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Offline Pterrydactyl

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Help me find an MMO...
« on: August 22, 2011, 01:37:50 am »
Looking for an MMORPg with an actualy MMORPG.

Not a wow-cloned level-fest, but something with story, and players that aren't obsessed with just getting money or the best gear/items.  Something that's got RP elements in to it.

I wanna play an MMO that I at least care enough to read the quest I have for a reason beyond knowing where to go.

I played EQ back in the day, in like 2000, back before blizzard turned the MMO genre from RP into a giant cash-grab.

I guess I sort of want to recapture that feeling.  Back when you were grouping with people because of who they were, not their gear-score.  When if someone was an asshole to guildies, they were kicked, even if they were the main tank for raids.

I remember, when I played EQ, it was a HUGE BITCH to travel great distances.  No instant-teleport for cheap.  You either paid out yer ass for a mage's guild teleport.

You know what choices I used to have when I played everquest to get to cross-world?

1.  You walked.
This took 2 in-game days (bout a half hour), and if you were leaving free-point for say... qeynos, you'd pretty much spend the first night either trying to reach Rivervale for the night, or hugging a tree praying that the night-mobs wouldn't rape you.  Cause during the day, the level was 10-15 of the mobs.  At night?  47.  And they were all undead RAPISTS.  The second day was less dangerous.

Oh, before i continue, did I mention that when you died you respawned at your soul-bind... WITHOUT YOUR EQUIPMENT?  You had 24 hours to get your body before it went from "Only u loot" to "whoever" loot.

2.  You took your mount
Easily done in one day if you started at dawn and ran like a motherfucker.  But oh wait, those were multiple plat and had a minimum level of 40ish.  So you were probably not doing this

3.  You took the free boat.
Probably the safest, BUT, it moved slightly faster than walking in the opposite direction.  Typically 24 in-game hours (roughly 15 minutes) to get there.  Just hope you didn't get knocked off the boat by random mobs, or PKed.  Cause if you did, yer body fell into the oceans.  Oh, protip:  swimming consumes stamina, and you can't recharge stamina while swimming so yea...  Yer pretty boned if u want that equipment back.  Not to mention, the boats only came by every 15 minutes.  Luckily, the first expansion gave a below deck, which made it much safer to travel by boat, but if you crashed or DC's youd be stuck in the middle of the ocean.

Oh, and I remember communicating.  You wanna party up with that dark elf?  Hope you speak his langauge, cause it randomized the characters into gobbilygook for anyone who didn't know your language.  There was a "common" for the non-RP servers, but on the RP servers, you only spoke languages you knew.  How do you learn a language?  Someone teachs you.   In pretty much real-time.  (you have a 50% chance to gain a point in a language with each sentence you hear).  But, the higher the rank, the more letters decoded.

Oh and questing, you wanna quest?  Talk to an NPc (like, with the chat-bar).  Hope you have a notbook handy, cause you get information on the quests by talking with them, and replying intelligently with key-words.  No click them once, accept the quest.  You had to work.

Sure, older MMO's were commonly a giant kick in the testicles for noobs, but they were more about the experience, and immersion than they were about power-leveling to 85 for raids.  There were hours of content for all the level brackets.  There were no optimum specs, everyone played how they wanted to play.  And the PVP system was probably one of the best i'd ever seen (before they changes).  Basically, anyone could attack anyone at any time.  In town, in the bar, while they crossed a bridge.  Whenever.  But, in a town, guards came running to get whoever attacked, same with a bar.  Players who commonly Pked became actually known by players and would be hunted.

Anyway, sorry about the rant, but basically, I'm triyng to find a game with a good playerbase and a bit more of an RPG feel than a cookie-cutter MMO feel.  Even RIFT felt a bit to cookie-cutter in the end and i left.  Right now, the only MMOs I have subs to are Star-trek online (I'm a trekkie and got a life-time at launch), and DC online (won a life-time from a forum contest (green lantern trivia)).  I don't play DC though, and STO is occasionally.  I want a fantasy game I can bring my friends into (they want an RPG experience in an MMO as well).



I want an MMO that isn't a wow-clone.
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<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 01:48:23 am »
I want an MMO that isn't a wow-clone.
what you ask for does not exist.

LOL I'm kidding I'm not coming back to CN. >_>
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Offline Pterrydactyl

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2011, 02:00:36 am »
The fact that what you say might be true almost physically hurts.

Is the MMORPG genre officially dead now that wow has taken center-stage and crushed the True spirit of the MMO?

Will any MMO come along and bring the MMORPG fantasy genre salvation from this mecha-beast that is wow?

When will MMO's revolve around the players and their actions instead of what the company thinks is the most profitable?

Another MMO that was great, was Dark Age of Camelot.  I mean, they did some of those campaigns and made permanent changes to the games world based on what players did.

Why does nothing like that exist anymore?

Personally, I think it's because wow is so popular, that it flooded the MMORPG genre with players that weren't MMO oriented.  They want instant gratification, instead of working for sometimes months for an objective.  People get to 85 in what now, like 2 weeks?  Not to mention, they can use buy a lvl 85 character.  in older games it took weeks to months to get to max level.  And that was if you did nothing else the entire time.

I mean, I haven't seen a person setup a proper camp* in an MMO properly in years.

Any back before wow, goldsellers were met immediatly with aggression and noone used them.  Now, they have grown into a massive beast, ruining games with their spam.

*Camp in pre-wow MMO's referred to a group of players sitting in an area waiting for a group of mobs to spawn, then killing them for XP.  Usually, the groups would invite anyone interested.  It was sometimes possible to start a camp, play for hours, then logoff and come back the next day to rejoin that same group (now with different members).  Usually, the mobs camped were not quest or item specific, but just a group that was level-appropriate for XP.
One Vision, One Purpose.

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How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

Quote from: Leo
Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

Quote from: Dontasemebro
I just got off the phone with my ex and I know that no females are reasonable

Quote from: Abe Simpson
I think you are the most annoying poster on this site, honestly.
You are like two llamavores with twice as many animals fucking.
Your posts make me reconsider how long I've been here.
I honestly wonder if you are actually Chris Tucker.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2011, 02:27:25 am »
 MMO's are huge and therefore require a huge amount of people and money involved. There's a reason why the most rapid innovation taking place is happening with simpler games like 2d platformers and puzzle games and top down shooters; they're easier to develop, so small groups of people can take the initiative, and the risk if the game doesn't succeed.

but, there are people trying to innovate the mmorpg genre. SHK was an mmorts innovation; Mortal Online is kind of an anti-genre mmorpg... World of Tanks is kind of a tank combat mmo, and there was an actual mmorpg someone showed me the other day but I can't remember the name, but it claimed to be beyond classes and levels and all that annoying arbitrary shit that defines the genre

LOL I'm kidding I'm not coming back to CN. >_>
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I have half a mind to ban your ass until the cabinet decide what to do with you, partly because you made me close like 25 threads and now I have to decide where to throw them

Offline Pterrydactyl

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 02:41:33 am »
Thats sort of the problem.  Everyone wants to follow the Recipe for success that wow has made, and noone wants to take a risk on something new that might break the mold.  Or, when they try, it falls over because it's made of shit.


oh... Did you not understand what I said?  I Coughed Fallen Earth.

They could have done such a good job with it, and they turned in to shit at the last minute.  It was all setup to actually be pretty awesome, and they had to throw that slow-ass level system in to ruin it.   I mean, whoever heard of it taking 10+ shots from a pistol to kill the weakest monster in the game?
One Vision, One Purpose.

Is Dat My IMDB???

How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

Quote from: Leo
Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

Quote from: Dontasemebro
I just got off the phone with my ex and I know that no females are reasonable

Quote from: Abe Simpson
I think you are the most annoying poster on this site, honestly.
You are like two llamavores with twice as many animals fucking.
Your posts make me reconsider how long I've been here.
I honestly wonder if you are actually Chris Tucker.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2011, 03:27:13 am »
there are lots and lots of non wow clone MMORPG's if you want player driven, play FOM or face of mankind. there ARE no NPC's. I played it for a while, it was pretty fun. then i went to prison. oh, and its 100% free.

also, the old standby Runescape! :D hell, you could probably have my old account if you wanted lolol.

lets see, lets see... there is guild wars, guild wars 2 (soon if not now)
that new starwars MMORPG...

eve online.

umm... umm... i know a bunch more... umm...
there, have a looksee.
please ignore the above post, it is most likely worthless and a waste of your time to read.
TL;DR go on with your life while you still can.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 03:29:48 am »
I would totally play a decent MMO with you if you found one

Hahaha who am I kidding. You won't.

Offline Brian

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 03:34:28 am »
i loled hard snow, also https://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/256/Eudemons-Online.html this one was quite fun for a while.
AND FUCK YEAH ADVENTURE QUEST! http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/379/AdventureQuest-Worlds.html
please ignore the above post, it is most likely worthless and a waste of your time to read.
TL;DR go on with your life while you still can.

Offline Pterrydactyl

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 04:12:23 am »
I used to play EVE online.  I kinda wana go back, but then I remember that when I left I was parked in friendly territory, but the coalition I was with fell shortly after and now I'm in super-hostile territory.

Kinda suchs since I had parked ALL my ships there, including my Drake with T2 fittings :(
One Vision, One Purpose.

Is Dat My IMDB???

How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

Quote from: Leo
Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

Quote from: Dontasemebro
I just got off the phone with my ex and I know that no females are reasonable

Quote from: Abe Simpson
I think you are the most annoying poster on this site, honestly.
You are like two llamavores with twice as many animals fucking.
Your posts make me reconsider how long I've been here.
I honestly wonder if you are actually Chris Tucker.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2011, 10:08:33 am »
EVE Online? More like second job. That you have to pay for, instead of getting paid to do...

I always liked the Shadowbane series. They had some pretty cool shit, like flying and cities that were built and run by player guilds. But, its pretty antiquated now. I'm not even certain anyone plays anymore, but I think the client is free now.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2011, 04:26:39 pm »
I used to play EVE online.  I kinda wana go back, but then I remember that when I left I was parked in friendly territory, but the coalition I was with fell shortly after and now I'm in super-hostile territory.

Kinda suchs since I had parked ALL my ships there, including my Drake with T2 fittings :(

You can recover that pretty quickly...and GM's will move your clone for you.
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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2011, 05:11:12 pm »
and there was an actual mmorpg someone showed me the other day but I can't remember the name, but it claimed to be beyond classes and levels and all that annoying arbitrary shit that defines the genre
found it.


LOL I'm kidding I'm not coming back to CN. >_>
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Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Spoiler for Hiden:
I have half a mind to ban your ass until the cabinet decide what to do with you, partly because you made me close like 25 threads and now I have to decide where to throw them

Offline Pterrydactyl

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2011, 05:26:04 pm »
interesting... Gonna apply for their beta.  And also gonna apply to their company.  Hopefully they still need MOCAP artists...

Also, just realized I have a TON of free-time cards for SONY, so gonna make the rounds through their stuff before these 45-day cards expire.
One Vision, One Purpose.

Is Dat My IMDB???

How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

Quote from: Leo
Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

Quote from: Dontasemebro
I just got off the phone with my ex and I know that no females are reasonable

Quote from: Abe Simpson
I think you are the most annoying poster on this site, honestly.
You are like two llamavores with twice as many animals fucking.
Your posts make me reconsider how long I've been here.
I honestly wonder if you are actually Chris Tucker.

Offline Snowbound Milk

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2011, 06:30:03 pm »
Mmmm Secret World. My interest is piqued.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2011, 12:26:11 am »
I used to play EVE online.  I kinda wana go back, but then I remember that when I left I was parked in friendly territory, but the coalition I was with fell shortly after and now I'm in super-hostile territory.

Kinda suchs since I had parked ALL my ships there, including my Drake with T2 fittings :(
<-- has stealth hauler, can haul your shit little by little. and unless you are parked in the galactic south, you can probably move around in null pretty easily.

When everyone rage quits I start taking my clothes off.

Offline Snowbound Milk

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2011, 12:45:48 am »
You're like some kind of SuperGeekFriend Dest, it never ceases to amaze me.

Offline Pterrydactyl

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2011, 02:00:19 am »
Actually dester i'm parked somewhere way up north.  I was part of FCON in NC.  Way up north.  Sadly, the station I'm in is no longer under FC control.  I stopped played shortly after we took a MASSIVE dump on evoke (might have been someone else...) we advanced like a motherfucker.  We took like 5 sectors in a week and assumed victory.  Sadly, this was a trick (or they claimed it was), as like 2 weeks later nearly all those systems were back under enemy control and we were trying to rescue stranded players...


Maybe I will go back to eve...

I'll see how it goes when school starts.
One Vision, One Purpose.

Is Dat My IMDB???

How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

Quote from: Leo
Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

Quote from: Dontasemebro
I just got off the phone with my ex and I know that no females are reasonable

Quote from: Abe Simpson
I think you are the most annoying poster on this site, honestly.
You are like two llamavores with twice as many animals fucking.
Your posts make me reconsider how long I've been here.
I honestly wonder if you are actually Chris Tucker.

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2011, 09:45:03 pm »
I played some MUDs once. Those are kind of like what you want if you don't mind text adventure RPGs. I wouldn't be surprised if there's still some floating around.

Also EVE is balls terrible.

We all live in a yellow submarine, we hate the stupid thing, we want to paint it green

Quote from: Hyperonic
I'm going to code some shit into these boards that stops you guys from posting because holy shit

Stay Frosty.

llama, don't say intelligent things.

What the fuck llama.

Offline Pterrydactyl

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Re: Help me find an MMO...
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2011, 12:04:47 am »

One Vision, One Purpose.

Is Dat My IMDB???

How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

Quote from: Leo
Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

Quote from: Dontasemebro
I just got off the phone with my ex and I know that no females are reasonable

Quote from: Abe Simpson
I think you are the most annoying poster on this site, honestly.
You are like two llamavores with twice as many animals fucking.
Your posts make me reconsider how long I've been here.
I honestly wonder if you are actually Chris Tucker.


* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Gangs Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Gangs Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Brian Forum: Random lnsanity
* Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: C-zom Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: Brian Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: Muji111 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Crazyman93 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Fake from State Jarm Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity

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