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Topics - Fake from State Jarm

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Random lnsanity / holy damn @ cyberpunk 2077 teaser
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:19:30 pm »
watch on 1080p

Cyberpunk 2077 Teaser Trailer [HD]


Little Baby's Ice Cream -- Love Lickers


"Little Baby’s Ice Cream produces Hand-Made, Super-Premium Ice Creams and Non-Dairy Frozen Desserts for open-minded, convivial Philadelphians.

Tricycles. Mobile Vending. Scoop Shops. Pints. Novelties. Catering. Events.

Ice Cream is a Feeling."

for the longest time I thought the weirdness about this was just the result of poorly translated foreign advertising not meant for western markets. but it seems someone has mimicked the weirdness in order to gain internet appeal. clever girl

Random lnsanity / threatening text from moth, says "moth... -love, moth"
« on: December 28, 2012, 05:10:54 pm »

Random lnsanity / in soviet russia, boobs grab You (nsfw?)
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:54:26 am »
apparently it is believed that shaking hands with a person shares recent tactile sensations of that hand. so a guy goes and fondles 1000 women, I guess telling them it's for when he shakes hands with vladimir putin.

Путин лапает избирательниц! / Epic! Putin paws women voters!

it really is 1000, I watched the counter the entire time.

the plot is kind of repetitive but #477 leaves a mark.

Random lnsanity / What sites do you use for watching shows/movies?
« on: December 19, 2012, 02:07:40 pm »
My cable sucks and I don't have DVR so I have been missing shows for years. It's time I found a workaround. What sites you guys use? There are the obvious picks like veoh and hulu, but I'm talking about for stuff that's more obscure. Also, redbox sucks. Go ahead and list anything you watch shows on.

Random lnsanity / idk why this exists but it does
« on: December 16, 2012, 06:23:27 pm »
Fred 3 The Movie "Camp Fred" - Official Trailer

it's almost as if becoming famous can be a mistake sometimes. even on the internet.

Random lnsanity / hobbit spoilers
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:59:06 am »
I clicked this on youtube thinking it was a teaser, I only remember part of the books being read to me in early childhood so I hardly remembered much. Not only is this way different from the book, the plot somehow seems vaguely familiar and cliche'd. this is horrible, what's the point in even going to the theater to see the movie now

An Unexpected Briefing #airnzhobbit

and also wtf is that guy doing @ 2:16, since when are gay sexual euphemisms a valid form of hitting on women

please someone answer this before grilledslug or leo make another tragic attempt at wit

anyway, definitely not seeing it now, how much money did they have to pay tolkien for him to let them do this to his fantasy franchise. fucking sell outs are the ruination of american cinema.

edit: was homosexuality even invented back then

I know they had elves but androgyny is closer to being transgender than being homosexual.

Random lnsanity / there's nothing suspicious about this thread
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:09:19 pm »
A Salute to Dean Learner



Random lnsanity / Mechwarrior Online Open Beta
« on: October 30, 2012, 10:21:05 am »

Open Beta is now

here are some tutorials I haven't watched and may be crappy

MechWarrior Online Tutorial - Getting Started, Instant action

MechWarrior Online Tutorial - How to set up Firing Groups, Chain Fire, and Link Fire

let me know what your usernames are

imagine that people are sincerely that odd



I find this kind of stuff fascinating, the internet is a sort of playground for the human subconscious. I think you can learn a lot about the human psyche when things like this are on display in a low-consequence environment.

given that so much of this stuff is mental I also have to wonder how much of it is a subculture evolving purely because of the internet and its convenient, safe exposure to ideas and intimate details. meaning, how much would these people have developed these ideas and sexualities if the technology and environment to talk about them didn't exist?

Random lnsanity / kenny 2012
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:41:58 am »

Random lnsanity / fuck comedy central
« on: August 29, 2012, 01:15:54 am »
so sometimes when I can't sleep I like to watch the daily show (jon stewart political satire) @ 1 am. the best part is the beginning, so it kind of sucks if you miss it.

since I don't generally wake up exactly @ 1 am I often get online until it comes on, but then recently I tend to get distracted and then look at the clock and it's already over.

so I make a special effort not to do that one night, watching the clock while I'm online. I turn the tv on @ 1 am; it seems the show is already halfway over.

a scheduling error? I try it again another night and the same thing happens. Ok comedy central, you're starting it @ 12:45... nvm that no one does that kind of stupid shit, maybe that sunny in philadelphia show came up short on production of it 15-minute episodes and you're just temporarily compensating for your own constant drama-related inconsistency and unprofessionalism.

so I try turning it on @ 12:45. Jon stewart makes one joke and then says, We'll be right back! commercial break.

I check the comedy central schedule. the show starts @ 12:37 am. fuck you comedy central. you're all idiots.

also, while I was writing this, decided to google various things like 'comedy central unprofessional scheduling' and 'the daily show 12:37 why'

no dice

and now I see Tosh.0 starts @ 1:45 after the colbert report. so since the schedule is moving forward, I can only assume, the ultimate design is to piss people off while making more money with extra commercial time.

Random lnsanity / arglbarglbarglargargl: mechwarrior online thread
« on: May 24, 2012, 11:04:30 pm »
closed beta started 2 days ago. official site: http://mwomercs.com/

MechWarrior Online Official Teaser Trailer

MechWarrior Online GDC 2012 Gameplay Trailer

MechWarrior Online - Light Mech Developer Breakdown

MechWarrior Online - Medium Mech Developer Breakdown

MechWarrior Online - Heavy Mech Developer Breakdown

MechWarrior Online - Assault Mech Developer Breakdown

also, the original reveal vid and some others showing the dev process
Spoiler for Hiden:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suzbAUC-0l8" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suzbAUC-0l8</a>

MechWarrior Reboot - Pre-Vis #1

MechWarrior Reboot Reveal - Final

mechs announced so far:

Spoiler for Hiden:
commando 25 ton light

raven 35 ton light

jenner 35 ton light

(bonus jenner?)

cicada 40 ton medium

centurion 50 ton medium

hunchback 50 ton medium

(bonus hunchback?)

dragon 60 ton heavy

catapult 65 ton heavy

(bonus catapult?)

cataphract 70 ton heavy

awesome 80 ton assault

atlas 100 ton assault

(bonus atlas?)

Random lnsanity / who stole my llamas
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:16:51 pm »
srsly, just lost like 20 to 30 llamas.

whoever stole them, you don't know what you've started

mods, this is a serious thread. no one will be spared scrutiny. please take whatever measures you deem necessary to keep order, and prevent anyone from leaving the forums until I've conducted the thoroughest of searches.

Random lnsanity / In Soviet Russia, Raymond Loves You
« on: March 04, 2012, 04:17:56 am »
So I was flipping through the channels recently and stumbled on the tail end of this movie on HBO called 'exporting raymond' about phil rosenthal creating a russian version of everybody loves raymond. I don't know exactly why, but this is hilarious. It's full of awkwardness and culture clashing and exotic absurdity, and a lot of the russians he's trying to work with are just completely oblivious to the comedic direction he's going, and he has to convince them through a translator while they give him their dubious russian facial expressions. you guys know anything about it?

Exporting Raymond - Enema Bag Musician

Exporting Raymond - Costume Designer

I never really followed 'everybody loves raymond' but I think I might consider following the russian version.

edit: also pretty insightful about show-business in general. here's the trailer

Exporting Raymond - Official Trailer [HD]

so, yesterday mike krahulik (Gabe) on Penny Arcade posted an extended email conversation between a customer and Ocean Marketing. The customer ordered some controllers in advance, promised them before xmas, they kept pushing the date back due to a huge backorder but failed to update their website and got bitchy when asked about it. I am not even done reading it yet but I have to post it, there is some hilarious shit talking. http://penny-arcade.com/2011/12/27/just-wow1   (loads slowly, lots of traffic lol)

"Son Im 38 I wwebsite as on the internet when you were a sperm" gets about 5,120,000 results in .27 seconds on google. results like "Ocean Marketing Sucks, Incompetence Goes Viral" "PR firm gets blasted by media, digs deeper hole" "How to kill your company" in the first page

ocean marketing = fuckups.

here's some highlights (all quotes from Dave in PR; the customer was completely civil and reasonable the whole time)

Spoiler for Hiden:
"The noise complaint was for people high up on the food chain in a corporate world of real estate you have no clue about." (lol what a prick)

"Son Im 38 I wwebsite as on the internet when you were a sperm in your daddys balls and before it was the internet"

"Grow up you look like a complete child bro. I Don’t have my controller so im gonna cry to the world … Really ?? Hey take that free time and do something more productive." (LOL @ someone in the gaming industry telling gamers they are childish and to find something more productive to do.)

"Were in 6 countries and you’re not going to take my money for a booth that’s a crock I can guarantee I’ll get a booth if I want one money buys a lot and connections go even further.  He’s a native Bostonian from Little Italy . Who are you again ?"  (kekekek where you are from really matters, or didn't you know that son. /on snap: you just got told)

"Ill be on the floor anyway so come find me , I’m born and raised in Boston I know the people who run the city inside and out watch the way you talk to people you never know who they know it’s a small industry and everyone knows everyone."

"Little kids unhappy with a PRE ORDER starting trouble and you email that to us , he’s a customer unless you’re his boyfriend then you should side with the company not the customer. Be Careful"

tomorrow, when the world crashes down on this guy, we may feel pity. but today, we laugh

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