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Messages - ZPO4O

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I love chocobo races!!!! And chocobos!

I just wish I had named mine something other then 'Bessy.' Just not a very chocobo name...but it dont feel right renaming her after so long.

Hell yeah! I love the chocobos!
I want to ride my chocobo every-day!

Max skill in all 3 main skills as well yo. Thought cooking would be the first to get to 10, but nope! Turned out to be the last sadly.

I do however, have yet to get all the medals for chocobo races. I beat all I have come across so far, but I hear there are other races I have yet to do.

If I had not rushed the 2nd play through, and had gone to bed and got back to it after work the next day, I KNOW I would be at 99. HOWEVER, as I said, I was in a rush and wanted to finish it up before I got to bed for work. So I rushed through it and only wound up at 96...I think...maybe 97 or 98. I know I didnt hit the 99 cap yet though.

I finished the first play through in high 80s or low 90s. Second run through I did as fast as I could, as I didnt intend on doing it, and it saved over my other game. I wanted the after story stuff, and I thought you had to do new game+ to get to it, but I was wrong.

I still gotta get all recipes, fish, hunts, and secondary dungeons...not to mention the upcoming DLC.

Random lnsanity / Re: sorry about the outage
« on: January 05, 2017, 10:34:07 pm »
I was wondering what happened.

Ya know, you are lucky...if you were kenny, id be angry at you. Buuuuut since you are not, I can accept your apology.

Good stuff, real good stuff. I have put too much damn time into that game, I needed to take a break.

Ive beat the game, new game+, and the boss you can fight after finishing the story. I'm up to like, level 96, but still got shit I need/want to do...plus the upcoming DLC!!!

Me and a few co-workers got into the xbox version of the game. Theeeeeen me and another co worker got sick of the server/game options, so we migrated to PC. Thinking of doing a dedicated server for a bit....but only if we get some others to play.

So, anyone interested in a survival game with zombies?

For the record, this is the zombie survival game that lets you dig as well. Underground bases! W00t!

If ya got the game or think you might be interested, let me know. The more people the better the chance of doing this.

Random lnsanity / Re: #andthenthishappened
« on: October 19, 2016, 11:55:57 pm »
Didn't I send you a pic like that just the other day Kenry? I mean, that one of me half tired, hungover, and sick? You got the hand idea from me, jackass!

Random lnsanity / Re: zeep died
« on: October 16, 2016, 01:34:49 am »
Good impression expect for one thing, the impression was horrible. You typod Twatter.

Random lnsanity / Re: zeep died
« on: October 15, 2016, 09:54:32 pm »
Sorry, couldn't stay dead. I kept tossing and rolling over in my coffin. Something just kept nagging at me in my death. Just...I unno. I had this bad feeling that some evil power undid the barrior I put in place for bad words.

Get me or find me an LED thing to add text without changing the light setup much, and I will gladly do so.

Not so sure about the porn though...maybe some fish porn?

Like, If I set up some webcams and shit, would people actually watch them and stuff? Id kinda make it the RIA tank, to an extent. You guys can name the stuff and help me place/decide new additions. Like honestly right now I'm considering taking out the plant around the skull or leaving it. Also in the process of getting new new pom pom crabs, which shall need naming. There are also a multitude of upgrades in mind for the tank if you like to watch gadgets and whatnot.

But point being if I dedicated my 20L tank to RIA, and went through the trouble to give you guys webcam and voting privileges, would you be interested/use them?

I in fact plan on doing kind of a big upgrade tomorrrow/over the next few days soo...

Also, I'd make this a poll...buuuut I'm like 3/4ths asleep and dont currently have the time or patience to look into how to make polls; so deal.

Random lnsanity / Re: Alright RIA, who wants to name shit!?
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:27:07 am »
Im not naming them all the same damn thing. So no, Sephiroth is not the name for everything. Maybe I will name one thing that, but not all of it.

Im hopefully placing a big order at work tomorrow, thus obtaining the proper lighting and other stuff for the tank. Hopefully after this, my corals will thrive and go crazy. After that, I am looking to get more pom pom shrimp, and maybe a fu manchu lion fish.

Random lnsanity / Re: Alright RIA, who wants to name shit!?
« on: March 03, 2016, 11:40:54 pm »

Yeah thats right, your Mr. Fancy Pants Hermit Crab.  You decided to be different and pick a horny shell. On second thought, maybe this one should be leo...oh well.

Random lnsanity / Re: Alright RIA, who wants to name shit!?
« on: March 03, 2016, 09:01:58 pm »
Now, as for naming a crab leo?


Introducing...LEO the hermit crab!

Random lnsanity / Re: Alright RIA, who wants to name shit!?
« on: March 03, 2016, 09:00:05 pm »

There we go, the tank setup overall.

Random lnsanity / Alright RIA, who wants to name shit!?
« on: March 03, 2016, 07:48:41 pm »
Thats right, I'm letting you guys decide the names of the inhabitants of my reef tank.

I currently have 2 baby clown fish, 2 peppermint shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, 1 scooter blenny, 1 emerald crab (possibly 2), and 1 pom pom crab (more hopefully to come).

I also have a various amount of snails; numerous Nassarius snails, two Nerite, and a handful of Trochus. That said though, I dont really count them as on the table to name. Too hard to keep track of who's who/what.

Also, pics to come as I get them. That way you can picture who is named what.

Anywho, send in yer name suggestions for stuff!!!

Kenny would rather watch the malaysian DBZ?

This is a good time, I was thinking that after I beat this monkey! Me and kenny can watch some Malaysian DBZ.

Random lnsanity / Re: I texted Zeep
« on: January 18, 2016, 09:14:01 pm »


Mind you, I am still waiting for a storm like that, this year...I look forward to storms like that every year, and I am very rarely satisfied with the winters I get...

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