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Messages - schism

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / Re: 300: Rise of an Empire
« on: August 19, 2013, 06:36:20 pm »
Yeah I get it, all I'm saying is it stretches the bounds of credibility a little too much for me - like I said I'll still probably go see it though

Random lnsanity / Re: 300: Rise of an Empire
« on: August 19, 2013, 05:33:03 am »
Mmm not really a fan of sequels per se but this could be good.

Just hope they cut down a bit on the supernatural bullshit - I get that 300 was based on a graphic novel but some of the stuff was a bit ridiculous (e.g. the dude with the lobster hands...) made it a little bit too ahistorical for my liking.

But yeah will most likely watch it anyways - if the cinematography is anywhere near as good as the first one I'll probably like it :P

New Member Portal / Re: Hey
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:25:37 pm »
arrested development joke <_<

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1WSH0VzoaM" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1WSH0VzoaM</a>

Ah alles klar!

New Member Portal / Re: Hey
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:19:25 pm »
Eh what's up with being Pat rick's being changed Paillusion's

New Member Portal / Hey
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:10:31 pm »
First new thread for 2013?! I feel privileged!

So yeah I'm :weed: and thought I'd say high!

Background shit:

First started playing CN a few years back - was briefly a member of LoSS, left after they accepted a neo-nazi into their ranks, joined SWF and fought in the St. Patrick's Day War, stuck around for a few months before becoming inactive. Rejoined CN after being coerced by a friend to join TDO, got up to a reasonable NS but again the curse of inactivity struck and here I am again with my 3rd reroll. Decided to join RIA because randomness and insanity fuck yeah (and politically I like where RIA is on the treaty web).

IRL I dunno, I'm from Scotland and as such I like whisky, irn-bru (pro-tip: best hangover cure known to mankind) and haggis. I'm pretty into my muzak - play a bit of guitar/piano/whatever instrument you hand me and have a fairly wide musical taste (although everyone says that). Quite into my fitba (a.k.a. football or, if you're american, soccer) although I don't play it on any sort of competitive basis. Got me a degree but no jerb (work in progress). And I dunno what else - ask me what you will.


Pages: [1]

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