaKC!LOXYp3m-uvZ-j_knMqCF3FKZNOoY6dYKoWgRkF9Poes
9 - https://mega.nz/#!FlYy2B4J!-_IpPG1_qioMk7UcNZk5ZEvw279cYyKJk9XI_0MN03A
10 - https://mega.nz/#!I8hyzIwK!bRE045Gx7Epd-XVrDFUh0tEfLixmQ0yhV7VgDUMZ_Cg

PM me for the password to the rars.

Expect the links to be edited away in the future.

Random lnsanity / What do you call a liberal think tank
« on: December 25, 2015, 09:09:32 am »
A university


HOUSTON – A Texas father has been released from jail after police say he brought a gun to a hospital to stop the staff from taking his son off of life support.

In January, George Pickering II’s son was declared “brain dead” after he suffered a massive stroke.

When the hospital ordered a “terminal wean,” which is a process that slowly ends a person’s life by removing life support, Pickering decided he needed to do something to stop them.

“They were moving too fast. The hospital, the nurses, the doctors,” Pickering told KPRC. “I knew if I had three or four hours that night that I would know whether George was brain-dead.”

Pickering grabbed a gun, walked into the hospital and became locked in a stand-off with police.

He admitted to being drunk and aggressive that night, but said it was only because he knew there was still some life left in his son.

During the standoff, Pickering says he got the signs he was hoping to see in his son.

“During that three hours, George squeezed my hand three or four times on command,” Pickering told KPRC.

After hours of negotiation, Pickering surrendered peacefully.

“There was a law broken, but it was broken for all the right reasons. I’m here now because of it,” said Pickering’s son, George III. “It was love, it was love.”

He was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

One of the charges has been dismissed and the other was lessened.

Pickering was given credit for the time he served in jail and was released in December.


Many states offer online voter registration and it takes five minutes to register. Find out what is required to vote in the Democrat primary.

Don't listen to these fucks who say it isn't possible. We can make this happen.

Random lnsanity / I saw Star Wars (NO SPOILERS)
« on: December 22, 2015, 05:59:00 am »
I love this movie and I bet it will beat Avatar in the box office.

This was everything I wanted out of a Star Wars movie and I can't wait for the next one.

Random lnsanity / Live Stream Idea #2
« on: December 20, 2015, 03:46:19 pm »
So, in my journey to live stream something, anything, one of the ideas I've developed pans out like this

I have a friend who is 65 named Chuck and he loves football. I dated his daughter and me and her fucking drove each other crazy, but me and Chuck stayed friends. He loves the fuck out of football. Plays fantasy football.

Let's talk about fantasy football. When Chuck started getting into fantasy football, him and his professional friends would rent out a banquet and have an in-person draft and shit was intense. They collaborated on real prizes and it was pretty pro.

I showed Chuck how to use the Internet ten years ago. Since then, I swear the guy knows how to use it better than me. Chuck has set up fucking twenty email addresses which he uses to get around ESPN.com's limit on the number of teams you are allowed to have. I think this limit was 8 last year?

He called me frantic that they had raised the limit to 15 and he felt obligated to manage god knows how many damn teams he has now. All of these teams are named Team Bon Jovi.

And I am not shitting you that 3 out of 4 of his teams make it to the super bowl.

So, Chuck is pretty fucking awesome, but he is pretty much Hank Hill in a lot of ways, especially gamer culture and pretty much everything I've been involved with except pretty much cars.

I'm pretty much the son he never had complete with the disappointment and confusion that goes with it.

Well, I haven't even really approached him with this idea, but I think he'd be fucking hilarious to people on camera especially making fun of me. And especially if I actually sat down without irony and tried to play Madden '16 against people online.

Now, Chuck hasn't seen a video game in probably ten years. Also, trying to explain to him livestreaming and Twitch and things like that, well, that'll take awhile. Remember, he's basically Hank Hill and new things, especially things my generation is involved with, are fucking scary and stupid, probably.

But I can convince him to do anything pretty much. Even if he can't stand it for more than 5 minutes, it'll be 5 minutes of comedy gold.

So, this is an idea.

Would you rather watch this based on the description, or me playing fighting games and making fun of people?

Random lnsanity / Gambler denied 8 million from casino
« on: December 19, 2015, 11:51:05 pm »

An Oregon gambler said her excitement quickly turned to anger after a slot machine revealed that she won $8 million, but casino staffers said it was broken, and refused to give her the prize.

Veronica Castillo said employees at the Lucky Eagle Casino in Rochester, Washington turned off the machine and gave her just $80. She had inserted $100, Q13 Fox reports.

"Somebody's going to have to account for why this happened," Fox News Legal Analyst Bob Massi told Fox & Friends. He said an attorney could likely challenge the casino's claim.

In a news release, casino officials said the malfunction was evident. For example, they say the machine's maximum jackpot is just $20,000, which gamblers can see before they insert money.

Many casinos reportedly display notices that claim no cash is awarded during equipment malfunctions. Castillo says that's unfair.

"To me, that's deceiving, it's cheating, it might even be fraudulent," she added.

This lady sounds pretty dumb or is a gross desperate person. It isn't even just the casino's rule that malfunction voids the play. It's a federal regulation because, at the time, regulators were a bunch of luddites who were afraid of computers and also were worried that casinos could rig the game easier.

I don't how they insure the results aren't rigged, but every thing done on a slot machine is recorded including hitting the help button and buttons that are blank (video slot machines have video buttons that change depending on the game)

The video on the screen is actually separate from the mechanics behind the game and the winnings have been determined after you hit the button and before the video is done doing its thing.

This was her screen she took a picture of

I mean just looking at this, it would be hard to believe it was a real win because she doesn't have anything good. Hell I'm surprised she'd win anything with that.

I promise you. I'm not lying. If I'm on a literal 5 cents slot machine and if I see any number above six digits, the moment my brain comprehends that number, I won't start celebrating "my dreams coming true". I won't start ranting about getting a lawyer and sue over the injustice that is Jurassic Riches. I wouldn't even complain about getting fucked over.

The moment you decide to sit in front of a slot machine, the fuck over began. It's called gambling and you are at the bottom of the barrel and the guys playing roulette are laughing at you. You know, the game where people bet on where a ball lands.

She's trying to get anything she can out of the casino due to seeing a once in a lifetime computer glitch that would have immediately corrected itself if she had cashed out or much less hit any button on the screen. This is not that dissimilar from going to an ATM, having the ATM glitch out on you saying you have a million dollars, and then trying to sue the bank because the bank is frauding you out of money the ATM said you had.

And, of course, the Fox News legal expert, who obviously knows nothing about the malfunction void federal regulation printed on most slot machines, had to throw in something stupid like "well SOMEBODY is gonna have to answer for this"

The casino already offered her a free weekend in their hotel and free play on their machines. That's the appropriate response and matches the reality that you can't win eight million dollars on a fucking five cent machine.

Now you can't even ask for the lobster dinner for free. Way to play your hand, idiot.

Random lnsanity / Study: The effects of cocaine on Street Fighter
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:45:09 pm »
Not On Cocaine

<a href="http://youtu.be/eQ3VW2S4Iu0" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/eQ3VW2S4Iu0</a>

On Cocaine

<a href="http://youtu.be/t8YpbiaRaPQ" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/t8YpbiaRaPQ</a>

Random lnsanity / Metal Gear quotes you've yelled during sex
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:34:50 pm »
Get out of my mind, Liquid

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5nxtsmZW2s" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5nxtsmZW2s</a>



Random lnsanity / Oni not so tough after Hibiki beating (USFIV)
« on: December 14, 2015, 08:20:40 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SAqpL8x4XA" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SAqpL8x4XA</a>

Random lnsanity / Going to coolege this January ama
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:12:26 pm »
Nt goes in the topic title

Random lnsanity / You know, I really like YouTube Music but
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:07:39 pm »
It's really annoying when the Slampardy Theme and things like it pop up

I'm having to unlike stuff and I still have stuff like that pop up

while i was away from the apartment he sent me this video


guess im fucking wrong

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD_o6z-7DJo" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD_o6z-7DJo</a>

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