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Messages - Shyox

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Random lnsanity / Holy moly
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:48:57 pm »

First of all, we were away at Pickwick at my grandparents 7 bedroom lakehouse for a week. The sleepover was the humor.

Usually at night we partake in something that isn't usually a total paintball-sausage fest, like going pool hopping, blowing shit up, teen orgies, skinny dipping, or curling up with a movie after hours of being out on the lake all day, skiing, tubing, or dicking around on the waverunner.

Ever had a 6-hour teen orgy?

It's crazy.

Random lnsanity / Holy moly
« on: June 02, 2008, 01:08:48 am »
Not really.

I didn't really want to make it, actually. I just wanted everyone to go to bed so I could get some alone time with my lady.

Random lnsanity / Holy moly
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:15:05 pm »
Quote from: Drop Your Pants
Hmmmm thought you'd be taller


I'm 6'3"

Random lnsanity / Holy moly
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:22:26 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXK3nNXyao" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXK3nNXyao</a>

That's a vid me and my friends made. The one with the brown hair in the middle is Lauren, my foxy woman. I'm on the left in the guys side.


That is all.

Random lnsanity / Kinky People, Gather Up!
« on: May 24, 2008, 04:20:27 am »
Word Up.

Random lnsanity / Ever been in a relationship?
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:40:24 am »

Well, things are still going really great. That's me and Lauren at prom. She looked fantastic, and it was actually a lot of fun. I danced like a freak, and was the center of attention in a self-imposing way. I guess it was funny, but most people were probably annoyed by my crazy tango. The weird thing about that picture is how much it looks like this one:


That's my parents on their wedding day. And the crazy thing is how much Lauren's like my mom... She's really great. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with someone like her.

School's out tomorrow. I have two exams, then I'm free until summer school starts, which sucks donkey balls, but I'd rather not take it next year. It's only 14 days though, so it's not a big deal.

Things are going good... Real good.

Random lnsanity / Happy Birthday Kenny.
« on: May 21, 2008, 04:22:03 pm »
That dirty old sandnigger doesn't DESERVE a birthday!


Happy Birthday, father of the universe.

First page reader.

<i>One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike -- and yet it is the most precious thing we have.
-- Albert Einstein, echoing Robert Green Ingersoll ("I admit that reason is a small and feeble flame, a flickering torch by stumblers carried in the star-less night, -- blown and flared by passion's storm, -- and yet, it is the only light. Extinguish that, and nought remains." from the Field-Ingersoll Debate), quoted from PhysLink.com</i>

"Question #5: Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible?"

there's nothing wrong with slavery if it is consensual. as for forced slavery, i dont know if the bible god is a proponent of that. it's possible that society was not ready to give up slavery, and that the bible god did not ask them to be completely perfect, but just mitigated their imperfection. but who knows.

No widespread slavery has EVER been consensual. What are you talking about? And in the bible, it DEFINITELY promotes slavery, and hate. The bible specifically says to hate those who do things that are wrong, even though the gospel tells you to love everyone.

Another argument is that man wrote the bible... Which means that anything and everything has the oppurtunity to be completely infallible. It means that we can selectively pick and choose what parts of the bible we like and don't like, right? Sure, if that's what you want. But the whole point is that it could easily be fiction, because as you said, was written by man. There's nothing to say it was inspired by a divinity except thousands of people believing it is so and continuing to proliferate that fact. I say screw the bible, or atleast bring it back down to the level of the thousands of other meaningful works of literature.

I have a few questions of my own. Is it truly just for people to believe in a religion, simply because it will grant them heaven? Submitting to religion and a God out of fear and hope for reward is paganism, no different from the Incans, Aztecs, Greeks and Romans, whom we scoff at and call silly.

Why does God ask us to worship him? It just seems very egotistical and ridiculous, and without a point. The truth is that Christianity inherited this trait from the other religions it was born from.

I do, however, have the same views you do on Organized Religion.

Alright, time to read the other pages.

Random lnsanity / What's the Crying Game?
« on: May 21, 2008, 02:36:57 pm »
A song by Boy George.

Random lnsanity / suggest me music?
« on: May 15, 2008, 09:27:24 pm »
The Killers. The Killers. THE KILLERS. I can't stress it enough, but they kick Panic! and The Bravery's ass. You've probably heard them on the radio. They've got three albums out, though one is just a compilation of some stuff that didn't make the other albums, with a few new singles mixed in.
Honestly though, they're really great. I listen to their CDs all the way through, and I usually never do that with a band. I think they're going to be the new Beatles, honestly. They're just that good to me.

For 90's stuff I'd check out Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox 20, they were the kings of that era.

Foreigner just fucking Rocks, Kansas rocks harder, and Styx is a classic staple as well.

David Bowie was the 80's king, so you should check out him as well.

My personal favorite, who were way ahead of their time, Electric Light Orchestra.

Nirvana is pretty good for 90's as well, but they're SO overplayed that you get tired of them quick.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Kenny
« on: May 14, 2008, 12:01:19 am »
Quote from: iron snake
I just entered Flask bear into photobucket and the first picture was this:




Random lnsanity / Ever been in a relationship?
« on: May 12, 2008, 03:13:26 pm »
Quote from: Lanna
Quote from: Shyox
Me and Lauren are going simply amazing. We're nearing six months of togetherness, and everything feels like the first time. It's all so fresh and new and exciting. She's perfect in every way. She so nice, truly a great person, funny, very smart, spontaneous, and extremely beautiful... Also, smokin' hot. She just looks amazing, and is flawless. She looks FUCKING FANTASTIC in a swimsuit, and I mean really great. She's totally slim, but with great curves too. She dresses extremely well and unsluttish, and is just truly awesome. She makes me lunch everyday, cooks me dinner, scratches and rubs my back, and I do the same type of stuff for her too.

I'm keeping her around for the long haul, no doubt, she's mine until I die now. We've talked about so many things, and are really comfortable together, with anything. I really can talk to her about anything.
Awww... that is so cute.   If only she can read this.

women, word of you-must-not-do-this: you must not tell someone you care about them and reciprocate those feelings for months and then decide you care too much and kill your feelings away and then ignore the guy and act flippantly sympathetic when he voices his frustration. 'o well sry your you still has feelings bcus i'm a coward sux for u kbai'
Stupid people. -_-

She DID read it. She saw it when I was browsing last night.

Random lnsanity / Ever been in a relationship?
« on: May 11, 2008, 10:37:16 am »
Me and Lauren are going simply amazing. We're nearing six months of togetherness, and everything feels like the first time. It's all so fresh and new and exciting. She's perfect in every way. She so nice, truly a great person, funny, very smart, spontaneous, and extremely beautiful... Also, smokin' hot. She just looks amazing, and is flawless. She looks FUCKING FANTASTIC in a swimsuit, and I mean really great. She's totally slim, but with great curves too. She dresses extremely well and unsluttish, and is just truly awesome. She makes me lunch everyday, cooks me dinner, scratches and rubs my back, and I do the same type of stuff for her too.

I'm keeping her around for the long haul, no doubt, she's mine until I die now. We've talked about so many things, and are really comfortable together, with anything. I really can talk to her about anything.

Random lnsanity / NPO declares on MK
« on: April 28, 2008, 05:52:09 pm »
I looked on with disgust as some curly-haired dicknose squirted ketchup onto a fry. Each individual fry, he used about half a packet of ketchup on. Not in a pile, or lump, but onto the individual sliced spud. Behavior like this really shows the lengths of fucktardation the human race can employ. Other examples include mixing mayonaisse with ketchup and mustard, sucking honey and jelly cups, and eating mayonaisse out of a jar, all of which are about as absurd as pissing the bed because you're too lazy to get up. Condiments in excess to a certain degree really disgust me I guess. There's a line not to cross, and some freakish assmongrels really take serious leaps and bounds over it. These lapses in human intelligence really put my nuts in a chokehold. The only thing worse than excessive condiment use is eating weird shit. I had a friend who sucks the ends off of burnt matches. He says the stuff on the end tastes salty. Well cum tastes salty too, but you don't see me - Well, you get the picture. My sister eats popcorn butter out of the microwave bags. I tried it once and puked everywhere. It left this film on the roof of my mouth and made me gag. And the worst part of eating weird shit is when people eat weird shit in weird ways. I've got an aunt who lets her cheerios sit in the milk for about half an hour, then drains the milk and eats the soggy pulp left behind. Worse, she buys a generic brand and puts salt on it. I don't go over to her house, simply because of this anomaly of human taste. As I watched now, the kid with the curly hair kept on eating his fries like that. He had ten packets of ketchup left, and he was going to eat them all, that sick fuck. I couldn't watch anymore so I tried to turn away, but everywhere I looked you see more of this circus shit. A guy was filling his baked potato with ranch and spinach. A girl was eating her salad with marinara sauce. Another was taking cold pizza and dipping it into jelly. The entire cafeteria gleamed with such displays of shit that could make you retch that I just stared at my hands. I usually didn't come in here, because my girlfriend packs me a sandwich everyday. However, today she wasn't here, so I decided to buy lunch. Big fuckin' mistake. The choices were poor, so I ended up getting this chicken burger with a bun that was filled with perspiration from sitting under a heat lamp in a plastic bag. The fries were dry, and I could tell this was probably a batch that had been reheated a few times over the week. Still, like an blind old bastard, I ate it up. Hunger can help you stomach virtually anything. My next wrong move was picking a table where I knew a few people. Worse idea. The guy sitting next to me was eating a sandwich on wheat bread, and all that was on it was a piece of lettuce and some jello. I don't understand how he even came to that conclusion. How low does one have to sink into late-night reality TV to have your brains rot out of your fuckin' head and come up with this Nobel Prize winner. In a true burst of scientific awareness, he experimented with this ridiculously tarded idea and obviously can't taste for shit. Regardless of his reasons, he still deserves an asskicking for such crazy shit. I wasn't going to talk to him anymore. I don't care what he had to offer, an exchange of anything more than "Hi!", "Hey, get the fuck out of my face", was the future. After watching this ridiculous ass goblin eat I would hardly be able to speak to him. I turned my back and dug my nose into a book like it was Britney Spears' asscrack but couldn't pay much attention. It was Catcher in the Rye, and I really didn't have the patience for it in such a crowded and noisy environment. Also the couple a table over was making out, and the girl was giving him a handjob under the table. You'd think two young kids getting frisky would be able to arouse some erotic impulse in someone's brain, but these were some of the ugliest chuts I'd ever seen. They'd also fight constantly, and there's nothing I hate more than mean, ugly bitches. They have no redeeming qualities, and just suck along the bottom of the tank, scrounging for any scrap of affection, even it comes with STDs. At this point I was pretty much in the thick of this cum bubble of idiocy, and was ready to get the hell out. I got up and slipped past a few more batshit morons on the way to the door, and was on the verge of pushing it open and reaching a little liberation when a balding tan guy caught me by the arm and told me I had to stay until the bell rang. I told him that my pants were full of warm brown foam and that I needed to clean up but the assclown pursed his lips and pointed at my seat. So I waded back into the sea of tards, and kept giving the clock random glances while covering my ears so as to dampen the annoying outbursts of high-pitched squealing some dumb bitch thought was laughter. The pure hatred due to these many insane annoyances and idiosyncracies was finally building. I squirmed and pressed my legs against the bottom of the table. I felt something damp and pulled away, only to find gum trailing from it's domain under the table. This pushed me to the edge. It gave me the feeling of some smartassed ratdick slapping in the face repeatedly, and I didn't even notice what the fuckbag across the table was doing until he was in the middle of the tardtastic ritual. He had opened the backside of a milk carton, and stuck a straw into the front. He was sucking out of the front of the straw and getting his mouth full, then spitting it back into the chocolate pint, mingling his gross ass spittle with the rest of the milk. If there's anything I really hate, it's saliva. I can't stand the look, the smell, and I certainly couldn't take this fucking shitbag giving this performance of asshattery right in front of me. As he was about to take another sip, I slapped it from his hands. He started and gave me a look of incredulity, "What the fuck do you-" "NO, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, SHIT HEAD?" I shouted in answer to his dumbass question. He opened his mouth to speak but I rapped him on the face, "NO, SHUT THE FUCK UP! THAT'S THE GROSSEST SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN, FUCKBURGER! YOU SHOULD BE GLAD THAT WHATEVER POWER THAT KEEPS THE UNIVERSE FROM JUST BLOWING THE FUCK UP DIDN'T SMITE YOUR FAGGOT ASS!" I leapt up and got the fuck out of there. The teachers were too busy chatting up a couple of seniors girls, who looked upon these old fucks with eager and excited faces. I pushed open the metal doors and ran down the hallway swearing on my dead grandfathers tits that I would never subject myself to such belligerent faggotry again.

Random lnsanity / MK marches to war
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:57:54 pm »
... This is really gay.

DC will win. They're superheroes. They have superman, Batman, and Rick Astley.

Random lnsanity / Ever been in a relationship?
« on: April 17, 2008, 02:58:50 pm »
Me and Lauren are going REALLY well.

I mean REALLY well. I've never met anyone like her... She's so kickass, and SO DAMN hot.

The only downside is I have to quit smoking pot for her. And I really do have to this time, I swore to her I would. I swore on my mother's grave.

I don't swear on things like that if I don't mean them.

Random lnsanity / Idaho does not exist.
« on: April 15, 2008, 04:01:45 pm »
I saw the same article, only about wyoming.


Random lnsanity / Colour Blind Test
« on: April 13, 2008, 07:59:49 pm »
I see both the 3 and the 8 as well. Neither are very clear.

Random lnsanity / I am extremely offended by American Idol.
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:11:01 pm »

So would you be mad if they sang a song about Judaism?

Some of the greatest songs of this century are about the Christian God. It's a good song, even if the lyrics are a worship song. Singing a song isn't them foisting their religion on you, they're just singing a song.

Random lnsanity / Ever been in a relationship?
« on: April 07, 2008, 11:34:31 pm »
Me and Lauren are still together. It's going great, though we've actually decided to slow things down sexually because she thinks we were moving too fast. I don't really think so, I mean we've been dating for 4 months, but it doesn't bug me really. I don't care what happens as long as she sticks with me.

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