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Messages - nigtard

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / I'm offering 9 Million
« on: February 16, 2008, 12:42:18 am »
any takers?

Random lnsanity / A Fast Question
« on: February 02, 2008, 06:16:48 pm »
Quote from: King Pengu
Drugs suck, no matter if they're dangerous or not.

yeah! fucking aspirin!!

Random lnsanity / A Fast Question
« on: February 01, 2008, 11:33:25 pm »
it's not like you're sitting there trying to move and cant, it's that your sense of self and of motor control are so profoundly affected that you have no motive to move.

if you feel the urge to you can get up and walk around, but you probably won't.

i once trip-sat a guy who took a hit and then got up and felt himself 'pulled' by something and ran/stumbled a few hundred yards over to a little pond we didn't know existed, and lay there at the edge with his toes in the water staring up at the sky holding onto the grass and feeling for all the world as though he would fall into the sky if he let go.

when i do it (very rarely) i usually just sort of slump over where i sit until i get a grip on reality again.

Random lnsanity / A Fast Question
« on: January 31, 2008, 08:01:47 pm »
well it's nothing AT ALL like weed, unfortunately it gets marketed to stoners, hippies, and curious people as a "marijuana substitute" which could not be further from the truth.

one minute you're thinking "man, this shit doesn't do anything but make me a little diz-"

...and then you are limply paralyzed where you sit with fantastic invisible images and ideas churning through your third eye and you don't even realize you're human anymore.


it's a 'must do' experience at least once in your life. take a fat rip of good 10x+ extract through a water pipe/bong using a 'jet' aka 'torch' butane lighter, hold the flame on the stuff the entire time you're inhaling and hold it in until you can't remember why you should be holding your breath anymore and you have more pressing issues on your mind. (30 seconds?) if you can still think, hit it until you don't understand what a lighter or a pipe is.

i recommend iamshaman.com's 15x. head shop/ebay stuff is notoriously poor quality for high prices. raw leaves aren't worth smoking and won't get you the total experience. I would say "don't take this as your first drug/psychedelic experience" but there is such a total disassociation from reality there's nothing that can really prepare you for it.

set and setting are EVERYTHING. ie don't do it in a dark unfamiliar place with people you don't know well, or in anything but the best of moods.

don't do it under the influence of anything else, either, except maybe a low dose of valium or carisprodol or something. go into it with a clear head. meditate first.

good luck

cos there's no reason not to.

i've been a member for like a year and i haven't done shit except invade people and vote to keep us in power on the Maroon team

Pages: [1]

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