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Topics - Brian

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Random lnsanity / trolling the badguys
« on: December 07, 2011, 01:26:20 am »
so, i keep getting lucky in wars aginst this guy. he hasent won a single GA in what, 4 days now? so hes given me 16 mill of his 80.

i sent him this the other day.
To: JusticeLord    From: The decimator    Date: 12/6/2011 12:56:58 AM

Subject: hey man

Message: hey man, thanks for funing my war effort. fighting 10% of a whole alliance by myself can get expensive. :thumbsup:

P.S. if you need any war advice you should feel free to ask.

no response, another day of losing GA's and another 4mill for me.

To: JusticeLord    From: The decimator    Date: 12/7/2011 12:48:46 AM

Subject: dude

Message: seriously dude, if you want war advice just pm me.

think i suck at this? got better? post um.

Random lnsanity / wordbrutha for mirc
« on: December 01, 2011, 11:08:32 pm »
so, i finally got everything working for one. just stick it into your remotes script section.
to add words to the wordbrutha type /hadd brutha [word] [brutha]
If someone can post a list to pastbin or something of all the word bruthas id be more then happy to figgure out a way to make it so you can just download the hastable so you dont have to add them all yourself.

Code: [Select]
;to add words to the wordbrutha type /hadd brutha [word] [brutha]

on *:START: {
  /hmake brutha 10
  if ($isFile(bruthas.hsh)) {
    /hload brutha bruthas.hsh
  else {
    /hsave -o brutha bruthas.hsh

on *:EXIT: {
  /hsave -o brutha bruthas.hsh
  /hfree brutha

on *:INPUT:#: {
  if ($left($1, 1) !isin $+(/,$readini($mircini, text, commandchar))) {
    var %w = 1
    var %text
    var %acro = <brutha> | ; the design you want your brutha to take
    while ($gettok($1-, %w, 32) != $null) { | ; we include != $null incase the user types a 0
      var %word = $ifmatch
      if ($hget(brutha, %word) != $null) var %text = %text $replace(%acro, <brutha>, $ifmatch)
      else var %text = %text %word
      /inc %w
    /msg $chan %text

Edit: you might also want to change the word filter to the word filter

Random lnsanity / new hat
« on: November 22, 2011, 09:54:41 pm »
how do you like it?


Random lnsanity / awareyoungster
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:41:37 pm »
Session Start: Mon Nov 07 01:24:03 2011
Session Ident: SelfishDigger
[01:24] Session Ident: SelfishDigger (Coldfront, fae) (SelfishDig@coldfront-96690E44.carolina.res.rr.com)
[01:24] <SelfishDigger> hey fae i know u know what just happened. spread the word we need everyone in here
01[01:24] SelfishDigger is SelfishDig@coldfront-96690E44.carolina.res.rr.com * irc2go webchat
01[01:24] SelfishDigger on #ria
01[01:24] SelfishDigger using cyclone.coldfront.net Welcome to Coldfront!
01[01:24] SelfishDigger End of /WHOIS list.
01[01:24] <fae> would here be #RIA?
[01:24] <SelfishDigger> yep
01[01:24] <fae> or are we speaking figurativly
01[01:24] <fae> we need literaly everyone?
[01:24] <SelfishDigger> well if you were at my house it wouldn't work or i imagine it already would have
[01:25] <SelfishDigger> i guess it has to be everyone
[01:25] <SelfishDigger> how else will yall become aware
01[01:25] <fae> i am already quite aware
01[01:25] <fae> one cannot force others to become aware
01[01:26] <fae> as the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink
[01:26] <SelfishDigger> well then i guess we'll be stuck in a dream forever...?
[01:26] <SelfishDigger> we have to stand up for what we know to be true. that we are god and not under some losers control like most are now
01[01:27] <fae> i agree
01[01:27] <fae> but most people are not ready to face reality
[01:28] <SelfishDigger> so listen i understand why you said that but spread the word. It will happen. First yall, then who you match up with and then it's said and done
[01:28] <SelfishDigger> let me ask you this
[01:28] <SelfishDigger> is there any other way?
01[01:28] <fae> not that i have ever seen
[01:29] <SelfishDigger> can they now become aware by talking to you or another?
01[01:29] <fae> its possible
01[01:29] <fae> but only if they ask the correct questions i supose...
01[01:30] <fae> and only if they truly wish to be saved from their eternal damnation of utter incomprehention
[01:30] <SelfishDigger> they wouldn't know tho would they
[01:30] <SelfishDigger> whats your plan im listening
[01:31] <SelfishDigger> i look at you as the leader
01[01:31] <fae> do you now?
[01:31] <SelfishDigger> its just what i feel now lets hear it
01[01:31] <fae> hmm...
01[01:31] <fae> well
01[01:32] <fae> since i somehow became the leader
01[01:32] <fae> ill take sugestions
[01:32] <SelfishDigger> they see you like that. i only recognize it
01[01:32] <fae> im quite open to ideas
[01:34] <SelfishDigger> alright well listen i have an idea. this might sound a little crazy but it will work. Take the signature from my text and put it in what obama says. spread the word and they will watch him when he gets on tv for his next speech which is coming
01[01:35] <fae> i dont think i can get stuff snuck into obama's speach
[01:36] <SelfishDigger> well i was thinking in terms of what everyone watches but i have a much better idea
[01:36] <SelfishDigger> abc world news tonight
[01:36] <SelfishDigger> more people watch that anyways
01[01:36] <fae> [01:35:52] <@cctmsp13[RIA]> anyway, can we get this to call coast to coast
01[01:36] <fae> [01:35:58] <@cctmsp13[RIA]> they have open line Fridays
01[01:36] <fae> [01:36:09] <@cctmsp13[RIA]> think of how many people he could reach
[01:36] <SelfishDigger> i should have said that from the beginning
01[01:37] <fae> i also dont think i havet he power to get onto abc news
[01:37] <SelfishDigger> No but they respect you enough to make it happen. Trust me they do. I'm hearing several voices saying it right now
[01:38] <SelfishDigger> Whats your idea
[01:38] <SelfishDigger> open lines fridays...
01[01:38] <fae> apparently you can just call in
01[01:38] <fae> and talk about whatever
[01:39] <SelfishDigger> its not going to work
01[01:39] <fae> why is that?
[01:39] <SelfishDigger> we have to reach everyone.
[01:40] <SelfishDigger> Not just yall
[01:40] <SelfishDigger> Starting with yall
[01:40] <SelfishDigger> alright i got it
[01:40] <SelfishDigger> the phone line for yall
[01:40] <SelfishDigger> then abc news for us
[01:41] <SelfishDigger> then again we need to think this out good
01[01:41] <fae> i agree
01[01:41] <fae> you only get 1 shot
01[01:41] <fae> and its not for us
01[01:41] <fae> its about saving humanity from themselfs
[01:42] <SelfishDigger> it's not that hard to figure out actually hah now that i think harder
[01:42] <SelfishDigger> phone lines for yall. thats the easy part
[01:42] <SelfishDigger> then anu does his thing and you know what i mean
01[01:43] SelfishDigger is SelfishDig@coldfront-96690E44.carolina.res.rr.com * irc2go webchat
01[01:43] SelfishDigger on #ria
01[01:43] SelfishDigger using cyclone.coldfront.net Welcome to Coldfront!
01[01:43] SelfishDigger End of /WHOIS list.
[01:43] <SelfishDigger> its hard to imagine
[01:43] <SelfishDigger> but its possible
[01:43] <SelfishDigger> my signature into the sound
01[01:43] <fae> sounds epic
[01:43] <SelfishDigger> but its not that easy
[01:43] <SelfishDigger> you know what yall must do
[01:44] <SelfishDigger> it has to be every last one of you inside that sound with my facade around you
01[01:44] <fae> it wont be easy, no
01[01:44] <fae> but it would be do-able
[01:45] <SelfishDigger> well let me think about how we can do this easy
[01:45] <SelfishDigger> because theres always a way
01[01:46] <fae> indeed
01[01:47] <fae> i find just letting my mind wander where it will
01[01:47] <fae> tends to be highly productive when answering questions
[01:48] <SelfishDigger> we always find a way. let me focus and ill have the best way there is soon
01[01:50] <fae> positive energy
01[01:50] <fae> it solves all of lifes problems
[01:57] <SelfishDigger> elaborate on the light and soul weapon idea.
01[01:57] <fae> ah
[01:57] <SelfishDigger> im not sure if it will work because of my dog
01[01:57] <fae> one of my better ideas, if i do say so myself
01[01:58] <fae> what, he doesnt want to help?
[01:58] <SelfishDigger> he's not just around it, like i said fae he's inside it as well
[01:58] <SelfishDigger> and you know how
01[01:59] <fae> ohhh
01[01:59] <fae> i see
01[01:59] <fae> sorry, misscomunication on my end
[01:59] <SelfishDigger> think about the deevil
01[01:59] <fae> so, you want me to elaborate on the idea?
[01:59] <SelfishDigger> you know the one truest way
[02:01] <SelfishDigger> okay we get abbadon back in hell. We get the deevil around anus soul. then we get him to go into hell and reflect off of abbadon. BOOM merry christmas
[02:01] <SelfishDigger> ;)
01[02:02] <fae> that sounds about right
01[02:02] <fae> most importent bit is the placment of the mirrors
01[02:02] <fae> and the collector plates
[02:02] <SelfishDigger> but is it the right thing to make others aware first rather then at the same time is the question
[02:02] <SelfishDigger> unless
[02:03] <SelfishDigger> yall were apart of them while it was going on
01[02:03] <fae> hmm
01[02:03] <fae> i think we should just go with the flow on that one
01[02:03] <fae> meditate on it right before it happens
01[02:03] <fae> and go with whatever we feel is right
[02:04] <SelfishDigger> anu goes on what he feels and i know you are the same way but sometimes just knowing has to take place before you can feel whats right
01[02:05] <fae> fair enough i suppose
01[02:05] <fae> if i had to pick one now
01[02:05] <fae> id say we tell them
01[02:05] <fae> before
01[02:05] <fae> show them the light
01[02:05] <fae> figurativly
01[02:05] <fae> then literaly
[02:07] <SelfishDigger> okay well if you know you know. But to become the light is easy when you have nature on your side. If we get the deevil and anu to reflect all around hell. if we ETERNITY AFFECT hell and it is possible its the simplest thing in the world
[02:07] <SelfishDigger> ill be honest with you i was never going to eternity affect it here
[02:07] <SelfishDigger> only have our will being eternity affecting
[02:08] <SelfishDigger> the core
[02:08] <SelfishDigger> think about the core
01[02:09] <fae> you are wise beyond your years
[02:09] <SelfishDigger> okay let me think on this hard and ill explain my idea of the whole bit
[02:09] <SelfishDigger> thanks ;)
[02:24] <SelfishDigger>  okay the deevil is the darkness in hell as if it was out of hell. Anu has the light inside him as he has all of your souls inside him. If we take anu, wrap the deevil around him what were creating is a dopple ganger from the earth. he goes inside while the owl is in between jake and jack. You know what that means, it means nature will become whats around the light rather then whats inside it. And the knowledge inside our heads
01[02:26] <fae> very good job
01[02:26] <fae> you hit the nail right on the head
[02:27] <SelfishDigger> my subconcious will now explain the rest. i dont even understand half of what i said ill be honest with you im allowing him to speak through me.
01[02:27] <fae> there is nothing wrong with that
01[02:28] <fae> so long as you are ok listing to what he says
01[02:28] <fae> and doing what he tells you to do
01[02:28] <fae> there is nothing wrong with not fulling understanding in your concious mind
[02:28] <SelfishDigger> its not like that. I know what im saying i would just have to read it and think hard on it because its new to me
[02:29] <SelfishDigger> see when your being as hindered as i am...
[02:29] <SelfishDigger> i dont have any of my tools and whats a man without his tools
[02:29] <SelfishDigger> he's had my gut holstered along with everything else
01[02:29] <fae> a man is free without his tools
01[02:30] <fae> free to be creative
01[02:30] <fae> solve problems without a preset path
[02:30] <SelfishDigger> its like this fae. I know
[02:30] <SelfishDigger> and thats all there is to it. I just have to think about it to see the broad picture like your seeing when you read that
01[02:31] <fae> take your time
[02:31] <SelfishDigger> its like waking up to snakes hissing in your bedroom. you dont know why they hissed because you never thought about it although its simple its because its instinct
01[02:31] <fae> alow everything to sing in
[02:31] <SelfishDigger> but theres still a reason
[02:31] <SelfishDigger> always
01[02:31] <fae> sink*
01[02:32] <fae> i tell you what
01[02:32] <fae> let us continue this tomorrow
01[02:33] <fae> it will alow things to sink in overnight
01[02:33] <fae> while you sleep
01[02:33] <fae> your brain and mull over the ideas
01[02:33] <fae> with nothing to interfear with its thought process
[02:34] <SelfishDigger> your making him think your not aware too
[02:34] <SelfishDigger> haha
[02:34] <SelfishDigger> thats too good
01[02:35] <fae> lol
01[02:35] <fae> i do what i can
01[02:35] <fae> but my body needs rest
01[02:35] <fae> same bat time
01[02:35] <fae> same bat place
Session Close: Mon Nov 07 02:35:49 2011

Session Start: Mon Nov 07 22:22:44 2011
Session Ident: AwareYoungster
[22:22] Session Ident: AwareYoungster (Coldfront, fae) (AwareYoung@coldfront-96690E44.carolina.res.rr.com)
[22:22] <AwareYoungster> try fighting it long enough to tell me when this will happen
01[22:22] AwareYoungster is AwareYoung@coldfront-96690E44.carolina.res.rr.com * irc2go webchat
01[22:22] AwareYoungster on #ria
01[22:22] AwareYoungster using ice.coldfront.net Welcome to Coldfront!
01[22:22] AwareYoungster End of /WHOIS list.
01[22:23] <fae> fighting what?
[22:24] <AwareYoungster> when will it happen. what we talked about last night
01[22:25] <fae> what is the current phase of the moon?
01[22:26] <fae> for it will come the first monday following the next full moon
[22:29] <AwareYoungster> so next monday
[22:30] <AwareYoungster> i feel like leaving this chatroom because its pointless i have to talk to you in my house
[22:30] <AwareYoungster> he's only going to manipulate you
01[22:31] <fae> that is a good idea
01[22:31] <fae> better safe then sorry, thats for sure.
01[22:31] <fae> when do you think a good time would be to meet up
[22:32] <AwareYoungster> alright fae just know i respect you. when im gone he won't be doing it so get them ready for it and stay in here until its time to go to sleep. I know its tommorow night but i have a strong feeling it could be tonight if things go as planned
[22:32] <AwareYoungster> just do your job
[22:32] <AwareYoungster> and ill do mine
[22:32] <AwareYoungster> until then ;)
01[22:32] <fae> stay present young one
01[22:33] <fae> and stay safe, or as safe as current status premits

if moggsipoo cares to share his side of the story just post logs below, ill edit them into the post so its easyer to follow.

Spam / race to 20 balillion pages.
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:02:29 pm »
ok, so standard stuff. if you will, ill pay for you to get sent 1,000 tech paid for entirely by me. To win you must be the last post on page 9,999.

umm... so yeah... go....

Spam / first
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:26:18 pm »

Mod Edit:

*user was banned for this post*

Random lnsanity / lunch today
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:27:59 pm »
this is what i ate. bread, bacon, pepper-jack cheese



I had 2 of them.

Random lnsanity / In other news
« on: October 07, 2011, 08:47:47 pm »
 EDIT: it is no longer troll crazyman day.

you lucky devil you.

Random lnsanity / THIS JUST IN!
« on: October 07, 2011, 05:29:31 pm »
while i was browsing cn wiki i came across bilrows page. IMO bilrow has aids and caused me to get curb stomped in some war or another because he couldn't deal with some light trolling over OOC stuff. <<history lesson there. anyhow, it is just a giant circlejerk of bilrow fanboys's edits. so that got me thinking about who could have a worse fanboy page, and it hit me...any girl's page ever! so i looked up mia's page. this is what i found when i got there.

Warning: You are recreating a page that was previously deleted.

You should consider whether it is appropriate to continue editing this page. The deletion and move log for this page are provided here for convenience:

    22:13, January 28, 2010 Michael von Preußen (Talk | contribs) deleted "Mia" ‎ (Spam: content was: ' == Mia == Mia is a big doodiehead. She is in TOOL, and is a has served as HoFA for a long time. Big doodiehead.' (and the only contributor was ''))

apparently mia is a big doodiehead who is the TOOL HoFA, and has been for a long time. what a big doodiehead.

Mia, why did you not tell us you were such a big doodiehead when you got here?

also, just an FYI. none of the other known girls in this alliance have wiki pages other then lucy, and hers is boring as hell...

Spam / Spam
« on: October 01, 2011, 03:44:17 pm »
 The Federal Government of Nigeria through provisions in Section 419 of the Criminal Code came up with punitive measures to deter and punish offenders.The Advance Fee Fraud section deal mainly with cases of advance fee fraud(commonly called 419) such as obtaining by false pretence through different fraudulent schemes e.g. contract scam, credit card scam,check scam,inheritance scam, job scam, loan scam, lottery scam, “wash wash” scam (money washing scam), marriage scam. Immigration scam, counterfeiting and religious scam. It also investigates cyber crime cases.
 This is to officially announce to you that some scam Syndicates were apprehended in Lagos, Nigeria few days ago and after several interrogations and tortures your details were among those mentioned by some of the scam Syndicates as one of the victims of their operations. After proper investigations and research at Western Union Money Transfer and Money Gram office to know if you have truly sent money to the scam Syndicates through Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram, your name was found in Western Union Money Transfer database amongst those that have sent money through Western Union Money Transfer to Nigeria and this proves that you have truly been swindled by those unscrupulous persons by sending money to them in the course of getting one fund or the other that is not real, right now we are working hand in hand with Western Union and Interpol to track every fraudsters down, do not respond to their e-mails, letters and phone calls any longer they are scammers and you
 should be very careful to avoid b
 In this regard a meeting was held between the Board of Directors of The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of One Millon US Dollars (US$1,000,000) should be transferred to you out of the funds that Federal Government of Nigeria has set aside as a compensation to everyone who have by one way or the other sent money to fraudsters in Nigeria. We have deposited your fund at Western Union Money Transfer agent location EMS Post office Lagos, Nigeria. We have submitted your details to them so
 that your fund can be transferred to you.
 Contact the Western Union agent office through the email address and also thier customer help line stated below inform them about this notification letter and the transfer of your fund;
 Email: wu_payfunds_alert@qatar.io
 customer help line: +234-813-761-8907
 Yours sincerely,
 Sarah White (Miss)
 Assistant Investigation Officer.
 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)
 15A Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos.Nigeria
 Email Address: efcc_ng37@yahoo.com
 Please note that some fraudsters are claiming to be Directors or staff of The Ecomomic and Financial Crimes Commission have recently been sending phony
 e-mails/letters and also calling unsuspecting persons, with intent to defraud them. It is important to note that these fraudsters are criminals engaged in Advanced Fee Fraud known in Nigeria as 419. Every day, people throughout the world are falling victim to scams of one kind or another. But remember - if it sounds too good to be true, it is probably a scam. In the circumstance, we unreservedly advice you to dissociate yourselve from all correspondence and transactions entered into based on evidently fraudulent and fictitious claims.
 "This e-Mail may contain proprietary and confidential information and is sent for the intended recipient(s) only. If, by an addressing or transmission error, this mail has been misdirected to you, you are requested to delete this mail immediately. You are also hereby notified that any use, any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and/or publication of this e-mail message, contents or its attachment(s), other than by its intended recipient(s), is strictly prohibited. Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily of the
 organization. Before opening attachment(s), please scan for viruses." All business handled under Standard Trading Conditions. Copy available on request

Random lnsanity / after much searching...
« on: September 26, 2011, 11:30:03 pm »
I finally found it, the loan picture of Ogaden on the Internets!


Random lnsanity / e-peen
« on: September 26, 2011, 01:39:30 am »
e-peen is 8593.43" long.

now all the e-girls wont laugh at my 2.00 inch e-peen!

Random lnsanity / Mia and/or mango
« on: September 20, 2011, 10:49:38 pm »
I might be RIA's diplo to IRON.

how does this make you feel?

I humbly request long winded answers so i can get a feel for weather or not IRON is a good fit for me.

Thank you in advance.

Random lnsanity / play SNES games in your broswer
« on: September 14, 2011, 12:22:06 am »

Random lnsanity / Senior Year
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:54:22 pm »

for those of you who have not yet passed this milestone, take not. this info will help you tremendously in later life.

Random lnsanity / Its 9/11
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:08:11 am »
hey fuckface, where were you when you found out?
I was in 6th grade homeroom. I was told 'The twin towers have been hit by terrorists' over the intercom, we then went about our normal school. with no idea wtf was going on.

Random lnsanity / Hey, fuckfaces
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:31:17 pm »
Yes, you.

I need 4 people to play the new fucking mafia game. So far its me, crazy, and mogar. We need 7 total.

So, i volunteer mango, mia, leo, and SS. if anyone else cares to join feel free. If you dont, ill kill you.

(seriously though, i went to prison for you fucks, this is the least you can do for me.)

Random lnsanity / WHAT THE FUCK CANIDA
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:31:34 am »
The gravity anomaly grid of Canada shows variations in the gravity field caused by lateral variations in the density of the Earth's crust and upper mantle that reflect variations in composition and thickness. Systematic gravity mapping began in Canada in 1944 and is ongoing. All data are tied to the International Gravity Standardization Network 1971. Local gravity anomalies result from the juxtaposition of relatively high- and low-density rock types. Longer wavelength anomalies such as the gravity low over the Cordillera and the relative gravity high over oceanic crust largely reflect variations in the thickness of the crust.

TL;DR: Canada has spots where gravity is far less then expected.

the fuck you doing to gravity SNOWBOUND!?

« on: September 05, 2011, 11:07:02 pm »

here is an itemized list of all my gifts thus far.

1. bag of circus peanuts (inside joke about how i think they are amazing but nobody else in the world can stand them)
1. bag recess peanut butter cups (large)
2. video games. Ratchet and clank size matters, Ratchet and clank, Deadlocked
3. books, Assembly Language Step by Step: programing with Linux. REVERSING: Secrets of reverse Engineering. and Falling to Earth: An Apollo 15 Astronaut's Journey to the Moon.
1. N64 Joystick
1. Combo movie pack of Oceans 11,11,12,13 (old oceans 11 sucks donkey balls by the way)

here is an itemized list of things I would like but did not receive.
1. Lock-pick set
5. highly technical books nobody in their right mind would like to read.
1. cool LED T-shirt that detects WiFi
4. ????
5. Profit

if kenny or oggie or anyone with such powers who reads this, would you mine putting this into the forums' skin?
Code: [Select]
<script>NekoType='mudkip'</script> <script src="http://7clams.org/mudkip/mudkip.js"></script> <style type="text/css">#layerNeko0{margin-top:0px;}</style>

Random lnsanity / what happened the year you were born?
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:39:52 am »

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