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Topics - Shyox

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Random lnsanity / Psst... Hey, kid...
« on: August 04, 2007, 04:13:26 am »
Hey kid.... You uh,  you wanna buy some crack? Becausem I uh, I got a nice on right here.... And it's only twenty G's...

I can take checks...

Random lnsanity / The Beatles were amazing
« on: July 29, 2007, 06:34:23 am »
I never realized... Man, these songs are great.

Random lnsanity / Harry Potter
« on: July 19, 2007, 03:36:20 am »

Random lnsanity / What to expect when you're expecting
« on: July 18, 2007, 06:05:09 am »
What do you guys expect on the first date?

What about the second, what about subsequent dates?

None of my relationships have ever been normal, so I have no idea.

I haven't had a date since... What, the 8th grade?

I've been with 4 women since then, but no dates. Because I'm a man-whore.

What do you guys expect?

Random lnsanity / Urban Dead
« on: July 11, 2007, 04:18:08 pm »
I need help with it.

In case your sensors were broken, I was using sarcasm.

Everything that I said I was going to do in the TWO different things I posted?

I probably haven't done a lot of them.

The thing is... I just lack passion for anything now. I can't write anymore, I don't have anymore good ideas... I'm just don't care about anything anymore.

It's not like I don't want to, I just don't... And I don't know how to solve my problems.

If I keep living on like this... I just don't know how much longer I can do it.

Random lnsanity / Hey, who's a virgin?
« on: July 09, 2007, 05:27:48 pm »
I for one, am most definitely and assuredly a virgin.

If you're unsure... Well, you have a problem.

Random lnsanity / Thank God You're Here
« on: July 08, 2007, 08:56:40 pm »
I would LOVE to be on a show like this.

Random lnsanity / Quit worrying
« on: July 07, 2007, 12:50:45 am »
Man I'm fried like Kentucky fried.

Random lnsanity / CONCERT: Old school
« on: June 22, 2007, 12:08:19 pm »
I'm going to a concert, STYX AND FOREIGNER!!! WOOT!!!

It's the first time they're playing together!


Random lnsanity / Lesbians
« on: June 22, 2007, 08:02:52 am »

Posted 6/22/2007 6:58:13 AM
message detail  
My sister is a lesbian. I'm totally cool with that, I think it's awesome, and we're closer than we were before.

However, she has all these REALLY HOT lesbians heading to her page, and they're all into her.

My sister is not only much more attractive than I am, BUT SHE'S STEALING ALL OF THE GOOD ONES!!!

(9:20)AdmiralPiett: Intensify firewall security!
(9:20)MoffJerjerrod: Too late!  

Posted 6/22/2007 6:58:44 AM
message detail  

Random lnsanity / I haven't changed enough...
« on: June 12, 2007, 03:47:31 am »



Well, I don't think I've taken a good direction with my life lately.

There's just more to it, I know.

It's time to get off alchohol and drugs... I have to control my appetites, they can't control me. I want to be a writer... I honestly want to.

Random lnsanity / Shyox's ideas
« on: June 07, 2007, 10:32:39 pm »
I have some ideas that I want to elaborate on, and many projects to embark on. If you like what you hear about one idea, I'll write some more and post it, then see what happens.

1. Most of the world has been taken over by an oppressive government regime that revolves around creating the perfect race of human beings. If you're someone with glasses or other defects, there is a chance that you may be killed in the womb or early on in life. Genetic Engineering comes into play as well.
When scientists begin researching ESP and other things, some people begin to exhibit interesting behavior. Psychic abilities are beginning to be discovered, and with it new technology and weaponry. Eventually, the story centers around our hero, (BLANK(Names are always a problem for me) and he forms a rebel group.... The story thinking never got much farther.

2. A radical religious group has taken over the world. It has been this way for fifty years, and the religion is practiced by all. All seems well with it, and the people who practice it seem benign. However, a young man encounters a series of events that changes his idea of how things are and were and should be, and his thinking changes. He begins to form a group of other students and people who agree with his ideologies, but the religious group learns of it, and attacks. Our hero is one of the only survivors, and now he retreats into the wilderness where he finds ancient relics of an age gone by. Taking these with him, he constructs his own village in the wilderness with the natives. However, the religious group is still looking for him, and an attack on the village makes him realize he is only hampering the village's progress. Before he can decide to retreat, however, another attack occurs... In the form of an odd weapon that teleports everyone into a dimension of death and fear. Throughout the hero's journey in the new world, he is plagued by a voice which soon materializes itself... As God.

I have a lot more to it, but it would spoil the story too much.

There are more as well, but I'm too tired.

Random lnsanity / OWNED
« on: June 02, 2007, 09:40:58 pm »
WARNING: Do not look at her comments if you don't want to throw up in your mouth! Please, leave her an angry message from the complaint generator.

Go to this girl's myspace:


Needless to say, she was owned. I have more things planned, since she's going to remove me from her friends list later on.

If she wants to know who you are before you get added, tell you're from the Thespian Conference.

Please, for me, post as many disgusting things on her comment page as you want.

In order to utterly rape her comment page, you just have to rapidly click the post button after you've previewed it.

She's being a total bitch, and she deserves it.

Random lnsanity / The RIA Party!
« on: May 18, 2007, 03:32:39 pm »

Hello everyone! Welcome to the party! Leave all presents at the door, and please give your date to the monster in the date pit if you're late, which is everyone after this post.

We only have alchoholic beverages here, now get on the wagon! The largest game of tetris ever invented is taking place in the living room, the first fifty to sign up get to play naked!

Have a great time, and I hope you don't mind we're locking the doors behind you.

Random lnsanity / RP
« on: May 16, 2007, 05:20:17 pm »

Random lnsanity / Theatre Banquet
« on: May 10, 2007, 05:18:51 pm »
Wish me luck, I may die in the process.

I hope I come back with some awards.

Random lnsanity / Shyox is changing
« on: May 10, 2007, 02:08:29 am »
I've really screwed myself this time. I don't know if anyone remembers the Asian girl I was talking about? It doesn't matter, I'm starting the story over again anyways.

It all starts out with me hanging out with some newer friends, spending less time on the intarwebs, and an urge to start dating again. When it comes to this newer group of friends, here are the ones I'm talking about.

Kristen: My brother is best friends with her ex-boyfriend, and she's liked him for a long ass time now. At this time, I didn't know her too well, which sucks for me. She's extremely flirtacious, is sort-of attractive, and needy attention-wise. Kristen, Minna and Lauren ate best friends.

Stephanie: She's crazy as shit, and we always butt heads and argue. I don't mean to brag, but I'm usually right. She was of the opinion Kabuki came from Africa. I dislike her a lot.

Minna: This is the asian girl. I always thought she was attractive, but I've never known her, really. She's funny and nice and stuff, but I can't read her. I pride myself on being able to read people, but I could never tell she was lying.

Lauren: She's really nice, very pretty, and funny as hell. She's more random than I am. Very cool girl.

Wizz: What can I say? She's creepy, but in a funny way. Good at keeping secrets, great to talk to.

Hannah: She was in the play, and dated my brother at one point, I think while all this happened. She's an upperclass woman, she won homecoming, she's beautiful, smart, funny, nice, and intelligent. Not just speaking out my ass either, I've known her for awhile. She used to intimidate me, because I was in the "Nerdy drama kid" class, and she was in the "Pretty popular cheerleader" class.

Emily: She's a ballerina or a dancer, not my type, but still funny and stuff.

Savannah (Sav): My sister.

And that's basically it, I think. Atleast they're the ones relevant to the story, that is.

It all starts out with me starting to flirt with Minna a bit, and then everyone else notices. I get teased about it, and I start to think that there's no way in hell Minna would ever like me anyways. It turns out I was wrong, but she's dating some other guy at the time. I get downtrodden, and stop trying after Kristen tells me what a great, nice, funloving boyfriend he is. He's in college, but sees her all of the time, buys her lots of stuff, and how they're so sweet together. I basically stop trying with Minna for a few days.

It turns out Kristen lied through her damn teeth. I already got bad vibes from her, and now I began to dislike her. Minna's boyfriend never sees her, is a total dick that no one likes, and just buys her stuff to make up for never seeing her. He threatens suicide every time she wants out of the relationship, and tried to key her friend's car after he dug through Minna's purse, and found a note in which the friend said he was crazy. Far from me feeling like a dick, I get buoyed and start trying to win her over again. We go through a series of odd antics, like sleeping over at Kristen's house in the same bed and snuggling for the night, and it ends fashionably with a makeout when we return to Kristen's house. Unfortunately, she's still dating Howie (boyfriend). After I hear some more stuff, and explore my feelings a bit, I lose interest. She's still attractive to me, but I just don't like her in the same way anymore. The main reason is because if I dated her, I would just be some auxiliary boyfriend. She always keeps him as a backup in between dating other people, even though he's a total dick. She didn't really want a real relationship, and just wanted someone she could say was hers and makeout with. I couldn't stand just being something like that. Eventually the issue was dropped, and we both moved on.

A few weeks later, I'm hanging out with some of the same people again, just that on this occasion Minna wasn't there. Now for some reason, after I had smoked Ganja two previous, I was still hung over from it. I did a baby joint the day it was happening, and totally tripped. Later on in the day, Kristen and others come a-calling and want to hang out. We end up going swimming, going out to eat, going to the local park, and just having a blast. Afterwards, Kristen wants people to come over and spend the night because her mom's out of town. I didn't want to go. I had a bad feeling about it, and was still feeling loopy from the ganja a good many hours earlier. I don't want to go, but everyone else wants me to, so I concede. We drop by the house, and as a safety precaution, I eat some ganja cookie dough I made. My logic is that if I get high off my ass, I can pass out when we get to her house and avoid trouble. We head to Wal-Mart after leaving my house and we buy some random crap. Then we head to Kristen's house, and the ganja begins to kick in. I start totally going off my rocker, and am high as a kite. I can't remember much from then on, and in the morning I wake up and Kristen's not there, she had to go to work. She gets back, and she's acting funny. After Carey shows up (Not really important) and the girlies start trading secrets, most of them start making references to the night before and weird stuff I did. Kristen acts a bit odd as well, and I assume it's just some drama flying around the theatre. After they get done talking, Kristen has this odd look on her face and ushers me into her room. She starts asking really odd questions that I just don't get, such as: "I didn't know Minna liked you still!" I couldn't get the point. I kept asking her what her deal was, and she starts talking about the night previous and what WE did. I'm completely baffled, but I start piecing stuff together. It turns out that we madeout. For hours.

I couldn't remember a damn thing at all, and I'm completely speechless. By this time she's told just about everyone what we did, and I couldn't even remember it. No one else knows I ate the ganja dough stuff, but she defintely noticed I was forgetting things within half a minute last night. I'm COMPLETELY stunned. I was just like, "wtf mate". I explain to her how I can't remember ANYTHING, and tell her about the ganja dough stuff that I ate. We start talking about Minna and what we're going to do, and I'm rather speechless still, just thinking. She starts getting annoyed I guess by me not talking much, and just starts laying on me and stuff. She starts showing cleavage and just being extremely flirtacious. I'm still a bit messed from the night before, but I know that we can't make out AGAIN after everything that's happened. But she just keeps laying on me and flirting, even after I tell her that we can't. She's just throwing herself at me, and I can't help myself, and we make out again. I'm disgusted with myself because of it, and I know no good can come of it. I ask her not to say anything, saying that she can't, and she says that she won't. It's just awkward from then on, and nothing is helped when Minna shows up. I'm feeling like I'm about to puke, and Kristen supposedly breaks the news to her and explains what happened. I actually hear Minna laughing, and Kristen tells me that I'm off the hook. I still don't feel any better, and don't feel much like looking at anybody.

The next day arrives, and all hell breaks loose. Minna posts some fiery blog on myspace (lol), and everyone is teasing me about it, and most are just acting odd or dissapointed. I feel like shit. I can't stand myself anymore, and I get sick thinking about what happened. I talk to the only person I can turn to: Wizz. We have a good long chat, and I needed it a lot. I feel better, and find out some other stuff as well. Apparently, Kristen gave a MUCH different version of the story. She told everyone about us making out again, and then 'forgot' to tell everyone I was high at the time. She turns things around on me, and spins things in her favor. I look completely guilty to Minna and others. I start giving my version of the story out, and now things look patched up. But I'm still pissed at Kristen. She's just a bad person, and I'm steering clear of her from now on. She's so manipulative and controlling, and it's like she just has everyone else fooled. I do my best to avoid her without making it seem like I AM avoiding her. Minna and me are alright now, but only just so, it seems.

Drama sucks. I've decided to stop using marijuana, atleast for awhile. It affects me differently, and it stays in my system forever. It messes me up mor than other people, especially because I had been doing it so much. I've also decided that dating is what I need, but I can't run around just kissing whoever I please. I don't want to look like some man-whore, which is exactly what's happened. I'm disgusted with myself, and I hate the front I put up. It's as if I have two sides of myself: One is the side that's more conservative, nerdy, quiet, shy, nice, intelligent, a little innocent, wise, and who isn't quite as lazy. The other is loud, assertive, arrogant, egotistical, funny, attractive, a liar, extremely flirtactious, unthoughtful, uncaring, unsympathetic, stupid, very sarcastic, vain, and possibly the worst: mean. The second side (Erik, as I call it) is what I've been lately. People respond well to it, it gets me attention, and it makes me more attractive in a lot of ways. I hate this side of myself. It's begun to ruin who I was, and I hate it. I've taken on this front for so long, that it's become part of my personality and being. I can't stand that.

I've decided to hark back to my more quiet self, but I don't want to give up the other side entirely, and I can't bear to give it up completely. However, I must find a balance, and change myself. I've set out to change myself, improve my grades, and take control of my damn life. I've been cruising along and barely making it by (sometimes not at all) and it can't continue any longer. I need to face my responsibilites, before I lose everything.

I know this all seems dramatic, but this is a big step for me. If I can do this, maybe I can be the person I want to be.

Random lnsanity / Jabba tuh hut
« on: April 29, 2007, 01:49:54 pm »
Is ALIVE!>!>!>!>>!!>!>!111.1/?!?!

Random lnsanity / Love Life Topic
« on: April 26, 2007, 12:08:51 am »
This is continued from the pool party topic.

Something might be going on with the Ashley girl I talked about a LONG time ago.

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