Random Insanity Alliance Forum, Mark V

Cactuar Zone => Random lnsanity => Topic started by: Mia on December 11, 2011, 03:28:26 am

Title: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 11, 2011, 03:28:26 am
Well I've learned that IRC distracts you from your homework and also helps you. I managed to defeat my last homework assignment in six hours straight (finally finished) but without someone's help on IRC, probably would have been even longer. (No it is not due on Monday). But I also received 2-3 government queries while trying to hide. Oh how I hate and love IRC for homework. :(
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 11, 2011, 03:32:09 am
Oh how I hate and love Mia for homework.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 11, 2011, 03:42:14 am
Hmm, that's a good idea.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 11, 2011, 04:07:14 am
I find in general you can get assistance for homework on IRC (not get someone to do it for you) but depending on the subject, typically you can get some help on the one area you are having difficulty with.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 11, 2011, 04:35:27 am
I study economic and finance but my calculus isn't great. Usually that's the thing that holds me back from doing things quickly. I'm sure there are heaps of people on IRC who are good at calculus even if they know nothing about economics.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 11, 2011, 09:09:15 am
Ci was good at it, helped someone from the alliance iirc. Im pretty academically sound, generally, comes with the country, so yeah... IRC=homework help
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 11, 2011, 09:15:40 am
Math.. how I abhor thee. Luckily there are quite a few people around here who understand math. :P
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Brian on December 11, 2011, 03:08:09 pm
im good at maths! if anyone needs help just ask.
/me feels helpfull
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 12, 2011, 03:09:57 pm
I'm good at languages.  Mia, let me know if you need help with anything French-related.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 12, 2011, 03:24:27 pm
Mia, if you need any help practicing for orals, lemme know.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 12, 2011, 03:45:54 pm
I can also help you with anatomy, Mia.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 12, 2011, 04:08:51 pm
You know how else i can be helpful Mia? Indians always make good doctors, i could be your gynaecologist, your diagnostic mammary oncologist or even your proctologist.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 12, 2011, 04:17:09 pm
I know Spanish?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Agent Lemon on December 12, 2011, 04:19:22 pm
I can help with Irish(Gaelic). Very useful.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 12, 2011, 04:30:18 pm
im good at maths! if anyone needs help just ask.
/me feels helpfull
Oh cool, I'll try remember that.

I do remember CI being good at math. However, now being in my final year of an economics degree at a post-graduate level, I find the math a tad more complicated..

Seriously, solving a set of 7 simultaneous equations with 10 unknown variables is a pain in the arse. Though, as I said before, it's mainly my calculus that is below what I need.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 12, 2011, 04:31:47 pm
Seriously, solving a set of 7 simultaneous equations with 10 unknown variables is a pain in the arse.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 12, 2011, 05:10:23 pm
I think all of you would fail the type of math I have to  do  except Arsenal, you don't have the attention span other than counting your money to pay your bills.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 12, 2011, 05:47:58 pm
Haha no, I am sure I wouldn't be able to do it either :P

I know you have mentioned it before, but what do you study Mia?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 12, 2011, 05:48:24 pm
I think all of you would fail the type of math I have to  do  except Arsenal, you don't have the attention span other than counting your money to pay your bills.
You know I've taken Cal I and Intro to Accounting in addition to being a Statistics tutor and an Operations Management major, right? I know numbers better than I know women, not that that really means much...
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 12, 2011, 06:01:53 pm
I think all of you would fail the type of math I have to  do  except Arsenal, you don't have the attention span other than counting your money to pay your bills.
I resent that (not really...)! I went through applied mathematics in coll and came out with an 8 point course average...
(outta 10)...
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 13, 2011, 01:19:35 am
I study management, thinking about double majoring in information systems though. Not sure yet. I have the summer to think about it. :P
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 13, 2011, 01:39:36 am
I thought you were studying accounting? Your need of math is even less than I thought!
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 13, 2011, 01:57:32 am
I'm doing a management degree too, just majoring in economics and second major of finance.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 13, 2011, 03:01:22 am
Mia, I know a lot aboout engineering.  Let me know if you want a few demonstrations of hydraulics, with a brief but lively bit on fluid dynamics.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 13, 2011, 03:07:02 am
I feel as though the RIA has no need for me anymore.

*sulks off*
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 13, 2011, 03:14:24 am
I am also something of a physics guru, and can show you how bodies attract.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 13, 2011, 03:18:39 am
Fuck this shit. I'm just going to go where ever the fuck Holy Ruler went.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 13, 2011, 03:25:27 am
Mia, I can show you how to put the micro in biology.

Last I heard, HR is worshipping a rock in the desert. 
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 13, 2011, 03:35:54 am
Mia, I can show you how to put the micro in biology.
You even fail better than I do! How is any of this even possible!?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 13, 2011, 05:24:21 am
Mia, I can show you how to put the micro in biology.
You even fail better than I do! How is any of this even possible!?

You know that's not possible - at best I am a poor copy.

I am pretty strong in the performing arts - you want to be my Momma, Mia?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 13, 2011, 07:13:03 am
I guess grilled slug has something in common with me after all.
Performing arts rock, i could be your daddy mia.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 13, 2011, 10:30:51 am
Honestly, stop the girl crap for once. I am not up for it. Also, no, accounting classes are required as part of my major.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 13, 2011, 10:33:55 am
Honestly, stop the girl crap for once. I am not up for it. Also, no, accounting classes are required as part of my major.
Hey we just started, don't blue us yet.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 13, 2011, 10:51:50 am
Honestly, stop the girl crap for once. I am not up for it. Also, no, accounting classes are required as part of my major.
Hey we just started, don't blue us yet.

Will you let me make a journal entry in your ledger, Mia?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 13, 2011, 11:15:02 am
Gs, the poor girl said to stop...how inconsiderate of you...
Dont worry mia, i've got your back!

If you know what i mean.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on December 13, 2011, 02:11:33 pm
you know, if you guys don't exercise any self control on your trolling, you may force ppl to make rules about it. we just had a huge drama over someone leaving with much less justification, without making it clear what offends them beforehand; now this person has asked you to stop. show some maturity.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 13, 2011, 04:01:11 pm
Yeah, this is really going too far. I am trying to talk to Mia and this crap is getting in the way.

Stop now.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 13, 2011, 09:06:35 pm
You like finance and econ? Want to take my microecon class?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 13, 2011, 09:44:22 pm
I would love too! Micro and managerial economics is what I enjoy most. Though, I want to environmental and behavioural economics too. There is just too much to fit in so I may end up doing a masters as well, lol. Oh, and I have done a fair bit of econometrics, but that shit is hard to understand. I don't really like the macro stuff so I am trying to stay clear of that, but I have done a few papers in it.

I don't really like finance that much, but I have started it now so need to finish it..

Anyway, I'm going off topic now, what don't you like about microeconomics?

Oh and in my management degree in part of the undergraduate studies, I had to accounting, marketing, supply chain and HR etc so I know a little bit about those areas too (granted, not much).
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 13, 2011, 10:00:45 pm
I can get out of marketing class I believe. I just have to take some kind of communication class.

I hate econ in general. I do understand the general gist of it, but it is just not terribly interesting to me on an indepth level. I do understand the human behavioral aspect but watching the stock market change, the math component behind it is tedious. It is a lot of facts, theories with mostly guess behavior because the unpredictable factor in econ is ... dun dun.. human behavior!

Why do you hate macro and love micro?

I like accounting.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 13, 2011, 10:01:41 pm
You know, when there was one of me, I thought it was funny. Now that there are three of me(okay, two plus gangs), trolling Mia has lost its luster.

So, Mia, would you like to go grab a cup of coffee and talk about something boring like stock prices and mutual funds?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 13, 2011, 10:11:57 pm
Ugh, our communication paper was so boring. Seriously. It was painful.

Yeah, that's the reason I don't like finance; the analysis of the market is boring as hell.

Macro is also lame because it's assumptions and simplifications of their models and the mathematical links between these models is so tedious, I find that I can't believe it to be true. Sure, it may do some useful predictions sometimes, but a lot of the time it's just useless. The world isn't that simple.

I like micro (well, I guess more managerial economics now that I think about it) because of the practical applications it has. Pricing strategy, game theory, optimisation etc all have ways that you can actually use the skills in a real way. When I'm out in a job, I can see how these skills will (hopefully) set me apart fromt the rest.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 13, 2011, 11:12:07 pm
I liked the graphs I will admit, the demand and supply makes sense to me. Rather simple.

I love communication classes. I love figuring people out, I love giving a speech. It is just easy to me. I can stand up and give a speech on  the spot as long as I know the material. I have found speaking classes/communication easy peasy. It is just logical sense to me. Though accounting is logical sense too mathematically at least.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 14, 2011, 12:48:43 am
you know, if you guys don't exercise any self control on your trolling, you may force ppl to make rules about it. we just had a huge CockPony over someone burritos with much less justification, without making it clear what offends them beforehand; now this person has asked you to stop. show some maturity.
How rude, to bring up srs bzns. Are you intentionally trying to hurt my feelings? Don't answer that...

Besides, GS, I and leo were more directing that at each other than at mia... but yes, you're right anyway so ill stop.

And what is WRONG with you people... when i was studying marine engineering and control systems, i had to take a compulsory buisness ethics course... also related economics courses... (yeah...i did EVERYTHING).
Worst time of my life in coll! Mostly the ethics... The eco i could handle, it was in essence mathematics after all.
I guess it takes a certain type of mind set to be good at monees. An old people kind of mind set.
I was referring to arse as an old person. When a girl talks business, its just hot.

I did study micro eco for a bit, if more out of self interest than anything esle, Macro economics is what we had, what we needed...>_>
I found micro economics far more interesting than macro, its a lot more factual than macro...macro economics seems so...theoretical.

Market research in itself has always failed to pique my interest, can't blame me, i just like water, but individual market research was at least more interesting than looking at the bigger picture all the time.
I agree with arse about the practicality of micro...or managerial eco.
Being able to quantify individual needs and economic behaviour is hella interesting if you're into eco. Though then again, you have stuff like opportunity costs and shit that you CANT quantify...
Economics eatzes your brainz.

That's my impromptu slice on the pseudo-on-topic discussion.
[/attempt at redemption]
Bai bai old people, ill be back to read the semi interesting replies.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 14, 2011, 12:51:44 am
You know, when there was one of me, I thought it was funny. Now that there are three of me(okay, two plus gangs), trolling Mia has lost its luster.

So, Mia, would you like to go grab a cup of coffee and talk about something boring like stock prices and mutual funds?
I resent this, im more like you than other's when i go a-trollin.

Why am i trying to boast about that? Wtf is wrong with me?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 14, 2011, 01:42:52 am
I had to take a social problems class (required for all business students). General education for my university requires a racial issues class too. For me, that includes an old African American dude who didn't even want to teach the class and didn't listen to students. Somehow I managed to end up with an A- in the class despite not understanding half the time what he wanted us to actually do.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 01:50:01 am
No gangs, GS is the only person I have ever met who can do a good impression of me, and he does it so well that I could probly let him use my account for a week and no one would notice.

Back to school stuffs, I have this Spanish paper that I really need to finish tonight but of which I have only done some planning for...in English. Gonna be a long night, and then I need to study for my 3 finals tomorrow + pack my bags for my flight on Friday.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 14, 2011, 02:03:07 am
Haha yeah, supply and demand is good stuff. I had to do an ethics paper too. The lecturer was awesome though so it was a good paper.

Oh, and I got a job a few days ago at the university. Yay! I'll be a tutor all of next year in first or second year economics paper.

Can you speak/write fluent Spanish, Leo?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 14, 2011, 02:13:29 am
you know, if you guys don't exercise any self control on your trolling, you may force ppl to make rules about it. we just had a huge CockPony over someone burritos with much less justification, without making it clear what offends them beforehand; now this person has asked you to stop. show some maturity.

Come on - Mia is a good sport about this, and some of us obviously need the outlet that only Mia can provide.  Mia, would you consider starting a racy thread, and we can concentrate out wit-substitute there?  You would have to make an appearance from time to time, but if you did, I would stop trolling your other posts.  This seems like a fair compromise, neh?

Otherwise, realistically, this will erupt again regularly, since there is no rule about it, and if there was, we would play the margins.  Because that's what we are - risk takers.  lol.  BTW when I leer like this in real life, women swoon.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 02:28:45 am
Arse, I can speak it fairly well, but my writing leaves a little to be desired. Usually, I tell people that I'm at a conversational level since I can talk to natives but it's obvious that I'm not completely fluent. This paper, however, is a 5-ish page research paper that has to be completely in Spanish, and I need to get it done now so that I can start studying for my other finals.

And Mia, fair warning, I'm not sure if a dedicated topic would be enough to keep me in check. As you know by this point, Leo jumps at anything first and asks questions later.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 14, 2011, 02:35:27 am
No gangs, GS is the only person I have ever met who can do a good impression of me, and he does it so well that I could probly let him use my account for a week and no one would notice.
You're just saying that because he's white!

We had to study MACRO supply and demand for a while...it was...convoluted...
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 02:38:32 am
But what would his whiteness have to do with anything? Mia's white and I obviously don't treat her better than anyone else.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on December 14, 2011, 02:46:06 am
But what would his whiteness have to do with anything? Mia's white and I obviously don't treat her better than anyone else.
Dont you get me started on Mia! All day, its mia this and mia that, she gets ALL your attention. You heartless philandering basterd!
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 02:49:22 am
You're just jellin'.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 14, 2011, 02:58:48 am
I am not white.  I am a rainbow.  And I ride a pony.  My pony's name is Mia.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 03:02:41 am
See what I fucking mean. This guy is better than even young me could have ever dreamed to be.

Maybe I'm too old for this routine; maybe it's time for me to pack up and head out on a journey without myself.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 14, 2011, 05:51:23 am
Leo, flattery will get you everywhere.  Except in Mia's pants.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 14, 2011, 09:54:48 am
I am not starting a topic because you're immature idiots who cannot control yourself. I simply will not indulge you any longer. Keep it up and I'll just add you to my ignore list.

In regards to Arsenal, I enjoyed the graphs actually since I understand the factors that shift the curves either right or left or along the curves. Usually was on our test.

And bleh tests. I haven't had any papers this semester but that is what I am best at. I have math and accounting exams soon. Going to die this week. But hey, if I am still around Saturday, I'll go celebrate.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 11:17:31 am
I am not starting a topic because you're immature idiots who cannot control yourself. I simply will not indulge you any longer. Keep it up and I'll just add you to my ignore list.
I can control myself, sometimes, on occasion, under a blue moon in September, when the house of Akaroth is bright with the shining of two stars.

Now stop trying to sound smart, you're in the RIA and we don't take kindly to smart people.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 14, 2011, 11:32:45 am
I am not starting a topic because you're immature idiots who cannot control yourself. I simply will not indulge you any longer. Keep it up and I'll just add you to my ignore list.
I can control myself, sometimes, on occasion, under a blue moon in September, when the house of Akaroth is bright with the shining of two stars.

Now stop trying to sound smart, you're in the RIA and we don't take kindly to smart people.

Yeah, don't be so black and white - I controlled myself once, too!
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 14, 2011, 11:33:50 am
...and I resent being called immature.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Arsenal 10 on December 14, 2011, 04:23:42 pm
Yeah, supply and demand are the basic concepts in economics that everything is built around really. I think that's what I'll be teaching in the coming year! :D

I'm in the break now, we finished in November. I had three exams and was pretty stressed out about them. I only have one more exam for my whole degree now though. Yay.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 14, 2011, 07:25:23 pm
Yeah, supply and demand are the basic concepts in economics that everything is built around really. I think that's what I'll be teaching in the coming year! :D

I'm in the break now, we finished in November. I had three exams and was pretty stressed out about them. I only have one more exam for my whole degree now though. Yay.

And my health issues strike again! I get to try and take a math final and accounting exam while feeling like I am out of my body. Here is to hoping I can focus enough in the morning to cram. Ugh.

I hate math.

I like supply and demand. It makes sense to me and pretty graphs are always awesome.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 07:35:20 pm
Take LSD. Either you'll feel normal or you'll have an out of body out of body experience, in which case you can look at the answers and tell yourself what to write.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 14, 2011, 10:19:32 pm
I don't think LSD will magically produce the formulas.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 14, 2011, 11:42:28 pm
or you'll have an out of body out of body experience, in which case you can look at the answers and tell yourself what to write.
When you're out of your body, you can do whatever you want, including walking over to the one sober kid in class and see what he's writing on his paper.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 15, 2011, 03:04:51 am
Might want to be careful.  That kid is insane.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 15, 2011, 09:27:24 am
Insanely smart, you mean.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 15, 2011, 11:58:21 am
I just had fun taking my math final .. because I actually understood it all due to awesome people on IRC last night. THE WORLD HAS GONE INSANE!
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on December 15, 2011, 02:28:38 pm
I did not have fun with my marketing final. The world has always and will always be insane.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 15, 2011, 05:47:45 pm
Well now I just my accounting and philosophy final. Wooo.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on December 16, 2011, 03:52:20 am
Insanely smart, you mean.

Yeah you're right - look at his answer for question 8!  God this stuff is awesome.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Lanna on December 23, 2011, 08:54:59 pm

Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 26, 2011, 01:10:06 am
Woo, IRC earned me an A on my math final! I am not usually good at math. <3 IRC
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on December 26, 2011, 11:52:10 pm
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on December 27, 2011, 06:22:46 pm
Woo.. dead people? Ghost Whisperer?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Brian on December 27, 2011, 11:50:15 pm
we don't approve of genocide here llama, what alliance do you think this is? NoR?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on December 28, 2011, 01:58:49 am


Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Alfred von Tirpitz on January 03, 2012, 05:55:20 am
I study management, thinking about double majoring in information systems though. Not sure yet. I have the summer to think about it. :P

Uhh... reminds me of me in 2000. No i dont want to help you with your homework, i have had enough of that crap to last me a lifetime, thankyou. I am just happy to be done with higher education, and do not intend to revisit, unless i really need it for a project or something. getting by on concepts without bringing theory into my work. getting by rather well too.

/not that you asked me to help, but yeah.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on January 04, 2012, 12:03:27 am
I study management, thinking about double majoring in information systems though. Not sure yet. I have the summer to think about it. :P

Uhh... reminds me of me in 2000. No i dont want to help you with your homework, i have had enough of that crap to last me a lifetime, thankyou. I am just happy to be done with higher education, and do not intend to revisit, unless i really need it for a project or something. getting by on concepts without bringing theory into my work. getting by rather well too.

/not that you asked me to help, but yeah.

I wasn't going to ask you, I can find other people and I should be fine next semester for the most part. Usually only rare that I ask for help. xD

Also yeah, college isn't that great.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Fake from State Jarm on January 04, 2012, 07:39:41 am
you guys didn't see pepper spray cop in those pics?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Gangs on January 04, 2012, 08:12:53 am
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on January 07, 2012, 03:30:06 pm
I wasn't going to ask you, I can find other people
I always fall for her womanly charms...
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Mia on January 07, 2012, 08:17:44 pm
Leo, a serious question. A pair of hands gets you dreaming of womanly charms? You haven't even seen a picture of  me in RL. You must have an odd fetish, just saying.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on January 07, 2012, 08:20:22 pm
You must have an odd fetish, just saying.
Was there ever any doubt?
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: —- on January 08, 2012, 12:09:05 am
I'm quite curious what this fetish could be.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on January 08, 2012, 12:18:16 am
I'm quite curious what these fetishes could be.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Buck Turgidson on January 08, 2012, 01:27:21 am
I could use a hand.
Title: Re: IRC destroys and helps homework
Post by: Leo on January 08, 2012, 01:30:47 am
I could use a hand.
You devil, you.

*acts all coy and stuff*