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Messages - Shyox

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22]
Random lnsanity / @_@ Boy am I not happy.
« on: April 22, 2007, 09:02:42 pm »
If I knew the situation and people in RL, I might be able to help, but I can't.

Random lnsanity / Should shyox re-make the shrine?
« on: April 22, 2007, 09:01:12 pm »
Quote from: crazyisraelie
Only if its open to everyone. No bullshit of we have to do something special to enter it.

In order to enter, you must contribute. How else will it grow unless I spend my time looking up almost-pron half of my day?

Random lnsanity / @_@ Boy am I not happy.
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:58:43 pm »
It'll pass, that's all I can tell you. It may be bad now, but everything passes with time.

It'll be alright.

Random lnsanity / Should shyox re-make the shrine?
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:56:20 pm »
As of now there isn't one on these boards, and the last one didn't go anywhere.

Does anyone want me to make another one? I'll be more comitted this time, no Into the Woods.

Random lnsanity / Have you done it?
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:11:03 pm »
Quote from: Pinwheel
Quote from: EnragedLobster
No, and never will. I perfectly understand that it's a far better substance for your body than alcohol, tobacco, and the other illegal drugs, but I have no intention of delving into any of those.

That's entirely untrue. One joint the size of an average cigarete has close to 30 times the number of carcinogens as a regular, unfiltered, cigarete. Though THP is not as physically addicting as nicotine it is much more highly psycologically addicting and has deleterious effects on the production of hormones such as testosterone, adrenaline, and seratonin. What's more, while most people are awaret that there are large amounts of additives like tar in cigaretes, few take into account the pesticides and herbicides found in marajuana as well as the fact that it is often cut with other substances. It has a far more extreme depressive effect on the nervous system than does alcohol, and, unlike alcohol, it has no possitive health benefits unless you suffer chronic and excruciating pain. Plus it supports the destabilization of third world countries and their governments as well as increasing the amount of crime in those countries and generlly lowering the quality of life.

People can smoke packs a day, though. If I even smoked weed as much as once a week, I wouldn't be smoking near as much as they were. And 30 times is incorrect, I believe it's twice as many. I think it has either 32 or 18, according to what I've been told.

Anyone who smokes weed more than once a day is insane and uncommon. They really need to get a damn life.

I've done it four times so far, and was only truly stoned half of those times.
Do I regret it? No.
Do I feel any adverse affects? No.
Do I want to do it again? Not right now, but I'm not about to swear it off forever.
Do I think it's more detrimental than cigarettes? In its own ways. It messes things and people up while you're high.

It's a highly addicting psychological drugs, but not for the same reasons as one would think. There is no chemical in it that makes you want to continue doing it. Well, there's the ones that get you high, but I'm not counting that right now. The pure novelty of it keeps people doing it. It's a fun experience, I admit, but there's no reason why you can't have a great time without it.  People say they have so much fun doing it, but it's the novelty really. While you are high, you are prone to get confused, and screw things up. It feels great in some ways, but it just can't be turned off, which was scary for me. I wanted it to stop at one point, and it continued for another hour. I don't enjoy things much just for novelty, but I have to admit I couldn't quit giggling. Things were just funnier.

Any dependancy on the drug in times of weakness and things are bad. I don't think just anyone should try it, but that some should.  It should never be legalized, and it needs to be kept out of people's hands. Not because they shouldn't have it, but because it would be abused more than it already is.

Just my say on some things.

Random lnsanity / Well its time to do this.
« on: April 22, 2007, 07:54:47 pm »
I just got a report about this.

So, azu, was it pron or what?

If it's borderline pictures it might be best to count those out after all.

Random lnsanity / Risk
« on: April 21, 2007, 05:56:55 pm »
Barely made it.

Random lnsanity / Risk
« on: April 21, 2007, 05:30:39 pm »
Shite. I want to take a shower...


Random lnsanity / Outbreak Central
« on: April 21, 2007, 05:16:35 pm »
Name (Or former name, if zombie): Nicholas Long
Age (Doesn't apply to zombies): 18
Weapons: He has a small pocket knife, tools for a fire, and a survival handbook
Appearance: Jeans and a T-shirt. Shaggy, curly brown hair. 6'4", 175 lbs,
Current Location: In the woods camping with friends
Background: There's nothing much to be said for his history. He's a laid back sort of person, witty and sarcastic. He's outgoing, a bit rash, and a little egotistical. He's a born entertainer, and was an athlete when he was younger. He's still fit, but laziness and lack of exercise are beginning to show themselves in his physique.

Random lnsanity / I pack lightly...
« on: April 18, 2007, 10:08:22 pm »
Take them all EL!!

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