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Topics - ZPO4O

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a few days ago, me alex and chris were in the back of the store just talking.

we somehow got on the subject of energy drinks, and me being me, i brought the conversation to bawls.

alex soon shot his mouth off, being the quick mouthed smartass he is.

"Yeah, I like to guzzle bawls every day! In fact, I'm gonna go home and guzzle some down after work tonight!"

So me and alex started to throw guzzling bawls jokes back and forth for about a minute. Chris just stood there in disgust, cause he didnt know what to think.

Then alex dropped a big ol fat bomb.

"You know what else I like to do? I like to beat cock."

Chris's jaw dropped, and I was left speechless for once in a long time.

Then he decided to add on to his last word.

"You know, go to a farm and find a rooster and start to beat it. You guys have never beat a cock before?"

I decided to join back in after this, and we went on for about another minute of beating cock and guzzling bawls jokes.

Then our manager Eve came, and we all kinda knocked out the jokes. Eve asked what was going on, chris decided to say we were telling dirty jokes. Alex then brought forth his talents once more.

"Eve dont mind, shes a dirty girl. You like dirty things dont you eve?"

But yeah, the conversation went on a bit more, and then chris said he doesnt trust women because they all lie. He got an evil look from our manager eve and yeah...

point is, make sure to guzzle bawls, beat cocks, and tell women with more power then you that you dont trust them cause they lie.


Random lnsanity / WHat happened to my frickin car!?
« on: May 21, 2007, 09:44:40 pm »

Ok so its not my car...but its still fun.


Random lnsanity / Just for the record...
« on: May 21, 2007, 02:28:25 pm »
I dont lie, and I didnt do it for attention...

For those of you who are wondering what I am talking about, i am talking about my topic from a few days ago that said I will be on the boards a lot less...

Now as for the explination as to why I am making this topic.

A funny thing happened when I made that topic a few days ago. I started to make time for the RIA boards...So I really did mean what I said in that topic, its just I guess that topic also made me make some time...and yeah, I am back for who knows how long.

Now, why did I make this topic in here, and the other topic in the RIA HQ? Because I wanted to be taken seriously when I made my topic a few days ago, as I also want to be taken seriously in this topic. However, I felt that making this in the HQ would just be a waste and clutter it up...so thats why this topic is here, and that one is there.

So anyway, with that said, I did not lie when I said I would be here less, and I did not do it for attention. I also did not do it just to jump on the bandwagen of bad news at the time...I really did it to inform people of why I am on here less.

Also, I am your new ambassador for the RIA, from the RIA...so like...the RIA welcomes you, RIA...


Random lnsanity / Z Filez
« on: May 14, 2007, 04:10:05 am »
Some of them call me crazy.

Some of them call me stupid.

Others urge me on.

I am just like a crazy bum on the side of a street saying the world is going to end, but I'm better.

The Goal
My goal is to obtain a toniculation density of less then one person per mile. Once I get to that density, I shall maintain it and continue to have my nation grow. While this is going on, I will watch to see where I stand in rankings as far as land goes in the CN world as well.

When I update this, I will bunch the data up into one easy to read block, and it will look much like this.

Date: Obviously, the date will go here.
Infra: This is going to stay still for the most part, but once I get to a set PPM, I am going to start buying infra again...so my nation will continue to grow as my land does as well.
Land: This will be what the overall land is...after bonuses and what not.
PL: Purchased Land...this is what I count as my true land size.
PPM: toniculation Per Mile. How many people I have per mile.
RIAR: Somewhere along the lines of this, I started to keep track of where I stood in the rankings...This is where I will say where I rank in the RIA as far as Purchased Land goes.
MR: Maroon Ranking. I will obviously say what my purchased land ranking in maroon is.
CNR: CyberNation Ranking. Same as above, but its for all of CyberNations, not just maroon.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Crazy
« on: May 13, 2007, 02:05:05 pm »
I heard you and Leo were makin stains between the sheets...

So with that said...



Happy mothers day Crazy.

Random lnsanity / Computer Arts Media and Printing
« on: May 09, 2007, 11:16:47 pm »
It was a class I took once, and has nothing to do with this topic at all other then the fact that I mentioned it.

Deep down however, where it really counts, this topic is really about living with your aunte and uncle in bel-air.

also, C: Leos Dad


Random lnsanity / i had to wipe a tear away from my eye today...
« on: April 22, 2007, 12:53:04 pm »
I was talking to moth about my future goals when i remembered about my past goals.

I remembered my pacman from way back when...

So I set out on a new goal...to find the topic on the old forums where I told about my goal of obtaining the pacman.

I found the topic, but sadly the image no longer worked...and I wanted to see my pacman.

My goal up till yesterday, has been to get 70 infra and buy a missile. Well, since I got that goal, I have been lost. I had nothing to work for anymore...then that all changed.
 I was looking around my nation, seeing how much I own now, and I saw a odd orangish area to the north west of my nation. I looked in for a closer look and well...found my new goal.
 user posted image
 The line at the bottom right corner is my boarder of my nation. Up near the controls in the upper left, is a red/orange/brown pac man. My goal, to get that pac man. Now I also noticed there is another pacman just outside of my border, I could just call that my goal, but thats no fun...I want the reddish pacman, not the gray one.

So I decided to take it one step further...I followed the directions I left in that topic, and found my pacman again...



I miss those days...my 70 infra days...my buying 1 cruise missile was a big thing days...my wonderful pacman army days...

*hugs his pacman*

thank you for staying with me red pacman, glad to see your still here with me.

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