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Messages - Kenneth Kenstar

Pages: 1 ... 170 171 [172] 173 174
Okay, forget the Java idea. I just had it crash on me and I don't feel like listening to other's complain about it.

Just a flash one.

« on: May 18, 2007, 09:05:48 pm »
farking deal. I haven't had a cigar for awhile.

Does anyone recommend a certain Java or Flash client? I could actually use the help because I have never looked for one of these before.

« on: May 18, 2007, 08:55:28 pm »
You better buy me a pack of cigarettes.

« on: May 18, 2007, 08:52:04 pm »

I'm banning ALL of you.

JUST KIDDING I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 <3  <3 <3  <3 <3  <3 <3  <3 <3  <3 <3  <3 <3  <3 <3

Random lnsanity / The RIA Party!
« on: May 18, 2007, 08:18:55 pm »
This party sucks my spider balls.

I'm going to farking rape you, Chaos.

To learn how to play the game, refer to the following site.


I have decided to hold this contest to encourage winning on the RIA. I have posted this in RI so outsiders could enjoy this, too.

The reward for the winners...

- 500 Gigabytes of Webspace
- 500 Terabytes of Bandwidth
- One free domain name
- PHP 5, 4
- MySQL Database

I'll even design a website for you.

All you have to do, is win the game. Winners will be contacted in a week's time.

Random lnsanity / O....k....
« on: May 13, 2007, 02:46:28 pm »
Geez. How do you have events like every other day? O_o

I have one event a month.

Random lnsanity / O....k....
« on: May 13, 2007, 01:59:39 pm »
Lucky bastard.

Random lnsanity / I don't know what the hell i'm doing
« on: May 10, 2007, 02:13:17 pm »
What do you mean put a picture on here? You mean an avatar or just a picture in a post?


Random lnsanity / ATTN: LUElinks Members! Call to Arms my brothers!
« on: May 09, 2007, 07:22:09 pm »
I got the farker to take down the video! :-D

From: Hyperonic HellStorm | Posted: 5/9/2007 08:20:50 PM | Filter | Message Detail
I got in contact with the guy through AIM. I got him to take down the video.

Note, I basically bullshit the guy. I'm not a representative of shit. And, that is NOT what a DMCA does.

(07:59:46 PM) HyperonicReturns: How about you take down that video?
(08:00:32 PM) HyperonicReturns: There is no point in having it up anymore.
(08:00:34 PM) HyperonicReturns: Take it down.
(08:01:52 PM) HyperonicReturns: I guess what's next is a DMCA notice. We really don't want to go through that bullshit, but, oh well.
(08:05:46 PM) Vince3358: who r u?
(08:06:03 PM) HyperonicReturns: A representative of 42 Productions.
(08:06:10 PM) Vince3358: i dindt made that video
(08:06:12 PM) Vince3358: i just upload it
(08:06:14 PM) Vince3358: its in google
(08:06:24 PM) HyperonicReturns: It has your name in it. You claim you directed it.
(08:06:36 PM) HyperonicReturns: Stop the games and lies.
(08:06:40 PM) Vince3358: whats DMCA?
(08:06:45 PM) HyperonicReturns: Take it down. Or, we finish filing our DMCA notice.
(08:06:50 PM) Vince3358: DMCA?
(08:06:52 PM) Vince3358: What is it
(08:06:55 PM) HyperonicReturns: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/...amp;topic=10553
(08:07:05 PM) HyperonicReturns: Copyright Infridgement Notification.
(08:07:26 PM) Vince3358: ...?

(08:07:28 PM) HyperonicReturns: Legal document that basically says "You are farked"
(08:07:36 PM) Vince3358: your gona get me banned?
(08:07:48 PM) HyperonicReturns: You misunderstand the part about the legal document.
(08:08:01 PM) Vince3358: your gona get me banned?
(08:08:11 PM) Vince3358: your gona get my account banned..?
(08:08:19 PM) HyperonicReturns: Being banned from Youtube shouldn't be as much as a concern as putting your name on copyrighted work.
(08:08:33 PM) Vince3358: your gona put me in jail?

(08:08:50 PM) HyperonicReturns: How old are you exactly?
(08:08:54 PM) Vince3358: 9
(08:09:16 PM) Vince3358: your gona make me pay videos?
(08:09:49 PM) HyperonicReturns: Take down the video and this goes away.
(08:09:57 PM) Vince3358: will i go to jail?
(08:10:06 PM) HyperonicReturns: Minors aren't going to jail.
(08:10:14 PM) Vince3358: whats the consequence?
(08:10:24 PM) HyperonicReturns: Well, let's see...
(08:10:48 PM) HyperonicReturns: We can say you affected sails.
(08:10:57 PM) Vince3358: what will hapen to me?
(08:11:07 PM) HyperonicReturns: Your parents will probably have to pay a fine.
(08:11:12 PM) Vince3358: why?
(08:11:17 PM) Vince3358: you dont evne nkow wher i liv
(08:11:25 PM) HyperonicReturns: Youtube, by law, will disclose that.
(08:11:28 PM) HyperonicReturns: Thanks to the DMCA.
(08:11:37 PM) HyperonicReturns: Well, they will disclose your IP address.
(08:11:46 PM) HyperonicReturns: Then, we will contact your Internet Service Provider.
(08:11:55 PM) HyperonicReturns: They'll give us your street address, phone number, etc, etc.
(08:11:56 PM) Vince3358: ip adress?
(08:12:01 PM) Vince3358: but i dindt put it on
(08:12:04 PM) Vince3358: i put fake adress
(08:12:06 PM) Vince3358: and phone numba
(08:12:13 PM) HyperonicReturns: Heh. Heh. You have no idea how the Internet works, do you?
(08:12:31 PM) Vince3358: why you mean
(08:12:43 PM) HyperonicReturns: Every site you go to, they log an IP address. You can't hide it. The IP address says which ISP you are using.
(08:12:47 PM) Vince3358: me 33 yers old
(08:12:48 PM) HyperonicReturns: I'm not trying to be mean.
(08:13:02 PM) HyperonicReturns: The deal is this, take down the video, or eat DMCA.
(08:13:06 PM) Vince3358: il delete if you say i love you
(08:13:19 PM) HyperonicReturns: I guess you choose the later.
(08:13:19 PM) Vince3358: say it
(08:13:24 PM) Vince3358: say i love you
(08:13:44 PM) Vince3358: say i love you
(08:13:46 PM) Vince3358: and il delete it
(08:15:50 PM) Vince3358: r u happy now ugly?

(08:15:57 PM) Vince3358: i deleted it ugly fat chicken
(08:16:05 PM) Vince3358: its a game okay silly little kid
(08:16:14 PM) HyperonicReturns: Too late. Already filed the DMCA.
(08:16:18 PM) HyperonicReturns: Sorry, bud.
(08:16:21 PM) Vince3358: oh
(08:16:22 PM) Vince3358: okay
(08:16:51 PM) HyperonicReturns: If you say "I love you", maybe we'll just forget about this.
(08:17:02 PM) Vince3358: okay w8
(08:18:08 PM) Vince3358 has signed off.

Random lnsanity / The Game
« on: May 09, 2007, 04:04:10 pm »
You just lost it.

That's what the SOB told me a couple years ago.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: LUElinks Members! Call to Arms my brothers!
« on: May 08, 2007, 10:12:47 pm »
From: SSJTOM | Posted: 5/8/2007 10:28:55 PM | Filter | Message Detail
RI Supports our LUElinks brethren in downing this thieving bastard.

Makes me smile. =)

Now lets end this farker.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: LUElinks Members! Call to Arms my brothers!
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:37:54 am »
Basically, continue LUElinks' work of support of spamming these guys. You don't need to go all the way to invade. Someone already brought down the Turkish site. Working on the other site as we speak.

Just a thought: Mentioning that RI supports LUElinks in this would be a great way to make the RI look good in the eyes of LL. Hell, I like most of you guys.

*glares at Damen*

Random lnsanity / ATTN: LUElinks Members! Call to Arms my brothers!
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:32:06 am »

From: Easter Eggs | Posted: 5/7/2007 09:50:53 PM | Filter | Message Detail
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wldNx6CTSkQ" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wldNx6CTSkQ</a>

I made that. But he removed the beginning where it says "An EasterEggs Production" and "In Association with LUE 42 Productions". And then he put a logo AND a link to his shitty turkish website.

Jesus christ.

And i can't really do anything since i don't have "legal proof" i created it.

Next movies of any kind i make i'm going to slap a big watermark on.
[LUE] EasterEggs | LUE FUN MAPS (CS1.6) -
http://www.gamefaqsinfo.net/ | http://easter.counter-tips.net/

From: Pierced Sol | Posted: 5/7/2007 09:58:13 PM | Filter | Message Detail
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpfTxA5XOPI" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpfTxA5XOPI</a>

This one cut off the beginning as well, and added their own.

I was struck by lightning, walking down the street,
I was hit by something last night in my sleep.
From: TheDudey | Posted: 5/7/2007 09:58:21 PM | Filter | Message Detail

I believe an invasion is in order
From: BroomStick | Posted: 5/7/2007 09:58:24 PM | Filter | Message Detail
There are currently 42 people reading this topic.

LLurker EX... back in 2004-2006.
From: Icepick | Posted: 5/7/2007 09:58:40 PM | Filter | Message Detail
"From the person that brought you LUE Funmaps the movie"

Looking for a movie to watch? Check out my links
Chrono Trigger >>> Shit >>> Chrono Cross
From: Nightmare Squad | Posted: 5/7/2007 09:59:40 PM | Filter | Message Detail
this is why we cant have nice things
STYLIN!!!!! {No Mouse}
LUEfunMaps Board- www.luelinks.net/showtopics.php?board=5674684


FACT: Azural is a Satanist who plots the violent takeover of the RIA. One day, all of us will be worshiping Satan.

Random lnsanity / In this topic we summon Zeep!
« on: May 07, 2007, 04:16:31 pm »
[style type=\"text/css\"]
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