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Messages - Crazyman93

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What is your dumb ass doing to the forums? Are you vomiting everything out in the open again? I bet the full permissioned homepage looks GREAT.

Oh yeah, it does, even if I can't see our secret Gov forum, and I have Water Cooler, Back Door, and Alternate worlds mimized.
Undid EVERYTHING the last elected HoIA did too. I feel bad for that guy.

Random lnsanity / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: October 13, 2011, 02:25:33 am »
What The Water Gave Me Florence + The Machine Lyrics

Random lnsanity / Re: Picture of Mia giving me a handjob
« on: October 12, 2011, 01:32:57 pm »
*head explodes*

*gets hairspray and a lighter*

Random lnsanity / Re: If I did my math right...
« on: October 11, 2011, 03:16:12 pm »
The economy is a fucking disaster. The only reason it's not a second Great Depression is the fucking bankers still have their jobs.

« on: October 11, 2011, 12:30:25 am »
That's sick, as in, disgusting.

Random lnsanity / Re: Picture of Mia giving me a handjob
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:20:55 pm »
These topics stopped being funny weeks ago.

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 10, 2011, 12:50:03 am »
I'm going to SF's rooms. Since you fucked up all our beds.
*walks away throwing cape on*

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:54:34 pm »
Leo already does.
And like I said, we don't want you. We have enough douches.

Seriously, we were declared a douche preserve. As if they're a dying breed.

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 09, 2011, 08:40:19 pm »
Leo has every fetish known to man, three known to Apes and Monkeys, and one known to Hippos.
The directTV help channel is plain torture.

Hence it's perfect for Leo.

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:43:45 pm »

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:11:54 pm »
I didn't say we want Mango dearie. However, I'll agree to throw Leo into a dungeon. As far away from RIA as possible

Random lnsanity / Re: I feel like I could use some anonymous advice
« on: October 09, 2011, 02:21:18 pm »
Sex is the ultimate joining of two people, the ultimate expression of love and the most sacred form of such. I place it as such in my religion. The Seraven Faith...

...bans casual sex as it's meaningless.
what does it say about cardboard cutouts of kim kardashian

I am a prude but blah blah blah blah. I am aware blah blah blah different views of sex blah blah I accept them.
[leojoke].... wait for it....

A) That's my own line of faith, since mainline religon is bullshit, and I'll kill myself before I join Scientology.
B) Fuck you with Horse cock llamavore.

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 09, 2011, 02:19:05 pm »
Leo's "charm" wears off rather quickly Lucy. He's not as funny as some trolls think.

Mia, have you considered starting a thread where it is ok for others to hit on you so that they can get it out of their systems and stop derailing other topics?   It's called taking one for the team. 

How about you take one for the team in your butt?  I never will make a thread where people can hit on me, that opens the doors to MORE fanboys, not less. So rather than tell the people who are actually doing it to knock it off, you blame me? Nice, Mango, nice.

If you needed proof Mango thinks like a member of RIA Mia, that's it.

Random lnsanity / Re: I want to have sex with Mia.
« on: October 09, 2011, 02:36:24 am »
Seriously, she doesn't. We tried to auction her off once and... Well... I have never seen so much blood in my life.

Random lnsanity / Re: I feel like I could use some anonymous advice
« on: October 09, 2011, 02:23:26 am »
Sex as an expression of love? Heh, everyone has their own preferences, but not all sex is a form of love. That is just some fairy tale notion.
Says the prude.

Sex is the ultimate joining of two people, the ultimate expression of love and the most sacred form of such. I place it as such in my religion. The Seraven Faith bans casual sex as it's meaningless.

Random lnsanity / Re: penis dicks and vaginas
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:49:29 am »
Who the hell are you?

Is your alliance dead yet?

Random lnsanity / Re: I feel like I could use some anonymous advice
« on: October 07, 2011, 10:05:08 pm »
Sex is a n expression of Love and shouldn't be mistreated. Don't do it. Besides, she's your friend, and you shouldn't add unneeded tension.

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